View Full Version : Question: Politics and Empire

Lamar Starworth
Aug 12th, 2006, 12:50:04 PM
So, as a mid-ranked offical who do I look to for purpose? The Executor, or the Moff of my sector?

From my understanding of the hijacked thread in the application is seems that martial law is offical on a sparse amount of planets, or at best some. Therefore wouldn't there have to be actual Imperial High Officals to be NPCed for me to do much of anything.

Also, I've been told that my placement does not entitle that I act without superior telling by Telan. So, how exactly do I have purpose at my ranking without an actual situation outbreaking?

Do I basically await, after the Dejarik thread, until a battle come up. Not that I want to dwell on a negative, but there hasn't been any battles from my knowledge before my attempt to formualte one.

Is the process/procedure the same as my creation of one before, or are there new rules placed into play for me to engage in battle?

Khendon Sevon
Aug 12th, 2006, 10:57:43 PM
You only take orders from me if I tell you to.

The Executor has a floating command. He can decide that you're vital to his fighting in y location and bring you under his umbrella of power. Of course, a lot of people don't like him for that same reason :)

Tiberius Anar
Aug 13th, 2006, 05:34:37 AM
It really depends upon in which stucture you are located.

For maximum interest, I would suggest that you locate yourself within a command structure for each rp, Lamar. You're the commander of a regiment, which is a fairly substantial body of men (and women I suppose) that could be moved around from time to time..

When my younger brother rp'ed here he held the same level of command and he was most methodical- he sat down and worked out a roster of officers and senior NCO's with whom his character would have contact so he knew who to rp when (for the sake of consistency.) The regimental people did not change, but the generals under whom he served and the civillian administrators who he encountered did as he moved from planetary garrison to front line campaigns and back.

For reference:

The basic premise is that there are two basic kinds of force in the Empire. There are the Sector Forces who and there are central forces.

Sector Forces vary in size and make up depending on the sector's location, importance etc. They answer through a higher command structure of fleet admirals and high generals (see the Star Wars technical commentaries for an excellent explanation of this) that is mostly administrative, to the Sector Moff who is the Sector's Commander-in-Chief. The Moff holds this post alongside his or her administrative work. The Moff uses the forces in their sector to secure and defend it and, as at the moment, to enforce the law. Sector forces are limited in their operations to that sector and would, presumably, spend extended periods of time in the same location.

Central forces are an entirely different kettle of fish. They have no standard composition and rarely have a set area of operations. It is a collection of ships, men and equipment not allocated to a particular sector but held in reserve as re-inforcements for the sectors or to carry out particular assignments. This could mean that they rove around looking for rebel bases or that they are assigned to conquer a particular sector. This is what the Grand Admirals and Executors spend their time doing. Grand Admirals have commissions which set them a task and gives them certain extraordinary powers (e.g to requisition men and equipment from a certain area of space) to help them get the task done. Executors like the amazing Sevon have much vaguer terms of reference and greater powers, but generally do not go running around with massive fleets in the way that Grand Admirals do because Executors get very special tasks- eg. hunting down force users for which specialist men and equipment are needed in favour of the large fleet.

There are also the OverSectors, headed by Grand Moffs. They are regions of space in turmoil where problems cut across several sectors. To deal with this Grand Moffs assume the post of commander-in-chief of in several sectors and use the much larger force to deal with problem.

That is more or less correct. I am sure that if I erred somewhere someone will correct the mistakes.

Tiberius Anar
Aug 13th, 2006, 05:39:42 AM
Oh, and as to not acting without being told I think I am right in saying that, as long as you do not start any wars or rp the complete loss of a sector without consulting the rest of us, you have free rein. A few ideas:

A small rebel movement breaks out in a region of a planet. You are assigned to deal with it,

A local get killed by some of your troops, deal with resulting riots.

Your regiment is assigned to serve under the direction of an official from the ministry of the interior- guarding a prisnoer camp. There's break out, what do you do?

I will happily rp any civillians you might need.

Telan Desaria
Aug 13th, 2006, 09:19:32 AM
A regiment as a force is a component element of a division and can also be an element of a brigade. Dcepending on the utility and type of this regiment it can be attached to a Corps, Army, Army Group, Heeresgruppe, or an entire Sector.

As a regiment you have a greta dela of latitude on how you do thing tactically.

Now, as for your ability to act

You are IC a Colonel andm, while prestigious and lofty, it is a line rank and not a flag rank. So IC you decide how to fight, simply not the when and the where. However, as this is RP, you also control the strings of the offficerfs above you. If you want to start an rp with a General coming into yor command post and telling you to pack your thing,s you men are going to go quell an insurrection, then you may,. So IC you have been given an order by a proper authority but OOC you have your own orders.

Now, oin that note, those orders are subject to subordination to say the Executor, a Moff, etc - anyone with a higher IC rank. But if you want to say, send a pm to some rebel and stage a skrimish or simply play your own part in a larger battle, then that is your perogative. You see, as an rper, you directly control the events of your own destiny., But you also get to control the events of the thousands and sometimes millions of NPCs with whom you interact. Let us say you choose to run off and fight on......Teyr, near BEstine. You get there are attached to the 177th Imperial Infantry Division. So you act as a regimental component of that unit and bring glory to the empire. But we dont have a PCd commander of the 177th. So Lamar, you get to do that. You pikc the details of him and rp as you find neccessary. You ICly control your own regiment but you also get to control the units and above and below given the parameters of the rp you have designed.

As for martial law, that is direct rule by the military. That means rather than police, the Army and stromtroopers are on garrison duty and are patrolling and enforcing the law. However, there are Imperial garrisons on hundreds of thousands of worlds. Not all of those worlds are under martial law.

Now, you can always rp your unit coming to a quiet world to get some r and r and then suddenly be set upon by rebel insurrectos who begin picking off your men and you are suddenly found in the hottest seat as a prelude to invasion. Wrong place, right time.

Your latitude is totally decided by you.

I think perhaps we should rp together, Lamar. Do you have AIM?

QLancer18 - im me sometime

We will set it up?

Telan Desaria
Aug 13th, 2006, 04:14:32 PM

Lamar Starworth
Aug 13th, 2006, 11:05:23 PM
Aw, thats how I thought it worked. I just wanted to ask because of the debates OOC about the political power over the Empire's military resources.

Telan Desaria
Aug 14th, 2006, 08:05:38 AM
Leave questions regarding the Empire's military to those in it. Not politicians.

So Lamar, intersted in rping with me sometime?