View Full Version : World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
Figrin D'an
Dec 15th, 2006, 08:37:09 PM
Since the other thread got closed, and it's been a little while since there has been discussion on the topic, I figured it would be a good time to start a new thread.
I'm sure most everyone whom has been paying attention knows that The Burning Crusade, the first full expansion for World of Warcraft, is set to go live in about a month (January 16th in the official release date). It's going to introduce a lot of new content (headlined by access to Outland through the Dark Portal), new playable races, a raised level cap and a lot of changes to the mechanics of the game (some of which were discussed in the old thread). Some of these changes have already been introduced with the latest patch that was done, such as the completely revamped PvP/Honor system and the addition of the battle Arenas.
Blizzard released the official opening cinematic for the expansion this week, which can be found <A HREF="">here</A> on the WoW community site. The feature of the cinematic is, of course, <A HREF="">Illidan</A>, the half-demon/half Night Elf that was first introduced in Warcraft III, and whom is to be the final boss in the hardest raid dungeon in the post-expansion game. (Unfortunately, it appears that The Black Temple, Illidan's stronghold, isn't going to be finished in time for the release date, and will be opened at a later time).
We'll also finally have access to Karazhan, the Tower of Medivh, as a 10-man raid instance, as well as The Caverns of Time, which will allow players to participate in some of the most famous moments in Warcraft history (Thrall's Escape from Durnhold Keep, the original opening of the Dark Portal by Medivh, and the Battle of Mt. Hyjal).
Of course, there is a lot of new and interesting things being added to the game. <A HREF="">WoWWiki</A> is a good site to read about the upcoming expansion, and all things WoW.
Feel free to post with your thoughts and comments, or just mention if you still play WoW or are going to start playing again in the expansion.
Lastly, I thought I'd post an updated screenshot of my main, since it's been a while.
<A HREF="">Click</A>
Dec 15th, 2006, 08:47:32 PM
I am kinda on a WoW break until the expansion. Once Burning Crusade has been released, I will check out the new content. Playing EVE online while waiting. I am also really anticipating Age of Conan, which is likely to take over as my MMO of choice eventually.
Lady Vader
Jan 2nd, 2007, 08:18:10 PM
As for me... I'm in the THICK of it. :x
Half of me is thoroughly downright excited for the expansion, especially after having experienced some of it through the Alpha and Beta, but the other half of me is dreading it to hell and back.
They've got us working 10 hour shifts for the next 6 weeks (yay) just to prepare for the onslaught. Though, honestly, I don't think it's going to be all that bad (despite the doom and gloom some have placed on it). Yeah, the overtime is a pain, but it's going to be useful for those that have issues with the expansion (I'm predicting a lot of people aren't going to know how to actually apply it to the main game... just by the call-volume of idiots we get). And, well, I'm getting more money, so that's never a bad thing either (here's hoping for a nice profit sharing check).
All in all, while I can't go into too much detail, people are definitely in for a very nice treat. And, even though it's a possibility the end game instance may not be done, it'll at least be there for the first or second batch of players that reach level 70 (*crosses fingers*). It's gonna take some time to get up that high, after all. Blizz still has some time to finish perfecting the details. :)
Also, from my understanding, and from reports I've heard (I haven't personally checked), I believe all the Collector's Editions and Standard Editions pre-sales are sold out from pretty much all retailers across the country. I'm expecting the stores are only going to have a limited number come opening day on the shelves. So, if you're planning on playing it once it hits the shelf, best to get it that day, or you may be waiting for the next batch to be shipped in (much like it happened with the opening release of WoW).
Figrin D'an
Jan 12th, 2007, 06:01:54 PM
It's a few days away from the expansion release now. I know I'm anxious to start diving into the new content. Our guild ran our final 40-man raids this week (Naxxramus, and Temple of Ahn'Qiraj to finish off our third Atiesh.) It was kind of a mixed feeling of sorts... glad to be moving on to new content, but also realizing that it's the end of an era of sorts.
I'm also looking forward to being able to effectively change my character talent spec while leveling. Based on what I've seen, level 70 is pretty attainable within a couple of weeks. There will be some, I'm sure, who will power level and get there in under a week. It'll be more of a grind for those looking to roll Blood Elf or Dranei characters, having to level from 1 to 70.
Some of the keying needed for the top level raid instances is pretty complicated. It'll take far more time for people to gain access Mt. Hyjal than anything else I've seen this far.
A big tip too... stockpile mats for your professions now, while they can still be gotten for reasonable prices or are easy to farm. There's plenty of current formulas/patterns available right now that will give skill points well past 300. For example, First Aid can be leveled to 330-340 easily with just Heavy Runecloth Bandages and Huge Venom Sacs. You'll get a big head start, and then you can collect the new materials for getting skills to 400.
Figrin D'an
Jan 13th, 2007, 11:49:58 PM
Oh so true... I laughed at this for a good 10 minutes.
Peter McCoy
Jan 15th, 2007, 05:50:49 AM
I really envy people who are able to do, or at least were able to do, the end-game raids. I simply don't have the time or desire to be glued to the screen for 4+ hours each evening. I'd much rather spend my evenings with my girlfriend, as I do. but I still regret having to miss out on the extra stuff as a result. Hopefully with the expansion the high armor sets will be more attainable. I'm overjoyed at the new PvP system as it's now actually possibly for me to grab some awesome gear.
And Figrin, is that the whole set you've got in that screenshot? If so, kudos to you mate, you lucky sonuvacow. If not, well it's still more than I've got on any of my characters.
Speaking of characters, I need to get my hunter to 58 by tonight if I'm going through that portal tomorrow. Even though my Paladin is 60 I've been considering getting the PvP epic set before I send him through. Although my three friends who I play with all have hunters, so a 4th one would be kinda silly. Plus my paladin can heal (even if he's retribution specced). I'll probably end up levelling them at roughly the same pace.
My copy of the Burning Crusade is reserved and I'll be on it all day tomorrow. I can't wait to check out the new areas. For Khaz Modan!
Oh and Firgin, what UI Mod are you using in that screenshot? I had the Nurfed UI mod which let me add and alter action bar sizes, but the core bar (main menu etc) was unavailable. I see yours is on the right hand side vertical.
Figrin D'an
Jan 15th, 2007, 07:43:38 AM
I use Trinity Bars for my action bars, and it lets you relocate pretty much anything to anywhere on the screen. It used to be a pain to set up, but the most recent releases have implemented a nice user interface. It works well, I actually prefer it to Nurfed bar mods, but it's a personal preference thing.
Figrin D'an
Jan 17th, 2007, 12:51:19 AM
Well, Day 1 of The Burning Crusade is complete. I didn't play all day like some people (wasn't about to burn vacation), but I managed to play most of this evening and got to level 61, so I'm pleased with that small accomplishment. There's a couple people in my guild whom apparently have no responsibilities in life at all and finished the day at level 64 already. As I predicted, we'll see level 70 characters by the end of the week.
Jan 17th, 2007, 02:38:10 AM
Level 64 already? You know, there was a time when I'd have said that was an accomplishment. Now I just see it as completely stupid. I got the expansion and am enjoying it a lot but have promised myself to play in moderation, which considering work and my studies won't be too hard to stand by.
Jan 17th, 2007, 11:48:53 AM
Actually a frenchman dinged level 70 already, at january 17th at 4am. 40 of his guildmates helped him powerlevel..
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 23rd, 2007, 09:26:49 PM
Two of my housemates play Wow and after watching over their shoulders recently I decided to have another go at the 10-day trial. I am enjoying it much more this time around. So far I only have the one character, a lvl 12 Undead Warlock, but I am going to try out some other race/class combos before the trial is up and maybe even think about subscribing.
Figrin D'an
Jan 24th, 2007, 12:01:03 AM
First week of the expansion is completed. It's been a lot of fun thus far. Great zones, instances have cut down on length without sacrificing challenge, some amazing quest rewards for those who don't have high-level epic gear (and even some for those who do).
I stand at level 68 after the first week. Even at a moderate pace, I expect I'll hit 70 sometime Saturday. Then, it's finishing up quest lines, running instances, getting Heroic-mode keys, and getting ready for the early raid content.
Aragnos Starstriker
Jan 24th, 2007, 06:12:53 AM
Go Das, go. Get that subscription, we could start a guild called 'Starbeck' :P
Morgan Evanar
Jan 24th, 2007, 10:14:29 PM
I'm finally playing again on Eonar, and I'm pretty happy. I'm leveling slowly becuase I have two jobs and school but I'm at 34 after about 3 months, and doing at least a level a week. December and early january were crazy.
Aragnos Starstriker
Jan 25th, 2007, 06:33:29 AM
When Khadgar got free migrations to Anachronos I decided to move a rather inactive lvl 54 undead mage over. Had got bored of him and disenchanted all his gear and all money went to another player of mine so now just kicking back with a guild of lvl 25s and below just getting back up to speed. The funny thing is that now that I've got TBC I don't wanna play my main because my old guild just went nuts and basically disbanded to be in different and new endgame guilds and there's me still trying to get my soulforge gear.
Jan 25th, 2007, 11:54:51 AM
I have not had time to play World of Warcraft lately, but should hopefully have some time for casual play this weekend. I got 1 60 shaman and 1 60 warlock on Earthen Ring ready to explore / level up, also a L53 druid on Mal Gannis (goon squad). Should be fun :)
Grev Drasen
Jan 28th, 2007, 03:31:25 PM
I've been on the fence about TBC. I quit back in November and everything I've been reading about the changes to the warrior class has kept me from jumping back in.
Jan 29th, 2007, 08:17:10 AM
You, too, can land a spot on the Tyra Banks show: Part 1 ( - Part 2 ( :D
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 29th, 2007, 11:04:55 AM
The "psychologist" in that clip was such a douchebag.
As if shredding the discs would make any difference :rolleyes The guy is only smiling because he knows he doesn't need the discs to play :lol
Figrin D'an
Jan 29th, 2007, 01:02:42 PM
There's a "psychologist" (not that guy though) who is making claims that close to 50% of the subscribers to WoW are addicted to it. So, this is hardly the first instance of attempting to diagnose gaming addiction that I have seen/read.
While I do believe gaming addiction does occur, the percentages that are being tossed out so flippantly are pretty ridiculous. It ultimately comes down to time management for the great majority of people. I play WoW a lot, more than the largest share of the player base. It can consume a lot of time, but it's not time that interferes with my responsibilities, my family/friends and the other things I enjoy in life. My guild, which is a hardcore endgame raiding guild, has a lot of members, men and women, whom are married and have families. They are responsible people whom know how to balance their lives, and if a problem does arise, they take care of it. If that means cutting back on time spent playing WoW, so be it.
The thing most annoying about programs like Tyra Banks that cover these sorts of stories is the sheer amount of ignorance about the nature of the source of the "addiction".
Jan 30th, 2007, 08:19:35 AM
Funny clips, I do know some people can take these games way too far. Ignoring everything else in your life to play the game isn't right, especially with a younger daughter and other responsibilities.
Some people can't seem to balance games like this and their real life and they do need help.
I started playing the game a bit, maybe an hour a day if that and its amusing but nothing I've gotten too deep into. Over the course of month and a half I've made it to a level 23 warrior and mainly just have fun running around and killing things. Haven't really gotten into the guild or instance thing yet.
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 30th, 2007, 08:36:22 AM
Aragnos got me a copy of the full game for my birthday today, so if there are any other EU players on Anarchros (think that's how you spell it) say hi. My characters at the minute are Dagon (lvl 20 undead warlock) and Wartooth (lvl 9 troll shaman).
Jan 30th, 2007, 09:37:02 AM
I am a WoW-addict, to be sure. When I'm not RPing on one of my five RP-forums, I'm RPing with one of my five characters on WoW...maybe I need help. O_o
Feb 3rd, 2007, 10:34:11 AM
Well....I quit World of Warcraft.
I'm not upset or anything. This is good for me. Now I can do all this other stuff that needs to be done. This is good.
Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 3rd, 2007, 08:39:54 PM
That was sudden, but I applaud you. :)
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 3rd, 2007, 10:04:38 PM
I don't think I have become addicted yet. I enjoy playing for a couple of hours at a time, but the kill/find things formula wears on me after that and I have to take a break for a while. Still, it is a nice fairly mindless distraction.
Park Kraken
Feb 4th, 2007, 02:32:27 PM
I am definitly addicted to my computer, no doubt about that. But I haven't even played WoW for days. I control the game, not the other way around. :8
Feb 4th, 2007, 07:21:45 PM
Heh, thanks Lil.
To avoid temptation, I've uninstalled the game and smashed all the installation discs.
Feb 5th, 2007, 02:46:17 AM
I am playing very casual. Playing a few hours now and then, not rushing it. Trying to enjoy all the quests and explore everything in TBC very thoroughly the first time I play it. I love it so far :)
Jens Vec
Feb 8th, 2007, 12:00:27 AM
Some of my friends are trying to lure me into the game with peer pressure and chocolate. :| They play Horde, so I'm thinking of playing a Tauren if I can ever get onto the game. Any class recommendations? I checked the website and read about them all, but I can't decide. >_<
Figrin D'an
Feb 8th, 2007, 12:22:32 AM
Some of my friends are trying to lure me into the game with peer pressure and chocolate. :| They play Horde, so I'm thinking of playing a Tauren if I can ever get onto the game. Any class recommendations? I checked the website and read about them all, but I can't decide. >_<
Are you planning on getting The Burning Crusade expansion right away, or are you just going to get the base game? (only reason I ask is that Blood Elves and Draenei are only available in the expansion, and therefore Horde-side paladins and Alliance-side shaman).
The choice of class should really depend upon what type of roll you want to play. If you enjoy being a damage dealer pretty much all the time, you'll probably want to roll a rogue, a mage, a warlock or a hunter. If you want be a primary tank within a group, roll a warrior. If you want to be a primary healer, look into a priest. If you want some versatility in your potential jobs, think about a paladin, shaman or druid.
It's important to realize, too, that each of the classes, though designed with specific primary roles in mind, have the ability to adapt to different situations depending upon how you choose to distribute talent points and set up your gear. Warriors and priests, for example, can deal large amounts of damage in the right configuration. A paladin can be a solid healer or a good secondary tank. A druid can spec themselves for great healing ability or for very good tanking with decent damage dealing. So, there's flexibility in whatever you choose.
If you know you are going to playing with pretty much the same group of friends all the time, you may want to consider choosing a class that will compliment their class choices. A successful group for the more difficult content in the game requires balance, so having a bunch of rogues or mages, with no healer or tank, won't get you very far.
Just some food for thought.
Feb 8th, 2007, 01:28:43 AM
Roll a tauren druid and thank me later.
Seriously, they heal as good as a priest, tank better than a warrior and eat melee classes alive in PvP when in bear form. You can also stealth around undetected, and sneak up behind stuff for shock value omg ninja death kill. They also get travel form at lvl 20 and flying travel form at 68 (when other classes have to pay 800G for a flying mount!). And the best part, they are for some bizarre reason the least played class so you get first dibs on a lot of gear. You will be very popular for groups, as you will be viable for healing, tanking and DPS.
Make sure you go full feral spec for leveling though and get lots of bear gear on AH (stamina + strength), that will increase your DPS. Then just fight exclusively in cat / bear form and only pop out to heal yourself when needed.
Tauren is a good choice because of Warstomp.
And finally, for trade professions, pick herbalism / skinning whilst you level up, and sell all your farmed stuff on AH and get rich (invest money in bags, mount at 40, and better feral gear). Then at level 55 or so, switch from skinning to enchanting. Spend a few hours farming Shadowfang Keep -> Scarlet Monastery for mats, leveling enchanting up to 200 or so. You can now make a small fortune buying underpriced gear and selling the disenchanted stuff for higher price on AH (if you're a pro, you can make 300G per hour just doing this). Not to mention, you can solo instances, like Uldaman at 60, stealthing around killing bosses then reset, selling the disenchanted materials at an earning rate of 100G per hour. Also farm a lot of elementals from 60-70 and sell the primals (200-400G per hour depending on efficiency). Doing all this should make getting the 6000G for epic flying mount a lot easier.
In fact, you will probably have the epic flying mount right when you hit 70, and your guild mates will be scratching their heads wondering how the heck you did that.
Oh and one final tip, if you're lazy and just want to level up fast, you might want to check out Joana's leveling guide. Joana was the one who leveled from 1-60 in 4 days playing time (with no rested xp). Try to enjoy the game the first time you level a character though. There is only one first time, and there is a lot of story and good content in there.
Jens Vec
Feb 8th, 2007, 11:13:37 AM
I'll probably just get the base set and buy the Burning Crusade later on. Right now, from what you're both telling me, Tauren Druid's gonna be the best choice, since I'm not aware of any healers or tanks within the guild I'll be joining.
Figrin D'an
Feb 8th, 2007, 12:58:39 PM
The main reason, IMO, why druids tend to be a lesser played class than many others is two-fold...
Druids have had their talent trees altered 3 different times, and well as had their damage multipliers, threat mechanics and damage mitigation adjusted more than once since the game first started. The feral tree used to be garbage, save for a few key talents that improved tanking ability. This is no longer case, and it has made druids a lot more viable as a true hybrid class than being pigeon-holed into pure healing role all the time. So, a lot of people don't necessarily realize/understand that druids aren't really the same class that they were two years ago. They actually have legitimate versatility now.
Secondly... mastering the druid class is rather difficult, because you need to learn how to be a primary healer, do melee dps, tank mobs and in certain cases, be a dps caster. Most classes have one role, some have two. Druids can have as many as four. It takes time and practice to learn how to be effective at each one, and a lot of players simply don't have the patience to do this (this is also why finding a really good druid can be challenging, because many who play the class spend all their time doing one job, and consequently are terrible at the others).
Anyway... Yog's assessment may be a bit exaggerated, but the versatility makes a druid useful in a lot of situations, simply because of the adaptability of the class.
Jens Vec
Feb 8th, 2007, 06:22:00 PM
Even with the the downsides, I think I'll go for it anyway. There's 7 kids here willing to help me through it, and you guys, too, so I should be able to work with it pretty well. :) Thanks for all the info.
Feb 16th, 2007, 09:35:11 PM
Good to see that your all still there. Me, I'm playing EVE at the moment.
Due to all the drama currently going around I might go back to WOW soon though.
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 16th, 2007, 09:46:57 PM
Level 35 now, exploring the Arathi Highlands... eagerly anticipating hitting 40 and getting my mount.
Feb 18th, 2007, 02:29:55 AM
Good to see that your all still there. Me, I'm playing EVE at the moment.
Due to all the drama currently going around I might go back to WOW soon though.
What is the drama about? Are you referring to the blueprint scandal? Im also playing EVE between WoW. I am in goonfleet fighting in this epic war. Right now, the southern regions are fought over with redswarm / TCF IAC / CA vs BoB and Lotka Volterra. The other day we had a 1000 player ship battle, it was laggy as hell but very exciting. Here is a <a href=>screenshot</a> and a <a href=>video</a> from that.
Feb 27th, 2007, 11:42:39 PM
I play WOW too. On US server "Frostwolf". Got a lvl 65 human warrior and lvl'ing off and on a Night Elf hunter.
And I'm not sure if the druid players here have read the new patch info, but Blizzard is nerfing the bear form. No more will they be able to deal high damage in tank form. Think they'll be keeping high DPS for cat form.
Figrin D'an
Feb 28th, 2007, 07:47:29 AM
The Bear form nerf was inevitable. It was way too easy for a druid with a bit of a clue about how to gear themselves to be able to reach 25K AC just from quest rewards and 5-man instance gear. I personally think the nerf to Swipe was unnecessary, but it's not that huge a deal.
I mostly think this nerf has to do with people complaining that bear druids could destroy people in the arenas.
Mr. Flux
Mar 7th, 2007, 04:58:49 AM
I don't think they should've nerfed bears so much, maybe a tad, but not as much as they had. I agree that warriors needed a tanking buff, and an even bigger one would be a huge improvement. I've since quit my warrior and rerolled rogue. But I'm still pissed due to how melee's damage remains static, while casters goes up an insane amount. And lets not even get to the CC issue and how I absolutely get reamed out of any instance runs, and therefore screwed on ever getting heroic keys and access to serpentshrine!
I'm also sure my job attributes, but blah! Blizz dropped the ball on certain things that has me fuming. But I'm leveling a Draenei priest as well, and it's awesome. My guild, however, seems to have lost focus, direction..We had so many people, and at the xpac alot splintered, but alot stayed. It's just..ugh
And I hate the requirement for the attunements. /rant
but the leveling experience from 60-70 was wonderous fun! And there is alot of really, really great stuff i'm leaving out. like, when you do get 5 man groups, they're awesome instances.
Lady Vader
Mar 12th, 2007, 09:11:00 PM
The reason Druids got the slight nerf was because, in reality, they are a hybrid-class.
They should not be out-tanking a warrior in bear form, they should not be out-DPSing a rogue in cat form, and they should not be out-healing a priest in resto. However, despite the slight nerf, they are still doing just that.
I'm not exactly holding my breath, but I smell more nerfs coming for druids. I smelt this one, I feel another acrid scent in the air.....
Mar 12th, 2007, 10:38:20 PM
Yup, my main is a lvl 66 warrior and I have only been in one instance run through ramparts since running BC. I just got too frustrated with people whining about me not keeping aggro after they crit much higher than me and pull what Im tanking. Blizz needs to fix the problem I have with losing the target and not regaining aggro. Once a caster or hunter crits high to take it from me I can't ever get it back which usually results in a wipe.
Figrin D'an
Mar 12th, 2007, 11:20:35 PM
Warriors got buffed in the last patch... rage generation, multiple target tanking, increased threat generation... there's no need to nerf druids further to make warriors feel better about themselves. They can handle their primary role now better than a comparable druid in most cases. The high stamina/AC a druid can reach still makes them desirable for thing like Hurtful Strike tanking on Gruul, and they still are excellent off-tanks in a lot of situations, but on most high end content now, you're not going to see many protection specced warriors getting replaced by feral druids. (I'm not considering normal-mode 5-man dungeons and world content in this discussion because nothing therein is difficult enough for the differences between tanking druids and warriors to become truly apparent.)
A druid outhealing a priest is, more often than not, a player skill disparity or a gear disparity. Put two players, a resto druid and a holy/disc priest of equal skill/knowledge and gear in a group, and the priest will carry the day on a healing meter by far most of the time. People whom are whining about this need to learn to play their classes and get over it.
The same is true with dps feral druids dealing more damage than rogues. A rogue with a clue is going to easily win in a dps race with a druid of comparable skill and gear.
This is going to sound really elitist, but it's so true. Most people who play WoW have little to no concept of how the game's aggro and threat mechanics work. Understanding this, and how it functions within your own class as well as others, is the biggest separator of above average players from the rest of the population.
Mar 24th, 2007, 02:37:42 AM
Well, Fig, while what you said it true of some, it is not always the case with most.
Mind you, I'm not complaining. I have a druid, and it's feral.
My husband has a lvl 70 druid and a lvl 70 rogue, and believe it or not, his cat is doing more DPS than his rogue, and he knows how to play both classes very well. Hell, we take his bear into instances instead of a warrior and do better.
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 18th, 2007, 06:57:15 PM
Thought I might as well post an update. I have been neglecting my Warlock for a while but finally decided to get back to playing him. Had a pretty productive couple of days, and now I'm level 46 :)
Jun 18th, 2007, 07:26:58 PM
Level 43 on my lock and loving it. Full Affliction specced at the moment, will be putting some points in Demonology. Drain Life-tanking ftw. Race you to 50!
Javier Spencer
Jun 18th, 2007, 08:33:46 PM
I did make that Tauren Druid I had talked about. I made it to 30 before the doldrums just killed me outright. 2 hours to form a party, another for them all to show up, and by the time we've entered nobody wants to play anymore or they all have to go. So my "instance" quests piled up. Tried to focus on solo missions, but those burnt out really fast.
Then there were the know-it-all, less-than-helpful players, the constant Alliance raids on Crossroads (can't turn in a quest if the NPC keeps getting killed the second it respawns), and the fact that 80% of the game is riding from A to B on an animal. Oh, and let's not forget that nobody knows how to talk sense. "There's a mob over here." I show up, there is ONE monster. Mob = GROUP! I thought math was important to these kinds of number-crunching games.
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 18th, 2007, 08:47:02 PM
Javier - sounds like your server isn't too great. If you can't find a good guild (i.e. reliable people to group/instance with), it can be tough. Personally, I don't mind soloing. I have had mixed results with PUGs, but on the whole you will get the job done more quickly if you do it by yourself than by trying to pull together some randomers.
Level 43 on my lock and loving it. Full Affliction specced at the moment, will be putting some points in Demonology. Drain Life-tanking ftw. Race you to 50!
I'm full Destro at the moment, though I have been considering re-specing to Affliction. I think I would probably miss my high-crit Shadow Bolt too much, though. I'm about half-way to 47 at the minute, pretty much going up a level a day. Just did two runs through Zul'Farrak tonight, with the help of my housemate (level 70 mage).
Figrin D'an
Jun 19th, 2007, 04:43:10 PM
"There's a mob over here." I show up, there is ONE monster. Mob = GROUP! I thought math was important to these kinds of number-crunching games.
The term "mob" when used in WoW and MMOs in general is short for "mobile" or "mobile object." It originated from game programmers using term to describe non-player entities within the game whose primary function is to be killed for experience, loot, or to complete a quest objective. So, when people say, "Mob here" or "Mob incoming", they're referring to a single target. It's one of the many terms that's part of the MMO jargon.
Unfortunately, doing anything in a PuG usually requires a lot of patience. This can be especially true on more mature servers (ones that have been around for a while) when trying to get a group for content below level 60-70. Finding a good guild is your best bet, even if it's just a small group of people that you know really like to play and can be counted on to be around to help with stuff.
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 27th, 2007, 10:19:39 PM
Decided to re-spec to an Affliction/Destruction talent mix tonight and am thinking it was definitely the right decision. I managed to power halfway to level 50 in no time. Hopefully should ding sometime tomorrow :)
Daria Nytherciria
Jun 29th, 2007, 08:17:04 PM
Oh BTW Droo I dinged 50 on Thursday night, so I won the race :mneh
Jun 29th, 2007, 10:28:36 PM
I'm not even 46 yet. :( My terrible hours in work are leaving me too tired to play properly. I just hop online and pvp on my mage most of the time now.
Figrin D'an
Jul 14th, 2007, 12:13:28 AM
A screenshot of a new staff I got the other day, just because it's so goofy looking. (It's pretty nice though, first weapon upgrade I've had in 3 months).
For those curious what it is...
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 14th, 2007, 08:55:21 AM
Black Temple drop.. nice!
Zereth Lancer
Jul 25th, 2007, 03:20:55 AM
Well, this does not pertain to the Burning Crusade specifically, but World of Warcraft in general.
I got my hands on a free 14-day trail version for WoW, and I thought I'd try it out, you know, see if I like the game at all after avoiding it all these years. Well, I'm all psyched and rearing to go. I install the game and try to log on to to create my account, but I can't access It just won't let me. So, I spent the last two hours surfing the internet seeing if anyone shares my problem, and there are hundreds out there with the same problem. They all point the problem at issues with modems and IPs, but for all their talk no one has a solution. I managed to access the account page using, but issues persist in the form of my not being able to create an account because Ninjaproxy hides my IP. I kind of kicked myself in the head with that one.
So, I'm wondering if any of you WoW players have had this problem, or know someone that has, or better yet; know how to fix the damn thing. I can play WoW, I just can't get to the right webpages to create my account. I'm like the fat kid that wants the candy, but can't get at it because of the plastic case it's inside. So close, but impossible to reach.
Anyone have any ideas?
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 25th, 2007, 03:24:44 AM
Weird. The only similar issue I've had is that Tuesday night/Wednesday morning is usually server down-time, whilst they apply patches, changes and such. During that time, even the website will sometimes be a bit flaky.
Zereth Lancer
Jul 25th, 2007, 03:29:25 AM
Perhaps. I did stumble upon that fact while trying to find an answer. I'm not happy with the idea of waiting to get this to work, but at least it gives me a glimmer of hope. I shall try again tomorrow, or, failing that, on Thursday.
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 25th, 2007, 03:32:46 AM
Others here might have a different answer though. For all I know, Tues/Wed down-time could just be an EU Server thing. If there are a lot of people having the same problem, I would imagine that Blizzard would be on the case, though... especially when it comes to new accounts, since they are so desperate to get people playing.
Speaking of, Blizzard doesn't seem to want to accept my debit card so I haven't been playing for a few weeks now.
Jul 25th, 2007, 03:37:51 AM
Well, this does not pertain to the Burning Crusade specifically, but World of Warcraft in general.
I got my hands on a free 14-day trail version for WoW, and I thought I'd try it out, you know, see if I like the game at all after avoiding it all these years. Well, I'm all psyched and rearing to go. I install the game and try to log on to to create my account, but I can't access It just won't let me. So, I spent the last two hours surfing the internet seeing if anyone shares my problem, and there are hundreds out there with the same problem. They all point the problem at issues with modems and IPs, but for all their talk no one has a solution. I managed to access the account page using, but issues persist in the form of my not being able to create an account because Ninjaproxy hides my IP. I kind of kicked myself in the head with that one.
So, I'm wondering if any of you WoW players have had this problem, or know someone that has, or better yet; know how to fix the damn thing. I can play WoW, I just can't get to the right webpages to create my account. I'm like the fat kid that wants the candy, but can't get at it because of the plastic case it's inside. So close, but impossible to reach.
Anyone have any ideas?
Are you attempting to register for the US version of the game while you are in Europe? That would cause it, due to Blizzard's crappy IP filter (me: resists urge to go on a full page hate-rant rampage on Blizzard's server region policies). Said IP filter may also screw up mistaking american IP's for something else. And finally, the third posibility is that the webpage is somehow not compatible with your browser or system.
Whatever is the case, this can be resolved. Here some different things to try out:
- try a different browser
- browse through a proxy server to change your IP.
- register though a different machine (friends house, library whatever).
- ask a friend you trust to register for you
Zereth Lancer
Jul 25th, 2007, 11:56:53 AM
Are there any proxy servers you would suggest? Ninjaproxy doesn't allow me to even access the main page, although I can get on the European equivalent, but that don't help me much.
Jul 25th, 2007, 05:34:55 PM
There is a list of some servers here:
Google is your friend. Tons of public proxy servers out there.
Zereth Lancer
Jul 26th, 2007, 12:11:44 AM
Well, I got my brother's GF to register my account, so we're all good now.
Figrin D'an
Aug 3rd, 2007, 01:48:51 PM
So, the next expansion was announced officially today at Blizzcon.
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
Not a huge amount of detail has been released about it yet, but the big points that will draw the attention are:
- Northrend will be added to the game, with approximately 10 zones
- Level Cap raised to 80
- New Profession: Inscription, allowing players to makes spells and abilities more powerful... think of it like socketing your spells instead of items.
- Hero classes are being finally introduced, the first of which will be the Death Knight.
- New world (non-instanced) PvP zone added that will include siege weapons and buildings.
- At least one new PvP arena
- New character customization features
- Multiple new instance dungeons and raid zones, the final raid zone being Icecrown Citidel, where players will face off against the Lich King/Arthas.
Official site:
It'll probably be a while before any release date is announced... if I had to guess, I'd say a 10 months to a year from now would be reasonable to expect this to hit stores.
Alexander Bane
Aug 3rd, 2007, 02:22:52 PM
That's cool. Another level cap raise just means I have longer to go before I max level my characters. I do like the idea of being able to battle Arthas. Playing as my Undead Mage I go through a lot of Arthas hate with the Forsaken, but actually being able to face off against Arthas would be all the more fun.
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 3rd, 2007, 03:19:49 PM
I wonder how Hero Classes will work...
Figrin D'an
Aug 3rd, 2007, 04:05:33 PM
I wonder how Hero Classes will work...
From what I have heard, and this is very very preliminary, Hero Classes become "unlocked" for high-level characters (ie. lvl 80) after accomplishing a series of quests/tasks. The Hero Class leveling then begins, but is somehow separate from the normal leveling system. Now, whether or not this becomes an addition to your character, like a new talent tree, or is something that your character is converted into, is anyone's guess at this point.
Here's the "official" info on the Death Knight class thus far, according to
* The current plan is to have the class available for all races.
* Designed to fullfill both tanking and DPS roles
* Can tank using 2H weapons or by Dual-Wielding, no need for shields.
* Rather than using rage, energy, or mana, Death Knights have a special "rune sword" displayed beneath their health bar, onto which the player can etch six different runes (choose between Frost, Blood, and Unholy).
* Rune resource system. Three rune schools: Blood runes, frost, and unholy runes. All DK spells and abilities will use these different runes in some combo. DKs carve these runes into their weapon-- done anytime outside of combat.
* Character portrait has six runes in place of the mana bar (and a special circle around the icon, probably for Hero class). These runes are consume as your spells use them-- they deactivate and then reactivate over time, so if you have two frost and four blood runes, you get that much to use as spells and abilities. We have plans for mechanics that allow you to change one resource type on the fly-- like Warlock's Life Tap (Health=mana).
Park Kraken
Aug 4th, 2007, 07:43:01 PM
I wonder if Inscription will allow you to make scrolls? I see where you can already buy ink and blank paper parchments from a vendor in SW city.
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 5th, 2007, 09:30:40 AM
Woohoo I finally got my account working again :crack
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 9th, 2007, 12:14:56 PM
I posted this in the YouTube video thread, but I thought I'd link it here to, since I think some of you will get a kick out of it:
Aug 9th, 2007, 01:15:24 PM
Somehow, I am not excited about the new expansion pack. Guess I am burned out on WoW.
Park Kraken
Aug 22nd, 2007, 05:27:06 PM
I got my revenge on the Horde. I managed to flag a lvl 70 mounted blood elf, managed to run away before he killed me, and then watched as my guild mates arrived and slaughtered him.
BTW I love the way Draneai swing two handed swords. It looks like your decapitating someone when you do heroic strike.
Figrin D'an
Aug 22nd, 2007, 11:02:00 PM
For anyone interested, here's a <A HREF=";8268862;;/fileinfo.html">video</A> of my guild's first Illidan kill from while back. It's from the point of view of one of our rogues, so it doesn't have a pulled-back camera perspective all the time, but it gives some good shots of the of fight, certainly enough to see what is involved to defeat him. The event when he hits 30% health is pretty cool if you are a WarCraft lore geek and know about Illidan's history.
Anywho... enjoy. (It's a 500 mb file, just a warning for those on slower connections.)
Aug 23rd, 2007, 03:42:31 AM
So what was your rogue doing that got him killed? :p
Figrin D'an
Aug 23rd, 2007, 05:46:55 AM
So what was your rogue doing that got him killed? :p
The fireball volley that Illidan casts on the raid while in demon form has an splash damage component. That's why the raid is relatively spread out during that phase, otherwise players will take extra damage from each person that they are too close to. He happened to be too close to multiple people while trying to reposition himself, and took too much splash damage.
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 29th, 2007, 08:30:25 PM
Congrats on the Illidan kill. :)
I just re-specced again to Demonology, to see what that talent tree is like. Felguard is pretty badass, but I miss all my insta-dots :(
Peter McCoy
Sep 4th, 2007, 06:14:55 AM
Just some Lich King info - I read somewhere that once you unlock your Death Knight, you get a new slot on your character list for the server you unlocked it on. Apparently you can then create the character, ie choose a name, race, facial features etc. Then, when you start playing it's from something like Level 60 - something about Blizz not liking the idea of Level 1 Death Knights. I'll have to confirm these tidbits though.
Oh, and I read that the new city is Dalaran - floating above Northrend on the move.
As for WoW as it stands, I was incredibly frustrated the other day.
I was on my lowbie mage (22 at the time) in the Wetlands, doing the first few quests there. So I'm killing Murlocs mainly. Now bear in mind I was Level 22 and the Murlocs are mainly 19-21 with the odd 23. But even when fighting the Level 19 mobs, I'd say every 3rd frostbolt was being resisted. The rate at which my spells were laughed at was unreal! And when my ineffective frostbolts failed to slow the fishy-fiends down and I've got a face-full'o'murloc, I Frost Nova and get out of there. But oh-no! Resist after resist after resist! It has to be the most ridiculous session I've had in my whole WoW experience.
But it was hilarious the time my friend resisted his own heal and died :-P
After not playing since my PC died on me, leaving me with a slow laptop, I've decided to get back into things as I missed playing too much. Hopefully I should have my PC back this week. But for now I'm on my laptop, avoiding the likes of Shattrath and Ironforge. And I've got plenty to do. Every few days I brave Shattrath on my hunter to make Primal Mooncloth. I have my 24 gnome mage Frozone who's coming along nicely. I hope to be Level 30 by the end of the week by blitzing the Duskwood and Wetlands quests (I'll get my 70-mage friend to power me through Scarlet Monastery to get some gear early). As well as that there's my gnome Warlock Jaffar who I haven't played since I dinged 40 a few months ago. The main reason I haven't played him is because I'm questing in STV and I hate the place, so he can wait for now. Or I might just respec demonology and tank'n'spank here and there, farming stuff wheile I do.
Also got my 20 hunter to replace my 70 hunter eventually - my 70 hunter is a night elf male and I'm sick of the sight of his poncyness! I now understand the true gospel - night elf babes look so much better than my lanky blue dork of a character. I;ve also got a Level 30 priest who recently went Shadow specced (recently as in it was the last thing I did the last time I played him a few months ago :-P). And then there's my paladin who I don't know whether I like him or hate him. I really need to decide on whether to go DPS or healer with him, but thats why I wanted a mage and a priest. I might even dedicate him to the Battlegrounds and arena's, levelling him up in instances now and then (I have really bad experience with pick-up groups and I'm always reluctant to try and get into one. It's a stigma that's haunted my WoW-time since I got the game).
My friends say I have more characters than I know what to do with. But I like the variety of being able to log on and pick from such a wide selection to suit my mood. I've even got a Level 15 Dark Iron Dwarf-ish paladin who I do nothing with besides run around farming ore and herbs.
Maybe sometime I'll give Druid and rogue a good play-through. I'm a firm believer that you should give each class 'til 20/30 before you decide whether or not to bin them or keep them. I just haven't gotten around to those two classes yet. And as for shammy's - I really don't know. I love the concept of a shammy - I just can't play for more than a few minutes before I lose interest.
I want a necromancer - Blizzard, sort it!
Park Kraken
Sep 4th, 2007, 02:13:36 PM
And as for shammy's - I really don't know. I love the concept of a shammy - I just can't play for more than a few minutes before I lose interest.
Shammy's are awesome in PvP. Without even using any of the several totems I have avilable to me, and I was lvl 10 at the time, I was constantly defeating people who were lvl 11-13 in duels, and a wide range of people, including rogues.
The only thing I was using was an IC nature damage spell and my enhanced two handed staff weapon.
Something I've considered a little B.S., though, is that my warrior, he's lvl 33, and he's speccing in arms talents with dualie weapons. One of them is a lvl 29 weapon.
Now that I'm lvl 33, I'm getting far more hits with that lvl 29 weapon than when I was lvl 30, and my one-handed axes were maxxed out on the specs mind you, and I was fighting lvl 29-30 ogres too.
Although I was laughing at how I could take my lvl 26 warlock, duel a lvl 66 person, and if they didn't kill you right away, at about the 9th or 10th time you tried to cast it, you could get fear on them and start them running around. I managed to get fear two times more in a row without resist on a guy I was dueling. He ended it pretty darn quickly after the spell wore off.
Ezra Na'chtion
Sep 4th, 2007, 03:27:14 PM
Necromancers would be awesome.
Right now I just kind of skip around with all my characters. I can never play just one for a long period of time before losing interest and switching to another, only to come back to that character later. The result: three characters in their twenties. Nothing very impressive there. Right now, however, my favorite character is my Draenei Hunter. People are always telling me how Hunters are for Newbies and losers, but I find them incredibly fun, especially since playing my Undead Mage has become incredibly painful ever since I entered the Barrens. Human warrior... boring. Nuff said.
I've been wondering this for awhile, but what serves do you guys play in? I play solely in Alextrasa (I think that's what it's called...)
Regan Valdis
Sep 4th, 2007, 05:31:26 PM
I play on the EU realms 'The Maelstrom' and 'Bloodfeather' (I need to play Fidgit more!).
Hunters are fun! My 70 hunter is my farmer and replaced my paladin as my main in the months leading up to TBC. Now I've shifted my attention to my mage, Frozone. I'm working on him most of the time, and like you I jump from alt to alt.
Pierce Tondry
Sep 4th, 2007, 08:02:59 PM
Something I've considered a little B.S., though, is that my warrior, he's lvl 33, and he's speccing in arms talents with dualie weapons. One of them is a lvl 29 weapon.
Now that I'm lvl 33, I'm getting far more hits with that lvl 29 weapon than when I was lvl 30, and my one-handed axes were maxxed out on the specs mind you, and I was fighting lvl 29-30 ogres too.
Your overall chance to hit on a mob increases as your level and level differential increase. I don't remember the statistics off the top of my head, but if you're within two levels of a mob the hit chance is about average. If you are three levels or higher than the mob, it will be very easy to hit.
The level of the weapon refers mainly to the combination of stats and dps it grants. After all, a weapon can be imbued with the might of gods, but that doesn't make it any easier for an inexperienced wielder to manage. :)
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 5th, 2007, 09:27:42 AM
I play on Anachronos EU (PvE). I have been playing solely as my undead warlock for the past few months. I'm just about to hit lvl 57, so the prospect of getting into Outland in a level or two is keeping me interested.
incredibly painful ever since I entered the Barrens
Urrrgh... that place.
Sep 5th, 2007, 04:18:09 PM
Dinged 61 on my warlock today, Jen. Come on, girl, get a move on!
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 5th, 2007, 08:25:10 PM
You sneaky bugger :lol I'm almost 58 now. Getting a few instance runs going with my housemates (lvl 70 mage and 51 hunter) over the week, so that should speed things up.
Park Kraken
Sep 11th, 2007, 08:41:24 AM
I haven't been playing that much WoW lately. I got my warrior up to lvl 35 then stopped for a while, so he'll have some rest saved up when I do resume lvling him. Right now his off-handed weapon is the rare Stavlan's Reaper, which has a chance upon hit to slap a Curse of Stavlan style effect upon the target. I'm like, haha, I make you go through the same crap I did while completing that annoying and long chain quest.
Peter McCoy
Sep 12th, 2007, 05:39:54 AM
I finally got my PC back. All is fine now with the new motherboard. And I think WoW actually looks better and plays smoother. Not sure how since all I got was a new motherboard. But I can actually play something other than a screenshot when I go to Shattrath now :)
I never bothered with the Stalvan questline for exactly that reason - annoying and long. Some quests just aren't worth the effort. There are better ways to level. Of course, the most important thing is that you enjoy the journey you take your character on through Azeroth and eventually Outland, but if you want some help levelling quickly, check out Jame's Alliance Levelling Guide at It explains in detail how to approach each area, telling you what quests to bother with, the order to do them in, the most efficient route to take, when it's beneficial to grind, and when to make a trip into town once you've got as many quests complete as possible in your immediate area.
Levelling my paladin (my first Level 60 before TBC) was a slow process. When I made my hunter and got to 30 I followed this guide and it was unreal how quickly I got to 60 (thats a lie I got to 58 the night before TBC was released so I was able to enter Outland right away :))
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 14th, 2007, 10:30:54 PM
Level 62 now. I'm just leaving my Undead 'lock alone to build up rested XP for a while, whilst helping out a friend who just started playing with my Draenei paladin. I can't find anyone to craft the potions I need for my epic mount quest, so that is making me mighty frustrated. :( I even bought the recipie from AH, but it seems that alchemists are a rarer breed than I had originally thought.
Park Kraken
Sep 15th, 2007, 05:04:40 AM
Ok, let me ask this again: What server is everyone playing on?
And B) Does anyone want to like, go together on one server and start a SW-fans guild or something?
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 15th, 2007, 08:22:13 AM
I play on Anachronos EU (PvE)
... so I'd only be able to play with Droo, Peter, Yog.
Peter McCoy
Sep 15th, 2007, 08:33:28 AM
I actually prefer levelling characters than spending hours on my 70 hunter. I still enjoy the heroic instances, but I get bored after a while and like to develop new characters. As such I'd love to start a new character and team up with other EU players here on 'Fans.
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 15th, 2007, 09:13:40 AM
Well, I just rolled a new Night Elf druid on Anachronos if you want to come play, Peter? Here's my chars names, anyway...
Dagon - 62 Undead Warlock (main)
Malleus - 27 Draenei Paladin
Celt - 9 Night Elf Druid :o
Sep 15th, 2007, 09:45:22 AM
I play on Anachronos EU (PvE)
... so I'd only be able to play with Droo, Peter, Yog.
Actually, all my characters are on American servers. I am not actively playing though, since I am bored with the game.
Figrin D'an
Sep 15th, 2007, 09:57:39 AM
There are ways to edit the server list so that EU players can access the US servers and vice versa. I won't provide links on how to do it, because it does technically violate the TOS, but for those really interested in playing on the US servers, you can find info on how to do it pretty easily.
Kyzer Rayne
Sep 15th, 2007, 01:27:40 PM
A SW-Fans guild would be fun, but I don't know how often any of us would play together due to differences in time zones and such. I would be up for that, though. Just name the server and I'd register a char in a moment. Don't know how often I would play on that char with the large number of characters I currently employ on the Alextrasxa (or however you spell it) server.
My characters on Alextrasxa include...
Banestone - lvl 21 Human Warrior
Khizzar - lvl 22 Undead Mage
Khaine - lvl 15 Blood Elf Warlock
Shawkyrr - lvl 24 Draenei Hunter (Main)
Gravatus - lvl 11 Tauren Druid
Sep 15th, 2007, 02:13:17 PM
In my experience, time zones are not such a big deal, unless you have mandatory events and raids. The guild would not be big enough to sustain that anyway. Just let me know server name, and I will create a character.
Oh, and I vote for Horde side.. Alliance are gay :p
Sep 16th, 2007, 12:27:53 AM
Oh, and I vote for Horde side.. Alliance are gay :p
Although I do enjoy the Alliance for their sometimes more attractive models, I do enjoy the Horde a lot more. There is just something about running around as an Undead and burning everything to hell that is just so much more fun then just thugging around as a human with a big sword.
I definitely opp for Horde.
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 16th, 2007, 10:17:02 AM
I prefer Horde, too. All of the Alliance areas seem so bland, with the exception of the Draenei starting area/city. Plus, at least on my server, Alliance is all kids... and they have no idea how to PvP. Horde always win.
Zereth Lancer
Sep 16th, 2007, 03:18:16 PM
Yes, the Horde just rocks like that.
Now if we did pick a sever would we go with a PvP server or a normal one?
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 16th, 2007, 07:28:51 PM
As an aside, I'm not going to play on a US server. The timezone difference doesn't bother me, because I'm usually awake when all of you are :mneh, but I don't want to risk my account being locked down.
Park Kraken
Sep 17th, 2007, 06:01:01 PM
I've started a horde character on Alextrasxa, a so far lvl 1 Blood Elf Priest named Elzu.
Park Kraken
Sep 25th, 2007, 03:53:51 PM
I ran BFD for the first time today, in a group with my lvl 35 warrior as main tank. I didn't know what the four candles were for after defeating the one boss, so I activated them all.
Moments later, complete group wipe. Oops.
Dasquian Belargic
Oct 5th, 2007, 06:57:55 PM
Ended up trying to PuG (with a couple of guildies thrown in) AQ20 and AQ40 tonight... there were some epic wipes!
Completely obliterated by the last boss in AQ20.
Some of us loitering around the body of Moam, waiting for others to return for group screenie... only to have the corpse vanish before everyone could get back.
We didn't end up finishing either instance, but it was fun to play some of the content I thought I'd never get to see.
Dasquian Belargic
Oct 15th, 2007, 08:18:58 PM
My undead warlock is now riding the epic Brewfest Ram mount :D woohoo.
Also, lvl 69.
Figrin D'an
Oct 15th, 2007, 08:55:05 PM
Patch 2.3 has been up on the PTR for a week or so... Zul'Aman is a pretty fun instance. Some nice upgrades from Karazahn loot, and even a couple that are decent compared to Tier 5, depending up class. Lots of new Badge rewards as well, and a full Zul'Aman clear gives 14 Badges per person, plus an quest item from the last boss that is exchanged for 10 more. Plus, there's new daily quests for instances that give Badges as rewards. Lots of opportunities for epic quality loot now.
Bear Cavalry!
Dasquian Belargic
Oct 16th, 2007, 05:32:33 AM
Can't wait for this patch to go live. Improved 20-60 levelling and loot? Yes please!
The new bear mount does look freaking sweet.
Fig, which add-ons do you have running? I need a good damage/threat meter, maybe something to pretty up my UI.
Figrin D'an
Oct 16th, 2007, 06:51:33 AM
Well, i use a pretty customized UI, so i have a lot of different mods I use. (That pic I posted above isn't mine though, it was put up on mmo-champion by someone in another guild.)
It really depends upon what specifically you want to change about your interface, but we'll start with unit frames and action bars.
Unit Frames: I use agUnitFrames. But there are a lot of options out there. A lot of people like Xperl or Pitbull. Just depends upon the look you want. Lots of customization can be done with these.
Action Bars: I used Trinity, but the most popular bar mod is probably Bartender.
I don't use threat meters, or even healing meters really, because I personally don't have much use to see that info during a raid. If I really want to see that stuff, other people in the guild log it for our WWS stats sheets. But, the best threat meter is probably Omen, and you can check out Recount or Violation for damage/healing meters.
Most every WoW interface mod can be found at or .
Dasquian Belargic
Oct 17th, 2007, 08:15:34 PM
Hit 70 tonight, in my first Shadowlabs run. I thought maybe it was my night and some of the Oblivion set would drop, but alas no... though I did get a nice blue sword out of it. Now, onto saving up for my flying mount, after dropping over 100g on training spells >_<
Oct 17th, 2007, 09:57:00 PM
Damn you! Nearly 69 on my lock. I've saved all the quests in Nagrand, Blade's Edge Mountains, Netherstorm, and Shadowmoon Valley for gold for my epic flying mount. Can't complain though, got the Battlecast hood and pants, along with the full three piece Frozen Shadoweave set and the epic Scryer's ring waiting for me in the bank. That said, the Oblivion pants dropped in Sethekk Halls for me today.
You might have won the race to 70, you Geordie racer, but what about your sexy purple gear? :cool:
Park Kraken
Oct 17th, 2007, 10:26:04 PM
Went from lvl 37 to lvl 39 on my Dra. warrior today. Just got done, in the past four hours, two SM armory runs, and one each of SM Graveyard, Library, and Catheredal.
Figrin D'an
Oct 17th, 2007, 10:57:43 PM
With daily quests, you can earn a lot of gold in a fairly short amount of time. 5000g for the epic mount training might seem like a lot, but it's nowhere near the hurdle it was even when TBC came out back in January.
Oct 18th, 2007, 12:17:41 AM
Speaking of Add-ons; I had a bunch I got from a friend, such as Pearl and the usual damage counters and enhanced basic stuffs, and those little goodies like Atlas, but now, after using them for weeks, they suddenly stopped working. When I play it's all normal, but I still have all the add-on files on my computer, and I haven't been tampering with my WOW files or anything. They just stopped working.
Anyone have any idea what might be up?
Figrin D'an
Oct 18th, 2007, 06:41:55 AM
Did they stop working on a Tuesday when a patch came out?
Two things you can try. One would be to update the mods... new versions come out all the time because the game itself is constantly being updated with minor changes. Second, at the character select screen, click the Add-Ons tab on the bottom left, and make sure that "Load Out-of-Date Addons" is checked. Otherwise, any mod that isn't the most current won't load, even if it would work without updating it.
Park Kraken
Oct 18th, 2007, 12:14:46 PM
Ok, let me ask everyone. I am at lvl 39, a Dran. Warrior, and have mining and Jewelcrafting as my profs. I have about 20G right now, and need to raise 100G by the next level for mount training. My question is, should I just grind for money until I hit lvl 40, and where should I go to make the most money at lvl 39?
Dasquian Belargic
Oct 18th, 2007, 06:00:31 PM
I don't have any epics, Droo. I am purp-less. Need to level my tailoring/enchanting majorly. =/
Zereth Lancer
Oct 18th, 2007, 07:38:48 PM
Did they stop working on a Tuesday when a patch came out?
Two things you can try. One would be to update the mods... new versions come out all the time because the game itself is constantly being updated with minor changes. Second, at the character select screen, click the Add-Ons tab on the bottom left, and make sure that "Load Out-of-Date Addons" is checked. Otherwise, any mod that isn't the most current won't load, even if it would work without updating it.
Thanks Fig. My Add-ons were out of date and automatically turned off.
Park Kraken
Oct 19th, 2007, 10:28:09 AM
For a person who has never used add-ons, except when playing at a friend's house, which add-ons should I use? Is there an Auction House add-on?
Figrin D'an
Oct 19th, 2007, 04:26:44 PM
There are add-ons for just about every different in-game function imaginable. It just depends upon what you happen to find useful. And yes, there are auction house add-ons. or are the best sites for WoW add-ons.
Dasquian Belargic
Oct 19th, 2007, 04:55:22 PM
Got my first purple today - The Horseman's Signet Ring. Outside the Scarlet Monastery Graveyard looks like, well, a graveyard. There is so much PvP going on at the instance entrance that the path is constantly littered with corpses!
Park Kraken
Oct 20th, 2007, 05:02:44 AM
Got my first purple today - The Horseman's Signet Ring. Outside the Scarlet Monastery Graveyard looks like, well, a graveyard. There is so much PvP going on at the instance entrance that the path is constantly littered with corpses!
We had a little bit of that action going on in our server. a lvl 20 Horde would come along and lit himself up, get slaughtered by a lvl 40, who in turn would be slaughtered by a waiting lvl 60, who would be slaughtered by lvl 70 reinforcements, who would battle reinforcements coming from Undercity, etc etc etc.
BTW, we had a twenty man group raid last night to try and kill Emerliss. We failed big time, but we broke up and slaughtered a 30-man horde raid that had just started to attack Darkshire. We were betting on whether or not they thought they had a mole after that event.
Dasquian Belargic
Oct 20th, 2007, 08:04:51 AM
We hit Emerliss with a 20-man PuG of 65-70s and wiped because of repeated Alliance intereference. To be fair, we had just come from a 35-man raid on Stormwind, so I'm not surprised they were following us :mneh
Park Kraken
Oct 20th, 2007, 02:37:56 PM
The alliance guys were probably wiped by Emerliss too right? Anyways, you wouldn't have beaten Emerliss with just twenty people, even if they were all lvl 70s with epic gear. Forty might stand a better chance.
Figrin D'an
Oct 20th, 2007, 02:58:47 PM
Emeriss can be 10-manned by lvl 70s without any trouble, you just have to know how to deal with his abilities. None of the green dragons are all that difficult once you know how to manage the fights.
Park Kraken
Oct 21st, 2007, 02:18:02 PM
Emeriss can be 10-manned by lvl 70s without any trouble, you just have to know how to deal with his abilities. None of the green dragons are all that difficult once you know how to manage the fights.
Ummm, no he can't, not after the latest patches. Before the latest patches, sure, but after the latest ones, he's a heck of a lot tougher. Seems your best bet would be to set traps, use ice and slow spells, hit him with ranged attacks mostly, but with twenty people lvl 60 and above, and ten people below lvl 60, we inflicted about 5% damage to his health before we were slaughtered.
Figrin D'an
Oct 21st, 2007, 07:39:45 PM
<A HREF="">This</A> is the mob we're talking about here, correct? If not, I need to be enlightened, because I have never heard of a mob named "Emerliss."
He hasn't been buffed since just after TBC went live, to my knowledge. I could be wrong about this, because my guild doesn't raid pre-TBC content anymore, but I do know that there have been plenty of green dragon kills recorded with 10-15 person raids within the last several patches.
He can be challenging if you haven't seen him before or know how to deal with things like his Corruption of the Earth ability and the mushrooms that spawn when people die, but it is completely manageable. If people don't know what to do, one or two deaths can chain through the entire raid and cause a wipe.
It's possible the mob could be bugged... it wouldn't be the first time that pre-expansion content has gotten bugged from post 2.0 patches. The Green Dragons have had a history of bugs ever since they were first put into the game. Blackwing Lair had some really amusing bugs for a while shortly after 2.2 was released.
Sub-level 60 players are going to have significant trouble hitting the mob because of how hit rating and resists work. Probably not advisable to count on them doing much unless they are healers.
It's also advisable that an MT and OT who have a decent amount of nature resistance.
Zereth Lancer
Oct 29th, 2007, 02:40:53 AM
I had the most awesome WoW Experience to date, for me, with the fun that is PvP. I'm playing on the Vashj PvP server now with a currently level 23 Blood Elf Paladin, which is now my favorite class by far.
So I grouped with three other people to attempt a run through the Deadmines, which is always hazardous as it's located in the Alliance controlled Westfall. We swam over from Stranglethorn, me and the group leader, and we proceeded to the Meeting stone to summon our other two guys. There were, of course, a few Alliance milling around the stone, whom saw us and obviously alerted the rest of the world. They just sat there awhile, staring at us. Me, a 23 paladin, as well as a 20 Priest, 18 Priest, and 16ish Warrior. We headed into the Deadmines entrance, and the warrior got swamped by a few of the Alliance. We charged at them, and most of them ran away when they saw me coming at my obvious level advantage over them, as most of them were 20 or lower. From there an all out brawl took place as more and more alliance joined into the fight against us four. The lower level priest and warrior died out pretty quickly, but me and the 20 Priest just sat beside the meeting stone and proceeded to slaughter all those alliance puppies. They even brought in some big guns, a 27 mage, whom I must say died rather quickly for being so many levels higher then me.
It was quite literally 10 against 4, with two of the four being dead already. We just sat there and destroyed them, and then proceeded to destroy them even more once our two dead mates came back. We summoned in a fifth member, a 18 Rogue, and from there we proceeded to kick even more buttocks.
That when the got tired of losing. It was obvious that one of them got pissed and switched to his main and proceeded to kill us all in a few hits. That pissed us off. Such poor sports those Alliance. We rezed, ran into the minds, and went about our business, all the while the Alliance followed us from a safe distance, occasionally attacking one of us if we fell behind, only to get annihilated when we all turned around to fight.
They pulled their high level Druid out again and proceeded to kill us again. Big woop. We'd still racked up near forty kills with each of us dying no more then three times. The druid camped on our corpses, so we just ran as far as we could and rezed, running completely past the Druid and rushing the Instance area before they could get us.
The rest of the day was boring and dramatic as a savage, and stupid, argument between party members resulted in the group splintering and the Deadmine run being completely ruined for everyone. Still, that moment of utter triumph in the face of not only larger numbers, but also higher levels, was the most incredible, adrenaline packed moment I've had with World of Warcraft.
Is all non-BG PvP like this? This was a first for me.
Dasquian Belargic
Oct 29th, 2007, 06:02:32 AM
Is all non-BG PvP like this? This was a first for me.
Sometimes. Mostly you will get low level people fighting, then people get bored of losing so call in a 70 to get the job done properly.
I always get a laugh out of attacking Southshore. I'm level 70 now, so I can spank the guards without any real effort. Of course, there are always some level 20-30 Alliance around who think that they can stop me, and will attack me repeatedly, in spite of being one-shot kill or DoT'd to death. My housemate and I took over the Town Hall recently, yet no one came in to kill us for ages... they just camped outside the main entrance, with one foolish lowbie occasionally running in and adding another skeleton to the corpse-pile.
I actually went to Deadmines recently, for the sole purpose of griefing low level Alliance chars. I don't play on a PvP server, so people have the option of whether or not they want to die by my hand, but it seems they're all suicidal! Me and a hunter friend were just running around outside the instance, taunting people. It was hilarious to turn a corner and have some level 30 warrior spaz out and start flailing at my Felguard, not stopping to wonder why there was a Felguard in Deadmines. A second later, he notices me and flees in terror, haha.
Another slightly cruel PvP incident... I was questing on my blood elf priest, in Hillsbrad, and a Tauren druid starts following me around. He asked if we could group and I said no, repeatedly, but he just kept following me. In the end, I ran to Southshore and said that I was going to do PvP, if he wanted to help. My housemate then logged onto his 61 Human Paladin and slaughtered the Tauren. I chuckled, then tried to resurrect him, and foolishly the guy accepted... only to be killed moments later by the very same Paladin. I couldn't stop laughing. I'm clearly a terrible person :lol
Park Kraken
Oct 29th, 2007, 10:40:35 AM
Such poor sports those Alliance.
I will totally 100% agree with you there. Even though I primarily play Alliance characters, from what I've seen, the Horde conduct PvP warfare in a gentleman fashion, while from the Alliance it seems that anything goes no matter what.
I mean, for example, while playing a hunter, as an alliance character they'll play me and won't bother killing my pet, making sure he doesn't go unhappy. Playing as the horde against the alliance, the alliance guys always make sure to kill my pet first. I switched characters and asked one of the guys why that was, and he said that they try and get the pets to abandon their masters. Oh yeah, that's real nice. (although, on the flip side, the only time I ever lost a pet was to a horde guy playing an alliance character, but that was partially my fault as I didn't stock up on meat before going out).
I don't even bother with BG PvP. Horde always win on the server, so I'm like, why even bother? I'll just working lvling my character and making money instead.
Dasquian Belargic
Oct 29th, 2007, 02:06:23 PM
Horde always win on my server. I am convinced that there is no one above the age of 15 playing Alliance. You can spot the kids who play Horde because they are always Blood Elves and 90% of the time roll Paladin.
Park Kraken
Oct 29th, 2007, 08:42:05 PM
Horde always win on my server. I am convinced that there is no one above the age of 15 playing Alliance. You can spot the kids who play Horde because they are always Blood Elves and 90% of the time roll Paladin.
That's funny because most of the people on the server I know are above the age of 20 and most are above 30-40 age-wise. But then none of the people I know like to BG, so I guess thats saying something. I tried playing my friend's BE Pally, but couldn't get as much enjoyment out of it as playing my old BE Mage.
Dasquian Belargic
Oct 29th, 2007, 08:45:11 PM
I say Paladin mainly because of the class being hybrid. Druid also counts here, but seeing as only Tauren can be Druids, kids don't seem as excited about playing them. Half of the fun of playing BElf is that you look like something out of Final Fantasy.
Age-wise, the people in my guild are all in their 20s, but when I played Alliance I was one of the older people in my guild - and I'm only 20 myself.
Park Kraken
Oct 30th, 2007, 12:49:54 AM
BG is easy - IF you get a group of people together who know about basic battlefield concepts. Which is an advantage of having older people play WoW.
Dasquian Belargic
Oct 30th, 2007, 06:08:24 AM
:headache Farming for Primals is easily the most frustrating part of this game
Tigo Kimogila
Oct 30th, 2007, 06:53:41 AM
See, I rolled alliance because I assumed that all the kids would be drawn to trolls with mohawks and tusks, massive furry taurens with cow tails, big green orcs with broken teeth and funny ears, or even the evil-lloking undead with bones showing through their decayed flesh. How wrong I was.
My how times have changed, when I was younger, I would've rolled horde immediately. Who would want to look like a human? But these days, I think the eleven year olds are only interested in sexy dances and looking good in a thong. :\
Oct 30th, 2007, 09:31:52 AM
We killed Kael the other day :) And the first boss in Hyjal the same night whoot! And now that Kazzak has died by our hands we should be significantly higher in standings...he was bringing us down o_O
Dasquian Belargic
Oct 30th, 2007, 09:50:15 AM
Congrats :)
My guild is mostly post-TBC players, so we are still getting people geared up to run Kara. The guild master has pencilled in a run for next week, but I think we need some more heroic runs to get people suitably kitted out. Speaking of, I am going to be crafting the first part of my Frozen Shadoweave set in a couple of days. Woo!
Oct 30th, 2007, 10:24:26 AM
I love my Shadoweave set :D Was having fun doing HH last night...had a shadow priest and was getting 4500 SBs repeatedly :D
Zasz Grimm
Nov 2nd, 2007, 02:45:48 PM
Omgaw! Callista! What server on you on!
My guild finally downed Illidan monday, huzzah!
Nov 2nd, 2007, 02:48:07 PM
um...I play Mannoroth mainly (horde) but also play on Bronzebeard in an all girl group heh heh.
Nov 2nd, 2007, 07:19:53 PM
So I tried this game once. I was an Orc Warrior in a bad guild. Game was BORING. I quit and found a private Ragnarok Online server, played a Knight, and had the same experience for free. Yay me.
Some friends of mine want me to come back and play with them (because they found a guild where all the good players are at) as a Hunter of some description. I'm willing to try it, but I can't pay for it at the moment, so I'm planning ahead, figuring out what gear/talent trees/etc. to be shooting for. However, I can't seem to choose a race.
My buddies swear up and down that Trolls and Orcs are the Hunting Hotness for the Horde. I'm willing to take them at their word, as they're very experienced. They've laid out the benefits both races bring to the class, and I just can't pick between them. Do you guys have any preferences/extra advice?
Dasquian Belargic
Nov 2nd, 2007, 09:19:00 PM
IIRC, Orcs have some kind of racial bonus that benefits being a hunter. Something like, an increase of pet melee damage. Trolls don't really have any racial that's benefit being a hunter, directly.
Nov 2nd, 2007, 09:30:34 PM
Orc pets get bigger damage. Trolls are supposed to have increased skill with shooting/throwing weapons. This apparently will directly affect which build I make (beast master or marksman), which I'm also undecided on.
Park Kraken
Nov 3rd, 2007, 04:57:33 AM
Trolls are more cool looking than orcs. They also look better wearing leather made products than Orcs.
Dasquian Belargic
Nov 3rd, 2007, 08:21:22 AM
Ohhh, I thought they just had a throwing bonus.
Personally I'd say go Orc/BM. Soloing doesn't get any easier. If you get to the point where you're doing high level dungeons and end-game stuff, etc, you can always respec - and at those kinds of levels, with gear bonuses etc, the racial benefits probably won't make a huge difference.
Nov 3rd, 2007, 09:47:42 AM
I got that same advice from my old roommates. Could this be the answer!? I think so.
Dasquian Belargic
Nov 3rd, 2007, 10:32:26 AM
Huzzah! :D
I rolled a Prot Paladin this week. Tank is the only role I haven't tried, so I'm going to give it a go... mostly inspired by seeing someone single pull the SM Cath.
Nov 6th, 2007, 07:18:47 PM
I wanna play so bad but I can't afford it again until Friday at the very earliest. >_< Makes me feel dirty. I've been playing with the talent trees on the official site, too, trying to figure out what might be a good combination of talents to take to maximize my effecitveness. Mostly the issue is which talents in the Beast tree are going to be worth it in the long run and if there are any talents in the other trees that might complement the Beast Master build. [/getting this out to people who play in order to vent]
Kyle Krogen
Nov 7th, 2007, 03:00:50 AM
I am getting rather sick of the Battlegrounds now. All I ever see is an endless wave of Rogues and Hunters. Does anyone play the other classes at all? Twinked Rogues and Hunters with pets who can deal ridiculous damage. Being a paladin I stick out and get all the aggro, and died quite quickly.
So I ask this, is the BG reward items worth all this pain?
Dasquian Belargic
Nov 7th, 2007, 07:51:21 AM
Which bracket are you playing? Also, are you playing at the maximum level for that BG?
Kyle Krogen
Nov 8th, 2007, 04:02:14 PM
I was playing the 20-29 bracket as a 29 Paladin.
Dasquian Belargic
Nov 8th, 2007, 07:39:54 PM
In my experience, the lower brackets are much more twinked out than the higher. 29 is probably the most twinked of all. Not fun.
Park Kraken
Nov 9th, 2007, 09:52:50 PM
In my experience, 10-19 is the most twinked of all. I was the only one playing who didn't have something that was blue or glowing.
Park Kraken
Nov 10th, 2007, 02:12:26 AM
Hah! Horde player sold out to the Alliance and told us of an impending raid on Lakeshire. About 50 of us, lvl 40+, went there and slaughtered a horde raid of about 30, lvl 30-70. I got there late in the party and ended up with 14 honor kills.
Dasquian Belargic
Nov 12th, 2007, 06:00:39 AM
Think I'm going to end up leaving my current guild soon. The two main guys are pushing to turn it into a more serious raiding guild, and as a result have been recruiting a lot more 70s. They did their first serious Kara run this past week, and half of the members weren't even in the guild. I thought they were willing to help the rest of us get keyed and geared, but it seems like now that they're ready, they're just going ahead without those of us who aren't. I suppose I don't really have the time/interest necessary to get into that kind of content.
Maybe I will just quit the game all together... one less bill to worry about.
Nov 12th, 2007, 04:19:54 PM
I must say that Kara is super fun - if you can find the time to get keyed (which you can do in a few hours, it's really easy) and a casual raiding guild. It's definitely worth it! and ZA is out tomorrow! The 10 mans are where it's at :)
Dasquian Belargic
Nov 12th, 2007, 05:10:07 PM
We're on a low pop server. Getting any kinds of runs done, and done successfully just seems impossible.
Park Kraken
Nov 13th, 2007, 02:28:15 PM
Ran most of Maraudon for the first time last night. Got cutoff by the server shutdown as we were nearing the end. Not my most favorite dungeon, I don't like fighting giant flowers. Seems lame. We got group wiped about five times by the water elemental boss before one of our guys switched out his 49 lock for a 62 feral druid. Even then we still lost one guy before he was defeated. X-something was his name.
Nov 14th, 2007, 10:55:03 AM
I'm up to level 11 and I have a boar. i'm working slowly on planning out my talent tree to get a good PvE kind of build. I'd be further along in the process of levelling/questing but my server kept dropping the ball at random. Did anyone else have a problem with that last night?
Nov 14th, 2007, 12:44:14 PM
Ran most of Maraudon for the first time last night. Got cutoff by the server shutdown as we were nearing the end. Not my most favorite dungeon, I don't like fighting giant flowers. Seems lame. We got group wiped about five times by the water elemental boss before one of our guys switched out his 49 lock for a 62 feral druid. Even then we still lost one guy before he was defeated. X-something was his name.
I loooove inner Mauradon!
Kyle Krogen
Nov 14th, 2007, 04:47:22 PM
What server are you playing on, Zeke?
Figrin D'an
Nov 14th, 2007, 05:47:00 PM
I'm up to level 11 and I have a boar. i'm working slowly on planning out my talent tree to get a good PvE kind of build. I'd be further along in the process of levelling/questing but my server kept dropping the ball at random. Did anyone else have a problem with that last night?
Yesterday was when Patch 2.3 was implement, and there were some sporadic issues on lots of servers, so that was likely the problem. FPS and latency in Mt. Hyjal and Black Temple was pretty bad last night, among other things.
Fortunately for you, the new patch gives huge experience bonuses for levels 20-60, so leveling a character will go much faster now. A lot of the elite quests for the same level range were nerfed as well, so a lot of them are soloable now.
Nov 15th, 2007, 05:13:31 AM
What server are you playing on, Zeke?Exodar. You can find me as Joefixit most nights between 7 and 10.
Figrin: Alright, that's cool. I was aware that we were getting more XP, or needed less XP to level, but I didn't know about the nerfed quests.
Park Kraken
Nov 15th, 2007, 11:29:08 PM
Me and a few other people raided and annihilated Camp-T tonight. Killed a 70 Rogue about ten times and a few other people, along with about a hundred NPCs. Eventually got driven away but we gave far more than what we got.
Lady Vader
Nov 17th, 2007, 10:12:29 PM
I know I haven't posted in here in a long time, but I figured this warranted a post.
Last night we did our usual Karazhan run, as we do every Friday. Now originally I had signed up, but then took myself off the list. The reason: I had caught a cold, my nose was stuff, my head was pounding, and my body ached. Usually those symptoms want to make you steer clear of anything that requires too much concentration or brain power.
So, I was content to do my dailies and go lie down.
But, the guild had other plans. They had gotten one group going through Kara, and were short 2 players for the second group. So, they started asking me... a lot. I got a little annoyed and even logged off for a bit to see if maybe they'd forget about me. What can I say? Cold's make me cranky.
However, when I got back on, the asking continued. And, my husband being a part of the group also asked me, stating they needed my help.
I spoke with the raid leader (who also happened to be the guild master and a good RL friend of mine) and told him I would come under the conditions my repair bills were paid for (which as a hunter are never high to begin with... I'm just cheap) and that I'd leave at 9pm PST (it was 7pm at the moment I said this), so they'd have to find a replacement for me prior to this. Raid leader agreed, and off I was swept into a raid I really didn't want to be in, but I caved to.
And, actually, I'm glad I went.
Not only did the raid go smoother than any Kara run I've done (all main bosses and some alternates one-shotted with no wipes... save for the Prince fight due to a bad infernal drop... so, technically one wipe), but after downing Attuneman, he dropped the ever-saught-after, rare Fiery War Horse ( All 10 of us of course rolled. I didn't win. No biggie. But the raid leader did, and before I could congratulate him on the winning roll, I saw an item *plunk* into my bags. As a gift for having come to the raid when I didn't want to, he presented the fangy-horsey ( to me as a gift... and the rest of the raid agreed with the decision.
So, needless to stay, I stayed past my initial set-time and paid for my own repair bills. I figured after a gift like that, I was obligated to stay. And, I enjoyed it!
So, yeah, let this be a lesson: Even if you are feeling crumby as hell, good things may still come. :)
Figrin D'an
Nov 17th, 2007, 11:37:44 PM
So, yeah, let this be a lesson: Even if you are feeling crumby as hell, good things may still come. :)
I'll have to tell the rogues in my guild that they need to go catch the flu, then maybe Illidan will start dropping Warglaives for them. ;)
Grats on the rare mount. It's one of the cooler looking ones in the game right now, IMO.
Lady Vader
Nov 18th, 2007, 03:55:23 PM
Haha! Seriously, be sure to tell the rogues to catch flus and be cranky and say no to all the invites and log off and then log back in and cave... and then maybe they'll be rewarded for going. :p
And the mount even matches my armor! (I'm all about accessorizing. ;) ) My sister has fondly named it the "killer horse from Monty Python", in place of the killer rabbit, because of it's fangs. :lol
Nov 18th, 2007, 09:02:40 PM
Me and a few other people raided and annihilated Camp-T tonight. Killed a 70 Rogue about ten times and a few other people, along with about a hundred NPCs. Eventually got driven away but we gave far more than what we got.What does "Camp-T" stand for? :)
Dasquian Belargic
Nov 19th, 2007, 10:26:58 AM
Camp Taurajo, I would guess.
Nov 19th, 2007, 11:36:22 AM
That's what I thought, but I was hoping against all hope that it wasn't. Can't stand people raiding the low-level areas. We can never get anything done because "Oh hey, that Alliance guy just killed the Quest NPC." And then when the Quest NPC respawns, they kill it AGAIN, so we all get to sit there with quests that need to be offloaded while the Alliance people feel tough and mighty for raiding the noob area. :)
Dasquian Belargic
Nov 19th, 2007, 12:01:56 PM
The only places we really ever raid are Southshore and Stormwind. Southshore is fair game because Tarren Mill is so close by for easy retaliation, and the Alliance seem to take great pleasure in killing the flight-master there. I've never really heard of anyone hitting Camp Taurajo, though... seems pretty insiginificant. Crossroads is usually where the action is.
Park Kraken
Nov 20th, 2007, 02:36:19 AM
All the Crossroads raids I've ever been on have bombed out in failure. Camp-T (which is Taurajo) is more fun to kill the NPCs and low lvl n00bies that flag themselves there. And I don't feel all high and mighty because of it, I do it because its fun.
Gonna have to try raiding Freewind post a little more often too.
Mainly I just raid Camp-T when the horde raid Sentinel Hill.
Rakkel Thunderwing
Nov 23rd, 2007, 11:56:04 AM
Finally picked up World of Warcraft maybe less than a month ago. I picked up this box, looked to my friend, the fiend who said I should play it, and said "There is a demon in this box." His reply, "I know man."
I was right. So now I've got a 27 Night Elf rogue on Frostmane and a 15 Troll hunter on Vashj. Anyone else play on these servers?
Park Kraken
Nov 24th, 2007, 02:21:15 PM
Had one heck of an awesome battle yesterday in Southshore. The battle probably last for 45 minutes during the Horde raid, and about 15 minutes during the Alliance counter-raid on Tarren Mill. I ended the day with 30 kills for 100 honor or so, and there were skeletons lying all over the freaking place. I could easily say that there were 350-400 skeletons total lying scattered all over Hillsbrad.
Fun fun times.
Dec 7th, 2007, 11:07:21 AM
I haven't played for weeks, and shamefully I miss it. I started an undead priest, which has been the hardest thing ever. If it weren't for the heaps of attention that character gets from people, I'd be inclined to just keep on going with my hunter.
Kyle Krogen
Dec 21st, 2007, 12:02:48 AM
Is WoW giving anyone else trouble tonight? I can't seem to log in at all. I slam in my password and it promptly informs me that I have been disconnected from server. Did the entire server crash, or is it just me?
EDIT: Nevermind. It's working now.
Slayn Cloak
Dec 21st, 2007, 02:28:55 AM
That happens a lot if you're using comcast.
Dec 27th, 2007, 09:23:00 AM
I got the expansion, started a Draenei, not sure when/if I'll ever get back to playing my hunter. I picked Shaman, and it's a surprisingly fun class.
Slayn Cloak
Dec 27th, 2007, 10:49:50 PM
I started a draman on some server for a friend, only ally/ shaman I have. I didn't like it much, but only lvled it for an hour or so... I think to lvl ten so I didn't really give the class a chance.
Zereth Lancer
Dec 28th, 2007, 01:19:43 AM
I dislike playing as Alliance. Right now my Blood Elf Paladin is at 49, about to hit 50. I like my pony :)
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 28th, 2007, 08:35:24 AM
The only Alliance race I enjoyed playing was Draenei, because their starting area is sooo much more interesting than any of the other Alliance areas. Plus, male Draenei paladin's look totally sweet!
Slayn Cloak
Dec 28th, 2007, 11:08:36 AM
You can make them look pretty cool. I'm really in to my BE lock right now, my third alt, but I'll nist likly label it as my main with my guild shortly.
Jan 9th, 2008, 11:52:11 AM
So my Draenei Shaman went the way of everyone else's Alliance characters and is now no longer played. I re-started the Shaman class on the Horde side and am having infinitely more fun. I picked a Tauren for the race; I figure if it's good enough for William Shatner, it's good enough for me.
Peter McCoy
Jan 9th, 2008, 12:13:08 PM
I love my Dwarves. They've definitely got the most character out of all the races in my opinion. My first character ever was a Dwarf Warrior - played him to around level 30 then stopped playing alltogether for a month or so. Then when I started again, it was a Dwarf Paladin - my first Level 60 character.
I've got a few dwarves on a roleplay server that I jump on occasionally.
Dwarves rule!
Lady Vader
Jan 21st, 2008, 05:04:27 PM
Hehe. Funny you mention that about Dwarves.
I've never created a Dwarf character (ok, except for a Dwarf Priest waaaay back when the game was first released, but the character is now long gone), and yet, I am strangely attached to them.
It would seem the Dwarf characters in my guild/raids tend to get a lot of my affection and attention (i.e. k/kiss, /hug, /purr, etc). I don't know why, but I think your explanation of the Dwarves having "character" pretty much sums it up. :)
(That and Resto Druids get my affection too... LOVE the tree and it's emotes! Make one /cry next time you see one. The animation is really quite pitiful.)
Jan 23rd, 2008, 01:07:24 PM
Is there anything I should be looking for on gear for an Elemental Shaman other than Intelligence?
Park Kraken
Jan 23rd, 2008, 02:04:15 PM
Is there anything I should be looking for on gear for an Elemental Shaman other than Intelligence?
The only thing I could think of would be spirit, which may or may not be needed as Shammys do have mana restoration totems, and +bonus damage to nature spells perhaps if it could be found.
Park Kraken
Feb 1st, 2008, 04:45:26 PM
Finally reached lvl 56 on my warrior, and I now have the full set of Imperial Plate equipped:
Feb 2nd, 2008, 09:37:14 PM
You're on my realm, but you're playing the wrong faction.
Mar 18th, 2008, 03:13:55 PM
Rogues have so much fun :) The Corpses just pile up.
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 18th, 2008, 04:51:37 PM
I've been playing a BElf Rogue lately. Love me some sneaking, it's the mostly enjoyable class I've played yet :ghost
Figrin D'an
Mar 18th, 2008, 09:49:26 PM
It's pretty ridiculous how overpowered rogues are right now, especially in raiding. Put three of them in a group with an arms/fury warrior and an enhancement shaman and they'll dominate damage meters on nearly any encounter.
In PvP, they're just exceedingly annoying.
Mar 19th, 2008, 12:38:29 AM
Rogues have so much fun :) The Corpses just pile up.
LOL- I did that quest with my Orc hunter a couple of weeks ago. If you don't kill the original mobs (2 of them I think) they don't spawn new ones so I just kept freeze trapping one and my pet occupying the other until the main guy showed up after a min or so. :)
I've been playing a BElf Rogue lately. Love me some sneaking, it's the mostly enjoyable class I've played yet :ghost
It's pretty ridiculous how overpowered rogues are right now, especially in raiding.
Interesting stuff. :) I presently have a Blood Elf rogue (lvl 17) in hibernation that I started last year but didn't play very far - I've been thinking of playing him again once I get my Orc hunter to 60 (he's 50 currently). Sounds like I should run with it perhaps. :)
What are your rogue builds out of curiosity? Mine so far has virtually all points in Assassination (with a point or 2 in Combat) but I may have another look at him if I play him again.
Figrin D'an
Mar 19th, 2008, 11:58:34 AM
Rogue spec choice is highly dependent upon gear and what your focus in-game tends to be (PvE raiding, PvE small groups or soloing, PvP/arenas, etc).
If you want a detailed run-down of rogue mechanics, EJ has a good discussion thread with a summary post at the beginning of it:
They have similar threads for every other class as well. While the focus is on end-game raiding, it still gives a lot of good information for anyone wanting to learn more about a given class.
Park Kraken
Mar 19th, 2008, 03:51:19 PM
I have a lvl 19 Combat specced Rogue that I PvP with (although I'm about to jump up to the lvl 29 bracket so that I can start using poisions), and it's just a lotta fun.
I love that ability. Someone goes to capture our flag, SAP until I get help enough kill arriving on scene. Someone is guarding the enemy flag, SAP while I steal the flag. Someone is graveyard camping, SAP until enough buddies spawn in to take him out. Someone is just running around minding their own buisness, SAP until a buddy arrives to help take him out. And in real world, I can't believe I got away with it, but I SAPed a mounted lvl 70 trying to get away from reinforcements. I made the mistake of sticking around, he came after me as soon as he spawned, but thanks to a combination of burst speed and quick acting corpse campers, I managed to get away.
But on another note, I play on the server Exodar, and I am noticing in non-PvP situations an increasing amount of people using the hunter snake trap glitch to kill people who are not flagged, or trick them into flagging. It's almost getting to a point where you can't even quest without apprehension of running into some hunters and the person that helps trigger the trap in a duel.
Hopefully Blizzard fixes that in the next patch.
Mar 20th, 2008, 06:44:06 AM
Rogue spec choice is highly dependent upon gear and what your focus in-game tends to be (PvE raiding, PvE small groups or soloing, PvP/arenas, etc).
If you want a detailed run-down of rogue mechanics, EJ has a good discussion thread with a summary post at the beginning of it:
They have similar threads for every other class as well. While the focus is on end-game raiding, it still gives a lot of good information for anyone wanting to learn more about a given class.
Thanks Fig - I'll check it out. :)
Mar 20th, 2008, 06:36:13 PM
My subscription ran out and I can't afford it anymore, so I'm once again on indefinite hiatus, which sucks because I had been a member of a guild for...maybe 2 weeks before I was forced to quit. BRILLIANT. I expect to return and find myself guild-less (again) and totally unmotivated to play the character I had been playing.
Maybe I'll try a rogue next time. They seem to be very popular things. Or maybe I'll take another swing at being Draenei. Find the command that ignores the chat channels and pretend I'm the only person in the universe on that faction.
Slayn Cloak
Mar 26th, 2008, 10:55:13 PM
2.4 is kind of crazy, I made over 30k honor today turning in honor badges from all the bgs.
Apr 25th, 2008, 09:34:49 AM
So, in an attempt to bury my social life for the next few months and start saving like a serious scrooge, I reactivated my account today. What to do... what to do...
Apr 25th, 2008, 11:32:05 AM
Horde Shaman! Feel the win!
Apr 29th, 2008, 11:27:45 AM
Xel-Naga, what mod did you use to update the character info in the upper left hand corner?
Park Kraken
Jun 27th, 2008, 04:39:33 AM
Level 30 mounts for 35g. I want my gold back. And the amount of time I spent running around lvl 30-40.
In some ways I kind of see it as a good thing, in that more people may make it to endgame faster, so bigger and more potential for dungeon raids will develop, but on the other hand, Blizz just keeps eliminating the challenge from the game, which is what I like in video games I play.
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 27th, 2008, 07:06:32 AM
You get a mount at 30 now? Sweet jesus, thank the lord. This is going to make Wrath of the Lich King so much more enjoyable.
Jun 29th, 2008, 01:35:20 AM
Saw that too - I like it. :) I've got a warlock and rogue waiting in the wings that I hope to level up eventually - just focusing at the moment on my hunter who dinged 66 today. :dance
Jul 1st, 2008, 07:31:34 AM
I picked WoW back up after a several month hiatus and trying out Age of Conan (bleh...). Transfered characters over to a PvE server from a PvP. It's been okay :) My b/f sold his account to a friend back when we had quit so I made another account and transfered my 63 shaman to it so he can play her since he's always wanted shaman. I fiddle around with my 70 'lock and warrior. Warlock is for PvE content and warrior is for PvP.
I've played so many of the MMO's out there, but I keep coming back to WoW.
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 1st, 2008, 08:43:13 AM
You prefer WoW to Conan then? Why?
Jul 1st, 2008, 08:52:23 AM
Not saying WoW doesn't have it's issues, but it's definitely more user friendly. It took me hours to figure out how to add someone to my friends list (wasn't in the manual) let alone view my friends list! Conan is beautiful, but there are so many issues. They should really just be in Beta still. It's one of those "lets get it out as fast as possible even though it's not complete" type of games. There's hardly any end game (1 dungeon). People leveled a ton faster then they anticipated and then had nothing to do. Things they promised like pvp leveling, a guild interface, alliances, alchemy, etc. are still not available. A lot of the classes are broken and everything is centered around the mage/casting classes. Not to mention, it requires a pretty beefy computer to play.
And I hate loading windows for everything :P
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