View Full Version : One shooter, two shooters, three shooters, FLOOR!
Molly Black
Sep 14th, 2006, 08:14:11 AM
They'd been open for a while now. A competant staff, a new coat of paint, some new furniture and Molly's eye for decorating and the place was good as new. In fact the Cloud 9 was better now then it had been when it was new. Molly leaned a hip against the bar and smiled at one of the new hires.
"Just keep that grin on your face and don't let the kitchen get backed up. Everything will be fine. I'm going to make the rounds, make sure everyone is happy in their cups. Holler if you need me."
She pushed away from the bar and wound her way around the tables, offering her name to the new customers and assuring them that they had come to the right place. She hadn't seen her elusive boss in a while, but it didn't matter she had things under control. When the lady decided to put in an appearenace she wouldn't be let down.
Sep 15th, 2006, 03:10:46 PM
The drinks were good, but the rules were bloody awful. No blasters? No fighting? What kind of bar was this? He hated civilization sometimes- it was just far too civilized for his tastes. He liked a bar he get shot in as he entered, he liked a bar he could shoot back in, he liked a bar that let him break chairs over people's heads and get away with it. But this was not his kind of bar. His kind of bar was located on Coruscant and went by the name The Hapan Princess. He was a partial owner of that tavern and therefore he could crack as many skulls as he wanted, whenever he wanted...
He left his blaster at the door and found a nice empty table as close to the center of the room as he could. He wanted to make himself an open target, that way he might just get some action, if action ever presented itself. Many people harbored grudges against him. If they saw him there, drinking Corellian ale and munching on Ryshcate panstries, it would just be too temping to resist taking a shot.
You knew a man was crazy when he wanted to get shot...
Molly Black
Sep 28th, 2006, 08:19:25 AM
After a small group of patrons thanked her for a wonderful time and left after settling their tab, Molly figured she had nothing better to do. She began bussing the table, sliding the mugs into a semicircle and picking up the lot by their handles. Her other hand produced a cloth that had been tucked into her short apron. She made a quick job of cleaning up the table and then turned to head for the kitchens. She happened to notice a man with a nearly empty mug and a look that implied displeasure.
"Can I get you another ale, hun?" She blew a strand of hair out of her eyes and smiled.
Sep 28th, 2006, 12:07:36 PM
He looked up, his face a sadly expressioned, "Sure," He replied and pleaded with whatever deity was listening that the woman poisoned his drink so that he'd have an excuse to shoot someone. It was not that he was bored- bored is an understatement. The problem is that it'd been so long since he'd had a decent bar fight. Only the low-down soddingly dirty bars and pubs had nightly barfights, and the beer was bloody awful in those establishements. It seemed it was impossible to get the best of both worlds. Pity...
Molly Black
Oct 1st, 2006, 07:39:59 PM
She set the mugs on the bar and ordered another ale. Molly had seen this type before. She was surprised he wasn't drinking something stronger. No matter, she didn't want anyone getting trashed and shooting holes in the fresh paint anyway. In a second his ale was up, she set it on a tray and returned to the table.
"Here ya go.." Molly set down a fresh coaster and the frosty cold mug.
"If you need anything else, the name's Molly."
Oct 1st, 2006, 08:39:50 PM
He accepted the mug and lifted the frosty mug to his lips and sipped slowly on the chilled liquid. True Corellian Ale did not possess a high alcohol level, but Xel was more of a quantity drinker. He liked having enough empty mugs to stack together to form a castle. Of course by the time he had enough to do that he was slobbering drunk that half his castle ended up on the floor.
"Can I get another Ale?" He asked as he continued to sip on his current beer.
Sorsha Kasajian
Jan 24th, 2007, 12:54:14 PM
:: Sorsha took a quiet table at the opposite end and looked about. Today was a suprise visit, to check on a few things before returning to Tatooine ::
Molly Black
Feb 10th, 2007, 11:26:09 AM
"Sure thing, hun.." Molly rattled off the automatic response to the customer, but her attention had been arrested by the woman who had just been seated.
It was the first time she had seen her since she had completed the first task that had been given to her. Sorsha Kasajian had bought Molly's loyalty by making a very big problem go "POOF" and disappear. In return, Molly now worked for her and served the Black Sun in the capacity of an informant. It was why she had been sent to Bespin. She had not really been given a choice. She had been told to relocate to Cloud City and to get a job in this particular establishment.. Now it would seem her true boss was coming to give her a performance appraisal.
Molly told one of the other girls to bring the ale 'round to the other patron and then waited on the crime boss, herself.
"Evening ma'am.. Would you care to peruse the wine list?" Molly set a leather bound wine listing on the table, along with a folded napkin that carried a quickly scratched note.
I can get free in a few minutes if you need to speak with me.
Malick Raine
Feb 17th, 2007, 10:24:11 AM
Malick formerly Jason dreggs sat in the bar drinking himself into simple oblivion looking for easy marks. His plans to rejoined the imperial navy once again had fallen through. He was still stuck in cloud city trying to make the quick and easy credit. With out even knowing it he was slowly turning into a bad combination of his father he hated so much and his uncle he despised. He used people like his father would and robbed them blind like his uncle. He was broke but still managed to have a bar tab from all the lucky ladies who occasionally met him.
Although today was a business day. He was here looking for a job of sorts which meant ripping some off of something they wanted. He eased in on almost every conversation he could but nothing seemed lucrative or worth the time as of yet. Malick lifted his glass to woman across the bar who had sent the drink over to him. He thought it might have been the same woman he had slept with a few nights back but he wasn't sure after awhile they all looked the same. Then he saw her a blonde sitting being gave a wine list. How he would like to get in that ones pants but just from the look of her she was more then Malick could handle and he knew it.
Just maybe though she had something he need or just wanted to take cause some one else would want it. So he listened as the waitress who in her own right would have been worth a night in the sack to Malick. Life was on the up swing Malick knew it he could taste opportunity.
Feb 25th, 2007, 01:39:42 AM
Xel drummed his fingers on the edge of the table while he waited, doing his best to beat along with the song that had been stuck in his head all day. It was one of those songs you heard playing quietly over speakers everywhere you went, never leaving you alone for one moment. At first you hated the song, but it grew on you and became a favorite. It all ended the same: you end up becoming obsessed about the song to the point that you hate it and move on, to another song usually.
A fresh mug of ale was set down, but rather then sit there sipping it, he scooped it up and lurched to his feet and made his way toward the bar, a bit tipsy from his drinks. He managed to snag the last Ryshcate pastry off his table without falling over. He siddled over to the bar and sat down beside the young man who was oggling every lady in the establishment. He'd been watching the lad, especially once he'd started to take notice of a certain blonde sitting all by herself.
"She out of your league, boy," He said before taking a bit out of his Ryshcate while sitting down and setting his ale on the bar, all in the same motion. Whoever said men can't multitask? " 'sides. She's a crazy one, you can tell by the glint in 'er eye. My advice is to stay clear, unless you enjoy having your fingers cut off," He finished his sentence by lifting his mug to his lips and drinking heavily.
Malick Raine
Feb 25th, 2007, 07:18:30 AM
"My dad always said no woman is out your league son. Those that think are, are just out of touch with reality. My dad got every woman he ever wanted because of that belief and fact he had money and power."
Attitude was only a small part of getting a woman they where few other parts you needed but you usually needed to figure those out on your own. Like did the woman like the one that could make her laugh, the one with the money, or maybe the one with the really fast speeder. Then there where those woman who wanted all of that and more to please but not really that hard to get for a one night stand.
"But just so you know I'm not looking at her in the fact that I want to get into her pants. No she has presence about her that tells she has a secret something I can use. Since you seem to know her so well who is she anyway?"
Mar 4th, 2007, 05:57:04 PM
"Smart man, you father, but he didn't know a woman like this. You'd be better off jumping into a sarlac, and your chance of survival is higher too. But I can't stop you if your suicidal enough to try. If I didn't know 'er I'd probably be hitting on her too." He chuckled and drank heavily from his mug again. God, he loved Corellia Ale. If you cut a God they would bleed Corellia Ale.
"Who is she? Ha! As if I could tell you. No, that would be givin' away secrets, and that aint good for a man in my field of work. I prefer to be alive tomorrow, otherwise a lot of Ale will go to waste in the stomachs of other men. She's the kind of woman who eats babies and chunks of glass for breakfast and drinks molten metal before she goes to bed. Best to think of 'er as a rancor or krayt dragon in a smaller, prettier form, but just as nasty and dangerous."
Malick Raine
Apr 4th, 2007, 09:13:55 AM
"Sounds like my kind of woman."
Malick did like a challenge. He downed the rest of his drink that sat in front of him and looked at the bartender to fill him up again. The bartender just gave him a dirty glare and filled up the glass again.
"The again I have always been a fan of gambling with my life. Where is the fun if you don't take a little risk? Twenty credits says by the end of this night I will know her name and have her singing all hail the emperor Malick Raine? Also if your a real gambler forty credits and I will get the waitress to join in too?"
Apr 6th, 2007, 10:44:38 PM
That was the sound of the mental gears in his head going completely monkey-nuts. The man had said the golend word: gamble. Xel was a gambler, hell yes he was. He gambled on everything from Sabbac to Blob races, shock boxing to illegal hunting matches. If there something that could be gambled upon, then Xel had gambled on it at some point in his long life. He was just that kind of person.
"How 'bout we up the ante? Say... eighty credits, hm?" He asked with waggle of his eyebrows. He did so like a highstakes bet, although with was considerably smaller then some of the bets he'd taken part in. On something so trivial, though, he'd usually stay clear of it and concerve his credits for something bigger. But being in the employement of Black Sun had lined his pockets with enough credits to see this night through.
He'd have him some fun, for once.
Sorsha Kasajian
Apr 12th, 2007, 12:29:00 PM
:: Sorsha smiled at Molly ::
"Zeltronian Spiced Wine please."
:: Her eyes scanned the bar, casually taking notice of everyone ::
Molly Black
Apr 14th, 2007, 08:43:44 PM
Molly nodded and immediately went to place Sorsha's order. This was the first time she had seen the woman since her orders to get herself a job where she could make good use of her ears, and eyes, and whatever else was required to get the job done for the Black Sun. She was still a little intimidated by being an employee of the crime syndicate, but that was her lot now and she wasn't about to ruin it for herself, or Hadrian. Kasajian had been the only way. They owed her everything.
"Zeltronian spiced wine.. chilled, no fruit." Molly waited on the drink. She brought it back to Sorsha and set it down lightly, waiting for any signal that she may give. Molly was no criminal, at least not yet, and she had absolutely no idea how converse with one's crime boss.
"I'll swing back by and check on you.." Right now, she needed to check on the ale swigging gent across the room.
"Need another one yet, hun?"
Malick Raine
Apr 26th, 2007, 09:26:29 AM
"Your On!"
Thoughs where Malicks words of confirmation just as Molly walked up. Malick smiled lightly as she asked if he needed another drink.
"Miss I would love another drink. While your at you should get yourself one two and get that blonde lady in the back one too while your at it. Get my new found friend over here what ever he wants as well."
Jason pointed to Xel.
"It's all on me."
May 1st, 2007, 05:41:36 PM
The kid was showy, but theatrics always made the galaxy a more colorful place, as long as it kept it's money-grabbing fingers off his wallet. If the kid wanted to get himself killed, then at least he would be flashy about it. A drink and a show, nothing better.
"Sure 'ting. Get me a glass of Arkanian Rae," He said, ordering a very fine whiskey-like alcohol brewed by the Arkanians. It was pricey, but since the kid was paying he say to indulge himself.
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