View Full Version : Marcus Thornby (NPC)

Marcus Thornby
Sep 30th, 2006, 10:23:31 AM
Name: Marcus Thornby

Species: Vampire, 9th generation

Allegiance: Clan Brujah; The Camarilla (Primogen of London)

Physical Appearance:



Perception: Within his clan, Marcus fits in neither of the two distinct camps of the Brujah. Too young to have lived in the fabled time of Carthage, yet too old to throw his lot in with the rebellious iconoclasts of the Final Nights, he has spent much of his unlife struggling to find his place within Kindred society. In one respect this has worked to his advantage, as his 'neutrality' within both camps has allowed him to entertain both of their viewpoints fairly, setting him in good stead to be the Primogen of London.

Outside of his own clan, Marcus is on particularly good terms with the Gangrel, Nosferatu and Malkavian communities within London. Anna Starkley, the Malkavian Primogen, is a frequent cohort of his.

Additional Information: It is suspected that Marcus may have been the child of an illegal Embrace, that his sire ignored the rule of progeny and did not request the permission of the serving Prince before making him. As Marcus's sire predates the reign of the current Prince Rodermark, few question the matter - though it is an interesting rumour to note, as it may have been the cause for Thornby's own out-of-character sympathy for the clanless Caitiffs.

Gifts: in order of strength, greatest to least
+ Potence
+ Presence
+ Celerity