View Full Version : I have a question
Ambrose Braeden
Oct 12th, 2006, 04:51:10 PM
About the vampire generation. I have been interested on getting into WOD and have been wondering what is the difference between different generations of vampires?
Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 12th, 2006, 06:05:34 PM
Moved thread to proper forum and added correct tag. ;)
The answer is... as I understand it... that all vampires are descended from Caine. The generation of a vampire tells you how far from Caine they are in their bloodline. Caine turned the antedivulians (spelling?) and they are generation 1 - uber powerful! The vamps that were turned by the Generation 1 vamps are generation 2, and they are a little less powerful than generation 1, and so forth.
Generation does not necessarily have anything to do with age. And in our WoD you cannot play a vamp with a higher generation than 6 because they would be way too powerful. A newly turned vamp might be any generation, depending on the generation of their sire, but the furthest from Caine I think is 15 or 16th generation - these vampires would be the weakest.
Ambrose Braeden
Oct 12th, 2006, 07:17:15 PM
ok thanks for clearing that up
Blade Bacquin
Oct 13th, 2006, 10:40:05 AM
Moved thread to proper forum and added correct tag. ;)
The answer is... as I understand it... that all vampires are descended from Caine. The generation of a vampire tells you how far from Caine they are in their bloodline. Caine turned the antedivulians (spelling?) and they are generation 1 - uber powerful! The vamps that were turned by the Generation 1 vamps are generation 2, and they are a little less powerful than generation 1, and so forth.
Generation does not necessarily have anything to do with age. And in our WoD you cannot play a vamp with a higher generation than 6 because they would be way too powerful. A newly turned vamp might be any generation, depending on the generation of their sire, but the furthest from Caine I think is 15 or 16th generation - these vampires would be the weakest.
anything past gen 13 are called thin bloods they are considered weak but if you ever read the book they have some interesting Vampire traits. A few are even known to be able to walk in the sun but I think if i remeber right they are around 16th gen the few that can.
as for the gens well that LD you got it sort of right basically cause it all depends on the vampires view of how it works. The most common belief according to the books is Caine is Gen 1 and then it goes from there 2nd being whipped out by the great flood. 3rd being the antidelvions. 4th and 5th being elders also known as some M name that I can't remember. 6th and 7th can also be elders but they still function in the real real world affairs instead of staying behind the scenes. every thing else up to 13th gen is considered a common vampire. everything after 13 is thin blood.
Your not wrong though LD there is another belief system in WoD mostly followed by Malkavians (cause there crazy). That Caine can not be the first gen. that there was a first gen that was whipped out or may still be around who knows there not even sure if all the second gens where whipped out. But third gen is still held as the antideluvians.
Dasquian Belargic
Oct 13th, 2006, 11:44:06 AM
If we were playing true to the game, the majority of our characters would be above 10th Gen, I think. It's a pyramid-like hierachy, as far as Generations are concerned. There are so many more higher Gen vamps than there are lower. The higher the Generation, the greater the power gap. For example, a 13th Gen isn't that much more powerful than a 14th (who are very rare anyway)... but a 6th Gen is a LOT more powerful than a 7th Gen. Their blood is so much stronger, because it is much more concentrated.
4th Gen are called Methuselahs, by the way :)
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