View Full Version : Jehkran Dmath

Ira Yahff
Nov 18th, 2006, 04:02:56 PM
Since birth Jehkran has taken numerous twist. Born to the world of Jabiim, his life was full of rain and he managed to stand above the troubles. A descendant of the Echani Brianna, his father taught him tediously the arts of the Echani. One day it had been expected that he and his brothers would uphold the Echani Arts against the endless bouts of the world. Jabiim had been targeted a number of times for war, and it was true that it would come around once again.

Raised without adequate knowledge of his Force-sensitivity because of the imminent danger of such a standard, he was tutored in the rudimentary of the galaxy and Echani culture. Despite the rigorous tutelage, he grew to merit much unnecessary attention about the community. Many knew him for his humorous antics, but soon all would change. At the dawn of the attack by Darth Vader his father foresight captured the danger that would come upon the world. Instead of heed in his defense, he sent his youngest son Jehkran off to last. The blast upon the world sent him off in the only ship the family held, an escape pod.

Finding his way through space in the open arms of the Rebellion he was taken in has tingly. In reaction to the news Jehkran focused his mind on vengeance. Darth Vader would eventually find his way into the tighten grasp of Jehkran's palms, as would the Emperor. Instead of simply falling into his revenge, he used it to work his way thought he Alliance's ranks. However, it was this that eventually led him down the pathway of a Jedi. Under the guise of a Imperial officer he neared himself to an Emperor's Eye and was soon taken under the testing procedures of mind-whipping.

The test worked...somewhat.

Thrown in the bounds of the world, his body could only rely on his extensive amount of midi-chlorian. Opening his body to the vastness of the Force, he found his way during a bar encounter with Rayna Eclipse. Under her hindered Padawan tutelage he grew his braid, and skills as a Jedi. Time gave him back his memories, along with the fuel to perform. Meditation and the Jedi code reformed his vengeance and anger into a tool of peace. The multiplied peace at heart gave him the necessary skills also to aboded his perilous Master Rayna Eclipse.

Much troubles surrounded his Padawan Master, and instead of heed her performance in growing, he left her in hopes of returning to help her with newfound understand. The ignorance he once had would evaporate under the knowledge of the Rebellion. Returning to the Alliance in search of a employment and a fellow Jedi to grow.

One day he would save Rayna from herself...and the galaxy as well.