View Full Version : The upgrade process...

Sep 1st, 2006, 11:27:52 PM
...is moving along slowly.

The board import took most of day, but looks to have worked flawlessly except for post attachments and polls.

I've done some basic cleanup on users, and general forum settings. User group memberships will be changing for lots of you, and some you will have to change yourself. It's going to be a while before I have the forum permissions setup completely. This is my first priority and the task I am working on at the moment.

The gallery is in a state of flux. I have to see if the old one can be imported or not. That is my second priority. I believe its okay for me to leave the old one on the archive in place, as long as it’s closed.

I figure its okay to let people start posting in the forums that are public, and I will be making RP Group forums public soon.

Group mods be prepared for some changes and growing pains. The feature set isn't going to be exactly what it was. Private forums are a bit different now, but the process will actually be simple once its all setup. Having the option of secondary user groups via publicly joinable user groups is nice and works pretty well.

Current Supporters: I will have special features for you here too. I will be re-instating your supporter status as of the date of the completion of the new Supporter features, meaning most of you will get an extended Supporter subscription expiration date.

For the most part our FAQ still applies though there are a few details in it that do not apply to our current setup. The FAQ will be adjusted accordingly over the next few weeks.

Staff members will have access to staff features soon, but for now its all me baby!

Enjoy! And leave your complaints at the door, at least for a little while.

Sep 1st, 2006, 11:38:15 PM
Also: The site URL will be changing in the pretty near future. We will be losing the vb3root part of it.

James Prent
Sep 2nd, 2006, 05:16:41 PM
Leave our complaints at the door!?

Why on earth would we want to do that? :p

Sep 7th, 2006, 08:07:03 AM
I can dream can't I?