View Full Version : Present State of Operation?

Ira Yahff
Nov 12th, 2006, 08:50:03 PM
I have seen a lot discussed, and I would assume that this point the status of everything is at the planning stages. However, I was wondering if there was anything that my character in paticular could involve himself in to roll well into the motions, or if anyone has any ideas of how other Jedi could encounter my own.

At this point I'm in a waiting period for Teran and Jehkran to meet for the improvement in his Jedi ways, but I dont think that decreases the chances for his growth as a person or Jedi. He being apart of the Rebellion also allows him numerous gateways to involve himself in the troubling news of the children taken advatange of.

So, how exactly is that going aswell? Are there any threads about the situation beside the once active threads about two months ago?

Finor Ztnnova
Nov 29th, 2006, 12:46:51 AM
i am in the process of being captured by a bounty hunter. i could always use a little back up. it could be a good way to get involved in a story line. The stread is a busy one as well, there are 4 other people involved. just an idea.

here is the link if you are intrested..


Ira Yahff
Dec 4th, 2006, 11:16:25 PM
I dont know if it could be logical for my character to jump there, but I'll definately keep my eye on it. :)