View Full Version : Participation Inequality

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 17th, 2006, 12:20:29 AM

In most online communities, 90% of users are lurkers who never contribute, 9% of users contribute a little, and 1% of users account for almost all the action.

User participation often more or less follows a 90-9-1 rule:

90% of users are lurkers (i.e., read or observe, but don't contribute).
9% of users contribute from time to time, but other priorities dominate their time.
1% of users participate a lot and account for most contributions: it can seem as if they don't have lives because they often post just minutes after whatever event they're commenting on occurs.
If we apply this directly to Sw-fans: out of 795 members, 715 are lurkers who never contribute (:shakefist), 71 contribute a little, and almost 8 of us account for most of the action.

Actually, I have to almost agree with that. ^_^; I would skew us a little higher in regards to the number of people who account for most of the action, but its pretty close. We have a lot of turnover between the 9% and 1% groups, people switching places from week to week.

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 17th, 2006, 03:10:16 AM
I am teetering dangerously on the brink between 9 and 90 at the minute :uhoh

Oct 17th, 2006, 04:15:10 AM
I am teetering dangerously on the brink between 9 and 90 at the minute :uhoh

Im afraid im in the same boat.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 17th, 2006, 06:25:53 AM
I think I fluctuate between that 1 and 9 pretty regulary.

Khendon Sevon
Oct 17th, 2006, 06:26:47 AM
I, uh...

Am a shadow man at the moment.

Oct 17th, 2006, 07:46:09 AM
How much do you have to post around here to be considered 'part of the action'?

Razielle Alastor
Oct 17th, 2006, 08:22:45 AM
I have no idea where I'd fit in, given my habbit of leaving suddenly. I think I may be all done with that though so I'll give my self at least a good 9% LOL :)

Darth McBain
Oct 17th, 2006, 10:15:20 AM
As with Dasq, I think I'm on the 9-90 borderline at the moment...

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 17th, 2006, 02:33:25 PM
I have spent a lot of time in that 1% though, so I think I deserve a bit of a break :mneh

Rod Stafford
Oct 17th, 2006, 05:26:55 PM
I swing between 1 and 90.

Morgan Evanar
Oct 17th, 2006, 05:43:09 PM
I swing between your hot cousin and your stunning aquantiance. Badum-tish!

Rod Stafford
Oct 17th, 2006, 07:57:59 PM
Don't forget 'both ways'. :mischief

Morgan Evanar
Oct 17th, 2006, 09:09:53 PM
Oh ho ho you are more adventerous than I.

Vivien Galati
Oct 18th, 2006, 07:30:15 AM
I've tried to be in the 1%

I just can't do it. =/

Jaime Tomahawk
Oct 18th, 2006, 05:07:24 PM
Proud to not contribute any single thing worth a damn!

Oct 18th, 2006, 08:20:32 PM
Hooray for being a 90 guy!

Lion El' Jonson
Oct 19th, 2006, 05:56:30 AM
Given my penchant for disappearing, I should be awarded a negative rank; I kill threads. ^_^;

Karl Valten
Oct 19th, 2006, 02:50:30 PM
I'm a nine percent kinda guy. :)

Kraehe Branwen
Oct 19th, 2006, 10:55:54 PM
I haven't RPed here in years, I just stop by every once in a while. >.> I might Rp again but I dunno... Not with this character ever again. Its tainted. I met my jerko ex on this account.

Liam Jinn
Oct 20th, 2006, 02:33:10 AM
I say I'm a 9% guy

Taja Loraan
Oct 28th, 2006, 11:01:50 PM
I guess I fall into the 90 ? Errr ... ahem. Hello.

Pierce Tondry
Oct 29th, 2006, 01:08:17 AM
Fhat the wuck?

Teh Shabbeh! How are ya? *tacklehug*

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 29th, 2006, 06:15:19 PM

wb girl :glomp

Nov 6th, 2006, 07:17:28 AM
I suppose I'd also be a lurker. :mneh

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 6th, 2006, 02:28:31 PM
Yes, though at one point in time you were in the .1 percent that made up 50% of our content. ;)

Nov 7th, 2006, 07:02:32 PM
Now I'm making up for it by posting only twice a year! :)

Nov 7th, 2006, 11:03:09 PM
well seeing as I've been dead for a yearish, I'm guessing I don't fall into any of those anymore....