View Full Version : Its the Most Wonderful Time of the Year...
Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 24th, 2006, 02:58:10 PM
That's right, its that time again.
Character Evaluation time!
Tell me what you like/hate/tolerate about my characters!
Choose from:
Star Wars
Lilaena De'Ville
Arya Ravenwing
Bette Davis
Serena Laran
James Prent (whoops almost forgot her)
Kal Olorin
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Daanarri Raurrssaatta
Emilie (brand new!!!) :lol
Katarina Gordislava
there are others but they're not important
:D Ok fire away. Remember to answer in the form of a question (just kidding), and to only use CONSTRUCTIVE criticsm. No snippy comments. :) We're all friends here.
Miranda Tarkin
Aug 24th, 2006, 03:23:22 PM
all I have to say is :lol at title. someone stole my thread title from WoD ;)
Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 24th, 2006, 03:26:04 PM
I like to recycle when I can. ;)
Miranda Tarkin
Aug 24th, 2006, 03:37:09 PM
I'll have feedback when I have time think properly. Didnt mean to spam ^_^;i had to say something cuz it was funneh!
Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 24th, 2006, 03:41:33 PM
Spam is delicious :yum
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 24th, 2006, 04:29:45 PM
Right now, Katarina is my favorite character of yours, for obvious reasons. I like that even though the character hasn't been in existence for a long time, it already feels as if she has a lot of history – and also the fact that she and Sergei had a lot of chemistry together. At the same time, I feel like there is still a lot we don't know about her... her past, involving the Cardinal, Rasputin and so on.
Sansa... well, I do feel sorry for her. She has become caught up in something terrible, but so far seems to be handling it well! I suppose that's just because she is in shock though. I am looking forward to seeing how she copes with being properly inducted into Kindred society, what effect our upcoming plot will have on her. I am also glad that Emilie is living on, beyond death! Even as a bit-part NPC, she had a very clear identity in my mind. Likewise for Katarina's pack. It would be easy for them to be 2D lackeys, but they all seem pretty unique... Fyodor is my favorite, hehe.
Lilaena, I actually feel sorry for too. It seems like she has been used and mislead a lot of her life, and I can't see that changing while she is keeping company with Salem. I am interested to see how her character develops over time, if/when she becomes aware of the fact that she isn't – in fact – a Jedi.
Arya... I love all the new Lupine background that she and s'Ilancy have, and look forward to having to propagate the species somewhere down the line! ;) Just kidding.
Serena I think will make a good matriarch for the whole Jedi community, once everyone comes together. She seems very level headed, in spite of all the madness that's going on around her. It would have been easy for her to crazy, but she's keeping it together.
I haven't seen much of James or Daanarri, but I like the group dynamic that surrounds the whole crew of Sanis' ship. It reminds me of stuff like Farscape or Firefly, the feel like a very cohesive unit. Sort of like Lost too, because they all have their story to tell, but all their lives seem to be connected together somehow.
You pretty much carried the board on your shoulders for a while, and I still feel like you are a very big part in keeping the place together and running smoothly. I really admire how committed you are. :hug
Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 24th, 2006, 04:34:44 PM
Aww - :hug
Thanks for taking the time, Jenny! :D I love reading people's opinions on my characters >D
Sometimes I feel like I should BE committed for spending so much time here. ;)
Razielle Alastor
Aug 24th, 2006, 06:40:19 PM
I'm going to be lazy and only do the ones that my characters have been directly involved with. :p
Lilaena: I think she is "Dark Jedi" personified. It sounds, as Jenny said, that she has been kicked around and quite literally forced into the path she is on. Her determination to go off into the Wilds in Desperation was awesome. She knew what she wanted, knew how to get it and did what had to be done. Not only getting to her pact with Callidus, but getting a strong fooyhold in a plot that could bring our little gang together. :thumbup
Serena: What to say there? LOL Again you have nailed the very image of a Jedi. She is like.. beautiful.. female.. Obi wan. Presently she is my favorite of your characters and I love RPing Rhianna because of that. :) She is a great leader, teacher and is really the only family Rhianna has. I can't wait to do more with them!
James: I want to snuggle James up in a blanket and hug her. It seems like she's been through enough to drive a person.. into the Wilds, (:p) but instead she seems more proactive. Surviving and adapting in her own way. I like her alot.
Sansa also needs a hug, and I pray I never ever meet Katarina.
Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 24th, 2006, 08:22:02 PM
Ok now Katarina is going to come knocking on your door. >D
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 24th, 2006, 08:23:00 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
Ok now Katarina is going to come knocking on your door. >D
You lucky S.O.B... :shakefist
Razielle Alastor
Aug 24th, 2006, 08:36:06 PM
Aug 24th, 2006, 09:31:23 PM
I'll be saying this at the start of most of my responses to these character evaluations but: I am very much not in the know when it comes to Star Wars characters anymore, so my apologies if I say little or nothing at all.
This is one character I have followed a little since I have roleplayed with her in her previous incarnation prior to the reset. First and foremost, I'm impressed with the dramatic change you made to the character. Similarly to Sansa, Lilaena is a character of some tragedy and you use dramatic irony well to give a sense of foreboding of what is to come of her. She's developing well and she's one of those characters who I find myself thinking: "I can't wait until she..."
Thankfully, Bette is pretty much the same character I knew pre-reset. You write her with confidence, she is well realised and as such a great deal of the character is on the surface. One would think that she has little depth yet you are then suprised by little gems of character growth which strike you as significant. She's a great strong but fragile character. What I have read of her thus far is what I have come to expect of a character like Bette, she's bold, abbraisive, and often hilarious. A character I can't wait to have some involvement with in the future. :mischief
The great thing about what you've done with Sansa is that you created a character for the World of Darkness who was an entirely normal person. Not a vampire or werewolf. She doesn't even have any bizarre eccentricities or quirks which would normally serve to make such a character stand out in the midst of such fantasy. Yet the fact that she is so normal, and as we've discussed in an utterly realistic way, is what makes her stand out for me. She is unique, which is partly why I mourn her impending vampiric future. At the same time, as with Lilaena, she is the type of character that makes me think: "I can't wait to see her when..."
I agree with Jenny when she said that despite Katarina being a fairly fresh face, she seems to be well established. You have given her a presence. The first thread I really read her in was Cursing the Darkness and at first, I have to admit I was worried in case she was going to slip into a cliché two dimensional villain but again, as I mentioned to you, there was a welcome insight into the character and you could see other shades of her personality slip through, even when she was fronting a ruthless veneer. I'm looking forward to see what you do with her in the future.
Hawkins Grime
Aug 24th, 2006, 09:49:10 PM
I regret to say I'm not intimately aware of all your characters and thus I've only come equipped with opinions on those I've read into or posted along with... if that... makes more sense than the obvious?
Lilaena De'Ville - Truly, a very well fleshed out character. I've read so many of her threads, I'm well aware of just how 'real' of a character LD is presented. Her mentality is vulnerable, like any other person in life, and nothing about her has me coming away thinking that it was unbelievable in any way for her to do whatever she did. The development she's made so far with the story line is captivating enough to not only want me to involve myself to help but also eagerly anticipating what she has planned next. She has some dilemmas she'll obviously be facing head on, introverted and extroverted in such a sense, but these obstacles are something in a way that the reader can relate to, confidence in one's identity, even when others think otherwise, and also having to struggle in such a backwards social arena.
Bette Davis - a well rounded character, I haven't seen a lot of her posts but she fits the role well that you have her written into and it appears comfortably written in the sense that nothing seems forced or awkward about it.
Sasseeri Reeouurra - An excellent character, attitude, demeanor, whichever for her. Not that there is anything wrong with Sorsha's character, Sasseeri is just another perspective of such a supervisor that it is interesting to see the contrast between the two as the timeline continues.
General Devious
Aug 25th, 2006, 08:40:28 AM
When you write with Lil I'm hooked. I'm thinking what is this crazy chick going to do.. Her attitude is always do it my way or I'll kick your ass. Now you saw in real life that I'm a big guy. If I walked around like that I'd be dead meat. Big guy or no. But then I don't have a lightsabre now do I? lol
She threatens Dal, She threatens Salem. I believe she would threaten the Emperor. Most people would walk gingerly around these people. But Lil has a goal. Like Dal is obsessed with Araudia and protecting her. So is Lil in filling her former Masters last request. Beware all who stand in her way!!
Miranda Tarkin
Aug 25th, 2006, 04:52:42 PM
Lilaena De'Ville - Everytime you mention her former master I want to huggle her :( The sense of loneliness and feeling so lost is very prevelant when you write her. It's like I can't wait to see when Lil realizes she isn't a Jedi anymore but at the same time I don't because it might break her :cry
Bette Davis - My favorite drunk! She's great. I love how she's the ring leader of the Shadows and seemingly made of steel but there is alot of emotion deep down inside her... which is always drowned by the bottle
Serena Laran - Love her too. I can't wait to have Lianna and her interact. As Adia has become a mother figure for her, I can see that happening with them as well since they're goals are similar. finding the jedi and helping them become whole again ^^
Sasseeri Reeouurra - Bitch! :p See I need ruthless lessons from her :(
Katarina Gordislava - Now that I know her backstory, it makes this character all the much cooler. I've really enjoyed the historical goodies and how evil she is
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