View Full Version : Storyline(s)

Sen Oisel
Sep 9th, 2006, 04:35:48 PM
I was wondering, beyond the Jedi reformation what are the actual storylines that are being worked about?

What are some of the storylines that your characters?

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 10th, 2006, 11:31:04 AM
I've got a pretty set storyline for her, but people are gonna have to read it to find out.

He's just one of those types that wanders; there's no real storyline for him since he floats between people(s), and his experiences (DARING DEEDS OF FORTUNE AND GLORY!) will probably not help to shape him in any definable way. He's just that kinda guy. And he's single, ladies ;)

Miranda Tarkin
Sep 10th, 2006, 01:04:10 PM
Hmm ... where to begin

Miranda - Just became a Moff and sided with Khendon. Currently just hanging about until something ... bad happens ;) Miranda is still clueless about Lianna

Lianna - You know all about her but for those that don't. Lianna has just met her real mother, Lise Tarkin, and now knows her real name, Navaria Tarkin. Currently she is on Coruscant and will be captured soon by mistaken identity. Then she will get to meet up with the other Jedi! And she needs time to come to terms with who she is and how best to serve the Force now with this new identity, though restoring the Jedi Order is still a priority.

Adraudia - Peace for Onderon! And making her planet the most powerful Force in the system. She doesn't want Onderon to be known just for Iziz and their long history of war. Onderon is far more important then that ;) She is someone for her people and is willing to do anything to keep them safe and allow them to prosper. Including learning the Dark Arts for alltrustic reasons! ^^

Grace - Right now, just helping to lead Rebel Intelligence and making sure that the Jedi are going where they need to be and continue to find ways of shutting down the Empire so peace and prosper. Little does she know, her brother is looking for her tho :mneh

Vishan – Padawan set on revenge tho he has two ladies trying to keep him sane. Heh. Oh and a pesky Isnik too. He along with his Master learned about the Force Sensitive cullings. Currently he is on Corellia to take out one of those in charge and steal the technology that they are using to test for Sensitives.

Zereth Lancer
Sep 10th, 2006, 04:50:50 PM
Kyle Krogen: His storyline is basically running the academy on Naboo and training a new wave of Jedi, kind of a Luke Skywalker thing going. But sadly all his jedi are MIA because of their writers being gone/missing/or not RPing at this point in time. That's his storyline in a nutshell.

Tiberius Anar
Sep 13th, 2006, 05:29:13 AM
Anar's currently on a stretcher in the back of an ambulance the driver of which wants to kill him. This is all Sevon's fault. Anar will survive only to find himself faced with a hostile takeover bid by that dastardly Executor. He'll survive that but only because of somethings he knows.

Terran Starek
Sep 15th, 2006, 01:50:31 PM
Terran has returned from exile, seeking out the Rebel Alliance to connect himself with other Jedi survivors. He has every intention of seeing the Jedi Order rebuilt into the entity that it had once been. He'll be on the lookout for new Jedi Padawans. :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 17th, 2006, 04:36:47 PM
LD is still running her private crusade against the Empire, though she's gotten her own private army of about 3,000 Mandalorians by beating Mandalore and taking his place as Mandalore.

There's some political stuff going on on Onderon because of her taking over, and the KA is finally coming closer to becoming an actual group. :D

Serena is meeting with Daria and Wyl on Arkania at the moment. After that she's going to meet up with Adia, Lianna and Ridwan, and then I hope to send her on a mission to rescue some children, finally. ^_^;

Lion El' Jonson
Oct 17th, 2006, 11:05:05 PM
Lion is currently attempting to shepherd Battlegroup Implacable home following a (mostly) successful blind retreat from the Battle for Endor. We're stranded somewhere between Endor and Bakura, with a number of failed hyperdrives. As long as I'm out there, I figure I might as well conduct exploration, first contacts with alien species, and basically try to find my way home.