View Full Version : Bend me Break me (closed)

Razielle Alastor
Aug 17th, 2006, 10:48:56 PM
The third day of her captivity, Razielle demanded to see a medic and have her final examination early. The physician showed up at once when his most notorious patient summoned him from bed at daylight. He entered her room and found Razielle sitting in a chair, waiting for him. She was wearing a light grey tank top so that the wound could be clearly seen and examined. He manipulated her shoulder in various directions, turning her arm this way and that. Then asked her to apply pressure to his hand to test her strength. He made a quick entry to his datapad and nodded to the Princess with a smile.

"It would seem, Your Highness, that you have healed up quicker than scheduled. Your progress is quite remarkable, you have recovered fully and are quite a strong young lady. You no longer need the restrictions on your activities, but I would suggest not over doing it. If you have any concerns, I am available at any hour."

She popped up out of the seat like a cork from a bottle. "Lira, I'm going out. Don't bother sending him a note. I am sure his spies will have him informed that I'm awake dressed and on the move before my toes touch the hallway."

Lira meanwhile was hiding her face, laughing over the Princess. She was really quite incapable of being mad at her lover, Salem Ave, and to watch her try was hilarious. She wisely said nothing though, knowing her mistress had a rare and volatile temper when provoked. Personally she thought it was rather romantic for the Prime Minister to lock Razielle in her room. Just like a Princess in a tower, in a child's tale. She kept waiting for him to climb up Razielle's long hair in the night, to escape his own guards. She laughed and coughed.

"Lira, are you quite well..?"

"Yes, Miss. Bit o dust, is all.."

"I'll be in the gymnasium." Razielle grabbed her favorite katana off the wall and threw her door open. "Rise and shine boys, your prisoner is going out."

She didn't wait for the guards to follow, she just breezed right through them and on her way.

Salem Ave
Aug 18th, 2006, 08:54:12 PM
The sight of the Princess stalking the Palace with a katana was enough to set the guards on edge. Some smirked, chuckling with one another at the queer sight. Others knew better. Inside the gymnasium, Salem's footsteps echoed off the polished floor, as did his voice. “The doctor informs me you are fully recovered...”

Razielle Alastor
Aug 18th, 2006, 09:23:40 PM
After arriving to find the gym deserted, Razielle turned and pointed to the row of chairs on the far wall. "You can babysit me just fine from there, and manage to stay out of my way at the same time."

She wasn't normally so brittle with servants or guardsmen. She made a point of establishing a bit of familiarity with the other classes in the palace. She knew many of the staff by name and was liked by most everyone for her genuine intertest in their lives. It wasn't really their fault that they were ordered to follow her around. She was however a Princess and saw fit to do and say exactly as she pleased when she was vexed, so they would get the brunt of her anger.

She lay her katana down on a bench, then sat down on the floor and began her routine by stretching out her body. Her shoulder was, admittedly, stiff. What she really needed was a massage. No no no! Stop right there. She refused to follow that train of thought. After several minutes of stretching out her limbs, and a few cleared throats from the row of guards, Razielle finished and rose. She was not going to allow herself to feel self conscious before the guards, she was doing the same thing she did everyday. She couldn't help it if they were being paid to watch.

She had just moved to pick up her blade, then halted, hearing familiar footsteps.

"Yes. I'll live." She picked up her weapon and tossed the sheath back onto the bench. Moving a few paces away she caught movement out of the corner of her eye and wondered what the guards were discussing that was so damned amusing. She smiled, knowing she could shut them up very quickly.

Turning to face them, she brought the point of the blade up vertical and peered at them over the blades tip. She tossed the blade high into the air, caught it and sliced a perfect horizontal line through the air, at the level of their heads. Lucky for them she was out of range, But they weren't laughing anymore. With a flash of silver, she had turned to face Salem once more, blade pointed down.

"What can I do for you..?"

Salem Ave
Aug 18th, 2006, 09:37:36 PM
“Nothing in particular.” Salem cast a glance towards the guards, who seemed to grow rigid and tense under his gaze. “I thought I might watch you practice.” It was something he had done many times when they had first met, though at the bequest of Razielle's father. Her skills with a blade were impressive, something to be admired. “You gentlemen should pay close attention to the Princess,” he called to the guards. “You might learn something.”

Razielle Alastor
Aug 18th, 2006, 09:52:23 PM
"Sure. Knock yourself out." Razielle tugged a pair of soft black leather gloves on her hands, wiggling her fingers to stretch them out, exactly how she liked them.

Her heartbeat became erratic for a moment. The man rattled her nerves in a way that nobody else could. She had no problem with him watching her. Any other day she would have exulted in his attention, but today she was feeling unsure of a great many things, most having to do with him directly.

It didn't matter. She could perform her daily routine blindfolded and drunk and it would be as graceful. Walking away, she calmed down and stopped far enough away for safety's sake. She began by working on control.

A repetitive series of spirals with the blade, switching off from one hand to the other as if she held a piece of fruit instead of a very sharp bladed weapon. After the blade passed from one hand to the other, the third step was a pause, the flat edge of her katana resting against her opened palm, before repeating the steps again. After a few rounds, she began to move, walking backward without pausing with the sword.

Salem Ave
Aug 19th, 2006, 07:11:48 PM
The guards watched in silent appreciation. It was one thing to hear the rumors of the tempestuous Princess swinging a blade in a fit of brats anger- it was another to see her stood before you, faultlessly running through kata and drills.

“Would you like some opposition?” Salem called to her, after some time had passed. The guards now looked his way incredulously.

Razielle Alastor
Aug 19th, 2006, 07:34:42 PM
Well, she had shut up the guards at least. They were looking at her now the way everyone else had in the past. Like she was an oddity on display. Razielle halted her session, the blade swinging back into her starting position with a jaunty swish. Dropping her weapon to her side she regarded Salem skeptically. Was this to be a lesson? She had visions of having her Royal bottom handed to her..

On the other hand, he didn't have to be here. Just like he hadn't been required to be at her bedside at all hours while she was injured. He was the Prime Minister, not her personal bodyguard. But she had to be cautious, she had handed the game over to him, they were playing by his rules now.


Salem Ave
Aug 21st, 2006, 08:33:50 AM
Salem stood up and slowly, meticulously, removed his jacket. He loosened his tie and removed the pale blue shirt he wore, then neatly folded his clothes over a vault box at the edge of the hall. He removed his shoes and socks, and was left wearing only a white tank top and black slacks.

“You sword,” he said, turning to look at one of the guards. They had scabbards slung at their hips, crisscrossed like bandoliers. The man looked confused for a moment, a frown showing. When Salem's gaze did not waver, he withdrew the blade with a sching, offering it – hilt first – to the Prime Minister. He smiled thinly in thanks and turned to walk towards Razielle, testing and turning the grip as he moved.

Razielle Alastor
Aug 21st, 2006, 08:51:17 AM
Razielle turned away, busying herself with the process of removing her own shoes and a few layers. There was just something too compelling about watching Salem Ave divesting himself of clothing. She would be blushing next if she continued to stand there mouth agape.

In truth, she was more than a little intimidated. She was good. In fact she was better than good with a sword. She had been since childhood. It was no longer a matter of swinging a blade, for her. They were an extension of her arms, directed by her will as easily as snapping her fingers. She had no idea how she would measure up against the one she called 'Master' though.

He had the advantage already, knowing her skill. She was going in blind, as it were. She would let him take the lead and adjust her style accordingly. Stopping just a few feet from her Deity personified, Razielle took a defensive position.

"Whenever you are ready.." She smiled, feeling confidant.

Salem Ave
Aug 22nd, 2006, 07:32:31 PM
Stepping into place opposite Razielle, Salem readied the guards sword at a defensive angle. His movements were very deliberate and understated, so that it was difficult to judge just how comfortable he was with the blade in his hands. None the less, there was confidence in the way he carried himself – but that was always the case when it came to the Arkanian's.

“Ladies first.”

Razielle Alastor
Aug 22nd, 2006, 08:06:00 PM
"As you wish."

Without a second warning, her blade met his in a series of quick but not very elaborate thrusts and parries. Very elementary movements that were the first lessons in swordplay. Each of which was met with the exact riposte that it should have been. They could have been giving a lesson. Razielle smiled, charmed. Finally! Someone who wasn't going to be outdone in the time it took to file her nails.

Tilting her head to the side a bit, her neck cracked. Then she resumed her advance, her footwork driving her opponent backward at her newly stepped up assault.

Salem Ave
Aug 24th, 2006, 01:27:53 PM
To begin with, Salem was fairly even and plain in his defense. He allowed Razielle to take the lead, moving in tandem with her attack. It was a way of allowing his muscles to flex, without having to go through the motions of a warm up routine. He continued this for a short time, though it became clear quickly that Razielle did not find him enough of a challenge and was growing frustrated at his apparent lack of effort. Content that he was ready, Ave stepped up the pace, now becoming proactive rather than reactive, striking out with heavy, accurate lunges.

Razielle Alastor
Aug 24th, 2006, 09:06:11 PM
Oh so he knew what he was doing.. Razielle's skin tingled as she met each lunge, but was still backed up to her original position. He had effectively shown her that whatever ground she gained could be easily retaken. It was true on so many levels. She may not be speaking to Salem of her desires anymore, but she could speak with her movements, equally as effective.

Her eyes narrowed slightly as she recalled how he had caged her. She made a strong downward slash. Her blade connected with his, close to the hilt and sent a rumbling vibration through the sword, which she was sure ran all the way up his arm. It couldn't feel nice. With a grin of triumph, she side stepped and advanced.

Razielle's body slid against Salem's for only the briefest of moments in corps-a-corps, an illegal move that would have cost her, had this fight been about points and legalities. Her back rested against his and she turned meeting his next attack with a cocky little smile.

Salem Ave
Aug 29th, 2006, 04:19:20 PM
As if to punish her for that little flash of bravado, Salem dropped some of the finesse of his style and opted for a more aggressive offensive. It was an almost barbaric attack, and certainly not something the observing guards would have expected from Ave. There was a flare to his nostrils as he slashed a harsh 'X', following up with a vertical strike from above, that would cleave her in half if not adequately defended.

Razielle Alastor
Aug 29th, 2006, 05:56:33 PM
Without any outward sign of it, Razielle was smiling. It would seem that Salem was trying to throw her off by changing fighting styles. She wasn't so easily rattled. She deflected his heavy swings, the blows straining her weakened muscles. Gritting her teeth, she struggled through, shoving the blows aside with a small growl of exertion.

The attack from above, she could only hope to block. Bracing her sword horizontally above her, Razielle dropped to a knee to take the brunt of the strike in her arms. As soon as her teeth stopped rattling from the hit, her leg shot out in a swipe at Salem.

Salem Ave
Sep 13th, 2006, 09:31:53 AM
The guards were once more left agape, as Salem effortlessly hopped over the kick. As he landed, Salem took his sword in both hands – but turned the blade away from Razielle, instead jutting out an elbow at a sharp angle, which he jerked towards the Princesses pretty nose. It was a rather brutish move, and one which made the guards wince even before any impact had been made.

Razielle Alastor
Sep 13th, 2006, 10:07:14 AM
Her eyes went wide when she saw his intent. She did not fancy having a crooked nose. She quickly ducked under the blow, saving her self the pain and humiliation of cosmetic enhancement. To her chagrin, Salem wasn't being very nice anymore. She would just have to respond in kind. Tossing her blade into her left hand she brought the heel of her right hand straight up at his chin as she rose to her feet.

Salem Ave
Sep 13th, 2006, 10:17:06 AM
Salem recoiled backwards. It looked as if he might have lost his balance, as though the sudden lurch would cause him to topple, but in truth the Arkanian had complete control. Deciding to forgo the bravado of a flip, Ave merely twisted his footing. He spun and came to a halt some feet from Razielle, his blade now in a one handed grip, leveled at shoulder height, perpendicular to the Princess. It was fortunate that the guards observing were not educated in the various Forms of lightsaber combat, or they might have recognized his stance.

Razielle Alastor
Sep 13th, 2006, 10:34:14 AM
Razielle backed up slowly, one foot behind the other. She was coming to grips with the fact that she was on the verge of having her dire prediction come true. The man was going to kick her royal bottom, and in front of his own guards too. She was going to have to come up with a somewhat more devious strategy to escape humiliation. She had no idea he was as good with a blade as she was. In fact, she hated to admit it, but he was probably better. He seemed to be holding back a bit, as she was. She'd wager it would get ugly if this was in earnest.

She circled cautiously and switched back to her right hand, somehow knowing that things were about to get worse.

Salem Ave
Sep 13th, 2006, 10:45:13 AM
As though to evidence his complete control of the situation, Salem performed a Makashi salute – a flourish, drawing a rapid X in the air. His footing shifted forwards, the tip of his blade following suit, aiming to land a precise cut on Razielle's stronger sword hand.

Razielle Alastor
Sep 13th, 2006, 07:55:43 PM
Razielle's agile footsteps danced away from the swipe at her wrist, but not fast enough. The slice caught her across the side as she turned, not cutting into her skin, but taking a liberal slice out of the side of her tank top, exposing quite a bit of her side. A few of the guardsmen cleared their throats as Razielle looked down at her exposed skin.

She didn't waist another second before advancing with a tiny bit of fury, her fast blows raining down from all directions. She kept the series up for a lengthy bit of time before changing her attack mid swing and with a smile sent a downward slash across Salem's abdomen, not intent on his flesh so much as returning the favor.