View Full Version : Ladies and Gentlemen... er... scoundrels of all ages?

Khendon Sevon
Sep 16th, 2006, 04:58:27 PM
This semester is turning into a very "labor" intensive time for me. It's not necessarily that I'm learning a lot of new concepts or difficult ones. Rather, I'm taking four CS courses all in different languages (Scheme, C, C++, and assembly). That means I get, roughly, three coding assignments a week.

My first assignment for Int. Comp. Graphics scared 7 people out of the class and took me 8 hours to complete. My Data Structures II class isn't anything insane; but, C isn't OOP so it's taking me time to convert OOP concepts into non-OOP code (spent 2 hours on this weeks assignment). Scheme is the devil's favorite language (wasn't that Java? No, Java isn't that bad... just runs really slow). We're using it in my hardest class--computational structures. That's where the majority of my studying will occur (it's a class on recursion and proving algorithms mathematically and such).

As for the assembly? We don't start that 'till later in the semester. Right now we're going over different mathematical conversions and standards for information storage, etc.

Umm... add to that the fact that I'm working hard (in my rare free time) to knock chapters of my "to-write" list for my novel and what your left with is pretty much OOC posting at SWF. Yup.

I don't have the time to really keep track of threads or come up with any cool SWF ideas. That doesn't mean I won't be checking the boards. No, I will. I just won't be reading IC as much as I would like.

What am I getting at? Basically, I don't know when I will be able to devote a lot of time to developing the Khendon character. I'm really trying to make some major progress in "life" and I need to concentrate on being Andrew for a while.

As I've said, I'll still be around. You'll see me on AIM all the time. Just, I won't be posting as much :(

Umm... Sorry :(

Hopefully this will all be somewhat resolved by summer (next semester isn't looking bad, but, if my plans go well I'll end up having an internship while in school, so...).

Aye! Yar!

Star destroyers taste like chicken.

Lamar Starworth
Sep 16th, 2006, 05:12:18 PM
Well it's good your doing a lot. Stepping closer and closer to the future. It's understandable if your not around. It's a true story that many of us students can clearly understand. If I wasn't a senior this year I would be telling the same tale, but next year might end up being the last year as an avid SW-Fans member.

Even now with a job, school, and life in general to deal with I only can smuggle a bit of time on the weekend.

So it's good to know I'm not alone in this. Hope your having fun with all the schooling though. Nothing is worst than hated-assignments.

See ya on the flip side!! :)

Telan Desaria
Sep 16th, 2006, 09:38:52 PM
I guess that promotes me, eh?

Khendon Sevon
Sep 16th, 2006, 09:50:31 PM
a teaser from page 138:

It was the top of a hill. Tall grass was patchy and broken by brown boulders that laid on the ground in long arrangements. They were everywhere. The sun was crimson and low on the horizon. Fire burnt in the sky as night assaulted the final bastions of light. A warm breeze blew from the south and I felt like my breath was taken away.

I was on my knees.

They were covered in armor. My legs were embraced by shin-guard-like leggings. I realized the world was clipped. A helmet covered my head. It was like wearing sunglasses—there was a sensation of not quite seeing everything. My peripheral vision wasn’t impaired; but, there was something. It was like realizing there’s a nose between your eyes.

“HELLO!” I shouted. There wasn’t even a friendly echo to reply.

The long grass waved at me more violently. I squinted and looked at all of the rocks strewn across the endless field. My mind finally rapped around what they were.

The heat from the southerly wind was oppressive. It pressed on my face and I found myself gasping for air. There was so much to do. So much left. Time was marching on and I needed to keep up. I could hear the war drums calling for, for… what?

No. They had already been summoned and banished.

These weren’t drums.

A roar escaped inhuman lips. I looked high to the noise.

My blood turned cold and a shiver ran its ghost fingers over my spine.

Something road the thermals.

A serpentine creature brought its huge face to my own. I could see into those black, lidless eyes. They went all the way through, down, deep to its soul. Heat was there. It wasn’t passion. It was a fury.

The monster’s nostrils flared as it landed on the mound and faced me. There was a sickeningly human sense about those large orbs. It seemed human. I could almost hear words in its head. The beast’s scales were slick and picked up the heavenly inferno. It was dark gray or black depending on how the light caught it.

Yes. I knew what all of those boulder patches were.

Those soul portals regarded me for a moment then its jaw dropped.

They were the remains of men.

It blew me a kiss.

Hundreds of thousands of men.

There was the smell of sulfur all around me. It was mixed with something else that I couldn’t make out. Cooking? Meat? Flesh on a barbeque. Burgers.

But nastier. There were oils that were popping and fats melting away.

My flesh bubbled as heat seared it and raised it from muscle. The meat cooked and became dark then stripped away. Finally, my bone was turned to charred dust.

The wind caught me and carried my ashes away.

Lamar Starworth
Oct 18th, 2006, 09:37:51 AM
I think since you've set back, the Empire hasn't been the same. I was wondering if anyone else had an idea of turning back on the light. :)

Karl Valten
Oct 18th, 2006, 03:38:51 PM
I'm sorry I'm have five active threads I'm working on at the moment. Fall and Winter are my slow posting times. Soccer, marching band, hockey, and drama take up a large chunk of my time.

I don't know if it's a wise idea for my to get involved in more threads, or things will bog down more than they already are.

:) But if you need an idea man, give me a ring.

Khendon Sevon
Oct 19th, 2006, 06:31:43 AM
I'm now president of the Stevens Game Development Club, a member of the International Game Developers Association, aaaaand I'm running for a position on the Outdoor Club.

Add to that writing my novel, working on a video game concept, and (of course) working on my degree in computer science, and you have a crazy full time.

Not to mention I have a voice recital soon that I have to memorize This Nearly Was Mine for.


Telan Desaria
Oct 20th, 2006, 08:24:57 PM
I finally graduated from the Commonwealth Corretional Academy and was sworn in to my new position today. That is why I have bee absent - my spare time ahs been spent with my eyes shut

Lamar Starworth
Oct 21st, 2006, 10:09:48 AM
I finally graduated from the Commonwealth Corretional Academy and was sworn in to my new position today. That is why I have bee absent - my spare time ahs been spent with my eyes shut

Aslong as you are staying safe, happy and enjoying yourself it's all great with us. :)

Khendon Sevon
Oct 22nd, 2006, 03:25:18 PM

I just climbed three 80 ft cliff faces, helped set up 2 anchors, hiked around a mountain (one with said cliffs), broke down said gear, and then got here.

Now I'm going to cook with my roommate's girlfriend.


Lamar Starworth
Nov 11th, 2006, 06:50:42 PM
When you think your coming back from your life-long adventures?

Khendon Sevon
Nov 14th, 2006, 11:08:07 PM
Couple more months. Almost done with the writing. Then I have the editing.