View Full Version : One Step Closer
Aug 18th, 2006, 12:55:28 PM
Continued from here. (
"I do not think we are getting anywhere, going about this the traditional way. I think that the normal.. umm, bearta maolaithe? The methods for a person to slip into a meditative state are not going to work for you. Maybe we should try something else?
Rhianna was still sitting crossed legged before the plant. She had stopped her own practice some time ago and was attempting to help Morgan relax and find out which way would work best for him, to quiet his mind and focus on the Jedi teachings.
She hopped up and dimmed the lighting, creating a more serene atmosphere and scooted her cushion closer to Morgan. Realizing that her relaxed state had her speaking in her native tongue again, she switched back to her choppy Basic. She was trying to use only Basic, to persuade her mind to pick it up faster.
"My Grandmother.. said to me once, 'Not all achieve maolaithe, meditation, right away. Each person has their own way, that will work for them. It just has to be found.' I guess, once you figure it out and practice, then it becomes more natural to slip in and out of."
"So, better than forcing this, what will help you relax?" She rested her chin in her hands and grinned.
Morgan Evanar
Aug 18th, 2006, 08:00:14 PM
“Being somewhere else.” He blurted.
“I never wanted to join the Rebellion. And now, being a Force Sensitive, I feel like I’ve painted another target on me. I should probably stop griping about that and just try to relax.” Morgan smiled back at Rhianna and sighed.
“Sometimes counting helps me relax. How will I know when I’m meditating?” He didn’t fully understand the concept.
Aug 18th, 2006, 08:39:11 PM
"I understand. All this..?" She gestured around, refering to the Serenity, the Rebellion, everything that had happened.
"Had you told me a while back that I would be travelling through space, training to become a Jedi, seeing the things I've now seen..? " She laughed. "I'd have told you that you were splanctha and should seek help."
"Counting is good, I sometimes count backwards when I cannot sleep. I think though that you are too.. umm.. dolúbtha? Tense! Anyways, you have to relax before you can meditate. What about stretching excersizes, ever tried that?"
Morgan Evanar
Aug 18th, 2006, 10:00:11 PM
“Sure, but usually after a workout.” Nonetheless, Morgan uncrossed his legs and put his head down against his knees. His mom told him that being flexible was important and he took it to heart.
“If you told me I’d be teaching someone Basic and traveling around with a Jedi I would have called you insane too.” He smiled at Rhianna. She took it in stride very well.
Aug 18th, 2006, 10:23:34 PM
She lifted an eyebrow at that, and stuck her tongue out. It was funny how things worked out. She had to admit though, for as much pain as she had been in both physically and mentally, she was quickly filling up the void with new ideas, new ways to think about things. Always in her thoughts was the idea that someday she would go back home and try to help her people.
Rhianna scooted around behind Morgan while he stretched out. She knew only one method of helping someone relax. Her brother had been the head of her small clan. The responsibility of caring for them all, getting them through the long frozen months, feeding them thorugh times of famine.. It had weighed heavy on him. His stress showed outwardly as pain. Rhianna's grandmother had shown her an old method of relieving the tension by manipulating certain area's on the body.
"Okay, I have an idea. Sit up. Let your mind go completely still.. I'll see if I can help.."
She waited until Morgan sat up, then her fingertips settled on his shoulders. Her thumbs swiveled up, pressing lightly, but firmly into two trigger points at the base of his skull. Then she began to slowly rotate her thumbs clockwise.
Morgan Evanar
Aug 20th, 2006, 11:33:41 AM
He sighed heavily.
"Ohh." Morgan's eyes rolled up in his head.
"That feels fantastic." He let the weight of his head rest against her thumbs. It rolled slightly back and forth as she moved. Eventually her hands must have tired, because she stopped. Morgan had to keep himself from drooling, he was so relaxed.
“Take your shoes off.” He smiled at her lazily. Morgan crossed his legs and put her feet in his lap. He used his thumbs to alleviate any tight spots in her feet.
Aug 20th, 2006, 03:18:44 PM
Laying back on her elbows, Rhianna tried to tone down the pink flush in her cheeks. Tilting her head to the side in thought, she tried to recall how a lesson in meditation had turned into something so.. so.. She didn't have a word in Basic for it, and she wasn't quite sure which one of her words would best describe the situation.
It wasn't that she was uncomfortable. In fact she was a bit too comfortable, if distracted near senseless. Weren't they supposed to be accomplishing something? Her toes tingled and she turned pink all over again.
"Morgan..? I don't think this is going to teach you meditation." She smirked a bit and wiggled her toes.
"but we can always get back to that later, right..?" She laughed.
Morgan Evanar
Aug 20th, 2006, 09:22:31 PM
Morgan didn’t do anything but smile coyly back at Rhianna.
He had wanted a break anyway. While Rhianna was blushing, she didn’t retreat from the foot massage either. He had not noticed through her loose robes before, but Rhianna had fantastic legs. Morgan absentmindedly ran a finger up the side of her calf and back to her feet.
“Later." He agreed, and stroked her legs.
Aug 20th, 2006, 10:12:01 PM
Absently, Rhianna thought to herself that she should probably feel a bit more shame. Until this point, the only male that had seen her toes, or anything above her ankles had been her brother. He would have certainly have had something to say to her about her blatant enjoyment of Morgan's hands creeping up her calves. But then, her brother had most certainly never looked at her legs like that!
Rhianna's arms gave out on her, suddenly gone limp. She went sprawling onto her back on the cushion. She blew out a sigh of contentment, then sat up leaning her arms onto her knees.
"I think I've gone beyond relaxed and into something else.."
Morgan Evanar
Aug 21st, 2006, 08:48:45 PM
Morgan leaned over and brought his face next to hers and nuzzled her neck while his hands moved up her arms. The words were long gone.
Aug 21st, 2006, 09:09:04 PM
Rhianna hadn't been that sheltered. There was very little privacy when you lived mostly out doors with a group of people. Just because she had yet to experience it for herself, didn't mean she didn't recognize what was happening. She knew also what came next.
She broke out in goosebumps and knew she was blushing again. Still, she turned her face and shyly brushed her lips against Morgan's, her eyes sliding shut.
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