View Full Version : Bounty (Open)

Dec 2nd, 2006, 01:31:36 AM
By now I was breathing hard it had been long before I rested and only a matter of time until I would be resting for longer than I had originally planned. The determined voices of gurards longing to capture me was the only thing that kept me going. Surly there was a bounty on my head by now this was the eighth bank robbery this month for me. I wasn't stealing for the riches. See after a mix up on this planet months ago Ive found my self low on supplies and the hunger inside of me to escape from this planet with a nice ship had been growing emmensly. I had been running in the swiftest manner ever but even in my quickness the money in the bag I was holding slowed me down to the speed of my enemies. As I look behind myself I realize that what used to be a small party of guards grew into what could be petrayed as nothing less than a small mob of guards. What had seem to be a well thought out robbery turned into a big kaos act. My options were now very simple now ditch the money and expand my chances of escaping or keep the money and risk my capture. I thought for a short second on the matter and pushed my thoughts aside and started to through ought small perpotions of money I dropped just enough to regain a reasonable amount of speed. The bag was now half empty now but added to the other bags already stolen their would steal be enough to efford a reasonable ship. ''Yes!'' I was gaining ground just as the image of this unexpected mob began to fade it happend.

In my path ahead outcame someone exiting a ship. Hooever was in my way obviously wanted the bounty on my head either that or they were trying to rescue me but the chances of that were thin plus I hadn't exactly made that many allies in these last years. Even if this persons mind was set on rescuing me unless they were an old friend they would expect some of my tresaures from my recent bank robberies.

Grym Kandle
Dec 2nd, 2006, 04:38:05 AM
It was bad business to make a scene. Business was business, Grym was not new to the concept and had seen all sorts of people make last ditch efforts in accomplishing their dreams.

Vice, as Grym knew him, and all the titles that the galactic broadcasting was giving him for his recent rampage(s), was a member of Black Sun that had obviously decided to work outside of his employed limits. The Black Sun had him profiled as an assassin. By what Grym could see now, there was no assassin in what he trailed now, merely desperation.

Grym had been in the neighborhood and heard of the disruption. He hadn't taken special interest until the flood of holdvid shots had appeared and the culprit had become something familiar. Determining that it was indeed 'Vice' meant Grym had very few options and neglecting the situation wasn't anything he had in mind. The situation had to be neutralized. The fact that a fairly well accountable bounty had amassed in the wake of his looting had almost nothing to factor into this. Almost. Sasseeri would be more than happy to know that the reputation of Black Sun had been upheld within its own ranks by one of her agents.

Grym felt sorry for the bystander that was mindlessly walking into the path of the oncoming vehicle, having just exited his ship, it looked to be an unfortunate accident unless Vice slowed down. Grym had been tailing Vice for sometime and it was easier to slow his one man air speeder and keep track of the delinquint now that Vice was slowing down. Grym intended to confront Vice as soon as he stopped and properly assess the situation once he had heard Vice's side.

Dec 2nd, 2006, 12:03:09 PM
I slowed myself down as I approached the exiting vechile.
" If your'e going to try for the bounty on my head lets get it over with because I am not in to much of a good sistutation at this particular moment if you may have noticed.''Vice realized he was being quite rude but at this point he had almost gone mad to get of this planet and the last thing he could afford was someone testing him.

''If youre here to help me then say so now or draw your weapon.''

Grym Kandle
Dec 3rd, 2006, 02:42:26 AM
The man standing in front of Vice held his hands up in the air and tried to garble Basic, saying he had no weapon and he didn't know anything, much less Basic. Grym almost felt sorry for the frightened creature but people were stagnant thesed days; they didn't understand when to move and when to stay still. Two perfect examples were right below him. The unarmed, blubbering man skittered off to the side though, back to his ship, shaking his head and with his hands still in the sky. Vice was obviously free to continue, but the authorities could be heard in the background. They hadn't slowed down as much as to surround him and corner him into a sector. It wouldn't do if Grym was around at the time they found him, he'd have to secure Vice and then figure out what was going on.

Rather than giving Vice anymore time to bother with things, Grym quickly jumped out of his air speeder which was at a snail's pace anyways and hit the roof of the building at a stride. His acrobatics were ingrained into muscle memory and there was nothing awkward about his landing or the following leap which ended when he landed on the back of Vice's speeder.

The ivory mask he wore bore no expression and the ruby eye gleamed in the reflection of the sun light, his cloak was drawn about him, cinched down to keep a tighter profile, even as the breeze tried to lift it from his body. Grym didn't seem to have any weapon available at the given moment, but then again, it was his reputation to strike from the most unsuspecting angles. His voice was digitally scrambled, but enhanced so that Vice would understand each word clearly.

"Vice, we need to talk. Will you follow me to a more secure location?"

Dec 3rd, 2006, 03:01:23 AM
''Yes I will follow you to a more secure domain if their was one for me on this planet.''
Vice was usually more proffesinal than this but he had been in close to hopeless situation times before and everytime it had not ended up to pretty.
''Excuse my ignorance earliear I am close to insane at this point. Anyawys lets jet you
lead the way.''

Dec 3rd, 2006, 12:43:52 PM
At this point you couldn't put it in words how much relief was thrusted upon Vice when Grym hadn't intended to try for the bounty on his head. The very thought of anymore kaos had frightened him. Uniqe was the word. Vice very rarely lost his cool although he was an asassin so even if he did so as long as he got the job done nothing else matters. There was something about this planet that made Vice uneasy.
Though Grym seemed trustworthy in the long run Grym could stab him in the back, but that hardly seemed likely. Although the fact that Grym knew Vice's name either meant he got it from a bounty note or he was a faithful member of Black Sun. Just to make sure of the matter Vice asked.
"Not meaning to be rude Grym but how did you know my name.''

Grym Kandle
Dec 3rd, 2006, 02:02:08 PM
Not meaning to be rude? Were they friends? Grym desired no pleasantries from Vice, merely compliance so that this could be dealt with in the most efficient manner. Vice's question was duely ignored.

Grym slipped forward and flipped the ignition. The speeder came to a stop and Grym dropped a small device into the floorboards of the speeder. The cloaked figure opened the door and stepped out quietly; everything was moving fast enough. He didn't bother to look back at Vice as he began to step down an alley.

"Follow me, we're going on foot. Leave the loot."

In the HUD of his mask, he could see the digital outlay of the local authorities' dispatch and communications. They would be in range of detecting the speeder in the next five minutes. Six minutes and 24 seconds and counting to be exact.

Dec 3rd, 2006, 06:21:13 PM
Vice was still coming to a normal sense. He was just now realizing what was really happening and what was taking place. What leave the money how could he do this now. This is what he had worked so hard for. Yes he's right leave the money. Vice was in no position to do what he thought best. His trust was now with Grym. He was just starting to become aware of who Grym was. Vice always remembered a familiar mask.
"Grym if you don't mind me asking what exactly is our plan from here?''

Grym Kandle
Dec 3rd, 2006, 07:03:40 PM
An eyebrow quirked behind his mask as he turned the corner into a deadend alley way. They were a distance away from the halted speeder and his mask noted no risk from his following action. He hit the detonator on his belt and the object he had dropped in the floorboards hissed with the release of air. They were already around the corner and coming to the dead end when the explosion went off and the wave of dust came rolling towards them. The vehicle was now in scraps and the physical evidence and remnants of Vice's rampage were gone. As was the stole air speeder Grym had been following Vice in. The authorities would see the smoke and they would close in sooner but Kandle didn't mind it. Grym would have Vice out of their range in little to no time.

Still not answering any of Vice's questions, Grym knelt down beside one wall and slipped his fingers into the grating. He moved the grating to the side, revealing the access to the sewers that his mask's computer had informed him would be there. He stepped back and pointed to the open hole.

"Vice. In there. Don't move once you reach the bottom."

Dec 3rd, 2006, 08:53:36 PM
Vice did as he was told regarldess if he knew where the were going. Vice had know idea why he was not aloud an awnser when he asked a question of Grym he figured their was some reason but it didn't really matter. Vice climbed down to the bottom of the sewer and did nothing just as Grym had requested him to. Vice sat their silently ready for next step of instructions.

Grym Kandle
Dec 3rd, 2006, 09:36:30 PM
Grym looked back the direction they had come as Vice slipped down the access hole. The blast wave had covered the majority of their tracks in the sandy path, Grym insured the rest were indiscernable. Laying more sand on the grating, Grym slipped into the hole. He pulled the grating over the hole once he was inside and shook it slightly, the sand settling over the edges, again covering their tracks.

Withdrawing a vial from a pocket within his cloak, the end was shapped with a small opening that his fingers closed around. Squeezing the top, the liquid inside came out against the edges of the grating. The liquid crystallized in seconds and he rubbed the crystals out shortly after they formed. It was merely a deterrence, a quick sealant that left little to no trace but was strong enough and lasted long enough to keep even a committed pursuer uninterested.

Having finished that much, Grym let himself drop down the hole beside Vice. The HUD on his map displayed the direction that Grym wanted to go, away from detection and a roundabout path back to his ship. Grym only wanted to go so far though before he would begin to question Vice. Before they began though.

Grym held out his hand, a small orb was grapsed in his white gloved hand. The computer in his mask had a preset course of events to follow given Grym take such an action and quickly relayed the directions to him in a list of text. He put the list to memory in seconds and then his mask turned off, granting him a crimson view of the world from his left eye.

"Turn off any electrical equipment. And follow me."

Dec 3rd, 2006, 11:11:58 PM
" I don't have any electrical equipment.'' Vice said in a mere whisper then he followed Grym.

Vice had few more questions to ask but he figured hed rather get somewere secure before he was to satisfiy his curiosity. If Grym was a little more informed on things perhaps he would awnser more of Vices questions but at the moment there were other things to be taken care of. As Vice followed Grym he realized he had been in this place not to distant ago. He had spent the night in here when he had no other place to go a few nights after he became stranded on this planet. Although he had been here before everything seemed new, but that was just probally because it was fairly dark the last time Vice had entered this domain.

Vice was feeling rather odd, he wasn't often taking orders unless on his assasin missions but in this case it was entirely differernt. Vice really trusted Grym already. Mainly because he was as well a member of Black Sun. All suspicion aside Grym was the one who pretty much saved his but an on top of that nothing had gone wrong so far therefore Vice would try and focus on what was imporntant at the moment. Vice had hoped that after all this was over Grym would still hold at least any respect for him considering the mishap earlieair when he was in trouble with the guards. Vice knew he was acting very unprofessinal for an assasian but if Grym had only knew of what he had gone threw these past months.

At this point if they do run in trouble it wouldn't nessescairly be a bad thing cause then Vice would be able to show his ability while he wasn'n crazy and delirious.

Grym Kandle
Dec 4th, 2006, 03:19:32 PM
The orb gave off a faint light upon activation but the light faded and eventually passed beyond the spectrum of human visibility. The orb was emitting a passive EMP field that kept them practically invisible to any computer equipment, scanners, or droids. It only lasted so long but Grym knew it was long enough to get them well out of range of the incoming authorities.

Grym followed the instructions he had memorized as they went, turning left, right, and so many more turns ahead in the subterranean world they were hiding within. They were making progress though. As they reached the middle of his mental list of directions, Grym brought them to a halt, deactivating the orb and returning it to his cloak; he moved into an small enclosed maintenance area. Boxes lined the walls, locked and secured, containing auxillary controls to this sector's power and infrastructure. Grym pointed to a forgotten bucket in the corner of the small room and looked to Vice.

"Sit, and relax."

Dec 4th, 2006, 05:52:04 PM
Vice went and took a seat on the bucket.

"Is their something inparticular that I will be needing my enregy for,'' Vice said to
Grym as he satisfied his pitiful tired legs.

Oh how good it felt to sit and rest after the day that Vice had. As Vice sat he began to fell a small amount of peace a certain peace was needed for Vice at the moment, and as long as their was time to rest and Grym had a handle on things peace is exactly what was going to happen for Vice.

Grym Kandle
Dec 4th, 2006, 06:45:25 PM
"Not yet."

With the EMP field gone, he reactivated his mask; the world was once more being portrayed in every angle Grym could ask for. Almost. His flesh crawled in anxiety at the thought, and not in a bad way. Grym Kandle, beyond an infamous assassin, was a closet glitterstim fiend. And only a closet stimfiend because he kept it so well hidden that not even the word on the street could confirm it. He was one of the biggest dealers of the substance, but few would suspect his degree of abuse.

But what an angle. To know everything, be secure and aware of all possibilities and to control every string that came attached.

It wasn't just some craving ambition that Grym was in denial of either, his whole body was dependent on the green spice. Doctors rarely saw such an advanced case but they would technically refer to someone like Grym as having achieved 'saturation'. But he would have to deal with the mounting addiction for now; he would now determine the degree of the situation with Vice.

"Vice. Who are you working for?"

Dec 4th, 2006, 07:51:55 PM
''Sow now youre asking questions eh? Well if you must no I am working for my fellow Black Sun. I mean mostly I work for them, as you can see where we are now isn't really Black Sun.''

As Vice awnsered Grym's questiond he realized that he should stick to just Black sun operations. Either that or quiting Assasination all togeher but Vice was only seventeen quiting now would leave a decade without pay. It would be different if Vice were sixty years older but that is not the case therfore quiting wasn't an option.

Grym Kandle
Dec 4th, 2006, 08:59:40 PM
"Yes, as I can see, your recent work of as of late does not operate on the level of proffesionalism that Black Sun is known for. So why the mess?"

Grym was leaning against the opposite wall, facing towards Vice, his cloak fell over him so only his mask was readily visible in the dim light of the maintenance room.

Dec 4th, 2006, 11:46:08 PM
"After the all the comotion in these past few months I had almost forgotten. Anyways the truth is I honestly don't know who I was working for. Not to long ago I recived a message to go to this planet and kill Darious Kinzi. He was described as a tall and itellegent Smmugler of Spice, where to find him was written there along with the the other information. And at the very bottom was a sentence in red ink, Do this job and the reward will allow you everything you had ever hoped for as far as money goes.
I figured if this were all true I would become rich, and at the time that sounded very intreging.''

Grym Kandle
Dec 5th, 2006, 12:35:35 AM
"I have no doubt."

He really was dealing with only a kid. That shot of glitterstim was edging back into his mind, tempting him with the concept that he might be able to discern all of his required information in a more expedient fashion. Through the midst of the contemplation concerning his addiction, a more clear aspect prevailed. Grym would ignore Vice's past events and they would move on, dwelling on the why and the how and the what for's would give him a migraine.

"What Vigo have you been working under in Black Sun?"

Dec 5th, 2006, 10:58:07 AM
''Truly I had been switching around a really have no main one. Nobody else knows this though I mean I would take on so many assignments through differernt Vigos everyone thought I worked for their vigo when I really worked for anyones. I mean I am young and desperate for the money that there is in this world. That is why I am here today in the desperation of the night.''

Vice began to grow tired and after he stopped replying he stood up off the bucket just so he wouldn't fall asleep. His legs were rested enough anyway.

Grym Kandle
Dec 5th, 2006, 02:46:12 PM
"Sit down, Vice."

There was no hint of suggestion or courtesy in the digitalized voice that Grym commanded from. Grym was still gauging the man and earnestly hoped that Vice had no intention of making this procedure difficult.

Discipline. Grym saw nothing of himself in this young man and had no desire of out right killing someone who was more innocent than anything else, even though Vice called himself an assassin. And discipline was the most sound solution to Vice's problems. The youngling had somehow become part of the Black Sun by some stroke of luck and acted like he was on some kind of professional level and then spoke of desperation? If one was desperate within the ranks of the Black Sun, then they were nearing the end of their term. Grym would offer him a way out and hopefully open another avenue for Vice to take beyond Grym putting him out of his misery.

"You are simply young, Vice. Desperation and despair are not something a member of the Black Sun should be considering, especially when they have so much more to learn."

Dec 5th, 2006, 02:53:58 PM
''Listen I didn't come here to be quized so no neeed to be putting me down! Got it.
Everyone has their limits okay and this planet had reached mine. I bet if you were in my position youd be dead by now''.

For the first time Vice had felt anger toward Grym.

Grym Kandle
Dec 5th, 2006, 03:11:43 PM
His thin, cracked lips turned in a small grin and he lurched forward as he tried to keep his wretching cough in his throat. Vice was right though. If Grym had met himself when he was 15 years younger and that young Grym Kandle had allowed himself to fall into Vice's current position, he would be dead. Grym would've killed him by now for sinking so low in his own standards. But Grym had known then and known now he couldn't hold others to his own judgements of self loathing.

"Impatience is not becoming of you, Vice. I have no immediate intent to provoke you but you did choose to follow me and thus you are here to be questioned. Go with the flow or run against it, and face the consequences of your actions, whether beneficial or not."

The digital voice of the mask betrayed nothing beyond a simply matter of fact tone. But in a round about way, Grym had offered the young man a momentary ultimatum. He did not have to bother with conveniences as much as Vice did not have to listen to him.

Dec 5th, 2006, 03:28:26 PM
"Alright I will awnser your questions but I refuse to have your disperectful remarks spewed out at me. I am stronger than you may think and alot smarter trust me.
I am still in my youth yet I am not in the level of intellegence of most teenagers. You must realize that even in my moment of weakness I still provailed to where I am at now, So no matter how I portray my temporapy desperation I still made it out after a small poll of odds. If that's not Black Sun worhty then I am as weak as you described."

Vice sat back down on the bucket and calmed himself, he was no longer sleepy for the conversation with Grym was pushing his buttons for a moment.

Grym Kandle
Dec 5th, 2006, 06:27:29 PM
Disrespectful remarks? Spewed out at him? The curve of his lips remained as he folded his arms across his chest comfortably. Maybe Vice was smarter and stronger as he said. Maybe he was just playing Grym right into his hand and the entire chase Vice had just crawled out of was part of some elaborate plot that might've resulted in Vice conquering the better part of the galaxy but for Grym foolishly intervening. Just maybe. But Grym had to risk that dire possibility that he might accomplish something greater now. He almost wished his body wasn't as internally fragile as it was or he'd have a good laugh after all of this.

"I apologize for my disrespectful remarks. I had no place insulting another member of the Black Sun who has already proven themselves to remain as one."

His mask nodded in a sign of consent. Beneath the mask his smirk remained and his dark green tongue ran against the roof of his mouth as he swallowed the sarcasm that had been lost in the voice scrambler.

"Did you kill Darious Kinzi?"

Dec 6th, 2006, 12:04:24 AM
"No it turns out that when I arrived at the location on the message sent to me my friend Barian Kinzi was no were in sight in fact the adress showed me to a Concentration camp for smugglers that got caught, I checked the list but no one under the name was there."

Grym Kandle
Dec 7th, 2006, 02:46:09 PM
"Did you ever do any jobs for Lt. Kasajian in Black Sun?"

Dec 7th, 2006, 06:38:59 PM
"Look must this procedure on my behalf keep going, what is your story."

Grym Kandle
Dec 7th, 2006, 07:05:02 PM
Vice just didn't seem to understand his current position. Everything had a place in the universe, a ranking, some kind of standing. Philosophers who sought incredibly deep conversations of controversy with overly extensive vocabularies that they used in excess to make themselves feel better called it the 'food chain.' Creatures that reside in the lower levels of the food chain avoided or in the very least paid due respect to those predators that were above them.

"I don't mean to burden you anymore than necessary, Vice. But before I give you a spare ship of mine or something to that effect, I need some information so that I have a clear concept of what was going on. Your standing in Black Sun is demanding but I don't know anything beyond that. My story is merely what you see. I am here and that is all there is to it.

I request that you assist me in this effort then and continue. Did you ever do any jobs for Kasajian?"

His voice masked anything beyond that factual tone it conveyed; Grym hadn't changed pace at all.

Dec 9th, 2006, 01:58:43 PM
''I Don't have any knowledge of working for Kasajian as far as I know but there were some jobs I did where Wasn't informed of who I was working for or who my target was but my even in mi ignorance of my employer I don't think I worked for this particular vigo.''