View Full Version : Bits of info I must remember.

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 18th, 2006, 06:31:12 PM
[00:21] holliebelle2: oh btw, something you'll want to know as it effects Dasquian to a small extent
[00:22] Lord Van Derveld: oh?
[00:22] holliebelle2: LD is going to attack and kill a bunch of Imperial 'scientists' in a lab on Coruscant. They're testing and dissecting the bodies of some of the children culled from orphanages by the 'jedi test'.
[00:23] Lord Van Derveld: :o
[00:23] holliebelle2: I'm going to have her destroy all their equipment too. So perhaps they won't be able to do as much killing as feared by the Alliance.
[00:24] holliebelle2: so that's just information that you might want to work into future RPs.
[00:24] Lord Van Derveld: i zee
[00:26] holliebelle2: Its going to be fun

Grace Van-Derveld
Dec 19th, 2006, 04:40:55 PM
Ooooooo ... ^^

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 19th, 2006, 06:25:26 PM
Scintilating, isn't it?

Tipp Gray
Dec 19th, 2006, 11:46:28 PM
I have a fun idea for that. Have one of our operatives in the lab gathering intel with LD breaks in. Then, the two can team up to get out alive.

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 20th, 2006, 06:44:19 AM
You'd have to speak to LD about that. I'm not sure what else she has planned :)