View Full Version : Application Form: Chino Plax

Chino "Funboy" Plax
Aug 10th, 2006, 02:05:39 PM
*Who are you?
Chino Plax, aka Funboy.

*Do you play any other characters on swfans.net who are affiliated with other groups? If so, please list them.
None currently affiliated with any groups.

*Any special skills we should know about?

*Were your parents killed by rebels?

*If so, do you seek to avenge their deaths?

*Do you possess good spelling and grammatical skills?
I certainly do.

*There's a battle going on. Is your role in this battle
1) the guy on the ground with the blaster and/or Imperial walker
2) the guy in the starfighter
3) the guy on the bridge of a star destroyer giving orders
4) the guy sitting in a throne room behind the scenes and ominously cackling "all is proceeding as I have foreseen!"
If anything, number 1.

*Why do you want to be an Imperial?
To even the playing field with the large Rebel influx. :shakefist

*Being an Imperial means that you may have to follow an order which could result in the deaths of millions. Do you have any objection to this?

Chino's conscience evaporated long ago.

*You observe a loved one doing something or planning to do something which could be construed as anti-Imperial. What do you do?

Chino doesn't have "loved ones".

*Do you swear allegiance to the Empire, and to abide by the guiding principles that the Emperor put down, and do you further swear to combat the rebellion and all other enemies of the empire?

'Course I do, govner.

Telan Desaria
Aug 10th, 2006, 02:08:28 PM
Approved on the Orders of the Imperial High Command.

Welcome to the Empire. Myself or the Executor will get you started rather shortly. Get to know the Inquisitortae charcters as you are the newest member of Imperial Intelligence, a massive apparatus of underhanded villains operating outside the boarders of the Empire.

Karl Valten
Aug 10th, 2006, 02:18:12 PM
Hey, I'm the acting Grand Inquisitor at the moment. The other Inquisitoriate agents are hiding around here somewhere.

Tiberius Anar
Aug 11th, 2006, 07:12:23 AM
Intelligence does not necessarily mean the Inquistorate.

Why is no-body wants to join me in cacking behind the scenes? :(

Telan Desaria
Aug 11th, 2006, 08:47:09 AM
He is serving in Imperial Intelligence.

The Inquisitoriate is responsible for all facets of internal security including overseeing COMPNOR as well as ISB and the Imperial Civil Defense Force (Empire-wide police departments)

Imperial Intelligence is responsible for external security such as spying, espionage, infiltration, gathering intelligence on military targets, etc.

I am sure they have their hands in each other's pots but they work very closely with each other having much the same mission in different spheres of influence.

It should be quite interesting.

I would wager the Director of Intelligence (npced at present) and the Grand Inquisitor have a rather comical love-hate relationship.

Tiberius Anar
Aug 11th, 2006, 10:06:43 AM
COMPNOR is technically a political not a government organisation. In the mainstream canon (if that is the correct term) it is actually the administrative machine of the Empire, but we already have one of those. COMPNOR consists of a variety of councils and committees dealing with matters such as education (Sub-adult and adult), art, science and terraforming. It also has its own paramilitary corps. The line is, of course, blurred by the fact that various senior members of COMPNOR are also senior party members whilst, at the same time, holding ministerial or civil service posts. I like to think of it as the SS or possibly SA of the Empire.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 11th, 2006, 10:36:20 AM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria\
I would wager the Director of Intelligence (npced at present) and the Grand Inquisitor have a rather comical love-hate relationship.

I was under the impression that R. S. Esalis is the Director of Imperial Intelligence.

Teleran Balades
Aug 11th, 2006, 10:59:38 AM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
I was under the impression that R. S. Esalis is the Director of Imperial Intelligence.

Aye, that would be correct.

Originally posted by Telan Desaria

I would wager the Director of Intelligence and the Grand Inquisitor have a rather comical love-hate relationship.

I agree. S'il we need to make a funny intel thread.

Telan Desaria
Aug 11th, 2006, 01:05:07 PM
Where has my memory gone. Correct, RS Esalis is Director of Imperial Intelligence. However, I do not know where she has gone.


Yes, COMPNOR could be sondiered the SA but not SS as the SS was actually an effective para military organization. It is safe to say that the Army and Navy would not tolerate such a threat ot its sphere of influence.

Also, henceforth, the Army and the Navy are enforcing the policy of Uberrichtpartei, or above party. Army and Navy components are fobidden to become enmeshed in political organizations of any kind including but liminted to rallies, meetings, planning sessions, discussions. Participation in the above or components of the above will result in said party's court martial and removal from the Military .


But anyway, this hijacking is complete. Can someone with admin status please give this character entrance into StratComm - I am a mod and I do not know if I can do that...

Tiberius Anar
Aug 11th, 2006, 01:20:41 PM
The dear German hoiten toiten is, of course, joking. To discourage political activity in the armed forces would be bad, to ban it would be disasterous.

Palpatine wanted total control of everything- that included the military. The best way to secure that was political indoctrination. Membership of approved political organisations and other political activity would not be a requirement but it would be encouraged. Political indoctrination would have been built into training just as it would be built into education. That way everyone would be adhering to the correct line- that of loyalty and unity, order at all costs- and so remain under Palpatine's control. The regime after Palpatine would not want to break with this line for obvious reasons.

Miranda Tarkin
Aug 11th, 2006, 01:24:17 PM
:wave from the Moff and poster girl of the Empire!

Welcome to the insanity :lol

Lamar Starworth
Aug 11th, 2006, 01:29:52 PM
Originally posted by Tiberius Anar
The dear German hoiten toiten is, of course, joking. To discourage political activity in the armed forces would be bad, to ban it would be disasterous.

Palpatine wanted total control of everything- that included the military. The best way to secure that was political indoctrination. Membership of approved political organisations and other political activity would not be a requirement but it would be encouraged. Political indoctrination would have been built into training just as it would be built into education. That way everyone would be adhering to the correct line- that of loyalty and unity, order at all costs- and so remain under Palpatine's control. The regime after Palpatine would not want to break with this line for obvious reasons.

Plus, hasn't marshall control been enabled since Palpatine's death.

Telan Desaria
Aug 11th, 2006, 02:08:38 PM
Martial Law is in force in some areas yes. But no, Chancellor, Im not joking. Palpatine is dead as was his way of doing things. The defeats of the Empires war machien were because of political meddling - now military shall be military and politics shall be politics. The military will answer to the civlian authorities in what it does but not in how it does it.

The New Order is upon us. Gloria Imperium - and we hail the Executor

Miranda Tarkin
Aug 11th, 2006, 02:25:53 PM
Hail Sevon!

Tiberius Anar
Aug 11th, 2006, 03:06:38 PM
War is a political activity. The politicians (Emperor, Executor, Chancelllor or whoever) rely upon the armed forces to enforce its policies and protect the State from attacks. It would be ludicrous for them to allow the armed forces to be completely free of the Party's influence. They couldn't trust them.

The ideology of the New Order, as opposed to the practices of Palpatine, is absurdly practical. Don't let principles interfer with what has to be done. Do what has to be done to protect order and hold back chaos. Hardly objectionable from a military stand point.

Telan Desaria
Aug 12th, 2006, 12:41:30 PM
It is indeed rational - but the policy is there to protect military members from political backlash - ie falling out of a favor, fcourting, etc. The policy to is to protect good men, * see - Admiral Byng, Siege of Minorca*

The military is being run thus. This argument ends here - we will not further hijack this thread.

Will an admin please give this chao StratComm access

Telan Desaria
Aug 14th, 2006, 10:52:11 AM
Access granetd to Imperial Command Forums. Who else needs it?

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 14th, 2006, 02:12:28 PM
Tod Marr and Saul Karzai

Khaowan Tarbrea
Aug 15th, 2006, 03:23:10 PM
I need access too.

Karl Valten
Aug 15th, 2006, 04:48:33 PM
Woot that makes how many in the Inquisitoriate?

4 in Inquisitoriate Proper (Y'roth, Victor, Danni, and me)
3 in Imperial Intelligence (Esalis, Tarbrea, and Plax)

Dang wes gots us lots 'o people.

Telan Desaria
Aug 15th, 2006, 10:31:43 PM
Access granted.

Navy - Desaria, Belades, and Shadow squadron

Army - Lamar

Politicians - Tiberius, Moff Tarkin

Leader - -Imperator Sevon

And others

indeed - -we are doing smashingly