View Full Version : Jedi Abilities (A Friendly Reference Guide)

Terran Starek
Aug 16th, 2006, 11:34:30 AM
**Please Note: This is not a ranking system or level guide. It is just a brainstorming session on the kinds of things a Jedi can do.**

I think it's so awesome that we sort established the Jedi "classes" (Guardian, Consular, Sentinel) and it's a really good way to identify your character with a certain style or skillset without having to lose your individuality.

I was thinking recently about Jedi abilities. I mean, what kinds of things (specifically) can a Jedi do and at what level? This is just sort of a discussion starter, but it could lead to some sort of "reference guide" that can get you thinking about your character.

Now, by brining this up I am not advocating that we implement some sort of rigid rules system or anything. I was just thinking that it would be a good way to characterize and get a picture of what kinds of things a Jedi can do and at what level. It would be good when you are roleplaying your character to know, "Ok, can I really wipe out an entire squad of Stormtroopers with my Force Push as a Padawan?"

I'll try a couple and see what you guys think.

Force Healing
This is a Jedi's ability to heal (others and self) wounds quickly, heal physical and emotional trauma, revive the unconcious and (in the most powerful cases) put those who are mortally wounded into a suspended state for further care. A Jedi who is strong in Force Healing also recovers from major injuries at an uncanny rate.

Padawan: The Jedi Padawan has just begun her journey into the living Force. She is able to manipulate and heal small wounds of herself or her allies - i.e. a cut or a bruise. Through concentration and patience, she is to calm her allies in times of great physical and emotional stress.

Knight: A Jedi Knight experienced in the field of healing is a reliabe healer. He can nearly instantly heal moderate wounds of himself and his allies - i.e. a broken bone, a large gash. He is able to over-exert himself and heal moderately high - to high wounds in himself. He is also able to revive the unconcious and has the ability to heal physical and emotional trauma with his encouraging words. A Jedi Knight tends to heal from mortal wounds much more quickly.

Master: The Jedi Master of Healing is a pwerful ally. She can nearly instantly heal moderately high to high wounds in herself and her allies. Her words of encouragement are utterly therapeutic in times of stress, granting her allies peace and confidence. If she has the oppurtunity to meditate and over-exert herself, she is able to put her mortally injured or dying ally into a state of stasis until proper medical treatment can be dispensed. A Jedi Master can bounce back from mortal injuries with uncanny speed.

Force Sense
This is a Jedi's ability to sense the unseen through the Force. A Jedi has the ability to sense others, places, and important objects. This also represents a Jedi's ability to sense the motive and meaning in the words and actions of others. As a Jedi grows more powerful, she is able to sense the actions, thoughts, and presence of others in the Force through the Force Signature.

Padawan: The Jedi Padawan has just discovered his "Sixth Sense." He is able to detect traces of feelings and thoughts through the Force within close proximity. Someone else is here, but where? Something important is behind this door, but what? I don't feel like this person is telling me everything. The first Force Signature the student recognizes is his Master's.

Knight: A Jedi Knight becomes attuned with the Force as he studies Force Sense. He is now able to identify - with moderate certainty - where others are around him, even if he cannot see them over moderate distances. By focusing on an important object or objective, a Jedi Knight can pursue it within the Force, sensing its whereabouts. He is able to pick up on more faint Force Signatures, identifying people that he becomes close to with such a Signature (i.e. a good friend or fellow Jedi). He is also able to slightly penetrate the mind of another to decipher very small ammounts of information - personal info and minor memories.

Master: The Jedi Master focused on Force Sense has becomely especially keen and is closer to oneness with the Force than any other kind of Jedi. Through the Force, the Jedi Master is able to easily recognize the locations and whereabouts of objects and people over large distances. Little escapes her penetrating mind, as she is able to invade the recesses of the minds of others with or without permission. With ease, she detects the Force Signatures of others - even those that she has not met but can simply see. She is rarely fooled, because the motives of others speak loudly in their words.

Lianna Mal Pannis
Aug 16th, 2006, 11:42:21 AM
I like this idea and not at the same time. I like having abilities posted for people to see, I don't like having it 'confine' to rank. Which I know you're not advocating but even this little bit makes me think that.

The common sense rule always seemed to work fine and some padawans excelled in other areas that would limit them with this sort of 'ranking' for lack of a better word.

I'm all for power breakdown so people can see what Jedi can do tho and work off of that.

Terran Starek
Aug 16th, 2006, 11:49:10 AM
Yeah, I can see what you're saying, and I was really afraid that it can go that way.

I was just thinking about sort of an idea, not so much of a power ranking. I guess in some ways, if you really wondered what a Jedi could do because you just weren't sure, it would be sort of a "community decided reference guide." :)

But yeah, again, I'm not advocating rankings or levels or anything. I just love to think about this stuff and put it into writing. :)

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 16th, 2006, 12:08:47 PM
We already have something like this...

^ Provided by various Jedi and Sith Masters of SWFans. They were all agreed on by the moderating staff of the board as a whole.

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 16th, 2006, 12:10:49 PM
Wow I totally forgot about that. hah. Still, common sense will do you know wrong and use that as a reference guide (which was created off of said rule ^^)

Terran Starek
Aug 16th, 2006, 01:00:46 PM
Roger that. Never knew that database existed. Thanks Das.

You can close this thread if you'd like to.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 16th, 2006, 01:03:56 PM
Feel free to write up any other thoughts you have. No harm in leaving the thread open for discussion :)

Terran Starek
Aug 16th, 2006, 01:09:39 PM
True, true.

Serena Laran
Aug 16th, 2006, 02:38:38 PM
http://swfans.pbwiki.com/the%20Force I started moving it over to the wiki about a month ago and then stopped 'cause I got bored. ;)

Terran Starek
Aug 16th, 2006, 03:16:31 PM
Nice. I like it. I think it's fun to map out the different abilities, just so you kind of know what the heck's going on. :)