View Full Version : Sabtecha's History

Ithiel Malchiel
Dec 10th, 2006, 04:39:59 PM
When Sabtecha returned from 40 years of seclusion on a little-known, slightly inhabited, and incredibly mineral poor planet, he was not much surprised to find all of society changed, though for the better or worse, he had not yet decided. Upon his departure from his haven, he had decided that where his previous life had ended, it would again begin. Sabtecha, long ago, had received a rare summons from the Jedi Council on Coruscant. Because of his radical beliefs and his nonchalant attitude towards the Jedi Code, he had been surprised, though in an offhand kind of way. For the most part, they didn't like him and he didn't like them, though he grudgingly agreed that one of their number, Master Yoda, had a refreshingly insightful, if limited by perspective, view and understanding of the Force. The others were too narrow minded for Sabtecha. For the most part, he resented the Council because they had, during his training, given up on him and shunted him off to some small corner of the galaxy...all because he was physically blind. The summons had brought him back from that assignment which otherwise was supposed to be permanent, unsaid exile because they required his...unique skills. He would travel to Nar Shaddaa, The Smuggler's Moon, and hunt down a Jedi Padawan that had turned to the dark side. Although he did not go through the ritualistic trials to become one, the Council saw it fit to go ahead and give him the rank of Jedi Knight. Rank and prestige being something Sabtecha saw in a disdainful light, he only accepted the 'honor' as the Council called it because it granted him access to more resources that he would need to fulfill his mission.
Upon arriving at Nar Shaddaa, Sabtecha had used the second vision granted to him by the Force to seek out the turned Jedi Padawan by looking for the dark side taint that the Padawan left wherever he went. He had arrived just in time to see the Padawan lose control over the dark energies he was calling up to defend himself against a couple of bounty hunters and get himself destroyed as the dark energies backfired on him and charred one of the two bounty hunters and the Padawan himself into smoking black forms. The remaining bounty hunter had then explained to Sabtecha that he had walked into a trap that certain...clients had set, though not knowing who would fall into it. Three more bounty hunters appeared around Sabtecha, surrounding him. Sabtecha became severely irritated when he worked it out that the Council had probably known that it was a trap and was more interested in trying to find out who set the trap more than worrying about the fact that he could be killed. He was the expendable bait set out as a counter-trap to whoever set the trap for him.
Contrary to his normally calm behavior and poise, Sabtecha became irritated at the inconvenience of being bait and the obvious moral implications it meant for the Jedi if the Council considered even a single Jedi expendable. To the problem at hand, four bounty hunters wanting to get paid, Sabtecha, who lacked the ability to alter the perspectives of others' minds, relied on his one specialty that made him unique aside from his blindness among the Jedi. Whereas normal Jedi carried lightsabers which were considered the trademark weapon of the Jedi, Sabtecha used a martial arts style he had been taught on his home planet with each punch and kick utilizing both muscles formed from being born on a planet with twice the normal gravity and also from calling upon the Force to add additional power to each blow. Using the Force, Sabtecha could sense his enemy's location, pull his enemy toward him using the Force, and then land devastating blows empowered by a close range push of Force. Most enemies didn't last two blows without armor and even then it would only take a few more to crack the armor and get past it. Combined with Force-enhanced speed, Sabtecha had been considered one of the best hand-to-hand/close-range combatants in the Academy. He dispatched the four bounty hunters in short time, however whatever little loyalty he had had to the Council was gone. He found a holonet transceiver and sent the Council the message that the Padawan had been taken care of and that he was formally resigning as a member of the Jedi Order and leaving to pursue a deeper understanding of the Force...without the Jedi.
Sabtecha never confirmed that the Jedi had ever received his report because if anyone ever came looking for him they never found him and he didn't check up to see what was going on. He left Nar Shaddaa and his life as a Jedi behind him and headed for Wild Space in the Jedi starship he still had on loan from the Temple.

Because there has been some apparent misunderstanding, I would like to make something clear. Sabtecha did not earn nor qualify for the position of Jedi Knight. In his past, he was given 'Knight' status by the Jedi Council for the sole purpose of luring a certain anti-Jedi party into the open. For all intents and purposes, Sabtecha is as skilled as a Padawan, but is no longer aligned with the Jedi. I realize how his background could have been misinterpreted and I apologize to anyone who read that and believed that I was attempting to ignore the forum rules on beginner Force-users. Even though the title is "A Grey Knight..." I did not mean that Sabtecha is absolutely a Knight, only that he did not follow the Jedi Code as closely as the average Jedi and interprets it differently from most. A Grey Knight, for those who don't know, is a Jedi who does not always agree with the Jedi Council, interprets the Jedi Code differently, or other things like that.

Grey Jedi was a term, sometimes used pejoratively, that described Jedi who were thought to operate independently and often outside the strictures of the High Council.

The whole article on them can be found here: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Gray_Jedi

Anyways, that's the kind of character I'm shooting for. After the current thread, I do not plan on calling my character a Jedi at all, merely a non-aligned Force-user that adheres to many of the Jedi teachings but if it comes up, Sabtecha was part of the Jedi at one point in his life.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 10th, 2006, 05:54:22 PM
You'll have to do some fairly extensive background RPs for the rank to stick. Grey Jedi in this sense is acceptable, as long as you understand that "Grey Jedi" does not mean neutral in the Force.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 10th, 2006, 05:57:09 PM
Also I don't think that the Jedi would have given up on him because he was physically blind. That doesn't copy with what we know of the Jedi. :)

Ithiel Malchiel
Dec 10th, 2006, 08:16:17 PM
You'll have to do some fairly extensive background RPs for the rank to stick. Grey Jedi in this sense is acceptable, as long as you understand that "Grey Jedi" does not mean neutral in the Force.

As I mentioned, he has no rank to hold except maybe Padawan. The rank that was in question, 'Knight' was granted to him for one purpose and would have been revoked had he returned.
And you're correct, he's not really neutral as far as the Force is concerned, he would be labeled a lightsider, but as far as he knows, the Jedi are gone and he left them anyways. He still believes in his interpretation of the Jedi Code and if the Jedi were still an open presence in the galaxy, he might have contacted them, but again, as far as he knows, they're gone.

As for the second point, it was his physical blindness, the fact that he was only a Padawan and had therefore earned no respect among the Council, and the fact that he was considered a radical that he was shunted. *sighs* This is becoming too complicated...perhaps I'll change him...

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 10th, 2006, 08:57:37 PM
Well it wouldn't have to be the whole Council shunning him, perhaps only a small group of Jedi shunned him, or even only one.

I don't see anything wrong with your backstory, really. The clarification of his 'rank' is good, and that works. As long as it holds up as you RP - no Rping that you beat people who have earned a Knight status, or anything like that. ;) :)

Miranda Tarkin
Dec 10th, 2006, 09:19:01 PM
Don't be discouraged about your character when clarification and understanding is needed. Every one of us has gone through what you are going through at one time or another. We just like making sure that things make sense :)

And it really is the blindness thing that is confusing people. The Jedi Council would never shun him for that .. the other areas you mention, perhaps, but a physical limitation is doubtful. That is all :)

Ithiel Malchiel
Dec 10th, 2006, 09:59:58 PM
Final Decision: If a mod wouldn't mind deleting the thread "A Grey Knight Walks Among Them Once More," I would be most obliged. After some conference, I have decided to take this account in a different direction. Thank you for your patience and advice on this matter.

Miranda Tarkin
Dec 11th, 2006, 07:37:25 AM
As you wish ;)