View Full Version : Eragon
Mr. Flux
Nov 29th, 2006, 04:37:32 PM
Ever since I've seen the trailer I've been stoked for this. It's fantasy, and it's dragons, and it has quality actors. I haven't read any of the books, but regardless, I really wanna see it.
(( Best trailer, IMO ))
Jedi Master Carr
Nov 29th, 2006, 05:42:34 PM
It looks like it could be good. It being Fantasy I might go see it opening weekend.
Miranda Tarkin
Nov 29th, 2006, 05:47:50 PM
This looks amazing too. Probably going to see it opening weekend for the very same reasons as you two :D
Nov 29th, 2006, 06:57:51 PM
just started reading the book the movie is based on a few days ago
Nov 29th, 2006, 07:01:32 PM
Although it has dragons in it, I have zero interest in seeing this movie.
Liam Jinn
Nov 29th, 2006, 07:03:49 PM
Although it has dragons in it, I have zero interest in seeing this movie.
Same here.
Dasquian Belargic
Nov 30th, 2006, 07:33:24 AM
I will see anything with Jeremy Irons in it :love
Byl Laprovik
Nov 30th, 2006, 08:24:02 AM
Including Dungeons & Dragons?
Count me out of this one :) Unless Christin drags me to it.
Ryan Pode
Nov 30th, 2006, 10:22:31 AM
Including Dungeons & Dragons?
Count me out of this one :) Unless Christin drags me to it.
At first I thought it was a sequel to Dungeons and Dragons.
Dasquian Belargic
Nov 30th, 2006, 10:38:33 AM
Including Dungeons & Dragons?
Count me out of this one :) Unless Christin drags me to it.
Yep, I even sat through Dungeons & Dragons, just to hear his voice :love
Khendon Sevon
Nov 30th, 2006, 10:47:36 AM
At first I thought it was a sequel to Dungeons and Dragons.
There already is one.
Byl Laprovik
Nov 30th, 2006, 12:30:37 PM
And Christin owns it also :x
Nov 30th, 2006, 01:45:44 PM
My brother has been intensely after me to read this Eragon book, and I had zero interest then. I have zero interest to see the movie either, unless I hear incredible things about it. Aside from Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, I have little interest in anything fantasy/sci-fi.
Nov 30th, 2006, 07:01:29 PM
To be perfectly honest, I think this film looks rank. Having not read the novel, this film looks like a cheap cash in on the climbing popularity of the fantasy film; the acting and line delivery is woeful, what plot we are given is wafer thin and run-of-the-mill "You are our only hope" rubbish, and over all this trailer simply fails to stir even the remotest sense of interest in me whatsoever.
I wouldn't be so loathing of such a film normally, but it will be the influx of this kind of rubbish that will once again bury the prospects of the fantasy genre and make it extremely difficult for great fantasy films to be made in the future. It's no great suprise this film is being released at Christmas either, trying to cash in on the void left behind by the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Jedi Master Carr
Nov 30th, 2006, 10:28:57 PM
Well the Fantasy genre is due a bad film. LOTR trilogy was great. Every Harry Potter movie so far has either been good or great and Narnia was a very good movie too. I am only interested in it because I like dragons.
Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 30th, 2006, 11:05:13 PM
That reminds me, I should get Reign of Fire and watch it again. :love
Byl Laprovik
Dec 1st, 2006, 01:04:57 AM
That reminds me, I should get Reign of Fire and watch it again. :love
Dec 3rd, 2006, 05:23:00 AM
the books are honestly pretty good, I wasn't expecting great when I bought the first one but I needed a book for a long trip so I went aw hell, dragon book....
the whole only hope stuff is due to he's the only good guy with a dragon, the bad guy holds the remaining dragon eggs and the other dragon riders are long since dead/murdered/killed yadda yadda...
I never seem to look in time when I hear the trailer but I like how the dragon looks, she looks more like I think of a dragon instead of the ugh one on the cover......
Jedi Master Carr
Dec 3rd, 2006, 05:34:54 PM
To be perfectly honest, I think this film looks rank. Having not read the novel, this film looks like a cheap cash in on the climbing popularity of the fantasy film; the acting and line delivery is woeful, what plot we are given is wafer thin and run-of-the-mill "You are our only hope" rubbish, and over all this trailer simply fails to stir even the remotest sense of interest in me whatsoever.
I wouldn't be so loathing of such a film normally, but it will be the influx of this kind of rubbish that will once again bury the prospects of the fantasy genre and make it extremely difficult for great fantasy films to be made in the future. It's no great suprise this film is being released at Christmas either, trying to cash in on the void left behind by the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
I thought about this some more but your quote about chose one part, isn't just about all of epic fantasy part of that? Harry Potter, Star Wars, Wheel of Time, Sword of Truth, etc. All of these stories focus on one person who can take down some great evil and they are chosen to do so by something. Of course I think it will depend on how this one tells the story.
Ryan Pode
Dec 3rd, 2006, 07:20:48 PM
It was a great concept though.
Byl Laprovik
Dec 3rd, 2006, 08:57:12 PM
Yeah but it failed MISERABLY. I felt so cheated after watching Reign of Fire, ugh.
Ryan Pode
Dec 3rd, 2006, 09:20:02 PM
Yeah but it failed MISERABLY. I felt so cheated after watching Reign of Fire, ugh.
Maybe in 25 years, someone will make a remake of it and it will be good.
Dec 4th, 2006, 12:51:34 PM
I thought about this some more but your quote about chose one part, isn't just about all of epic fantasy part of that? Harry Potter, Star Wars, Wheel of Time, Sword of Truth, etc. All of these stories focus on one person who can take down some great evil and they are chosen to do so by something. Of course I think it will depend on how this one tells the story.
You're certainly not wrong, it's the classic Joseph Campbell paradigm. However, allow me to requote myself and highlight the important bit:
what plot we are given is wafer thin and run-of-the-mill "You are our only hope" rubbish
I know trailers aren't there for vast exposition but how the story is sold to the audience through that trailer is nothing short of uninspired drivel. Can you honestly say you give a damn about this rider character or his epic quest to blah blah blah. I lost interest. It would be nice to be proven wrong but I can tell by the quality of trailer, acting, plot presentation, etc. that this film is going to stink.
Jedi Master Carr
Dec 4th, 2006, 05:39:35 PM
I am not sure because a lot of trailers these days just show off effects and give very little plot. I am interested in seeing it, will it be any good I don't know.
Dec 5th, 2006, 03:52:20 AM
And any production team or studio who allow their trailers to be like that obviously know that the film on their hands is rubbish. Just look at the trailer for Casino Royale; you get a real sense of plot, character, action, dialogue, and tone. That is a perfect example of a trailer for that genre. For the fantasy genre, look at the Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter trailers - they get their messages across very well. Personally, I think you can tell a great deal about a film judging by the quality of the trailer.
Jedi Master Carr
Dec 5th, 2006, 05:53:13 PM
Well not always, I have seen some trailers that make the movie look awesome and the movie sucks and vice versa. Some studios have lousy marketing departments. WB comes to mind they did an awful job with both Batman Begins and Superman Returns. If I wasn't a fan of those comic books I would have thought they would be garbage. I am going to wait on the reviews to come in to judge this movie. If the critics like it than I think it will be better than some of the trailers have shown it to be.
Dec 5th, 2006, 07:42:01 PM
Honestly, I have to say that my reaction to the trailer was very much the same as Droo's. It made me think of a fantasy story a teenager would write.
Which, of course, is what it is...
But it was so blandly expository and the clips so melodramatic that it gave me some very bad feelings. It created no mystery or enthusiasm. As Droo said, a production that puts together a trailer like that doesn't inspire much confidence. If it comes out to great reviews, I'll see it, but I'm not holding out much hope.
Jedi Master Carr
Dec 5th, 2006, 09:00:27 PM
Well Eragon is pretty typical of the Fantasy genre. Most Fantasy, IMO have very similar plots. IMO there have only been 5 great Fantasy tales: LOTR, Harry Potter, the Wheel of time, The Sword of Truth; and The Chronicles of Narnia. 90% of the rest pretty much fits what Eargon is.
Dec 5th, 2006, 09:07:25 PM
It's not the plot I object to; I don't know enough about it to judge it on those grounds. The production quality looks second-rate to me, and the way the exposition was handled in the trailer gives me the feeling there probably isn't much to commend the plot, either.
The story of the chosen one restoring a kingdom in ruin - sure, it's a classic myth, and it can be very powerful. In fact, I've written a novel on that basic storyline myself. But the story and characters still have to have compelling identities of their own. I didn't get any of that from Eragon.
Morgan Evanar
Dec 7th, 2006, 09:28:12 PM
Well Eragon is pretty typical of the Fantasy genre. Most Fantasy, IMO have very similar plots. IMO there have only been 5 great Fantasy tales: LOTR, Harry Potter, the Wheel of time, The Sword of Truth; and The Chronicles of Narnia. 90% of the rest pretty much fits what Eargon is.The Sword of Truth is hideously overrated and it becomes obvious as the series goes on that much of the whole thing is unneeded drivel. I made it halfway through the first Wheel of Time before I threw the book against the wall in frustration. Jordan's writing is sometimes painful, and not forgivably difficult like Tolkien (forgivable because of what words Tolkien chose to use, and his mastery of the language). You've got 3/5 going for you, though.
I agree with many of the previous posters, the entire trailer reeks of cliche.
Jedi Master Carr
Dec 8th, 2006, 01:03:13 PM
The Sword of Truth is hideously overrated and it becomes obvious as the series goes on that much of the whole thing is unneeded drivel. I made it halfway through the first Wheel of Time before I threw the book against the wall in frustration. Jordan's writing is sometimes painful, and not forgivably difficult like Tolkien (forgivable because of what words Tolkien chose to use, and his mastery of the language). You've got 3/5 going for you, though.
I agree with many of the previous posters, the entire trailer reeks of cliche.
I have never read the Sword of Truth, I just know it is adored by fans of the Fantasy Genre and is considered one of the greatest fantasies stories. I really liked Eye of the World in Wheel of Time and I am enjoying the second book. To Jordan has created a very interesting story, but that is my opinion. I don't know what you mean by painful to read. I had no trouble reading it. I find it interesting that you think those two overrated because those are probably 2 of the high points in the fantasy genre if you go by critics and fans (the other three I mentioned). Of course fantasy isn't for everybody. Eragon I have never read. The kid has been attacked by some people for plagerising people's work. People claim he has mixed in LOTR, SW, Harry Potter and mixed a few things of his own ideas. Although, I don't see how that is any different from what Lucas or Rowling have done. Both have taken themes and ideas from other stories, I think most writers do that to be honest.
Morgan Evanar
Dec 10th, 2006, 09:31:14 AM
I'm not blaming anyone of stealing, although I'm sure the movie does. The plot being used is nothing new, which isn't important, but the presentation looks weak.
Jedi Master Carr
Dec 10th, 2006, 12:13:27 PM
I'm not blaming anyone of stealing, although I'm sure the movie does. The plot being used is nothing new, which isn't important, but the presentation looks weak.
Oh I wasn't accusing you. I brought it up because he has been accused of it. Not sure by who though, maybe Tolkein fans. I haven't heard that from the Potter fans, although most say its vastly inferior to Potter. I am not sure if the movie is stealing or not, if anything it is could just be crappy acting and weak story. We will have to see. I will probably end up taking my Nephew next week to see it because he seems to want to see it, I guess because of the Dragons.
Ryan Pode
Dec 15th, 2006, 10:18:57 PM
So I had the misfortune of seeing this tonight (didnt pay for the ticket)...
It was bad.
Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 15th, 2006, 10:31:13 PM
I thought it was very enjoyable. It isn't Oscar material by any stretch of the imagination, but certainly enjoyable. And for a kids movie, that's not bad.
I loved Jeremy Irons in this movie. :D
Ryan Pode
Dec 15th, 2006, 10:36:23 PM
I thought it was very enjoyable. It isn't Oscar material by any stretch of the imagination, but certainly enjoyable. And for a kids movie, that's not bad.
I loved Jeremy Irons in this movie. :D
It was an atrocity to motion pictures.
Kraehe Branwen
Dec 16th, 2006, 01:31:26 PM
I have read each of the books to this series and I love it more than I love Harry Potter. Which is saying something cuz I'm absolutely obsessed. Anyways, I'm not seeing this movie til my birthday in which my hubby is going to take me or suffer dire consequences. :P And IHOP... The pregnant one demands it.
What ticks me off is all the comparisons I'm seeing people making. LOTR? PLEASE! I hated that movie! If Eragon was anything like it I'd hate it too. I was dragged kicking and screaming to each of those horrid movies by my then bf Julian and my then best friend who slept with him as soon as he left me(thats beside the point) and I fell asleep during each of them cuz they bored me to death. Even when they watched it on TV at home if I so much as saw it I almost fell unconcious cuz it was THAT BORING. Heck, the voices of the chars could lull me to sleep.
Another comparison I have seen is terrible... Star Wars... WTF. Can ANYONE here see any similarity to Star Wars?! *slaps forehead* Ya can't have a char apparently that doesn't know who his real father is without someone screaming "RIP OFF!" and calling George Lucas to tell on 'em.
I have seen one review that nearly had me wondering until they said something about LOTR, but what they said before than I can handle... Apparently the movie doesn't hold true to a majority of the story. They said it looked like the script was written by someone who read the first ten chapters then decided to write the rest on their own. Which happens all the time. For example, the third Harry Potter movie... That was my fav of the series and I felt like they had butchered it to death with a rusty butcher knife.
But my main reason for being irritated is the whole LOTR comparison crud... I bet if I wrote a book RIGHT NOW and avoided LOTR as much as I could without leaving the fantasy genre, someone would still compare it to that. Its over rated and every fanboy of the world can't get over it for some weird reason so they feel the need to crap on everything in the genre so that LOTR remains king.
My word of advice to everyone, forget LOTR when watching ANYTHING fantasy related or you're going to be crying "LOTR IS BETTAH" the whole time. And thats a waste of money. But really, seriously... Imagine how many stories are out there... How many plotlines can there really be? Somewhere along the line a plot is similar to another story. If everyone wants to cry about that then maybe movies should stop being created as well as books. Can't create a book without using an old overused plotline, now can we? Its just like RP. Take a look at everything you've all RPed out... Hasn't someone else done something similar to it sometime? Kidnap, murder, going darkside, blah blah blah. Everything is done at least once. Trashing Eragon just cuz it has plots that have been done before is hypocritical if you don't look at other movies or books and do the same.
... I still think LOTR sucks though.
Jedi Master Carr
Dec 16th, 2006, 01:55:43 PM
Well it is because most epic fantasy shares a similar Mythos. The Heroes Journey dominantes Harry Potter, LOTR, SW and I would presume Eargon. So that part of it I can see and some people just don't understand that. I am probably going to end up seeing it Monday. My nephew is pushing me to take him and nobody else in my family wants to do it lol.
Darth McBain
Dec 16th, 2006, 02:52:51 PM
Well, I haven't read the books nor seen the movie yet, but a lot of the reviews I've been seeing are that it is pretty lousy. The only decent reviews I've seen are from those who have not the book, so it looks like we may have yet another case of a good book being ruined by the Hollywood movie machine?
I'll reserve personal judgement until I see it myself, but the reviews I've seen don't look too promising... I think I'm more interested in reading the books than seeing the movie, but I'll probably see it at some point.
Jedi Master Carr
Dec 16th, 2006, 06:04:06 PM
Yeah that is what I am afraid of. The problem is they got a first time director to do this movie, and the acting is very poor. Also the screenwriter is the same guy who did Jurassic Park 3 which doesn't say much.
Ryan Pode
Dec 16th, 2006, 06:17:48 PM
Well, I haven't read the books nor seen the movie yet, but a lot of the reviews I've been seeing are that it is pretty lousy. The only decent reviews I've seen are from those who have not the book, so it looks like we may have yet another case of a good book being ruined by the Hollywood movie machine?
I'll reserve personal judgement until I see it myself, but the reviews I've seen don't look too promising... I think I'm more interested in reading the books than seeing the movie, but I'll probably see it at some point.
I have not read the book. The movie is too rushed, leaves out things, and just feels like a 12 year old wrote it.
Mr. Flux
Dec 16th, 2006, 06:21:24 PM
I enjoyed it very much. I'm glad I went to see it; and I will eagerly go watch the second. Might have to pick up the books. They could've done a bit better on the scene-to-scene moves, but..Eh. I thought it was great.
<3 Jeremy Irons forever, though.
Kraehe Branwen
Dec 16th, 2006, 07:14:36 PM
It's supposed to be aimed for younger children, actually... The books are almost always in the young readers section, though I found that the book itself might have been too complex for younger kids unless they had a decent education in English class. That may have been lost in the film since the big vocabulary and what not can't be used in film.
And I have actually seen a decent review on a site earlier, but my comp crashed and I cant seem to find it. It had a chart with the particular critic's grade, other critics average grade, and what the audience thought. The audience that had voted on it gave it a "B", which is way better than what critics have given it. And since when does anyone ever listen to critics? They all have bad taste. Especially Ebert and his new flunkie. Everytime they think a movie is marvelous, it stinks. They gave Eragon a C.
Ryan Pode
Dec 16th, 2006, 07:21:20 PM
And I have actually seen a decent review on a site earlier, but my comp crashed and I cant seem to find it. It had a chart with the particular critic's grade, other critics average grade, and what the audience thought. The audience that had voted on it gave it a "B", which is way better than what critics have given it. And since when does anyone ever listen to critics? They all have bad taste. Especially Ebert and his new flunkie. Everytime they think a movie is marvelous, it stinks. They gave Eragon a C.
Alagon Drago
Dec 16th, 2006, 09:33:39 PM
Too bad. :( I was hoping it'd be good; I could use a nice fantasy fix.
Dec 16th, 2006, 10:03:52 PM
unfortunately any movie made from a book will have a bit of not making sense, I remember when sis dragged me to Harry Potter, we kept going "That didn't happen that way!" at least we did till I fell asleep later....the first two HP movies bore me.....
at any rate, any book that gets made into a movie either gets parts changed or has too much to explain that can't fit in the time alloted......
Ryan Pode
Dec 16th, 2006, 10:58:53 PM
Still, wouldn't you admit that Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, heck Lord of the Flies for that matter were all very good movies, whether they were the book or not? Eragon is none of them.
Alagon Drago
Dec 17th, 2006, 12:21:52 AM
Books and movies are both storytelling media, but they tell stories in very different ways. Some people, when they say they want a movie to be true to the original book, mean they want it to match scene-for-scene as much as possible. Do that, and you'll generally end up with a very poorly-paced movie - which I think is what has happened in with the Harry Potter movies, for the most part. They have their charm, but they seem to plod in some parts and feel rushed in others.
To really capture the spirit of a book in a movie, the director needs to understand both literary storytelling and cinematic storytelling and make creative adaptations. I think Peter Jackson did that brilliantly with Lord of the Rings, which made them much better movies than a more "literal" adaptation.
Jedi Master Carr
Dec 17th, 2006, 06:01:38 PM
Books and movies are both storytelling media, but they tell stories in very different ways. Some people, when they say they want a movie to be true to the original book, mean they want it to match scene-for-scene as much as possible. Do that, and you'll generally end up with a very poorly-paced movie - which I think is what has happened in with the Harry Potter movies, for the most part. They have their charm, but they seem to plod in some parts and feel rushed in others.
To really capture the spirit of a book in a movie, the director needs to understand both literary storytelling and cinematic storytelling and make creative adaptations. I think Peter Jackson did that brilliantly with Lord of the Rings, which made them much better movies than a more "literal" adaptation.
I agree with you about the first two Potter movies. Those movies just dragged because Columbus wanted to push too much of the books into them. The last two Potter books felt more like movies, even if it cut out chunks of each book. As for the difference between Potter and Eragon, WB put great directors and writers in that franchise and picked an excellent supporting cast to help out the three kids. Eragon has a first time director, a screenwriter who isn't very good and a mixed supporting cast. I love Irons but he has been in some bad movies, same goes for Malchovich. I am going to end up seeing it tomorrow and I will write what I think of it.
Dec 17th, 2006, 11:36:33 PM
hooboy this one got on my nerves, it was so far from the book at all was like the director skimmed it then went this is how I want to do it...pissed me off the entire time since it did not follow the story whatsoever nor did even one line I can remember from the book make it in.....>_<
Dec 17th, 2006, 11:53:07 PM
I think I like Orange County Choppers' Eragon bike more than the movie. Or the book.
That bike was sweeeeeet.
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