View Full Version : Changes to Character Image Database

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 24th, 2006, 03:32:35 PM
The roleplaying moderators have voted to change Rule 5 of the Character Database claim rules. Previously it was stated to check with the person who had the claim first before making a duplicate claim for the General Roleplaying forum.

This has now been changed to allow duplicate claims for the General Roleplaying forum with no qualifications or exceptions.

5. Duplicate claims are allowed for alternate roleplay scenarios located in the General Roleplaying forum, such as WoD. Specify which scenario you are claiming an image for - e.g. SW, WoD, Rome.

Thank you for taking the time to read this,
The Staff

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 5th, 2006, 11:54:33 AM
We have decided to make some changes to the way that the Image Claim Database works. You can now find character image claims, along side the roleplaying "universe" that character is part of, in their user profile. For example, if you look at my profile in the Additional Information section, you can see that the following is present:

Image Claim:
<!-- END TEMPLATE: memberinfo_customfields --><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: memberinfo_customfields --> Orlando Bloom
Roleplaying Universe:

If you do not have either of these fields present on your profile, it means that no image claim has been logged for that character. I spent a good portion of the afternoon re-adding all of these claims from the old database, so all old claims should be present. If you do find that your claim is not there, please re-submit it in the Claim Thread (http://sw-fans.net/vb3root/forum/showthread.php?t=11530)