View Full Version : The Mark (Hunter Npc)

The Mark
Sep 25th, 2006, 11:23:43 AM
(theres no tag for hunter. :p )

Name: Dr. Salamu Yakini
Aliases: The mark, The Chaos

Species: Human

Allegiance: Who ever pays him well enough

Archtype: Visonary

Physical appearance:
Height: 6'8 ft
weight: 300 lb (muscular Build)
Aparent age: 45
Hair: Black
eyes: Brown (more yellowish now)

Locaton: Unknown (last seen alexandera Egypt thought to be dead)

Distinguishing Marks: None the man is thought to be a myth rather no one has seen him except a few with in the hunter community and he rarely uses his real name when he does show himself.

Perception: Most hunters Know him as the Mark they do not know his face many hunters have claimed to be him but they died to quickly and his Myth kept going. No hunter really knows who the mark is except for a few and almost all of them fear him or respect him depending on what side of the line they fall. Vampires especially the cami view him as ressonable to deal with for a hunter just don't anger him his rage is worse to see then giving him what he wants and gettign him out of your hair.

Garous call him The Chaos he has killed many Garou and there for is one hunter they fear and want dead more then anything but no one seems to know what he looks like with in there group.


Evil and chaotic at his best. A down right Bastard at his worst. he is hated feared and his alliences is fairly unknown to anyone. He follows the hunters life as much as he feels like it. Mostly he is out for his own gain.


Not much is known about him to tell the truth. Many rumors surround him and you have to wade through them to find the truth. He is known for working with the Cami rather then against them if the price is right. He has also made deals witht he Sabbat on occasion but he prefers not to deal with them cause they have a tendancy to break deals and change the rules of the game he plays. Anarches are just int he way of his vision for a better world and are cannon fodder for the most part but he has made deals with them on occasion as well.

In the hunter world he is in mixed standing some view him as evil other view him as nothing more then a legend or myth. He doesn't play fare and only on his terms does he play at all.

What little is know is he grew up in africa and is in his 40's. He is know for making deals with the devils of the vampire world. He will turn on his fellow hunters to achieve his own goals in life. His supreme goal is said to say that he hopes to shape the world of supernaturals and mortals to his benefit and be revered as some sort of godhead.

Forsee- He cansee his own destiny and avoid it if it leads to trouble.
Pinpoint- He can has an uncanny ability for finding supernaturals through visions
ward - he can ward or protect himself from supernaturals powers such as dominacne and mind affecting abilities.