View Full Version : APPLICATION: Kojin Shirusho

Danny The Hedgehog
Aug 23rd, 2006, 04:10:30 PM
Character name: Kojin Shirusho, but commonly miss-said as Koji when he was younger so it stuck

Character Profile: Very friendly and loving, not usually desired triaghts by the Sith, but he is also the owner of a short-fused temper and somewhat violent tendencies, not caring about the results of his actions, doubly so when someone he holds dear is the target of ill-intent

Character History: One of many many orphens on Courasent (This is the right time span, right?) he eventually left the home, living on the streets he honed his intincts and learn a crude in eligant fighting style, so, when he wittnessed a duel between Sith Lord and Jedi Knight he was drawn into the elegance of the fighters, the Jedi was slain and the Sith left, Kojin prised the fallen warriors sabre from it's cold hands and tried learning to fight with the blade of beautiful teal light
After a while he realised he would never learn to fight well without proper teaching and thus decided to follow the next wielder of a light sabre he saw

Character Motivations: My kitten was killed by a Jedi *Shot*
He always had a desire for power, and respect for the beauty and elegance of the Sith's fighting style, after the amzing duel he saw he was driven by lust for power, desire for knowledge, and somewhat by his ego

Character Skills: None, besides knowledge of much of Courasent's underworld, and slight capability witha light sabre

Why should we accept you: Although lacking in some Sith qualities he is very determined, a quick learner and possesses a great inner strength, although he doesn't realise it, he shines best with duel sabres instead of the usual ssingle sabre, he, like Sith are expected to be is very loyal, a loyalty devotedly increased by his thirst for knowledge

Roleplaying example: Sorry, but a can't post an example, I'm new here, but I've been on forums for three years next month, and I've been RPing all my net life
I also RP in book layout, and have good grammer and (Apart from a few typos.... I can't seem to spell Courasent right... ;.; ) good spelling

Do you understand that your application can be rejected: Yeah

Have you read the rules: Yup, mostly the same as other forums

Jorshal Vuntana
Aug 25th, 2006, 01:49:22 PM
I'm hesitant but my opinion can be swayed. First off, it would be preferable if your Handle matched your characters name, but I'm willing to look past that.

Your roleplaying example doesn't need to be one relating to the character you have made this application with, any rp at all will suffice. Jedi, Sith, smuggler, dog ect.

How I remember to spell Coruscant:

Cor = Core, the location of the planet is in the CORe, so minus the e
U Scant = You Scant! Sounds like a space age Star Wars curse or something.
Instead of saying Coruscant as it sounds, I say it in my head Core-you-skant.

Oct 5th, 2006, 06:00:10 PM
My vote is pending on your rp example...