View Full Version : Aquiring one's possesions
Oct 10th, 2006, 08:58:09 AM
The Imperial Interdictor Cruiser hung in the vastness of space. Stars slowly rotated all around the viewport as the Chiss Commander stood, waiting for a certain someone to show up. Osrick clasped his hands behind his back as he waited for any word from his captain. Inside of the vessel was buisy as usual. All four of the Gravity-well Projectors were activated and working normally. A squadron of TIE fighhters were ready to dispatch in the hangar bay, incase rebels happen to unexpetedly return to normal space due to the projectors that protruded forth from the top and bottom of the vessel like 4 bubbles.
"Commander, we have spotted a small one man fighter that has just entered the system."
The captain stood behind Osrick waiting for his orders. The Commander squinted his eyes, only a hint of red shown between the eyelids. His blue pale skin tightened upon his vissage as in irritation. With a deep voice he answerd the captain.
"Very good Captain, allow him access to land."
"Yes Sir."
Footsteps echoed away from the Chiss as the Captain made his way to the elevator, on route to welcome the newest being.
Oct 10th, 2006, 11:00:57 PM
The stars streaked back into the distance as Eldorack entered normal space. Within the viewport of the IG-2000 class fighter was an Imperial Interdictor cruiser. It wasn't the first time he had seen one up close like this, and it certainly was not going to be his last. As he continued on his current path he looked over to his most trusted companion. DOG was starring back at him, tail wagging and toung haning out, waiting for something to do.
"Well, we made it" Eldorack said with a hint of sarcasim.
As he made his approach towards the large vessel, a small light flickered on the holo-cam projector as it flickered to life. A smaller version of a man he was about to meet stood there.
"Welcome Eldorack, I see that you are on time as scheduled. Proceed to the docking bay and my Captain will escort you to my office."
With that the image faded into nothingness. As the Mercinary pivoted his ship within the hangar, Eldorack flipped a switch and the repulsor lifts kicked on, making for a smoother landing. Eldorack rose from his seat, DOG following, and made his way to the loading ramp of his ship. Eldorack reached up and pressed a few keys, and with a loud hiss, the ramp began its decent. The Assasin walked down the ramp and aproached the Captain.
"Well I'm here."
"Follow me" the Captain said.
Eldorack followed the man in the grey suit, his furry friend right next to him, never leaving his side, watching all around them. After a few minutes of walking along they came to a tall durrasteel door. With a woosh the door slid open revealing what lay beyond.
Oct 12th, 2006, 10:55:58 AM
The massive durrasteel door opened to reveal a man standing in the threashhold that he had been waiting for. This meeting was necesary in order for the Chiss Imperial commander to get what he wanted. Osrick raised himself out of his plush leather chair to his full height. With a flick of his wrist, the Captain escorted the Mercinary into his office. Walking only a few paces behind the two came a small symbiont being that was watching the Commander. He paid no mind and let it be. As Eldorack sat down without permision from Osrick, he thought to himself, 'He gives a new meaning to scum of the universe'. Osrick motioned to the Captain and he made his way out of the room. Osrick sat down folded his hands upon his ornately carved desk.
"Eldorack, the reason we are doing buisness is for the fact of your previous partner, Mockadane. Yes I know about him, although many dont. He was a very feared man in the univese, but was also very resourcefull. He had found a Creature that resided upon the planet Myrkr. Do you know of what I speak of?"
Osrick stared at the man sitting across from him, waiting for an answer.
Oct 14th, 2006, 01:31:05 PM
"Eldorack, the reason we are doing buisness is for the fact of your previous partner, Mockadane. Yes I know about him, although many dont. He was a very feared man in the univese, but was also very resourcefull. He had found a Creature that resided upon the planet Myrkr. Do you know of what I speak of?"
Eldorack smiled more to himself than to the Imperial Commander. The Mercinary had not heard the name 'Mockadane' in a very long while. But what is past is past. Eldorack looked back up once again to make eye contact with the Chiss once more, a stern look upon his face.
"It is called ysalamiri if memory serves. I have made use of these creatures myself because of their neat little trait. These animals actually repel the force. But there is a little trick to removing them from their tree branches. The ysalamiri sink thier claws into the core of the tree, and if you pull them off, you will kill them. You must remove the part of the tree they are stuck to as well."
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