View Full Version : Post Something Nice

Wyl Staedtler
Nov 29th, 2006, 11:17:27 PM
The news is too depressing so we all need to share our happy! :)

Lately I've become really, really clumsy. I'm constantly tripping on things: stairs, cats, gravel, my feet. Anyway today I was getting on the bus for a BIG ADVENTURE and of course I tripped on the stair and whacked my shin something fierce. My skin has been very sensitive the last few weeks--I'm not usually a bruiser--and since I was already irritated (for no reason, really) I yelped louder than neccessary and am ashamed to say was very snippy towards the nice bus driver when he asked if I was alright.

I sat down in a huff and started to look out the window, plotting evil things, and the next thing I knew someone was lifting my leg up and rubbing it. Of course my first reaction was ohmygodgross but when I looked up there was the sweetest old lady, smiling away. She had some kind of cream that she was rubbing on my leg that didn't really seem to do anything but that felt nice. Her name was Cathy and she has a pregnant daughter back in Iowa whom she misses a lot. We talked and when it got to her stop she invited me in for iced tea and I said yes and now have a wonderful new friend who gives great leg massages and puts real mint in her iced tea and who makes the most amazing apricot fingerprint cookies ever.


Your turn.