View Full Version : Learning Curve. (theo)
Father Barton
Oct 23rd, 2006, 08:58:59 AM
I let the hard rock music filter through the renta-car as loaded my twin .50 cal dessert eagles. Black sabbith played on the stereo pumping thoughts of the fight to come into my head. Theo sat in the passengers seat and between us sat a duffle bag. The car was sitting outside an abandoned warehouse. I let the silence hang as my thoughts drifted towards the somber this could be my last fight or even Theo's first and last. The reaper was always just around the corner for a hunter I knew to well.
"I tracked Fitch to this warehouse."
I sat my guns on my lap as I reached over into the duffle bag between us and began rummaging through it. I pulled out a bible and a cross and then a question arose in my mind.
"You don't happen to know how to read Latin do you?"
Theo Johnson
Oct 23rd, 2006, 09:05:01 AM
Theo sat in silence, his nerves gripping him. He knew why they were here. Fitch had nearly killed him in their last encounter, and he was scared. Still, he trusted John, which helped settle him a little. He was caught up in his own thoughts until he heard John's voice.
", sorry..." he said, still coming round to reality. "What do you need Latin for?"
Father Barton
Oct 23rd, 2006, 09:26:04 AM
"Never mind it's not important."
I go back to shifting through the duffle bag and pull out another bible. I toss Theo one and the cross I was holding. I pocket the other bible in my coat. Truth of it was the Latin words in the bible seemed to hurt a demon more then the English translation but it wasn't a dire consequence I would have to teach theo Latin later.
"Those are your weapon and Armour so don't loss them in the fight. The holy cross burns and bible protects all you have to do is have faith in them. If your faith isn't there it causes a flaw in the Armour and the demon will be able to hurt you."
I really hoped he would get that point demons where not weak sauce in the game of the hunt. In fact most hunters stayed away from hunting demons based on the fact that you had to have faith in a god who lost faith in his children.
"Speak any words from the great book and the demon will try to lash out violently but remember those words also protect you. The cross won't kill the demon but will keep him at bay from hurting you at least repelling him. Next question I got for you is I know this demon is your friend but no matter what he says or if he try’s to plea with you don't listen your friend is already dead. All that is left is his vessel with the demon in it. Do you think you can kill what use to be your friend?"
Theo Johnson
Oct 23rd, 2006, 09:32:22 AM
Theo sat and listened, examining the book and the cross. Never had faith seemed so important, and it would be tough for him. But the book had saved him before, and so deserved his belief.
"I will try, hard. I really will."
He cast his gaze up towards John.
"Let's get this over with."
Father Barton
Apr 24th, 2007, 10:34:26 AM
"I would give you a gun Theo but I don't have the time at the moment to teach how to use them properly against a demon."
I knew very well that a gun in unexperenced Hunter's hand could prove to be a bad situation possibly even Dire. You couldn't just go in and shot the demon in the head if I where to do that the body would die but the demon would linger. It would find a new body and in turn hunt me making me the hunted which would be a roll reversal. I didn't want Theo to be on the hunted end of the stick just yet. So I opened the door to the car we where sitting in and got of the car.
"Okay Theo it's time to start get out of the car."
Theo Johnson
Apr 24th, 2007, 10:43:07 AM
Theo pulled on the handle and pushed open the door with his shoulder. Stepping out, he took a deep breath, getting fresh air into his lungs, his skin tingling with nerves. Closing the door, he turned to face John, cross in one hand and holy book in the other.
"He's really in there?" he asked, nodding towards the warehouse.
Father Barton
Apr 24th, 2007, 11:15:45 AM
I started to walk towards the warehouse keeping an eye on Theo. I didn't want him flaking out on me. This was going to be a crash course for theo in Hunting one-O-one. I knew Fitch was here it wasn't hard tracking him he left a nice trail straight to his location. I almost expected it to be a trap.
"Yes he is there I can feel him. I think he is waiting for use to be honest."
I was use to walking into traps especially with demons they so like to think they where creative. They prefer to toture there prey before killing them. However most Demons had never met me before and I was a horrible surprise to there kind. I was a wlking holy relic in there eye's there true bane.
Fiona Devlin
Apr 24th, 2007, 11:32:31 AM
:: Meanwhile, Fiona had been doing a little hunting on her own since she arrived, leaving Michele to do a bit of research on the Sabbat out of harm's way. She crept towards the corner of the warehouse and spotted two figures approaching. She waited til they were close, and her eyes narrowed as she recognized the older ::
"I knew you weren't a bloody cop." she whispered behind them with an accusing hiss.
Theo Johnson
Apr 24th, 2007, 11:38:15 AM
Theo almost jumped out of his skin, yelping and spinning around wildly, thrusting out his cross. He eyed the woman cautiously, before looking to John. He didn't seem to be threatened by the woman, and so Theo lowered his cross. Nevertheless, he took a few steps backward.
"She's not one of them too, is she?" he whispered loudly to John, unintentionally loud enough for the newcomer to hear.
Father Barton
Apr 24th, 2007, 11:50:27 AM
I didn't even turn around to face her. My hand however was reaching up into my coat where my guns where hidden. I kept my cool for now though not wanting to shoot someone right in front of Theo even though my cover had been slightly blown.
"No Theo she is not one of them. I'm not sure exactly what she is but she sure ain't normal though."
I still ahdn't figured out what she was that is why I had followed her to London. I wanted to know so I could figure out what she was hiding or what she was protecting. At this point I was think possible medeling Mage who was getting way to far in over her head. I still didn't turn to face her though.
"No miss Devlin I'm not a cop. I'm a man who does the will of God and I slay his enemies for him. I am but a humble priest sent on a holy crusade by God do not interfere with God's plan or I shall smite you."
Fiona Devlin
Apr 24th, 2007, 12:03:47 PM
:: Fiona scoffed at the warning, noting where his hands were ::
"Don't threaten me, Lasko. I'm in a bad mood."
:: She measured him with her eyes, ready to react if she needed to ::
"Do you have any inkling what lies behind that door?"
Theo Johnson
Apr 24th, 2007, 12:14:24 PM
"A demon" Theo cut in. "He used to be my friend."
His eyes went from the woman to John once again, still uncomfortable and his nerves rising.
Father Barton
Apr 24th, 2007, 12:28:24 PM
I let theo tell her even though theo didn't know the half of it. It was best not to let him know the rest though or he would chicken out and never learn.
"The boy is right it is a demon one of the many fallen angels. He needs to be returned to Hell where he belongs. By the way Lasko is one of the many names I go by. I much prefer Barton or rather Father Barton."
I wasn't going to lie to her anymore any name I gave her she probably wouldn't believe anyway. However my real name is my secret, mine and Gods.
"So what are you doing here I don't think hunting demons is exactly in the job discription of an antiques dealer?"
Fiona Devlin
Apr 24th, 2007, 12:43:37 PM
"We can talk about this later ... duck or bleed!!!"
:: She pushed him down in a split second, and in the next there was the whistle of steel above Barton's head as she scored a hit on their attacker with her sword. Three more sabbat followed ::
Theo Johnson
Apr 24th, 2007, 12:52:39 PM
Theo cursed loudly as he turned to see the supernatural predators. Jumping back, he once again held out his cross, and took a deep gulp, flipping open the bible in his left hand.
"Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name..." he begun the Lord's prayer, hoping it would have some sort of effect.
Father Barton
Apr 27th, 2007, 09:24:58 AM
I duck and spin as the sword comes just over my head. From with in my coat out pops one of my dessert eagles in my right hand. I quickly glance at Theo just shacking my head as I put one in the chest of the one Fiona had scored a hit on. Knocking it back away from me. What the hell where the sabbat doing here I had to wonder.
I began to step backwards noting Theo I just shock my head. I reached into my coat pulled out my second dessert eagle and tossed it Theo’s direction.
"Catch! That bible crap won't work on Vampires."
Theo Johnson
Apr 27th, 2007, 02:00:06 PM
Theo cursed once again, tossing his holy belongings up into the air as John tossed him an Eagle. Bloody hell, he'd never shot a real gun before. The bible and cross rattled on the floor as Theo took hold of the weapon with two hands, taking aim and firing a round at the attackers.
Stumbling back from the unexpected recoil, Theo was dissapointed to see his shot had done nothing more than made a hole of the warehouse door.
Panicking, he took another quick shot, landing a hit on the leg of the one of the vampires, and he quickly took a few steps back, firing mostly inaccurately at the attackers.
Fiona Devlin
May 1st, 2007, 10:45:11 AM
:: Fiona narrowly missed getting the top of her head blown off with a stray shot from Theo. She scolded him with a dirty look before leaping back into the fray with the grace of a dancer ::
Father Barton
May 1st, 2007, 11:23:49 AM
I dang near got shot by my own gun I thought to myself as I heard a bullet wiz by me. I was starting to think maybe giving the kid a gun wasn't such a good Idea. Theo wouldn’t have been to safe with the bible and cross in his hands but I sure as hell would have been allot safer.
"Shoot at the dang vampires not at me."
Then I saw Fiona jump into the fray with the group vampires. I just shook my head at first and thought to myself God I hope she isn't an innocent in all this. Then I opened fire on the group that Fiona had just jumped into.
"Theo fire at the group." I screamed.
To me it was her own dang fault for bring a knife to a gun fight.
Theo Johnson
May 1st, 2007, 11:26:14 AM
Theo stared at John with panicked eyes for a second, before taking a deep breath, holding the gun steady and turning towards the group. He still shook a little, but not as much as he had at first. Opening fire, his shots started to run a little more accurate, and a little less deadly to his comrades.
Fiona Devlin
May 1st, 2007, 11:32:22 AM
:: Fiona was holding her own, until she was gunned down with the remaining vamps. She convulsed as she fell to the ground, eyes wide open as she died ::
Father Barton
May 1st, 2007, 11:42:16 AM
It didn't even faze me as Fiona hit the ground along with the group of vampires. I heard the click, click of Theo’s gun knowing he had run out of ammo. With that I reach once again into my coat and this time I pull out a machete. I march towards the fallen vampires and Fiona.
"Come on Theo it's time for you to learn how finish a vampire off."
I wasn't sure if my calm cool tone was unnerving him after we had just gunned down a group of vampire's and that sword wielding what ever she was. In truth had been at this game so long I didn't even remember what it was like for me the first time I killed something. OH well I thought to myself no time to shed a tear for the fallen it was time to finish off the vampires.
Theo Johnson
May 3rd, 2007, 01:59:57 PM
Theo stood in silence for a moment, still shaking slightly as he gripped the gun.
"John, John...John, she's dead, did I...?"
The desert eagle clattered on the floor, as Theo shakily made his way towards the holy man.
"Who is she? And what the hell are these!?" he cried, pointing down at the supernatural beings.
Father Barton
May 3rd, 2007, 02:22:39 PM
I calmly stepped over Fiona's body and picked up the sword that was laying at her side. As I picked up the sword I felt the weight and how balanced it was. The hilt itself was a masterpiece it almost remind me of Excalibur from one of those old king author movies however just by looking at the sword I could tell it was much older then those props. I couldn't really place the timeline that the sword fit into though.
I turned to Theo as he asked his questions.
"No you didn't one of my bullets hit her."
I really wasn't sure who's bullet hit her but I didn't want the kid to dwell on who shot who. In the scheme of things it really didn't matter. Fiona had gotten in the way and that was her choice.
"As for who she is. She is just some antiques dealer from Chicago and a sword wielding lunatic."
I was staying calm cause for me this wasn't the first time an a possible innocent got in the way. I walked over to one of the vampires that was laying on the ground and with Fiona’s sword I chopped it's head off. As I did so the body turned to dust and blew away in the little breeze that was blowing. You could smell sulfur in the air now.
"As for what these things are they are Vampires. Probably sabbat since they attacked us on the streets."
I throw the machete near Theo's feet and look at him.
"Chop there heads off it's the only way they will stay dead. If you don't they will come back and fight us again in about thirty minutes to an hour. But leave the woman’s body alone I'm still not sure what she is yet. If she doesn't come back to life then she was a mage a very dumb mage. If she does come back she is possible a lycanthrope or metis. Possible a metis since she didn't change and annihilate these vampires. Then again she could be something much worse we just got to wait and see."
Fiona Devlin
May 4th, 2007, 09:20:15 AM
:: Fiona's eyes snapped open as the Vamps were being dusted, and the bullets in her body were slowly forced out as she regenerated ::
Theo Johnson
May 4th, 2007, 10:17:06 AM
With a troubled look, Theo scooped up the machete and moved towards the closest vampire. Gripping its hair and pulling the neck taught, he slashed at its throat with a sterm, swift strike. The head was cut clean off, and just after, the body turned to dust, as did the head in Theo's hand. He stared, wide-eyed for a moment, but saying nothing. Not being able to bare looking towards the woman, Theo swallowed hard and began to finish off the remaining vampires.
Father Barton
May 4th, 2007, 11:32:01 AM
I noted the troubled look in Theo’s eye and just shook my head. As lopped off the head of my last Vampire. I looked at Theo as he was finishing off his and the troubled look becoming ever more apparent as he watched the Vampires turn to dust.
"I could give her, her last rights if that would make you feel better Theo."
I turned suddenly as something like and explosion went off. It wasn't an explosion though as splitter wood shattered out onto the street from the door.
"Oh sh......"
Those where the only words I could get out as the demon exploded through the door bull rushing. I dropped my sword and gun as I went flying across the street. I slammed my head into the brick wall on the other side. The last thing I saw before the darkness was Fitch grinning vile grin at me steam come off his body because he had touched me.
Fitch turned around and eyed Theo dead on as he stood in the middle of the street. His grin still hung from knocking john clear across the street knocking him unconscious.
"Time to join us in hell my friend."
His voice sound hollow as he spoke and began stocking towards Theo.
Theo Johnson
May 4th, 2007, 02:09:06 PM
Theo stumbled backwards, clutching the machete. This whole situation was just a non-stop series of shocks for the young man. With a grunt, Theo hurled the machete at Fitch as hard as he could, before turning and scampering towards where he had dropped the bible and cross.
Falling to his knees beside them, he clasped the cross in his left hand and held it out towards Fitch, whilst flicking the holy book open with his right. Now was the time for the prayer, at least, he hoped.
"Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name..." he began shakily, looking up every so often towards the demon.
Fiona Devlin
May 5th, 2007, 10:34:27 AM
:: Fiona rolled up to her feet, scanning the scene. Barton was down, the vamps were dusted, and now the boy was facing a demon. She rushed forward, assaulting Fitch with a flurry of martial arts. He swung wildly, she dodged, and kicked up the discarded machete with her foot. It would do, for now. She twirled it in a wushu-style and sliced off Fitch's fingers as he reached to grab her ::
Father Barton
May 5th, 2007, 11:11:46 AM
Fitch squealed like a little pig as his fingers got cut off by the machete. The words that Theo uttered didn't seem to have any affect on Fitch though. The kid would have had a better luck crucifying himself then reciting the lord prayer to save his butt. Fitch was not afraid of the words however he had a new adversary. Still squealing in pain he eyed Fiona.
"You shouldn't have interfered Bitch!"
He sucked up the pain and used it to fuel his rage. The sword could only destroy his vassal not him if his vassal died here he would just find another and come back for them all. Fiona was still swinging her sword but Fitch showed no fear as he marched towards her with a demons fury. He swung out at the machete she was swing with his good hand shattering the blade and his hand.
"Now what are you going to do pretty lady you have no weapon."
Theo Johnson
May 5th, 2007, 03:29:02 PM
Theo almost had a bloody heart attack upon seeing the woman rise again to do battle with Fitch.
"Dammit, it's not working..." he muttered, his attention returning to the bible on the ground. His eyes glanced at the cross he held. Perhaps he'd fare better with that. Or maybe...
Scrambling over towards John, Theo started the search the priest's pockets desperately.
"Oh come on! You must have some holy water or something, anything!"
Fiona Devlin
May 7th, 2007, 10:32:22 AM
:: Fiona shrugged with a crooked grin as she ducked another swipe, and broke Fitch's teeth with a perfect ballet kick over her shoulder ::
Father Barton
May 8th, 2007, 10:12:46 AM
Fitch staggered back as he got kicked in the jaw by Fiona. He growled at her as his eye's flared larger then normal. He stared hard at her then spite blood in her face.
"Choke on it."
Then he rushed in again fully raged blood rushing from one his hands and his mouth. He punched with his stumped hand aiming for her gut as his good fist went her face. The things about demons they could ignore the pain it wasn't there body they just took it over. They could ignore the physical pain of the mortal body if they choose. That is what made a demon such a tuff opponent they where dang near unstoppable unless you utterly destroy the mortal body they inhabited.
I slipped back into the light for just a sec seeing Theo searching through my pockets. God my head and body ached so bad. I felt like I had just been hit buy a truck. Yet I felt myself slipping back into that blackness.
"The upper left inside pocket Theo. You will find...."
Then I slipped away again.
Theo Johnson
May 8th, 2007, 10:46:13 AM
Theo nodded, reaching into John's inner left pocket. Pulling out the contents, he looked down at the items in his palm. A bullet engraved with a cross and the words "Go To Hell", a glass bottle of water reading "Throw First Shoot Last" and a notebook with the words "Last Resort" written on them.
"Well, this is a pretty bad situation, I guess..." Theo reassured himself, but first, he needed the Eagle again. And he'd have to get a hell of a lot better at shooting it. Either that or get very close to Fitch...
Staying crouched, Theo hurried back towards the pistol he'd dropped, his stomach turning. Lucky for him the deman was occupied. Slipping out the magazine, he slid the single bullet it and clicked the mag back into the grip of the gun. Tucking the barrel into his trousers, Theo flipped open the notebook and read the words.
"I need to say this 4 times? Right then..." he whispered to himself.
Remaining low, Theo crept around to the back of Fitch, about ten meters back as the demon advanced on the woman. Matching his footsteps, Theo rushed up behind him, taking a leap and landing on the beasts back. He wrapped his arms around Fitch's back and his legs around his waist, clinging on as Fitch thrashed around violently.
"Et Cum Spiritutuo, Et Cum Spiritutuo, Et Cum Spiritutuo, Et Cum Spiritutuo!!" Theo wailed into Fitch's ears, before smashing the glass on his skull. Theo gritted his teeth as glass shards cut into his palm, but he still reached down for the pistol. It was hard, you know, trying to hang on to a demonic rodeo whilst pulling a gun from the waistband of his trousers, but somehow he managed. Pressing the barrel against the back of Fitch's head, Theo pulled on the trigger, and a massive bang echoed out across the area.
Fiona Devlin
May 8th, 2007, 11:17:56 AM
:: Fiona was momentarily blinded by the blood spit, and was knocked flat on her back from the punch to the jaw. Her vision cleared just in time to see Theo pounce on Fitch's back ::
Father Barton
May 8th, 2007, 11:26:26 AM
Fitch's punch knocked her to her back. Yet the victory was short lived as he was about pounce on her and beat her to death a fly jumped on his back. His head cocked back to see Theo reciting some words. He smiled and spoke.
"That’s all...."
Then his face was on fire from the holy water glass being broke in his face. He was about to scream at the burning sensation. Then, then there was just darkness for the person who use to be Fitch friend to Theo. In the night on the street all that could be heard was a loud bang then dead silence. All that could be seen was the blood splatter on the street, Fiona, and Theo. The silence was always the eerie part of the kill after it was done what was left to do?
Theo Johnson
May 8th, 2007, 11:34:32 AM
Theo had fallen off backwards, and lay sprawled on the floor, covered in blood. Rolling over, he climbed onto all fours, heaving heavily. After a few moment, he threw up, still gasping for air. He sat up, tossing the gun to one side and looking over at the woman, then John, trying to speak, but he could say nothing.
Fiona Devlin
May 8th, 2007, 11:48:38 AM
:: Fiona looked slightly dazed as she looked at the smoking corpse. She blinked as she looked at Theo. Then her eyes narrowed as her gaze settled on Barton and she cursed him in Gaelic as she rose to her feet ::
Father Barton
May 8th, 2007, 11:53:51 AM
I was in a happy place that I didn't want to leave. It was life, life before the real world came to my eyes. I was with her again and her smile warmed my heart. In my heart though I knew it was just a dream a dream that would end all to quick.
John still laid across the street unconscious. He groaned every now and then to let anyone who cared know that he was still alive.
Theo Johnson
May 8th, 2007, 11:58:58 AM
Climbing to his feet, Theo shakily made his way over to John. The blood stunk, enough to make anyone come around.
"John...John" he repeated, waving his bloodied hand under John's nose, whilst shaking him slightly with his free hand.
Fiona Devlin
May 8th, 2007, 12:28:59 PM
:: Fiona rushed up to Theo and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck to pull him backwards ::
"You little toad ... you shot me."
Theo Johnson
May 8th, 2007, 12:44:08 PM
Theo stumbled backward, landing on his behind whilst the woman held his collar in the air. It almost looked like he was being hung up by a coat hanger, pulling the back of his collar up on top of his head.
"Whhooaaa! Hey! You're alive aren't you? God knows how, but you're alive! What are you, some kind of vampire or something, huh?" Theo snapped back.
Father Barton
May 8th, 2007, 12:52:13 PM
I blinked my eye's back into existence. Ah crap I was back here and I hurt like hell actually I was starting to think maybe hell would be a better place then this one. As I focus I see her, the antique dealer. I should be surprised but at this point nothing surprised me anymore. I coughed then spoke as I heard her question Theo.
"She ain't a Vampire I seen her walk during the day."
Oh god my ribs hurt, screw that everything hurt pretty much. I wanted to sit up but I just couldn't muster the courage to try so I just laid there on the pavement.
"He didn't shoot you, I did. If you got a problem with that maybe you shouldn't have got sword happy unlike you me and Theo can't survive much we are mortal and not the mage variety. So what the hell are you?"
Fiona Devlin
May 8th, 2007, 01:52:13 PM
:: Fiona let Theo drop as her attention was diverted elsewhere. Turning around, she spied her sword in the street, and went to fetch it ::
Theo Johnson
May 8th, 2007, 01:54:02 PM
Theo let out a sigh for moment, both for seeing John was okay...ish, and for being released from the woman's grip. Turning, he saw where she was going, and his moment of release was suddenly cut short.
"Hey! What you gonna do with that!?"
Fiona Devlin
May 8th, 2007, 02:00:51 PM
"Oh, not to worry!" she spat as she picked it up. "I don't go killing innocents ..."
:: Her lips curled into a sneer as she put the sword away. It seemed to vanish inside her trenchcoat ::
"... or not so innocents."
Theo Johnson
May 8th, 2007, 02:05:47 PM
"You should be thanking me! Bloody Fitch..." he said, pointing to the fallen demon "...Bloody Fitch would have ripped you up if it wasn't for me. Besides, John asked you a question, and since I'm learning all about this..." he continued, waving his hand around whilst he searched for the right word. "...this, supernatural thing, I might as well learn some more. What are you?"
Fiona Devlin
May 8th, 2007, 02:24:34 PM
"Thank you???!!!" she blurted with an arrogant laugh before turning serious.
"I'm out of here, that's what I am."
:: She pointed a finger at both of them ::
"Don't try to follow me."
:: Then she turned on her heel and walked away ::
Father Barton
May 10th, 2007, 03:02:31 PM
"Don't waste your breathe on that one Theo."
I finally sat up as Fiona started to walk away. I could feel my bones creak as I did and something in my lower back pop back in place. I really didn't care what Fiona had to say she was like the rest of her kind. The same as every Vampire, Werewolf, Demon, and mage I had every met. In my book she was marked for death and I would be the one to end her life.
"Walk away if you must." I point at Fitch's body. "But your just like him and those vampires. You feed off mortality and treat the real innocents like they are some big cosmic joke. I will not stop hunting you or your friends, this not your game to win weather you call it the apocalypse or Gahanna."
I didn't know what she was not did I care anymore she would follow Fitch and those vampires to the grave. I had one thing over her kind I had God on my side. I would protect those that deserved a chance from her kind. I began to stand up even though it hurt like hell.
"Theo go get my guns, please. We have a new hunt but first we need to make stop cause it's time for you to take your path son."
Fiona Devlin
May 10th, 2007, 03:31:46 PM
:: Fiona had barely taken a step before she turned to face the hunters again ::
"I'm nothing like him, and I'm nothing like you." she said calmly. "Choose your path carefully, Theo. Following ignorance will only get you killed."
:: The look in her eyes was ageless and unsettling ::
Theo Johnson
May 11th, 2007, 10:15:22 AM
Theo shuffled a little under Fiona's gaze, before breaking eye contact and hurrying around to collect the Eagles, along with the cross and bible he had dropped.
"I'll take my chances. There's not turning back now" he replied softly, his nerves finally settling after the dramatic events.
Passing over the items to John, he offered a hand to help the holy man up.
Fiona Devlin
May 12th, 2007, 08:49:11 AM
"Mab's grace." Fiona muttered. "It's the blind following the visually challenged."
Father Barton
May 14th, 2007, 10:12:31 AM
"Your nothing like Fitch that probably is true. He at least had purpose and didn't pretend to be something he wasn't."
I got up to a stand position as Theo brought me my weapons. I quickly looked over the guns they already had there battle scars so I wasn't mad about there new ones.
"Thanks Theo. You Fiona call me ignorant, yet I was not the idiot who jumped into a gun fight with a sword. You should not be mad about us shooting you that was your own fault. Plus you are still alive so that just goes to show you yet again your anger is miss placed."
I was calm mainly because I felt I had nothing to be concerned about. The vampires had been taken care of and the demon as well yet I was still not sure he was properly banished to hell. Only time would tell on that one for sure. No one had died except those who had deserved it for there sins.
"You call me blind yet no matter how long you may or may not have been alive, I have seen more things then you could possible imagine. Things that would make a vampires skin crawl and cause them to repent. I am not blind but you are Fiona. I am not a righteous man nor a good one I know where I will go when I die. I just serve my purpose cleaning up an age old mess for the man up stairs. But at least I have purpose do you Fiona?"
Fiona Devlin
May 14th, 2007, 01:27:16 PM
:: Fiona laughed at the Hunter ::
"Right. Then you'll do just splendid on your own."
Theo Johnson
May 14th, 2007, 01:34:27 PM
"We'll do just fine. Just as we would have done if you hadn't shown up" Theo replied. "What the hell were you doing here anyway?"
Fiona Devlin
May 14th, 2007, 01:45:14 PM
"I hope you're right about that, because from this point on it gets worse."
:: she turned to leave them ::
"I'm here to stop it."
Theo Johnson
May 14th, 2007, 01:53:31 PM
Theo tilted his head slightly, a confused look plastered across his face. What an odd situation. Two people that seemed to be at each other's throats, and him stuck in the middle. Oh the joy.
"Hey, wait. What's going to get worse? I don't..." he trailed off.
"What's going on? There's something I don't know about here" he said, looking between John and Fiona.
Fiona Devlin
May 14th, 2007, 02:08:02 PM
:: Fiona said no more, stepping through the door into the warehouse ::
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