Aurelias Kazaar
Aug 20th, 2006, 09:14:02 PM
Current and Completed Missions:
Dead Eyes (
A teenaged Aurelias Kazaar deals with the aftermath of his parents' death during the Ghorman Massacre. The results are not good.
Living Half A Life (
A year after the death of his bounty hunter partner, a drunken Aurelias Kazaar is hired by a missionary family to find their young daughter; who was kidnapped by the slaver group 'Crimson Eclipse'. Kazaar 'deals' with the group the only way he knows how.
Rescue Mission: Birdsong (
After his contact, Mirko Spendrim, is captured gathering information on a secret Imperial shipment to Felucia, Kazaar assists Intel Agent Estelle Russard in rescuing him. He also starts 'teaching' Russard (herself a new agent) not everything can be followed 'by the book'.
Search and Seizure: Felucia's Folly (
(Follow up to Birdsong)
Kazaar is sent to Felucia to scout out Imperial Operations and follow-up on the information regarding the secret Imperial shipment, while Russard follows up on the Imperial Orders captured at Spindrift.
Questions and Interrogations: Stuck in the Middle with You (
(Follow-on to Felucia's Folly)
Given free-reign by Dasquian Belargic to 'question' a captured Imperial officer, Kazaar employs methods frowned upon by most of the Rebel Alliance. Also Kazaar's past catches up with him when he discovers who the Imperial Officer (named Reklar) really is...and fellow agent Estelle Russard, struggles with the moral conscious of the condonement of torture.
Spy Game: It's all fun until someone gets hurt (
Rebel Agent Estelle Russard is captured during a mission gone wrong and Aurelias Kazaar is forced to team with a group of Rebels to find her before time runs out (or the Empire finds her).
In The Company Of Strangers (
Aurelias Kazaar visits the Cloud 9 Bar and Grill, now run by his friend Mirko Spendrim. There he receives a message from 'The Black Man' and discovers the bar is now non-smoking.
One Order of Dumplings and Bok Choy (
Four months after the events of Spy Game, Kazaar is settling into his job as Russard's new handler on Coruscant when they come upon a group of 'wannabe' Rebels, one of which is Zadge Talran, who are looking for James Bretton, 'The Kid's' dead main squeeze.
Kazaar Bio:
An Alderaanian by birth, Kazaar grew up on Brentaal. As a teenager he ran errands for a minor crime lord named Garfield Tidar, until Timadar was killed during a takeover by Gorgja the Hutt. One rumor suggests, Kazaar was the one who let Gorgja's men into into his compound.
Kazaar's parents were active in protesting the power grabs made by then Chancellor Palpatine. They were both killed during the Ghorman Massacre, when Grand Moff Tarkin (then a younger officer) landed his ship on a group of protestors demonstrating against Palpatine's taxation. Kazaar retaliated, killing three Imperials in an apparent bar fight (the investigation was never completed but Kazaar still spent almost a year in jail).
During his tenure with Gorgja, Kazaar gained some notereity after claiming the bounty on Zimar Tooklutu, a Aqualish soldier-for-hire, accused of raping a Hapan princess.
Seven years before the Battle of Yavin, Kazaar left Gorgja and joined the Rebellion where he was assigned to the Rebel Army and assigned to Dantooine.
Kazaar's service in the Rebel Army is known for two incidents, one when he was involved with several skirmishes against Imperials during the resistance at Corellia.
The second, and more infamous, happened during the Battle of Kuat his commanding officer, Captain Pax Harkan, discovered Kazaar torturing an Imperial Officer for information on the TIE Interceptor. Kazaar was immediately arrested and dishonorably discharged. Recruited to RebelOps shortly afterwards.
Notes: Kazaar has two known tattoos. The first is the symbol of Ikas-Adno (, the developer of the 22-B Nightfalcon speeder bike, surrounded by some sort of 'winged' design.
The second is located just below the first and is the remnants of a Rebel insignia (destroyed during a rescue mission to Mastala).
It's rumored Kazaar has an Imperial insignia on his right buttocks, although the reason for it is unknown. When asked, Kazaar's response was, "So th'Empire can know where they can kiss it."
Kazaar has a large arsenal on both of his ships, but he also has the odd tendency to give his weapons 'names'.
The first is a pair silver Bryar Pistols ( named 'Vera and Ashley' or simply known as 'The Twins'. It's believed these may be named in honor of his mother and his dead partner.
Kazaar also owns an Imperial Repeater Rifle ( named 'Ophelia'. Where this comes from is unknown.
The last known named weapon is an EE-3 carbine rifle ( he calls 'Evey' for the Mandalorian Nurse Eve Clay, the 'fourth toughest woman' he ever met..
Kazaar has two main methods of transportation (both given to him by Gorgja the Hutt).
His most known ship is a HWK-290 class freighter ( named The Flying Dutchman.
He also has a black YT-2000 class freighter ( named The Night Train.
Note added by Director Belargic:
Although Kazaar's service to RebelOps is admirable, he is still considered a 'loose cannon', mainly for his inability to follow orders to the letter and his propensity to do things 'his way'. His loyalty to the ideals of the Rebel Alliance (and his hatred of the Empire) cannot be ignored.
Note added by Staff Psychologist Doctor Webb Kovalev
Aurelias Kazaar is an interesting and troublesome case.
His refusal to submit to an 'official' psychological profile, as well as his refusal to attend 'anger management' courses make it hard for me to properly decide if he's psychotic, sadistic, or something else.
He certainly refused to talk to me so all I can go on is comments made by others who have been around him more than myself, and his personal history. Based on that theorem, this profile is incomplete, but there are several interesting facts we can decipher with him.
I believe Kazaar's incarceration in his early 20s has contributed to his attitude. Spending a year, uncharged, in an Imperial prison certainly affected his psyche and outlook on life. The death of his parents, something he does not discuss, contributed greatly to this as well.
And yet there is evidence, Kazaar was always like this from his youth. His association with Gorgja the Hutt's criminal organization, plus his affinity for violence suggest, from an early age, Kazaar had set his ideals (I am not sure morality falls into it).
Kazaar's codes of ethics are completely his own and almost contradictory... He (ab)uses alcohol and tobacco; yet will not indulge in the use of either stims or spice. He has no problem with working with Gorgja the Hutt, but despises slavers. He has no problem with the use of torture, but refuses to hurt women. He enjoys hunting (what kind I will not bother to speculate) but won't hurt innocents. He has a definite problem with authority, yet completes any task given him (albeit in his own unique way). He has made comments about his (lack of) intelligence, yet is an excellent deducer. He has few friends yet is well respected. He claims to not be a hero, yet has been known to risk it all for someone (or some thing).
I attempted to have one of my colleagues analyze him, only to have her say, "I'm not fracking going back in there."
Again, I cannot come up with a diagnosis of Aurelias Kazaar, but I do not believe he is a complete liability. My recommendation is to continue to watch what he does and says, just to be safe.
Dead Eyes (
A teenaged Aurelias Kazaar deals with the aftermath of his parents' death during the Ghorman Massacre. The results are not good.
Living Half A Life (
A year after the death of his bounty hunter partner, a drunken Aurelias Kazaar is hired by a missionary family to find their young daughter; who was kidnapped by the slaver group 'Crimson Eclipse'. Kazaar 'deals' with the group the only way he knows how.
Rescue Mission: Birdsong (
After his contact, Mirko Spendrim, is captured gathering information on a secret Imperial shipment to Felucia, Kazaar assists Intel Agent Estelle Russard in rescuing him. He also starts 'teaching' Russard (herself a new agent) not everything can be followed 'by the book'.
Search and Seizure: Felucia's Folly (
(Follow up to Birdsong)
Kazaar is sent to Felucia to scout out Imperial Operations and follow-up on the information regarding the secret Imperial shipment, while Russard follows up on the Imperial Orders captured at Spindrift.
Questions and Interrogations: Stuck in the Middle with You (
(Follow-on to Felucia's Folly)
Given free-reign by Dasquian Belargic to 'question' a captured Imperial officer, Kazaar employs methods frowned upon by most of the Rebel Alliance. Also Kazaar's past catches up with him when he discovers who the Imperial Officer (named Reklar) really is...and fellow agent Estelle Russard, struggles with the moral conscious of the condonement of torture.
Spy Game: It's all fun until someone gets hurt (
Rebel Agent Estelle Russard is captured during a mission gone wrong and Aurelias Kazaar is forced to team with a group of Rebels to find her before time runs out (or the Empire finds her).
In The Company Of Strangers (
Aurelias Kazaar visits the Cloud 9 Bar and Grill, now run by his friend Mirko Spendrim. There he receives a message from 'The Black Man' and discovers the bar is now non-smoking.
One Order of Dumplings and Bok Choy (
Four months after the events of Spy Game, Kazaar is settling into his job as Russard's new handler on Coruscant when they come upon a group of 'wannabe' Rebels, one of which is Zadge Talran, who are looking for James Bretton, 'The Kid's' dead main squeeze.
Kazaar Bio:
An Alderaanian by birth, Kazaar grew up on Brentaal. As a teenager he ran errands for a minor crime lord named Garfield Tidar, until Timadar was killed during a takeover by Gorgja the Hutt. One rumor suggests, Kazaar was the one who let Gorgja's men into into his compound.
Kazaar's parents were active in protesting the power grabs made by then Chancellor Palpatine. They were both killed during the Ghorman Massacre, when Grand Moff Tarkin (then a younger officer) landed his ship on a group of protestors demonstrating against Palpatine's taxation. Kazaar retaliated, killing three Imperials in an apparent bar fight (the investigation was never completed but Kazaar still spent almost a year in jail).
During his tenure with Gorgja, Kazaar gained some notereity after claiming the bounty on Zimar Tooklutu, a Aqualish soldier-for-hire, accused of raping a Hapan princess.
Seven years before the Battle of Yavin, Kazaar left Gorgja and joined the Rebellion where he was assigned to the Rebel Army and assigned to Dantooine.
Kazaar's service in the Rebel Army is known for two incidents, one when he was involved with several skirmishes against Imperials during the resistance at Corellia.
The second, and more infamous, happened during the Battle of Kuat his commanding officer, Captain Pax Harkan, discovered Kazaar torturing an Imperial Officer for information on the TIE Interceptor. Kazaar was immediately arrested and dishonorably discharged. Recruited to RebelOps shortly afterwards.
Notes: Kazaar has two known tattoos. The first is the symbol of Ikas-Adno (, the developer of the 22-B Nightfalcon speeder bike, surrounded by some sort of 'winged' design.
The second is located just below the first and is the remnants of a Rebel insignia (destroyed during a rescue mission to Mastala).
It's rumored Kazaar has an Imperial insignia on his right buttocks, although the reason for it is unknown. When asked, Kazaar's response was, "So th'Empire can know where they can kiss it."
Kazaar has a large arsenal on both of his ships, but he also has the odd tendency to give his weapons 'names'.
The first is a pair silver Bryar Pistols ( named 'Vera and Ashley' or simply known as 'The Twins'. It's believed these may be named in honor of his mother and his dead partner.
Kazaar also owns an Imperial Repeater Rifle ( named 'Ophelia'. Where this comes from is unknown.
The last known named weapon is an EE-3 carbine rifle ( he calls 'Evey' for the Mandalorian Nurse Eve Clay, the 'fourth toughest woman' he ever met..
Kazaar has two main methods of transportation (both given to him by Gorgja the Hutt).
His most known ship is a HWK-290 class freighter ( named The Flying Dutchman.
He also has a black YT-2000 class freighter ( named The Night Train.
Note added by Director Belargic:
Although Kazaar's service to RebelOps is admirable, he is still considered a 'loose cannon', mainly for his inability to follow orders to the letter and his propensity to do things 'his way'. His loyalty to the ideals of the Rebel Alliance (and his hatred of the Empire) cannot be ignored.
Note added by Staff Psychologist Doctor Webb Kovalev
Aurelias Kazaar is an interesting and troublesome case.
His refusal to submit to an 'official' psychological profile, as well as his refusal to attend 'anger management' courses make it hard for me to properly decide if he's psychotic, sadistic, or something else.
He certainly refused to talk to me so all I can go on is comments made by others who have been around him more than myself, and his personal history. Based on that theorem, this profile is incomplete, but there are several interesting facts we can decipher with him.
I believe Kazaar's incarceration in his early 20s has contributed to his attitude. Spending a year, uncharged, in an Imperial prison certainly affected his psyche and outlook on life. The death of his parents, something he does not discuss, contributed greatly to this as well.
And yet there is evidence, Kazaar was always like this from his youth. His association with Gorgja the Hutt's criminal organization, plus his affinity for violence suggest, from an early age, Kazaar had set his ideals (I am not sure morality falls into it).
Kazaar's codes of ethics are completely his own and almost contradictory... He (ab)uses alcohol and tobacco; yet will not indulge in the use of either stims or spice. He has no problem with working with Gorgja the Hutt, but despises slavers. He has no problem with the use of torture, but refuses to hurt women. He enjoys hunting (what kind I will not bother to speculate) but won't hurt innocents. He has a definite problem with authority, yet completes any task given him (albeit in his own unique way). He has made comments about his (lack of) intelligence, yet is an excellent deducer. He has few friends yet is well respected. He claims to not be a hero, yet has been known to risk it all for someone (or some thing).
I attempted to have one of my colleagues analyze him, only to have her say, "I'm not fracking going back in there."
Again, I cannot come up with a diagnosis of Aurelias Kazaar, but I do not believe he is a complete liability. My recommendation is to continue to watch what he does and says, just to be safe.