View Full Version : Thaddeus Post

Thaddeus Post
Aug 25th, 2006, 03:34:45 PM
Name: Thaddeus Post, originally Thaddeus Petalas

Species Vampire, 6th generation

Allegiance Clan Tremere

History: Born in Greece in 1163, Thaddeus Petalas was the son of a blacksmith, and was apprenticed at the age of ten to House Tremere. He was a close friend of Urian Galanis, a mage of the Order of Hermes, and would often visit him and his family during his travels in England. Thaddeus would regale Galanis' young son, René, with tales of his exploits, some exaggerated, but usually not.

In 1196 Galanis brought his son to Athens to study, and though Thaddeus was not René's teacher, he told his old friend that he would watch over the boy. This he did for five years, until Urian returned from his travels and took his son away to France. He never saw them again.

A year before the beginning of First Massasa War, Thaddeus was offered a choice between death, or being Embraced into the new Clan Tremere. Quickly seeing the advantages of joining the new Clan, not the least of which was continuing to exist, Thaddeus agreed to the Embrace. The war was upon the Clan shortly thereafter, but Thaddeus was blissfully far away from ground zero, studying in Alexandria during most of it.

Since then he has has refined his abilities in blood magic, and is one of the few remaining Tremere who began life as a mage.

Personality: Thaddeus is robust and very personable, preferring to travel to distant lands and dig up useful artifacts than to get involved in Kindred politics.

Perception: He is largely overlooked by his Clan. They think of him as a loose cannon of sorts, but quite handy to have around in a pinch, of course.

Additional Information: Thaddeus thinks of himself as a jack-of-all-trades, and has in modern years dabbled in the path of Spirit Manipulation, fancying himself a type of ghost hunter.

+ Thaumaturgy
+ Auspex
+ Dominate

Thaumaturgical Path/s:
+ Spirit Manipulation - allows the thaumaturge to interact with and command denizens of the spirit world.
+ The Lure of Flames - one of the most feared paths, this conjures unnatural flame.

Thaddeus Post
Aug 26th, 2006, 09:48:46 PM
NPC companion

Name: Jeannette "Jenny" Vignes

Species: Ghoul, 500+ years old

Allegiance: Thaddeus Post, Clan Tremere

History: Born in 1576 in a French settlement in the Carribbean, Jeannette led a fairly normal life in the upper class. She was accused of being a witch by the Spanish Inquisition because of a parlor game she played in which she 'read' the palms of her guests.

Through a series of intriguing events, she was freed from the Inquisition by a seafaring Greek captain, Thaddeus Petalas. He and his crew traveled only by night, and their boat had never been taken by pirates. He had a great amount of affection for Jeanette, and when she was able to handle the news he let her know of his vampirism. Long story short, he ghouled her and she travels with him everywhere he goes, assisting him however she can with the utmost devotion.

Personality: Something of an upstart, Jenny is frank and honest with the occasion calls for it, but is intensely intelligent and shrewd behind her smiling eyes.

Perception: She's just a ghoul. An old ghoul, to be sure, but a ghoul nonetheless. Of course, one wouldn't want to upset her, seeing as she has a fair handle on the Tremere traits her master's vitae has given her.

+ Thaumaturgy
+ Auspex
+ Dominate

Thaumaturgical Path/s:
+ Movement of the Mind
+ Path of Warding