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Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 29th, 2006, 09:38:11 AM
Let's see here, I:

tend to stick my tongue out when I'm concentrating on something (like drawing, working on a loom, etc)
fold fast food wrappers up after I'm done eating
always smoke the #4 and #20 cigarettes first (stupid I know, but I've done it for as long as I've been smoking)
always eat my fries first
segregate my food one group at a time
have a hard time falling asleep unless the tv is on
always sleep on my right side. If I sleep on my back there's a 75% chance I'll get sleep paralysis and if I sleep on my left side I usually have a hard time breathing
if there is another body in the bed, I make sure to always sleep on the side furthest from the door

That's all I can think of for the moment. Share yours :)

Sorsha Kasajian
Sep 29th, 2006, 09:45:07 AM
I always mrrrow when I enter the house. It's just the polite thing to do if you live with cats. :)

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 29th, 2006, 10:06:09 AM
I have a couple that are similar to you, s'Il.

I always sleep on my left side. If someone else is in the bed, I'm always on the left. I prefer to sleep facing a wall, and usually under the covers ^_^;

When I'm playing the guitar I occasionally stick my tongue out, but mostly just look like I am about to say something and keep forgetting what that something is.

I pick up after other peoples litter, too. My mother brainwashed me from a small child to have a complete aversion to littering. I end up with my bag full of old bus tickets and a thousand leaflets that I don't want.

Particularly if I'm alone, I hum, sing, beatbox or even (like Sorsha) meow, without even realizing I'm doing it.

Peter McCoy
Sep 29th, 2006, 10:32:57 AM
My girlfriend says when I'm just idly sitting, I tend to 'bop' as if listening to music that only I can hear. The funny thing is that there's usually a tune of some sort going on in my head, so it must be instinctive. A reflex-bop action :p

When browsing the net, if I'm reading a body of text, like posts, I tap my desk in various rhythms, trying to tap as fast as possible without losing the beat.

Park Kraken
Sep 29th, 2006, 10:58:21 AM
I have a tendency to act out what I am thinking about. Espically if I'm thinking dark thoughts about somebody that has annoyed me. This has often resulted in bruised wrists, people looking at me very oddly, and my parents asking which person I'm beating up now.

If I'm revealing something about myself to a lot of people, such as right now, my right leg starts bouncing up and down.

Whenever I fart, I....oh wait, not appropriate. Nevermind.

When I'm around male company, I tend to act homosexually rather than heterosexually. I used to do this for my own amusement, but I've done it so often I find myself doing it all the time.

Fiona Devlin
Sep 29th, 2006, 11:55:04 AM
Another one from me. If I'm going to the theatre to see a movie like Braveheart, LotR, Narnia, or Pirates, I must go dressed up in garb. :D

Zachariah Jak'el
Sep 29th, 2006, 12:04:23 PM
fold fast food wrappers up after I'm done eating
segregate my food one group at a time

Aye, I do those things also.

When I'm around male company, I tend to act homosexually rather than heterosexually. I used to do this for my own amusement, but I've done it so often I find myself doing it all the time.

I do that, but usually only in all guy groups. I developed it at my old work place. Me and the cook, Albert, would terrorize one of the waiters who was a total homophobe. Great times.

My Habits:

Tend to fold my napkin every time I use it and slip it under the edge of my plate, eventually I'll fold it so small I can't see it as the edge of my plate blocks it from view. Why I do this I do not know.
I sleep on my side or my stomach, usually facing the wall. I cannot, for the life of me, sleep on my back. I also have a hard time sleeping in a bed that is not against the wall.
For awhile I used to suck in my cheeks whenever I played Guitar. Thankfully I don't do that anymore because it made me look like a bloody fool.
I pick at my teeth
I sleep in my clothes
I'm lazy... oh wait, is that a habit?

Kraehe Branwen
Sep 29th, 2006, 02:28:44 PM
- Can't stand french kissing cuz its messy, so I tend to withdraw from them when my hubby tries to do it.
-I'm impatient and I'll whine like a kid if someone is lagging behind.
-I have sensitive teeth so I drink from the side of my mouth.
-I got so used to making kissy faces to my son and husband that if someone smiles at me on the street I do it to them. o.o;;
-I crack my knuckles all at once or in synch with music if I can.
-When I wake my son up in the morning I always squeal at him and jump up and down. I've accidently done it to my husband once.
-I do EVERYTHING from the left. Left leg into pants, then right. Brush my left side of my teeth first then right. Etc, etc.
-I have to check the baby about five times before I can fall asleep at night.
-I say "like" too often that I try to catch myself to stop it but it ends up making me stutter.
-I USED to talk like Beavis and Butthead.
-If I play a video game for too long I think I can save my game when interacting in the real world. Especially before changing my son's dirty diapers, cuz I imagine I may die doing it if it's a stinker.
-I can't sleep without earplugs or a sleeping mask on.
-I feel that I always have to be sarcastic in order to be funny and dont realize when I'm hurting someone's feelings irl.
-I'm always picking at my teeth
-I'm ALWAYS picking my ears... Like 24/7
-For some reason in the middle of the night while I'm still asleep I take my wedding ring off and set it on the nightstand. o.O I never remember doing it.

Jecht Tar
Sep 29th, 2006, 02:41:54 PM
More from me:

When I eat icecream I always turn my spoon upside down before putting it in my mouth.
I, kid you not, scratch myself in my sleep. I'll wake up in the morning with a nearly blood-letting scratch angled down my chest. It looks like a tiger got at me. Occasionaly I get similar scratches on my arms and shoulders. Once, and only once, have I scratched my back in my sleep and that one time I woke up with a blood stained shirt. Weird, huh?
I take stuff off all the time in my sleep. My shirt usually if I forget to take it off before I collapse into bed. But what's really weird is when I wake up with yesterday's shirt on, which I distinctly remember taking off the night before. And I always put my shirts on backwards or insideout in my sleep :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 29th, 2006, 03:00:01 PM
There is nothing odd about me at all.

Or, is there? :uhoh

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 29th, 2006, 03:04:47 PM
I can't help interchanging the first letters of words at least once in any given day. Today I said 'cub prawl' (pub crawl). I guess I just think about what I'm going to say too much before I say it. It's not so much a habit as a defect I guess :mneh

Razielle Alastor
Sep 30th, 2006, 08:48:50 AM
Oh Lord I have so many.. LOL lets see what i can think of.

* I talk with my hands constantly, and if you have ever seen me on a webcam you'll know that I can be quite animated. :D

* I have an aversion to orange food. Used to be I wouldn't eat anything orange, but I am progressinng. I now like pumpkin, sweet potato and tangerines. Something drastic will occur if anyone ever tries to force mango or cantalope at me again though..

* I can't sleep if I'm cold. In fact I prefer layers of blankets, complete darkness and total silence.

* If I am feeding a baby, or a small kiddo and I want them to open their mouth, I open mine. I guess I am compelled to demonstrate what I want them to do or something,

* I love coffee, to a worshipful degree, but if there is no creamer or half and half forget it. I can't drink my coffee with milk unless its an emergency. Blech.

* I almost always type "something" like "soemthign" and have to constantly fix it. Definately my least favortie word to type. I have a couple others I routinely screw up too! Smack me if you see em! LOL

I also share a few others already mentioned. :)

Karl Valten
Sep 30th, 2006, 12:02:33 PM
I like this thread. :)

Let's see.

*I can't sleep can only in pitch dark, or solid-daylight, contrasting brightnesses really unerve me for some reason.

*I can only sleep on my stomach, and always sleep with one arm under my head.

*I can be right or left-handed depending on the activity. I any thing that involves the use of one arm, I'm right handed: writing, throwing, etc. Anything involving two hands and/or swinging something, I'm left handed: baseball, hockey, golf (except for tennis, my right arm is still dominant)

*I do this weird double clicking noise with my tongue after making sarcastic comments or jokes.

*I have the habit of mumbling or talking to myself when I'm concentrating on a task. It's gotten me in trouble at school during exams.

*When I'm really stressed out I break out into fits of laughter.

*I alter my mannerisms and personality when dealing with various social groups. At school I could be hanging out with jocks and the next moment be perfectly engaged in a discussion about warhammer with the 'nerdy' kids, or fiting in with the goth or emo types. (You wouldn't how much fun I have messing with the psychology teachers)

*I love playing devil's advocate. While in America Government or during debates in speech, I'd always take a stand against the majority even if it was against my personal beliefs.

Terran Starek
Sep 30th, 2006, 12:17:39 PM
Hahahaha - you guys are funny! :D

Even though I prefer to perserve nature, for some reason, I am a napkin freak - I use at least 10 napkins per meal.

I constantly squint my nose and eyes to push my glasses up on my face.

I'm extraordinarily laid back, but something on me - leg, knee, foot, fingers - is always moving and rythymically tapping.

Even on a perfectly clean toilet seat (like the one in our house, because my wife is a clean seat), I have the need to grab a wad of TP and wipe the entire lid and lip off before I use it.

That's all I can think of right now. :)

Kyle Krogen
Sep 30th, 2006, 12:31:45 PM
Even more from me! Gosh, I really am a mess, aint I?

I cannot sleep in silence, there must be subtle noise in order for me to sleep. For this reason I have a small clip-on fan that blows throughout the night, even during the dead of winter.
I cannot stand being still for more then a few moments. If you watch me during a movie I change my position a million times before it ends. This is also true in bed, I change my position every five minutes.
I always dry myself off the same way after a shower.

I'm sure more will come to me at a later time :)

Titus Aelius Malleolus
Sep 30th, 2006, 01:08:32 PM
I don't have any quirks at all.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 30th, 2006, 01:29:02 PM
I bite my tongue when I'm concentrating hard (my piano teacher used to worry I'd bite it off)
When I'm reading or watching TV or on the computer I tend not to hear anything else that's going on around me. I do, however, manage to pretend I am listening, but usually only for the very first part of the attempted conversation.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 30th, 2006, 01:48:06 PM
Another one I remembered, I hardly ever move around in my sleep. Once I get settled in bed I pretty much don't move for the rest of the night.

Morgan Evanar
Sep 30th, 2006, 04:23:28 PM
I don't have any quirks at all.I don't do anything very strange either.

Kraehe Branwen
Sep 30th, 2006, 04:36:44 PM
Another one- I can't hear two peple at once. If two people are talking to me at the same time I don't hear two voices, I hear noise. Its hard to explain but it irritates the hell out of me so expect me to go crazy if anyone does that.

Mandy with an I
Sep 30th, 2006, 10:36:41 PM
I do the tongue-sticking out thing too, when I'm thinking really hard and my brain needs extra air ;) I can only sleep on my stomach, but I roll all over the bed once I do fall asleep.

I do a lot of weird things, but most them can be explained away as OCD -- I always have a "routine" of doing things, and I have to do it basically the same every day or it really bothers me. :| I have to have my room and everything exactly so, and if I'm at work, I will spend 30 minutes tidying everything up and piling everything into piles that are all lined up before I can start working. I can usually tell when someones' been in my room or touched my stuff because they've moved things, like, one millimeter :s lol.

I own a million different notebooks (one for rping, one for writing, one for at work, one journal, one sketch book, one budget book, etc) and always have at least three lists of the exact same thing so I don't forget.

Wyl Staedtler
Oct 1st, 2006, 01:19:53 AM
- I have to eat individual snacks (like chips, crackers) in even numbers and divide my food into two halves so that each side of my mouth chews an equal amount. I also alternate each bite (bite of salad on the left, bite of salad on the right, bite of corn on the left, bite of corn on the right, etc). If I don't I will feel terribly uneven for the rest of the day.

- I tap the top of cans before I open them.

- I name every creature that comes into remote contact with me and croon at them, using affectionate terms like 'baby'. Unless it's a cockroach. Then I just scream and hyperventilate.

- I always, always, always read the last page of a book first.

Park Kraken
Oct 1st, 2006, 01:48:45 PM
A couple more from me:

- If I have a question about someone or something, no matter how personal or private it may be, I won't prance around the subject, I'll come straight out and ask it. Like, "Is that a guy in that poster?"

- If someone asks me a private question or a question about a bodypart of mine or something in relation to a bodypart of mine, I'll answer honestly, and then add a remark that will totally gross them out, in the category of too much information, partly to make them not ask any more questions along that line, partly for my own amusement at their reactions.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 1st, 2006, 02:02:12 PM
I thought we were posting odd little quirks, not bizarre personality traits. ;)

Karl Valten
Oct 1st, 2006, 06:06:47 PM
One person's little quirk is another's bizarre trait. :p

Morgan Evanar
Oct 1st, 2006, 06:29:43 PM
Another one- I can't hear two peple at once. If two people are talking to me at the same time I don't hear two voices, I hear noise. Its hard to explain but it irritates the hell out of me so expect me to go crazy if anyone does that.Not unusual really.

Kelly Perris
Oct 1st, 2006, 06:50:00 PM
-Whenever I run my tongue over the pointier teeth in my mouth it makes me want to gnaw on people. When this isn't possible, I gnaw on my fingers, knuckles or hands in general.

-I'm dominantly right-handed, but I can't for the life of me concentrate on a phone conversation when the phone is at my right ear.

-I eat Hickory Sticks one at a time, nibbling little pieces off of each stick v e r y s l o w l y....This used to drive people in high school NUTS.

-I eat the purple Smarties last.

-Sitting on the right-hand end of the couch bothers me. I can't do it for very long before begging my sister [or whoever] to switch seats with me. So far, this only happens at home.

-When I'm absorbed in a book [or reading something in general], I hear EVERYTHING around me, but I remember none of it when I stop reading.

-My knees and thumbs are double-jointed, I can put my legs behind my head, I can cross my eyes and touch the tip of my nose with my tongue.

Dai Yosada
Oct 1st, 2006, 07:07:23 PM
I have to turn the opening of the pillowcase out before I can sleep! And if I am near a door, the door has to be closed and I have to sleep with my back to it.

Oh yeah, I can't stand eating fries with the burger. It's always fries after you eat the burger.

Reading all these is fun!

Wyl Staedtler
Oct 2nd, 2006, 02:05:00 PM
-I eat the purple Smarties last.

Jeepers, what's next, eating the red ones first?

Morgan Evanar
Oct 2nd, 2006, 08:24:22 PM
I have to turn the opening of the pillowcase out before I can sleep! And if I am near a door, the door has to be closed and I have to sleep with my back to it.

Oh yeah, I can't stand eating fries with the burger. It's always fries after you eat the burger.

Reading all these is fun!Thufir Hawat would be dissapointed.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 2nd, 2006, 08:56:11 PM
I remembered a few more

At least once a day my eyes feel 'full', and so I pull out my eyelashes
Back when I used to eat candy, I always ate the green M&M's first
Even though my car is an automatic (blech), I always put the e-brake on whenever I'm parked. People make fun of me for it

Razielle Alastor
Oct 3rd, 2006, 05:51:53 AM
I remembered a few more

At least once a day my eyes feel 'full', and so I pull out my eyelashes

Even though my car is an automatic (blech), I always put the e-brake on whenever I'm parked. People make fun of me for it

Eeeek your poor eyelashes! :eek

I set the e-brake too, and I lock the doors when I get in the car. Someone once convinced me, as a child, that I would fall out otherwise and it stuck. LOL

I also sleep with a stuffed monkey that I've had since I was 3! Which means roughly that he is older than most of the people I RP with. Wow.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 3rd, 2006, 07:48:05 AM
Hehe, well I usually only get one or two at a time, but once those few are out, my eyes feel so much better and less crowded.

Another habit I have I got from 10 years of piano; if I'm listening to music my fingers automatically play along with the melody, whether it be on the steering wheel while driving, on the desk, etc.

Oct 3rd, 2006, 08:45:24 AM
I constantly shake my leg(s) up and down. Especially if Im watching TV or something. People im with always complain that I shake the whole isle when I go to the cinema. Usually you will find the table shaking at the tea table too.

If im at work im usually ALWAYS chewing on something. Gum, pens, pencils, finger nails.

I talk in my sleep. People have had full on conversations with me in my sleep, and then I dont remember anything about it the next day. Normally its about complete rubbish.

If anyone ever talks about teeth or the dentist, I always run my toungue along my top set of teeth.

When opening a bottle of something cold and you get that mist that forms at the top of the bottle. I have to blow that out before I have a sip.

If I see myself in a mirror, no matter where I am 9 times out of 10 I'll make a funny face or something at myself. Its like my reflection is mocking me.

Hmmm, think thats about all I can think of for now.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 3rd, 2006, 08:58:38 AM
I constantly shake my leg(s) up and down. Especially if Im watching TV or something. People im with always complain that I shake the whole isle when I go to the cinema. Usually you will find the table shaking at the tea table too.

Good grief Charley does that. Bugs the living daylights outta me, since it manages to rattle everything in the room :verymad

Oct 3rd, 2006, 10:04:57 AM
Everyone complains about it. Its kinda comforting though. I really can't help it. Besides, its exorcise without actually doing anything!

Park Kraken
Oct 3rd, 2006, 10:58:08 AM
If im at work im usually ALWAYS chewing on something. Gum, pens, pencils, finger nails.

Back in high school I chewed on the ends of all the pens that I used. After a while people were reluctant to lend me their pens. It sort of stopped though when one person that leant me their pen kept kicking me when I started chewing on it. He was wearing steel-toed shoes too.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 3rd, 2006, 11:12:59 AM
Its called RLS, Ori. <a href=http://www.rls.org/NetCommunity/Page.aspx?&pid=200&srcid=199>Restless Leg Syndrome</a>. Well, it might be. :)

Kraehe Branwen
Oct 5th, 2006, 11:40:26 AM
Ok... my husband pointed out another one. Whenever we uh... shower together.. I HATE it when he gets soap on me that he's already used. You know, the already sudzy stuff after you rubbed the soap all over? He flicks it everywhere and I scream whenever he gets in on me and won't move fast enough for me to rinse it off. For some reason I still think it's dirty even if it's soap... Especially if its from his underarms. :x

I also tend to growl like a cat whenever I'm not happy or bored. You know that growl when they are about to hiss... Yeah.. I do that.

I also whine for attention and meow for it too.

Whenever I kiss my husband I have to do it at least four times in a row or else I get reminded of my ex cuz my previous habit was to do it three times in a row.

Jesimae Lawson
Oct 10th, 2006, 09:07:32 PM
Haha! These are INTERESTING!!

- I can only sleep on my stomach, not that weird HOWEVER, I have to have my left hand slipped under my pelvic bone.

- I cannot sleep with the closet door open.

- At Burger King I order a whopper with everything, but I pick it all off (onions, pickle, tomato) because I like the taste that is left from them.

- When I get excited I smack myself on the forehead several times. Especially if that excitement is over a hot guy.

- I stick my tongue out whenever I write.

- I listen to music suited towards the stories I write, for example: If I am writing a story on the civil war, I listen to music from that time period or from musical scores from civil war films. Here on SW I listen to music suited for the thread.

- I talk to myself, even read out loud when I am in my room or alone.

- When I drive my left arm needs to be propped on the door.

- Even if the cup is clean, I have to wash it out before I use it.

- When I am thinking I put my right, or left, hand over my nose and mouth as if I smell something bad. I dunno. Weird.

- I have to sleep furthest away from the door if I am in the bed with someone else.

- When curling my hair I pull my hair into two sections, right side and left side. I curl the left side first.

- When I am at a place where I get a lid for my drink myself I always get a lid halfway in the pile, never from the top.

- I don't touch the doorhandle after using the bathroom. I do it with a paper towel or my shirt.

- I always rub my feet together before I go to sleep.

I am sure there are more! ^_^

Wyl Staedtler
Oct 10th, 2006, 11:48:39 PM
This thread has made me hyperaware of my ticks. o.O

First thing in the morning, when I'm still groggy and not quite awake, if someone talks to me I automatically mumble a reply in French.

Along the same lines, I constantly insert bits of French when I write, and will not realize it unless I conciously re-read everything I've put on the paper. Not big things usually, but mais or et, stuff like that.

I play with my hands. Often. It's a recent habit, which comes as a result of trying to tone down the exagerated gestures I used to make (from stage acting).

My right pinky finger is always up. When I'm drinking something, when I'm typing, when I'm reading. It's starting to bug me because now it's all I notice.

Rod Stafford
Oct 11th, 2006, 03:30:20 AM
I constantly shake my leg(s) up and down. Especially if Im watching TV or something. People im with always complain that I shake the whole isle when I go to the cinema. Usually you will find the table shaking at the tea table too.

I was going to post this but you already said it. That's me to a T.

God knows what other weird things I do. I'll ask Peter.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 12th, 2006, 06:17:33 PM
Jesimae - I can't sleep with the closet door open either. ^_^; The funny thing is I usually don't check it before I get into bed, and then I make my hubby get up and close it. :mneh

When I was younger I was scared of 'things' that could be lurking in my room in the dark (not afraid of the dark, but afraid of what could be HIDING in the dark!) so I'd squish my back against the wall and sleep in the crack between my mattress and the wall. Sometimes my mom couldn't find me in the bed in the morning.

Jesimae Lawson
Oct 12th, 2006, 08:44:50 PM
Jesimae - I can't sleep with the closet door open either. ^_^; The funny thing is I usually don't check it before I get into bed, and then I make my hubby get up and close it. :mneh

When I was younger I was scared of 'things' that could be lurking in my room in the dark (not afraid of the dark, but afraid of what could be HIDING in the dark!) so I'd squish my back against the wall and sleep in the crack between my mattress and the wall. Sometimes my mom couldn't find me in the bed in the morning.

Oh my! I did that, too!!!!! My Mom would look for me and I'd be in between the wall and the matress with the covers over me so she'd think I Was out of bed!! I thought I was the only one!!

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 12th, 2006, 10:34:45 PM

Yeah, I'd have a pillow lengthwise against my stomach and chest to protect me, too. Sometimes I still sleep hugging a pillow.

Morgan Evanar
Oct 13th, 2006, 06:25:12 PM
You're both screwed, I don't have a clothset door! BWWHAHAHAHA

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 13th, 2006, 06:35:31 PM
Jesimae - I can't sleep with the closet door open either. ^_^; The funny thing is I usually don't check it before I get into bed, and then I make my hubby get up and close it. :mneh

This is the reason I have to sleep with my back to the door, otherwise I will end up watching it in the fear that someone is going to come in. :uhoh

I just noticed recently that I can't keep my hands still. I'm always tapping out a drum beat or playing with a button on my jacket, fiddling with anything to keep busy. Right as I was typing this I paused and automatically started to play with my hair. Argh.

Razielle Alastor
Oct 13th, 2006, 08:03:33 PM
I wasn't so much afraid of the closet. I was, however, positive that something was going to grab my feet if I got out of bed. So I if I did have to get up it required a small ritual of summoning the courage, preparing for the worst and leaping out and as far away from my bed and as close to my bedroom door as possible. Once the light was on I would stop my racing heart, feel quite silly and go get a glass of water or whatever.. LOL Silly huh? ( I only do this now if my husband isn't home or whatever, -_- )

Ryan Pode
Oct 13th, 2006, 11:26:57 PM
I can't stop playing a song on iTunes, radio, cd player, etc. without having tonal resolution.

Jesimae Lawson
Oct 14th, 2006, 05:58:55 AM
I wasn't so much afraid of the closet. I was, however, positive that something was going to grab my feet if I got out of bed. So I if I did have to get up it required a small ritual of summoning the courage, preparing for the worst and leaping out and as far away from my bed and as close to my bedroom door as possible. Once the light was on I would stop my racing heart, feel quite silly and go get a glass of water or whatever.. LOL Silly huh? ( I only do this now if my husband isn't home or whatever, -_- )

I STILL do this! In fact I did it last night. I was getting ready for bed and I looked down and I wouldn't walk to my bed...so I jumped like three feet onto it. One of these days the bed is going to break and I'll die of a heart attack. >.>

Razielle Alastor
Oct 14th, 2006, 08:29:43 AM
:lol Yep! I know exactly what you mean!

Malick Raine
Oct 14th, 2006, 09:16:19 AM
Okay i will go now (Blade Ice for those that don't know this name.)

* I have exstreme parnoya of basements especially if they have open stairs (stairs that have holes between the steps where things could reach out and drab your ankles.) I have had this fear since I was a kid and I know where it came from to. A movie called witches under the stair case.

* Chicken noodle soup sets off my gag reflex even the smell of it.

* I'm a pesimist I always think of the worst out comes of a situations and ain't afraid to share this annoys allot of my friends.

* I'm right handed but I write like a lefty with my right hand. Also on the same note i golf better left handed.

* I am the only male right hander in my family other then my dad.

*When I work alone i have a tendancy to carry on a conversation with myself.

* I'm a slow reader (it takes me about two months or more to read a 300 page book) But I can recall everything I read years after I read it I can still recall all I read back when I was 13 even now at 24. I will often times correct some body for stating the wrong statement some one said or did in a book that we have both read. it also annoys people. especial if they just read the book and I read it like two years ago.

* I can only do math in my head if I right it down i have tendancy to mess it up.

* I sleep on my side but I move around in my sleep. I prefer it to be pitch black and cold with me baried under blankets. I always wear sox to bed in the winter to bed. Also sweat pants I wear to bed all year around.

*as an odd add on to that I'm more awake at night then in the day. So I work at night and sleep in the day witch makes pitch black almost impossible to accomplish.

* I have to sleep a minimum 8 hours or I will be cranky.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 14th, 2006, 11:34:41 AM
I'm alot like you Blade, in that I prefer the room to be as cold as a meatlocker with me piled under a metric ton of blankets :)


DVD's have to be alphebetized, no questions asked. I will spend hours ordering the DVD racks until it's done correct. Buying new movies is always fun, since I have to shift everything over however many spaces.
I put darn near everything in the fridge. Gum, soy sauce, cooking spray, it's all in there.
If I use a shopping cart at a store, everything I put into it has to be placed in the basket in such a way to maximize space; think Tetris.

edit: remembered the shopping cart issue

Morgan Evanar
Oct 14th, 2006, 02:31:21 PM
Putting spray in the frige isn't a very good idea. :|

Also most of you are bizzare. I mean, you all make me look totally normal.

Ok: I look at a road and see braking points and places to turn in and try to figure out the fastest way to drive it.

Zem Vymes
Oct 14th, 2006, 03:46:59 PM
Putting spray in the frige isn't a very good idea. :|

I keep trying to tell her.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 20th, 2006, 10:53:29 AM
Another one!

I make it a point to keep my birthday a secret. This isn't an invitation for people to start trying to find it out, it's just a habit of mine that I don't disclose when I was born :)

Kyle Krogen
Oct 20th, 2006, 01:29:07 PM
I have a tendency to do most of my roleplay planning in the moments before I fall asleep.

My mind is more active at night, making it very difficult for me to sleep.

I prefer darkness and the cold as the perfect sleeping condition, but when it does get really cold I always forget to get more blankets and I freeze all night.

I am always very calm when I use the computer. I can go from being extremely angry, grumpy, sad, whatever and sit down at the computer and I feel better, or at least hit that middle state between all emotions.

Lately I say mum instead of mom. :D