View Full Version : Latest DUI Bust, Paris Hilton

Sep 7th, 2006, 12:04:14 PM
rticle: http://www.tmz.com/2006/09/07/exclusive-paris-busted-for-dui/

Article II: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060907/ap_en_ce/hilton_arrest


Paris Hilton was arrested in Hollywood early Thursday and charged with driving under the influence.

TMZ has learned LAPD officers noticed Paris driving erratically at 12:31 AM and stopped her. They believed she exhibited signs of intoxication. We're told they administered a field sobriety test, and Paris blew a .08. In California, driving with a .08 blood alcohol level is the minimum level for DUI.

Paris was arrested and taken to the LAPD Hollywood division, where she was booked. The officers who stopped the car did not know it was Paris Hilton until they approached the vehicle on foot. Police sources say she was cooperative. Paris had a passenger in the car -- Kimberly Stewart, Rod Stewart's daughter.

Nicky Hilton, her boyfriend, "Entourage" star Kevin Connolly and her publicist Elliot Mintz arrived at the Hollywood police station just before 2 AM PST. A short time later, Paris was released on her own recognizance and allowed to leave.

Mintz told TMZ that Paris had attended a charity event earlier in the evening as well as an Us Weekly magazine party and hit one nightclub. He said she had a single drink -- a margarita -- the entire evening and shortly thereafter she was stopped. She was asked to take a breathalyzer test when she was stopped and took a second test at the station.

TMZ spoke with Paris as she was driving home from jail, stopping for Parliament Lights cigarettes en route. She says she "regrets it occurred," and adds that she has been up for 24 hours, having shot a music video all day. (TMZ had exclusive access to the music video set and our video will be posted in a few hours.) Paris says she had nothing to eat and no rest the entire day.

Driving under the influence is a misdemeanor. If convicted, the defendant will not be jailed, will be given three months' probation, and will be ordered to enter an alcohol program and will have his or her license restricted for 90 days.

I think its time we raise the penalty for DUI, that last paragraph bugs me, celbrities with money basically get off with a slap on the wrist since you remove the finacial implications for them. Dui's can cost you $5,000-10,000 after fines, impound fees and if you get a lawyer but this is nothing to a celebrity (my boss had one about a year ago and the finacial part turned him off drinking for quite some time). Maybe a minimum 2 weeks in jail, I think this would stop a lot of people from driving drunk if they had to serve some jail time.

Sep 7th, 2006, 12:31:37 PM
Celebrities are never going to be seriously punished for a crime unless they really hurt (or kill) someone else. Hilton will get "probation", whatever that means. As if it will stop her from being a glorified boozed up hooker. Fines mean absolutely nothing to her, and they won't spend any real time in the can. If they do, the jail resembles more of a country club than a prison cell. I would love nothing more than to see the book get thrown at Hilton, but it ain't going to happen.

Sep 7th, 2006, 12:35:01 PM
Plus you have to love how her publicist is spinning this, oh she'd been working hard on a video shoot all day, then went to some charity thingie and had one margarita on an empty stomach, yadda yadda yadda. Ugh.

Well, I do have to thank Paris for the laugh that started my morning. Not that drunk driving is funny, don't get me wrong...it's just that I can't stand Paris Hilton and just wasn't surprised to hear that something like this had happened.

Sep 7th, 2006, 12:42:14 PM
Yeah, she was soooooo tired from such a long, hard day of "work", that instead of going out and grabbing a bite to eat, you know, because humans need food, she decided that it was more important to go get a drink, or 6. I don't for one second believe she had one margarita.

Ryan Pode
Sep 7th, 2006, 12:42:50 PM
Plus you have to love how her publicist is spinning this, oh she'd been working hard on a video shoot all day, then went to some charity thingie and had one margarita on an empty stomach, yadda yadda yadda. Ugh.

Well I mean, she is pretty much anorexic. One margarita is a lot.