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Morgan Evanar
Aug 24th, 2006, 07:26:54 PM
I am responsible for the following messes:
Adia Issoris
Morgan Evanar (duuiuuuuuuh)
Victer Dejan (who knew? Not me!)
Milivikal k'Vik

and a sucker
Martin Le Roux

Razielle Alastor
Aug 24th, 2006, 08:02:56 PM
Okay you, your turn. ;)

Morgan: At the risk of sounding biased, which I may well be, I think that Morgan is one of the best written characters period. Everything I read I am wowed by. You never cease to amaze me with him and his grasp on technology and such. For someone who seems to want to fly the coop and get away from the Rebelion, he is still there and inherently a good person. But not too good. ;)

Victer: You know for a bastard coated in bastard sauce, he hasn't done anything too dastardly.. yet. :p He seems to be a man of many talents and full of charm, the dangerous kind. He's a 'piffy addition to Iziz and I think a lot of fun to interact with. :)

Martin: I'll tell ya later. ;)

Hawkins Grime
Aug 24th, 2006, 09:59:44 PM
Morgan Evanar - An excellent character in all degrees. He's the kind of character I'd look forward to reading about in so many stories, his attitude towards the events that occur before him and how he handles those events make him the kind of personality that carries that roguish attraction. Like a spotlight in the background, :D. His mentality is fleshed out to a commendable degree, finding myself agreeing with his choices more often than not out of sheer common sense and deduction, thinking to myself, "what other choice did he have?", or "I probably would have done the same thing." The detail put into the writing is appreciated, I assure you, as it adds a whole other level of reading and understanding provided by your character.

Victer Dejan - I'm not sure he and Wil mixed too well ;) The small amount of interaction they had though was enjoyable I'm sure for the readers as it was a comedic conflict. I look forward to working together with him with Grime to interesting ends.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 25th, 2006, 12:18:47 PM
I'm going to do the characters I know the most about. Unfortunately I don't know a lot about Adia since she's hooked up with Lianna, other than she's very protective, smart, and even a little motherly, I think. I should read more. ^_^;

Morgan Evanar

Morgan, Morgan, Morgan. Serena has her hands full with him! Morgan is a great character to read, with a fresh outlook on things besides the "I hate the Imperials so I'm joining the Rebels", or vice versa. He's been spending his time stuck between a rock and a hard place, and its been fun to read him trying to get out of things and away from places with the least possible repercussions. But now he's all wrapped up tightly in this Jedi stuff... I can't wait to see how he grows and matures under Serena's guidance.

But first they need to have a talk about a certain other padawan...Rhianna? :twak :p I think you have the best grasp on him of all your characters, probably because you've played him the longest and he hasn't changed a WHOLE lot since the reset, other than stripping away all his Jedi training. You write him smart, snappy dialogue and its fun and easy to read. :)

Victer Dejan

I like Victer, he's a smart-mouthed sonofabitch who knows how to hold his cards close to his chest. I'm just sad we never finished the RP with him and Andromeda, but it's just as well because I don't have time to RP her anyway. ^_^; I'm glad to see him here in KA, getting up to his elbows in royal... well anyway. ;)

Milivikal k'Vik

Before the reset Mili was probably your scariest character... now she seems a bit lost because you don't spend a lot of time with her. Which is understandable. But. More Mili posts! Bette needs a nemesis in Rogue Squadron to play against in our space fights. Plus, you're up in The Battle of Bakura. ;)

Martin Le Roux

Martin seems utterly capable, well thought out, and like a complete car nut. Your extensive knowledge and love of cars can't help but leak out into almost every one of his posts, and I like it. It makes him unique.

Miranda Tarkin
Aug 25th, 2006, 04:57:40 PM
Adia Issoris - I've enjoyed the confliction in your posts. Her world is upside down since the Emperor's death and then this pesky Jedi has to make things even worse :p

Morgan Evanar - Lianna - :cry

Victer Dejan - Yes, I'm waiting for the bastard to come out ;)

Milivikal k'Vik - I cant believe this was once the most scariest, freakiest women on the boards that gave Sorsha a run for her money. When I think omg I have to fight THAT .. it was always Sorsha and Mili because you didnt know what would happen. Now Mili is all nice and leadery in an A-wing ^^ polar opposites indeed!

Martin Le Roux - :love so sweet and gentle just don't make him mad :lol I enjoy the little sentences that give away his using his powers

Jecht Tar
Aug 25th, 2006, 05:36:50 PM
I really have never, ever roleplayed much with you at all, Morgan. The only character of yours I've really interacted with is Dejan, and then not very much. I can honestly say your doing a good job with Dejan and I really like the way you roleplay him. I just wish he'd stop stealing all the ladies' effection away from me :(

Just kididng :)

Morgan Evanar
Aug 25th, 2006, 05:38:15 PM
I forgot Milivikal was so creepy :o

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 25th, 2006, 05:48:01 PM
Mili *shudder* CREEEEEEEPY <-- see the all caps?

Salem Ave
Sep 9th, 2006, 05:23:37 PM
I can't believe I forgot to do this. How shameful. Anyway...

In General: You are one of my most favorite writers here. I think you come up with some incredibly original character concepts (Milivikal) and even when they aren't completely new you invest them with something that makes them fresh and interesting.

Morgan. I agree with LD – his dialog is great. I have always thought that you have a great way with words, a really stylish turn of phrase, and it shows with Morgan the most. He makes me chuckle, because he seems like a fairly down-to-Earth chap who has become swept away on a big wave of things he can't control. Alongside his personality, his growth seems very realistic and organic.

Adia. I'm not entirely clear on everything going on with her, as I haven't read all of her threads, but from what I have read she seems like a pretty complex character, in terms of her motivations and general agenda. I like that it doesn't seem obvious where you are taking the character.

Martin. Are you sure he isn't a Malk? The little car details that you throw into his posts always make me think he is a bit nutso with his auto-fixation. I'm enjoying reading him so far. Hopefully we will see more of him soon.

Morgan Evanar
Sep 9th, 2006, 06:23:01 PM
He's car obsessed, but he's got a general fixation on industrial design. Form and function combining. It's an odd trait, but he'll stare at something like a perfect recurve bow or a match grade 1911 for hours if left undisturbed. He find most stuff pedestrian, but every now and then he has a full on stop and stare moment.

I've been kicking around reviving Milivikal. I'm having a lot of trouble writing her as a pilot and I think we're sort of lacking active bad guys right now. Frankly, I miss writing her.