View Full Version : The Office Season 3 Premiered Tonight . . . and I got SCREWED!

Terran Starek
Sep 21st, 2006, 09:54:36 PM
My favorite TV show is easily NBC's the office. It's the best American port of a British success and it is very different and stand-alone funny when compared to the British version (which was ingenious). My wife and I hosted a party at our house to kick-off the premiere, which started at 7:30pm (CT). It was awesome, and I was loving it, until. . .


Talk about frustrating. I was so mad. It wasn't even close to us, and I live in Oklahoma, so a tornado report is no big deal for us around here. It was only a warning - not a watch, which means that conditions that form tornados existed, but none had been spotted. The station stayed there until 8:17 pm, well after the show was done.

Now, I'm waiting for iTunes to start the season pass and I'll scoop it up and watch the rest then. Dangit. Talk about ripped off! :p

Sep 22nd, 2006, 11:19:24 AM
Right now The Office is my wife and mine's favorite comedy. Last niight was simply hysterical. While I was a bit dissapointed by the resolution to last season's cliff hanger, the episode was still laugh out loud funny. We're rewatching season 2 on DVD now and the kids are having trouble sleeping at night because of us.

Terran Starek
Sep 22nd, 2006, 11:29:50 AM
That's funny!

I think the reoslution to the Jim/Pam/Roy issue right now is ingenious. It's perfect. Sure, we miss Jim in Scranton, but you can tell that the Scranton branch misses him, and that gives the show a really cool dynamic. I loved how Michael and Dwight called Jim about the gaydar - that was so priceless.

Anyway, Michael was his usually hilarious self, and he made me feel really uncomfortable with all of his "gay" comments - which is perfect. That's exactly how it's supposed to feel. I thought it was priceless and a great beginning.

Wyl Staedtler
Sep 22nd, 2006, 11:50:41 PM
I love Dwight's face at the end when he scans himself with his "gaydar". Priceless. :D

Terran Starek
Sep 23rd, 2006, 10:18:21 AM
No doubt.

"Boo-hoo-hoo! I miss Jim! Jim isn't here anymore, I miss him so much --


I do not miss him."

:lol Classic