View Full Version : Fitch (NPC)

Father Barton
Sep 1st, 2006, 08:02:59 AM
Demon Name: Damus
Human Name: Henrey Fitch
House: Devourers
Faction: Ravener
Fatih: 4 (the lower the faith the eviler on a scale of 1-10
Location: London england

Outword apreance: A bit deshevled in look cause he doesn't seem to care if anyone notices what he looks like. He is a fairly quite guy but nice for the most part. Demon side of him is cruel and unrenlenting in gaining what he wants.

Perception of self: He is lost as a Human. As a Demon he is out to destroy the world and reclaim earth for the fallen. He believes himself to be beuitful and with out flaw.

BIO: Born christmas day 1980 in to a family that practiced Druidism in the english country side outside of London. He was quite young man with big dreams. However his flaw was that he did not believe he could follow the path of druid so on his 18th birthday in the dead of night he ran to London. For 8 years now he has been a sweep on the London streets.

He could not escape his past though no matter how much he wanted to forget Druidism it found him. Although he practiced the darker arts of it all. One night after work he made a deal with demon he would get the infinate knowledge of the cosmos and the demon would get use him as a host. The deal has been made and Damus walks the earth once again albiet in Human form.

Torments: 6 (torments show how close a demon is to repenting or falling completely from a path. So torments are permanent soem are temparary.)

House Lore:

Lore of the beast (can command animals and take the form of any animal they have eaten the flesh of)

Lore of the flesh (Shape, Mutilate, regrow, or reform flesh in both there host body and others much like tzimisce can )

Lore of the Wild (can coomand growth of Plants to aid them in ensnaring there victims and can Mutate Plants to there desired affects.)

(Move this to the right forum please I posted in the wrong spot and just noticed it.)