View Full Version : Do I Even Qualify for this Bandwagon?

Hawkins Grime
Aug 24th, 2006, 05:08:05 PM
A character evaluation... :rollin How dangerous for my fragile self image... And I don't know how to make bullets... And all my characters are Star Wars as I'm in distress over making a character for WoD.

- Hawkins Grime
- Y'roth Helghast
- Wil Mienstrire
- Grym Kandle
- IMP (fairly new)

Oh, my WoD char has been started
- Cyrill Nineball

And I've got a few others which really aren't enough right now to throw up there. Well, IMP and Grime haven't necessarily been around forever either but ya know... :rolleyes And I think I can manage something sharper than constructive criticism if needed.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 24th, 2006, 05:18:24 PM
I didn't know Wil was you!!!

You have access to this forum so you qualify. ;)

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 24th, 2006, 05:35:20 PM
Hawkins Grime

He's a new guy, but I really like the flashbacks to his past life that you have woven into the roleplay with LD (that I need to reply to - eep!). He's got really great potential with all the anger he's got inside him, and I can't wait to start training him and working with his character more. Just have to get this little Mandalore thing worked out at the same time. ;)

His anger and jealousy and paranoia make for a volatile mix, and I think seeing him interact with some of the other characters of KA will be great fun. To read, that is.

Y'roth Helghast

Helghast is a creepy, cool monster. I've really only read the "We Were Gods Once" thread, and the recent thread with Hera eating lunch or breakfast with the INQ, but he's so inhuman its chilling. He seems to make a deep impression on everyone he's in a RP with, and I'm worried that one day LD will be on the wrong side of him. ^_^; Help! ;) Keep up the good work!

Wil Mienstrire

I read his stuff during the whole "Krew" thing (I was Andromeda the twi'lek) and I found him utterly hilarious. I see he's making a comeback and that means I have one more set of RPs to read! What are you doing to me! ^_^;

Grym Kandle

My favorite part about this character is not only the fact that you play him off as utterly competant and prepared, but that he's not your typical good looking villian/hero type. His addiction to glitterstim, the effect its had on him physically - its very new and different and I love it. I can't wait to RP more with Sasseeri and him.


Only read one post by IMP - the one that basically re-caps my thread "A Jedi Seeks Only Revenge" and I liked it. But then, I like it when people reference my RPs in their RPs. :o Since he's new, I look forward to seeing more of IMP in the future.

Morgan Evanar
Aug 24th, 2006, 07:24:40 PM
Wil is a delightful nitwit and Grym is one of the deepest characters on the boards.

Razielle Alastor
Aug 24th, 2006, 08:11:17 PM
I only know Hawkins and Wil!

Hawkins I've only just atarted reading, but I like what I am seeing so far. He is very unique, I like him. :) It will be great fun as soon as we are all organized like and working together..


Wil: I know my ickle sister like you, and she has good taste. ;) Lovin' the thread with Daniela. :)

I'll read up more and give you a better response. :lol ;)

Miranda Tarkin
Aug 25th, 2006, 04:37:41 PM
As with Razzy, I can only talk about the characters I've interacted with or been reading up on ;)


Hawkins - I love Vampire Hunter D :love that is all :lol

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 25th, 2006, 04:46:07 PM
Originally posted by Miranda Tarkin

Wyl - I love him! Posting to him as Grace was a challenge at first cuz I was like, what do I do with a kid? But, I love how you write him and get a great description of his feelings as a child's would, but he also has this adorableness about him too :)

You got your wires crossed :p Hawkins plays a Wil Mienstrire, not our Wyl.

Miranda Tarkin
Aug 25th, 2006, 04:46:48 PM


:: thud ::

I've been up since 5am .... and it's close to 6 now... :cry I've had three hours sleep on top of that woot

Jecht Tar
Aug 25th, 2006, 05:41:09 PM
Oh, don't even get me started with Wil. He is, without a doubt, my favorite character on the entirety of our big 'ol board. Everyone else pales in comparison in humor. A lot of people can be funny, but it tends to kill the mood and make people kind of tipsy. No, you can made your post absolutely hilarious without running the thread into the ground. It flows nicely with your humor. If we gave out awards you'd get the "Hilarous Award". I love reading your threads, as Wil, because they are just so darn tootin funny. Actually, come to think about it, there is not a word in the english vocabulary that truthfully explains just how funny you are.

Don't even stop those funny threads/posts. Your going places, me friend. Your roleplaying and writing skills will make you a god, but your humor will make you a... Legend!

Oh, and Y'roth gives me the Jibblies...

General Devious
Aug 27th, 2006, 08:15:07 PM
Truthfully I haven't read much of your stuff. You tried earlier to interact with Dalamar and that just didn't work well. Which is probably my fault. Your writing was good. But I felt we where uninspired by the route the threads where taking.

I have heard many good things about you from others so word of mouth is good for me. If people generally like you. Theres usually a reason..