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Razielle Alastor
Aug 24th, 2006, 08:06:45 PM
Star Wars:

* Razielle Shadana
* Rhianna
* Sibylle
* Molly Black
* Ishara


* Arabella

Oh, be gentle with me..


Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 25th, 2006, 12:27:11 PM
Razielle Shadana

Talk about a bad girl! Razielle is wicked through and through, but she's the ultimate poker player, at least, if Salem isn't around. I think she and Victer Dejan are like the male/female halves of the same coin, just she was born of royalty and he wasn't. You can't help but like Razielle - she charms the reader as much as the characters in the RP with her. At the same time, her darker side, Darth Anxia, is always lurking. I'd like to see more of Anxia in the future. :thumbup


Oh I just love Rhianna. I like to think I understand and know the character fairly well, and I just think she's sweet through and through. She's got the makings of becoming a true Jedi, if she can just get ahold of her self-control and keep her hands of Morgan! Or keep HIS hands off her. :twak Wait until after your training is done! I'm not looking forward to Serena's talk with her because I want to make sure I dont' screw it up. ;)

You keep her on an even keel, despite all the culture shock and craziness that she's been dumped into lately. I find her totally believable, and need to reply to our RPs. I think. ^_^;


Sibylle! I feel so badly for her, being Vega's slave. I can't even imagine. But from her stories, it seems she's been in worse places, and even has a little liking for being evil. She's a character to watch, as I imagine Vega will exploit her, teach her new things, and then probably make her very...very...very angry. I will want to make sure my characters are all far away before this happens. ;)


Arabella... I haven't seen much of her yet. I think she's only in two RPs so far. BUT, what I have seen I've enjoyed. She's an unusual character, long-lived but not a vampire... yet. You've made her one smart cookie, and it seems that it would take more than a Baali invasion of London to make her blink.

Razielle Alastor
Aug 26th, 2006, 08:31:19 PM

Sibylle is going to be very scarey eventually. >_< I haven't thought up anything truely terrifying enough yet, just tid bits.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 27th, 2006, 01:07:58 PM
Razielle is one of my favorite characters on SWfans, period. The way you write her, she is just so vivid and real, it's like she has a life of her own. She's witty and has a great sense of humour. I feel like she hasn't changed all that much since the reset, but that's not a bad thing, because who would want to change her anyway? :mneh I like that she has a more brattish side now. I do miss the Raz/Salem combo of old, but I am sure that the new incarnations will make just as formidable a duo.

I think you have said this yourself but Rhianna is like the anti-Razielle. She doesn't feel as fully formed as Razielle is yet, so I don't think I could fairly compare them, but I like where you're going with her and think you're doing a great job playing a Jedi in training :)

Hawkins Grime
Aug 27th, 2006, 01:51:13 PM
:\ Sorry... hehe... I obviously need to do some freelance reading because I've only recently become aware of ALL these characters. Of course I hear about one or two of them on occassion from... someone else but I've read as many of the threads in KA as possible and thus have read many of your posts with Senorita Shadana.

Razielle Shadana - What an excellent character! She's got the wicked princess thing going so well for her, it seems almost impossible to think of her in another role. If not for the current Queen of Onderon, it would be highly plausible to see her take out the Evil Queen in Snow White and take it up in her stead, talking mirror and all. Her fascination with Ave is commendable, anyone who uses Christian Bale for an ava deserves it. And then her Darth Anxia side is presented in such an ill (in a good way :D) manner that I found myself looking for more posts in which she actively acted under said name just to see how it all played out. Not so much yet, as its not like she's playing split personalities or anything, they both run on the same vein of evil, obviously. I'm looking forward to when all the characters finally come together, there could quite a mess and Ms. Shadana wouldn't be too far from the middle of it.


And... I had... like totally forgot you were... her sister... |I