View Full Version : The Hapans Are Coming

Salem Ave
Dec 10th, 2006, 05:56:39 PM
So let's do some planning.

For those unaware (???) I've already touched a little on the Hapans in our timeline. There are a number of Hapan characters in existence, though (with the exception of one) they are all really NPCs or bit-players:

Aaron Belargic (http://swfans.pbwiki.com/Aaron%20Belargic) - Officer of the Consortium Navy
Dasquian Belargic (http://swfans.pbwiki.com/Dasquian%20Belargic) - Director of Rebel Intelligence (http://swfans.pbwiki.com/Rebel%20Intelligence)
Princess Elaine (http://swfans.pbwiki.com/Princess%20Elaine) - Chume Ta' (Firstborn daughter of the Queen Mother, princess)
Ishara (http://swfans.pbwiki.com/Ishara) - Ta'a Chume (Queen Mother)
Prince Tristan (http://swfans.pbwiki.com/Prince%20Tristan) - Chume'da (Son of the Queen Mother)So what's going to happen with Onderon and Hapes? Well, the basic goal is to establish some kind of treaty between the two planets, whereby Hapes will offer naval protection to Onderon in exchange for... something! Soldiers, trade exclusivity, who knows what the Queen of Hapes will demand!

... Well, I do. Or I have ideas anyway. But that's why this thread is here. What kind of bind do you think we should get Onderon into? Queen Ishara is a little more proactive than Salem anticipates her to be, and is likely to try and exploit an alliance in any way possible.

Miranda and I planned, a little while ago, to establish the current turmoil on Hapes, in the form of the Royal Princess having no husband with which to bear an heir. Elaine has the hots for a dashing Rebel (:cool:) and doesn't want to follow in her mothers icy foosteps. Perhaps we could bring this into the mix somehow, with the Queen trying to use Onderon in her on-going attempts to foil her daughters dreams? "Bring me the head of Dasquian Belargic!" and all that.

This would open up a new avenue for us, if we want to pursue it, of becoming at odds with the Alliance. Currently the planet is neutral from galactic conflicts, but it's not unfeasible to think that Onderon would be dragged into greater battles through an association with Hapes. This could create some interesting conflict, too, for those who want to destroy the Empire (Lilaena, looking at you), since they would essentially being doing the Imperials' jobs for them, by taking out a Rebel.

Anyway, this post is long enough as it is so I'm going to stop writing now and open the floor for discussion. Essentially what I'd like to know is your thoughts on the treaty between Hapes and Onderon and what kind of terms it should be on. Go! :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 10th, 2006, 05:59:58 PM
I can just see the Queen of Hapes tying Adraudia and Onderon up in a neat little package and marrying her son to her. And that's all before breakfast. Before lunch, of course, she'll have them agreeing to take a side in the war - whichever side Hapes is on, of course, and then after dinner Lilaena will be furious about helping the Empire do its dirty work, and will be plotting some sort of mandalorian exodus. ;)

Salem Ave
Dec 10th, 2006, 06:08:31 PM
Oh yes I forgot to mention marrying Tristan off. He is a meddling bugger so sending him off to "backwater"-Onderon would be right up her alley :D

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 10th, 2006, 06:09:54 PM
Maybe they should marry him to Razielle, as sort of a surprise ending ;)

Dec 10th, 2006, 06:14:19 PM
Maybe they should marry him to Razielle, as sort of a surprise ending ;)

;; wouldn't complain ;;


Miranda Tarkin
Dec 10th, 2006, 06:15:34 PM
:lol yeah but Razielle would have to be good with that.

Adraudia - :: snurfles Victer ::

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 10th, 2006, 06:17:50 PM
Poppycock! As your ward she'll do what she's told to save you from having to marry that bore. ;)

OOC, of course she would have to be good with it. :)

Dec 10th, 2006, 06:19:11 PM
I'm... I'm a bore? :(

Darth Callidus
Dec 10th, 2006, 06:20:01 PM
:lol yeah but Razielle would have to be good with that.

Adraudia - :: snurfles Victer ::

The Princess shall be 'good with' whatever I instruct her to be 'good with'.

Miranda Tarkin
Dec 10th, 2006, 06:22:02 PM

Oddly, Adraudia would go trough with the marriage of course since it is for the good of her people. Unless, someone else stepped in :mischief

Victer Dejan
Dec 11th, 2006, 08:23:14 PM
Yeah uh I got my eye on that prize.

Rise of a merchant prince and all :D

Dalamar DeSang
Dec 12th, 2006, 12:36:32 AM
Get a hold of yourself people.. Are we not Onderons. Behave yourself. Our Queen won't scrape for anyone..

Looks like the court intrigue is about to double.. Salem you play Dasquin and Aaron? Who rps the others? Are they all you..? Though this is another thread its amazing how that map fits with almost exactly how I pictured Onderon. Maybe its time for Dal to leave Araudia in Salems capable hands and advise the Hape Queen? Now that would raise the stakes in the game. Sounds like a lot of fun. When are we going to know what the Queen wants? You must play her also since you said you knew what she was going to ask for.

Is that enough questions for you? Razelle will take nothing less than Salem or she will take his life. If I was him I would watch his back for that little fatal attraction if you do her dirty like that.

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 12th, 2006, 04:40:01 AM
I play the Hapan Prince and Princess, Razielle plays the Hapan Queen. And yep, I play Dasquian (obviously) and Aaron, though I haven't done anything with Aaron yet and I'm not sure if/when I will.

As much as I'm sure it would be fun for Dalamar to advise the Queen of Hapes, they have a rigidly matriarchly society where men are considered basically second-class citizens... the most they amount to is high-ranking members of the Navy. I guess Dalamar could end up as a General in the Consortium Navy? That could be part of the trade of in the treaty if you like, sending one of Onderons finest tacticians over to the Hapans. Just a thought, of course :)

Miranda Tarkin
Dec 12th, 2006, 08:57:16 AM
Adraudia - Dalamar can't leave me :cry

And yes master ... (to callidus)

Razielle Alastor
Dec 12th, 2006, 02:17:33 PM
Razielle will take nothing less than Salem or she will take his life. If I was him I would watch his back for that little fatal attraction if you do her dirty like that.

Quite. :< Aside from the many heads that will be rolling all over the throne room when the idea is brought to her? I think maybe she wouldn't take it well, at all. Razielle shall not be married off so! LOL :p

As for Ishara, yeah I can see all of the ^ mentioned. Definately insofar as using Onderon to achieve her goals with both of her kids. I can even see her trying to marry Tristan to either of the royal females, but Raz would definately do something horrific, lol. Besides, I am all giddy about watching Adraudia's big fall from grace with a certain someone. The anticipation is spectacular though, don't let me rush ya.. :rolleyes.

It's awesome though how this will tie Onderon in with the Rebels and Impy's. Verra crafty.

Adraudia Basillie
Dec 12th, 2006, 05:11:30 PM
I have no idea what you are talking about my dear Princess O_o


But if Tristan is going to get whacked by Raz :lol then that would be a very bad long term consequence. I rather not have Adraudia get married to Tristan considering something else is brewing :mischief but of course it does make sense and IC she would if there were no other alternatives

Razielle Alastor
Dec 12th, 2006, 06:36:03 PM
Please just ignore me, I am so out of sorts. :( I'll just shut up, lol.

Miranda Tarkin
Dec 12th, 2006, 06:38:42 PM
What? You said nothing wrong

Victer Dejan
Dec 12th, 2006, 07:35:31 PM
:( Razielle come back :(

Jecht Tar
Dec 13th, 2006, 12:54:56 PM
A very interesting plotline you have here. Sadly I have nothing to add, nor do any of my characters have any part in the grand scheme of things. So I'm just going to watch you all do the plotting and, well, laugh at the funny bits.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 13th, 2006, 04:29:34 PM
No laughing! This is serious business. :|


I think Razielle said she doesn't want to marry Tristan, and she's looking forward for the Queen to have some improper dalliances with a dashing, and common, freighter captain.

Of course, she could be married to Tristan and STILL have improper dalliances with Victer. They'd be doubly improper in that case. ;)

Adraudia Basillie
Dec 13th, 2006, 04:40:55 PM

So true and the other possibility I was thinking ^^ Course, who knows what Tristan thinks of all of this

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 13th, 2006, 04:44:19 PM
Who cares, he's a trophy husband. ;)

But then if he gets disgruntled by his lot in life, that just adds more intrigue for LD to possibly exploit later. Er, for someone to exploit, I mean. Ah... oh, n/m. :mischief

Razielle Alastor
Dec 14th, 2006, 08:02:15 AM
Whaaaaa? I haven't gone anywhere, don't panic! LOL I'm around just not constantly like I have been. ;)

Jecht Tar
Dec 15th, 2006, 04:47:08 PM
Can I giggle?

Yeah and if you need Jecht in any of this comp-li-ca-ted storyarch/line, just give me a shove.