View Full Version : Vincenzio Moretti

Vincenzio Moretti
Sep 18th, 2006, 04:01:49 PM
Name: Baron Vincenzio Moretti

Alternate Aliases: Vincenzio Moretti, Vincent Moretti, Vincent Moore (preferred), Vinny Moore

Species: Vampire, 7th Generation

Allegiance: Clan Ventrue

Physical Appearance: Vincent is of very average physical stature. About 5'11, 165 pounds, nothing stands out about his build. Vincent travels and dresses in moderate luxury. His main transportation is a jet black limo, and he is rarely known to travel alone, usually surrounded by three or four of his closest "friends." He dresses almost exclusively in suits - from basic blacks and dark blues to pinstriped - and wears fine jewlery and watches. He always wears a dark overcoat and designer, Italian leather shoes.

History: Born in 1311, Vincenzio Moretti was the prince of the Moretti province, near Cicily, in Italy. His father, Baron Constanino Moretti was a devout Catholic, a harsh leader, though he provided for his subjects loyally. Though the Moretti's were not without enemies, most of Vincenzio's life was free of war. He married at the age of 19, to the beautiful princess Maria Scallini. They had two boys togther and lived in the family's castle.

When he was 28, his aging father dispatched him with a troop of knights to put down a rebellion at the south end of the province. What Vincenzio found horrified him. Bodies were mutilated in an unholy manner, and women and children had been eaten. The attackers were a strange group of enemies - difficult to kill and relentless at night. Eventually, Vincenzio's camp was raided and most of his troop were killed. On the last night of his life, he was in a field praying for his family and men. It was there that he was attacked by the leader of the attacking troup - known only by the name of Rael. Rael, a Vampiric Elder, embraced Vincent for his tenacity and leadership skills.

On the first day of his unlife, Vincent had learned that this attack was a front. Rael and a select group fo vampires had invaded Castle Moretti and slaughtered everyone inside. Though crushed by this painful reality, Rael commanded that Vincent move onward and embrace his new unlife. Vincent swore to himself that Rael would pay.

10 years later, after laborous planning and carefull conniving, Vincent laid a clever trap for his sire. Rael fell into it like clockwork, and Vincent had his revenge, draining Rael of his blood and locking him deep within the dungeons of Castle Moretti. To this day, the immobile corpse of Rael is guarded firecely.

Hundreds of years past with Vincent existing in the shadows of his home province. Through many encounters and adventures, the vampire gained allies and friends. Eventually, though, it was time to move on. The tragedies in Moretti had drawn visitors - some intent on discovering the "Vampire Baron" and his brood. Vincent was forced to move on. Thus, in 1810, Vincent and his family liquidated all of his riches and moved to the United States to seek a new way of life.

By the early 1900s, Vincent grew bored with being out of the political limelight. He was a Baron, and it was time that he lived like one. So, in 1923, he moved to chicago and built a nightclub called The Pink Slip. With the charismatic Vincent at the helm, the nightclub flourished. It was then that Vincent began to dabble in organized crime as a way of both making money and establishing an underground network of "control." He referred to himself as the "Baron of the Night" and enjoyed his newfound status.

Today, Vincent continues to run his nightclub. He is now Vincent Moore the II, the son of his father Vincent Moore the I, the grandson of his father Vincent Morretti (the family has always been lauded for its errie resemblence). He is a socialite, enjoying the local celebrity scence. He is also a feared and revered Mafia Boss, the head of the Bluebloods, the Moretti family. Though police have profiled him and tabloids have spotlighted him, he remains free from prison and in control.

Personality: To the common onlooker, Vincent is a charismatic, friendly socialite who spends most of his time entertaining and promoting his nightclub, The Pink Slip. He is a typically arrogant, successful businessman. To those closer to him, Vincent is a very loyal and private man. He is known to keep be the "best friend a guy could have" because of his loyalty to his friends and family (the group of people Vincent associates as his immediate family). On the same token, he is also a very secretive man, consistently and carefully choosing with whom what is shared. To his closest confidants, Vincent is a controlling, violent leader. He is good at setting and accomplishing his goals - at almost any cost. Vincent keeps his personal ties and business ties neatly seperated and is not afraid to do almost anything in the name of business. He is known to have bouts with anger and, during those bouts, can be unmercifully cruel.

Perception: Vincent rarely smiles, though he does enjoy a good joke. His eyes are dark and convincing, his demeanor sleek and stylish. He attracts everyone and no one at the same time, depending upon his mood and motive. Vincent is known to be a man of his word, and thus he expects the same respect from those around him. It has been said that it is better to murder your family, destroy your assets, and kill yourself rather than betray Vincent Moore.

Additional Information: Vincent is an incredibly charismatic leader. He is known to inspire both fear and courage and relies on this charismatic strength for dominance. Nicknamed "The Fox," Vincent is a clever foe. He is an swift swordsman, and he still carries his ornate Italian longsword with him. He doesn't like guns but, for the sake of the times and the need, carries a pistol (Glock .17) with him at all times. He is always armed and dangerous and he most always has one or two bodyguards.

Dominate (Advanced)
Presence (Advanced)

Vincenzio Moretti
Oct 12th, 2006, 02:12:48 PM
The Moretti Family
Nickname: The Bluebloods

Boss: Vincent Moore
(see above description)

Underboss: Sonny Moore
(info coming soon)

Consigliere: Tony Costello
(info coming soon)

Capo: Eric "The Dog" Allen
(info coming soon)

Capo: William Flannigan
(info coming soon)

Tommy Rotelli
Sidney Pete
Pauly Ginolli
Sam Costanzia

Eric Banocci
Chris Edwards
Frank Smith
T. J. Farmington
Brad Tidwell
Buzz Calahan
Greg Arnold