View Full Version : Legion and the Mandalorians

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 20th, 2006, 03:28:18 PM
Let's talk about this, Dalamar, and everyone. As it affects everyone.

I don't think that LD taking over the Mandalorians will splinter them.

Plus, you're RPing stuff that I've not established - that LD has offered them peace, which she hasn't, or that anyone even knows what her name is in the Mandalorian camp. Thirdly, I don't know that Legion would know who LD was anyway.

Your last post in The Devil's Playground, in paticular, has completely overstepped, but I think we can work it out.

I know you've already established that the Mandalorians are working with Legion against the Queen, etc. Legion is trying to get to Dalamar by killing the Queen, as near as I can figure.

In my thread, Desperation, I tried to show that the Mandalorians who were helping and listening to Legion were a small minority of the group. In general Mandalorians are a warlike but honorable group, and they would follow their leader to the death. As Lilaena has rightfully won the right to be the new Mandalore, and was recognized as such by the Mandalorians, it would be silly to assume that anyone could just waltz in and say "come follow me!" and that droves of warriors would leave the others and join up.

It goes against their culture. And, if it were possible then the Mandalorian problem would have been solved over a thousand years ago, because all it would have taken would be some loud person going into the jungle telling them to join his side. ;)

Granted, as you've already established that Legion is working with Mandalorians, I don't have a problem with a small number, maybe less than 100, have been poisoned by his words and ideology and have gone to him. But not hundreds.

I would also figure the total number of Mandalorians at only about 2,500 - 3,000, or less. I wouldn't say more than that.

Questions, comments, discussion - please bring it on. ;)

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 20th, 2006, 03:57:50 PM
That sounds fair to me. I don't think, realistically, that the Mandalorians would divide themselves into groups. They are, as LD says, an honor bound society, so I would have a hard time believing that ANY of them would go against the wishes of their Mandalore... but since it's already been RPed out that some of them have sided with someone else, I guess a small number wouldn't hurt. Though if the other Mandalorians ever found out, I think they'd probably kill them pretty quick.

Miranda Tarkin
Aug 20th, 2006, 04:28:26 PM
Yes a small handful leaving to Legion's side is fine and I agree with it for I am defering to those that know the Mandalorians better. It would still be a big enough army to cause some chaos for Dalamar and the Queen.

General Devious
Aug 20th, 2006, 06:18:52 PM
Legion knows what Dalamar knows. When he is close enough thru some weird cloning process he can catch Dalamars thoughts from time to time. Hence he knows all about Lil.. Not word of mouth but DeSangs mind. Sucks for Dal also he knows when Legion is close. and vice versa.

It goes against their culture. And, if it were possible then the Mandalorian problem would have been solved over a thousand years ago, because all it would have taken would be some loud person going into the jungle telling them to join his side.

Not to nitpick but isn't that what you basically just did. It doesn't seem possible that they would just drop this whole war that they have been fighting for thousands of years. I mean if that was all it took why didn't Dal or heck even Salem do that long ago. When a stranger comes in beats there leader and then basically says drop it.. Thats why I wrote the splinter thing it seemed that there would surely be people that would not give up the Hate of the Queen. But I sorely underestimated there numbers... lol I Thought there was about 15,000 of them.. I'm kind of thinking of a planetary scale but maybe where more like a major City.. Maybe like L.A.

Really I can edit to whatever.. 100's is fine by me. I just wanted something to make his threat impressive to all of us. If not he would be no challenge to us.

So what you guys think? Let me know I bow to the will of the people.

Hey if I didn't step on your guys toes the dance wouldn't be fun.. o_O

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 20th, 2006, 06:20:50 PM
That is not what I just did.

And maybe your characters just never thought of it! And, the Mandalorians would have probably killed you guys and not accepted the challenge, because they know who you are by sight.

Also, talking OOC with us about RPs is always a good thing, especially if you're trying to say things that haven't been roleplayed. For instance, you really have no idea what my intentions are with LD and the Mandalorians.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 20th, 2006, 06:24:36 PM
The Mandalorians do what Mandalore says. They follow him/her because they respect their battle prowess. If their leader is bested, then they must submit to a new leader and follow them and their cause - which would explain why LD could get them to calm down.

As for why no one else attempted it before now... maybe they didn't know that it worked like this? It's not unreasonable to think that Salem, Dalamar, whoever wouldn't have a huge amount of knowledge on Mandalorian customs. They probably just see them as a barbaric people of mercenaries, with no creed beyond their bloodlust.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 20th, 2006, 06:37:43 PM
Basically LD took a huge gamble on what she did know of Mandalorian culture, and it panned out. Hawkins Grime, her new apprentice, was there to carry her body out and report to Salem her failure should she had been killed.

General Devious
Aug 20th, 2006, 07:11:57 PM
Just tell me how you want me to edit it and I will fix it. Since you did mention it. what is Lds plans? Does Dalamar know its you? Because Mandolorians marching on the capital could make for a confusing responce.

I know you want me to change the numbers thing. Is there anything else you guys want me to adjust.

Also when I mentioned thousands I was under the mistaken assumption that there was 15 to 20 thousand. So in my mind a vast majority went with Lil. With a few paltry 1,500 to 2,000 going to Legions forces. Another Question because like Araudia I guess I should ask to know the facts. How big is Onderon? I mean how large is our boarders how many people does the Queen Rule over? How large is the armed force's on Onderon?

At anytime if I write something wrong just tell me its not my intention to step on toes just happens. ;)

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 20th, 2006, 07:18:59 PM
There is only a small group of Mandalorians approaching the City. They're not 'marching on the gates.'

Onderon is a planet, with only one settlement (besides the Mandalorian's hidden camp which no one knows where it is, which also makes it difficult for people from Iziz to march in and fight Mandalore. LD got there unconscious and as a captive, after all.) - Iziz City.

In the map I did up before the reset Iziz is about 1600 sq. kilometers, with lots of room for lots of people to live there. I never figured out an exact number of citizens because that involves math and my head is explody enough without more math. ;) The armed forces would be a percentage of the total population, though with the Mandalorians and the horrible man-eating beasts outside the Walls it might be a higher percentage of the population than a regular city's.

LD's plan is to make a pact with the Queen, the details of which are unknown because we haven't figured them out yet.

Dalamar did not know she met with Salem, he does not know she went to the Mandalorians. Only Salem knows about it, because of the talk they had, and her new apprentice Hawkins Grime knows because he was there to watch.

edit: I would say edit your post to not knowing anything of LD's plans. He would know that a new Mandalore had been set up, a female, and she was an outsider. (Of course, she's already being assimilated into their culture and she is doing all she can to be fully accepted as a Mandalorian - learning the language and living by their culture while she's with them. But that's beside the point.)

He would also have 100 or less Mandalorians on his side. LD has about 2,500 - 3,000. Keep in mind when they originally arrived on the planet it was a group of 10-15 male warriors. Over a thousand+ years they've grown, but the beasts and man-eating plants have kept their numbers low. That's why they've never successfully defeated the city in 1500 years.

General Devious
Aug 20th, 2006, 08:08:48 PM
Got it. Goes to edit.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 20th, 2006, 08:26:29 PM
What is a Slithe? And really, do we need another horrible enemy to defeat on this planet? ;)

General Devious
Aug 20th, 2006, 08:43:18 PM
WHat?? what is Slithe!! :( Tears.. okay the Shrine had a race of people that served them called the Nagari. Dalamar and I suppose Ambrose are there sole patrons. They are like cannibals. The vampyres would give them the bodies of there victims because they where not flesh eaters. They where like human disposal. Though Cannibals they where like tame pets to the vampyres with some violent tendencies. But if they where fed well. (Which they where.) they where calm.

Goen T Kilmore= The Heimler like vampyre evil genius that made Legion in the Well of Hell.

He also took the Nagari thru cloning and made a more ferocious animalistic. 'Reptillian' version of the Nagari kind of like a pack of werewolves the bloodlust consumes them and you need a SlithMaster to watch over a pack..There not very smart but are eating machines. They hunted Dal and Marrina Terrs who you know as Skye Connan In the Dreams of the Past storyline that I've been writing in roleplay.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 20th, 2006, 08:44:35 PM

Razielle Alastor
Aug 20th, 2006, 09:01:49 PM

Dal.. you do realize that there is no Shrine, and never was anymore here? I was just going to keep my mouth shut, but I find myself incapable anymore.

You think I liked giving up Vamp Raz at first? No! I rancidly abhorred the idea, but now she is 10 years younger, has a different background which has nothing whatsoever to do with the Cabal, The Coven, The Sith Empire, or anything else that I ever did before. Which is basically what the idea behind the reset was.

Carrying things over that you did with the Shrine is kinda the same thing as everyone else resetting their characters except you. Just giving Dal a new job. You see what I'm saying?

I'm not ranting at you or picking on you, I am just trying to explain why the constant Shrine references are a bit grating. I don't go around saying that Raz did this and that because..

"There was this storyline at the Cabal where.." or

"Once, on this other board, Saurron said to Raz.."

Do you see what I mean?

General Devious
Aug 20th, 2006, 09:05:59 PM
I don't know how many Legion had with him but there not a lot. There uncontrollable Mostly good to unleash during a war. There worse than clones because of there stupidity. Probably 6 packs with him with about a dozen in each pack. Without a Slithe Master to lead them they will even forget what there hunting if they lose the scent.

Plus these are all my idea's. The only idea that I have retained from Ann Rice is the Mother, Father Identity. I call them Mother and Father. Its my idea that long ago in the past they ruled the Universe. That the Blood Sword created the race of Vampyre's which is a story all on its own. If your interested I can point that to you. I making this into a book eventually. I left almost all references to Star Wars out of me and Marrina's posts. Maybe I can come up with a new title for the Mother other than mother. Grand Master Flash maybe. lol. But truly only that is whats left from Ann Rice. I never even read her books that was Alana.

I created Legion, Nagari, Slithe, Slithe Master, Assryian, Goen T Kilmore. which is a joke for (going to kill more) The Eye of the Dragon. The Blood Sword, Death Dealers, The Eye imbedded in 'Tiberious Kinslayers' Chest. The Race of Dragons. oh and Tiberious Kinslayer. Named Tiberious for Captain James T. Kirk. The T is Tiberious...

Whoo.. Breathe thats a lot of words..

Razielle Alastor
Aug 21st, 2006, 07:43:31 AM
nevermind..>_< :lol