View Full Version : Theo Johnson

Theo Johnson
Aug 28th, 2006, 10:51:37 AM
Species: Human

Allegiance: None

Physical appearance:
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 170 lbs
Apparent age: 18
Hair: Long, brown, usually worn in a plait
Eyes: Brown

Perception: Most see him as a nobody, just a regular guy with few friends, increasing the population of London by one.

Personality: A dark and concealed individual, he is very much a loner, caught up in his own imagination. He has wild ideas of supernatural beings and such, which he keeps to himself in fear of rejection. He is neither shy nor outgoing, but usually wears a sly smile, along with bearing a taste for sarcasm.

History: Born and bred in London, England, he longs to escape a normal, average life. His ambitions are for an existance higher than that, but a mortal society supresses ideas of that which they are unsure of. He has few friends, and those he does have aren't really that close to him. Having left high school, he went straight into work, his career amounting to nothing more than a roadsweep. Although, through his night work, he has seen various situations that have increased his belief in the paranormal, but not varified it completely.

Additional Information: Currently in London, England.
