View Full Version : Project Crimson Phoenix

Byl Laprovik
Aug 19th, 2006, 12:18:00 AM
I'm needing a few enterprising souls to join an unofficial group.

Unofficial in both IC and OOC, meaning that I don't want official recognition, in fact I'm trying to avoid it.

Project Crimson Phoenix will be a file in Rebel Alliance Intel's black ops playbook that essentially boils down to clandestine efforts to harbor sympathetic ties with people and groups in occupied Imperial territory. Alliance brass will intend for this to mean propping up sympathetic ties with indigenous peoples on different worlds, which can aid the Alliance either logistically, or as partisan fighters.

This is the official Rebel answer to the question of Crimson Phoenix.

Unfortunately (or fortunately!) the real world works in shades a lot greyer than this, and I fully intend for Byl to abuse this pet project for intentions far darker than any other rebels should realize.

I am actively encouraging the actions of terrorists, organized or not, to strike not only Imperial military and political targets, but also Imperial citizens who are suspected of complicity with the New Order.

This means, I need people capable of operating almost exclusively in asymmetrical warfare. Kidnappings, assassinations, the use of biological and chemical agents, as well as high profile bombings.

There is no command hierarchy, and this is a two way arrangement for any who enter. Byl will provide information and limited resources, and has no vested interest in your ideological leanings, so long as you fight the common enemy.

It's a loose network of associates more than anything. If somebody over-extends themselves or goes off the reservation, we're done doing business, and you're on your own. There's no secondary ideology either. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and Byl will even aid types such as Mandalorians, Dark Jedi, etc in this task.

Balthazar von Kalthus
Aug 21st, 2006, 12:19:48 AM
You can count me in. As long as the credits are as real as the blood.

Sanis Prent
Aug 21st, 2006, 12:20:28 AM
That works for me :)

Bette Davis
Aug 21st, 2006, 03:05:47 AM
OMG, please don't eat me. :eek

You're enormous!

Terran Starek
Aug 21st, 2006, 10:02:06 AM
I'd really like to get a new character involved in this, to explore a much different approach to the SW Universe that I'm used to. :) Sounds good.

Gheb Cahran
Aug 22nd, 2006, 07:10:41 AM
I'm in. (This is Terran)