View Full Version : Private Dancer
Aug 3rd, 2006, 01:37:14 PM
:: Varla's ship maintained orbit with Tatooine as she called down to her newest client in Mos Eisley. The Duro Crimelord had requested a personal visit to discuss the terms of their relationship. She preened her hair once more before activating the viewer ::
Rathe Maris
Aug 3rd, 2006, 01:48:51 PM
Gerbo was in foul mood OW had sent his secretary home early due to a cough one Gerbo was sure was fake. So guess who OW put in charge of his phone calls a secretary work Gerbo Lang. He was a fighter and warrior he wasn't meant to sit at a desk all day, he wanted to be out bashing heads or something along those lines. Then the call came through and Gerbo answered the phone just as OW had instructed him to.
"You have reached the office of the great and wonderful lord of all things holy and unholy, master of sandwiches and beautiful women, OW outcast. How may I direct your call?”
Gerbo rolled his eye's he couldn't believe OW would make him answer the phone like that. He never made his real secretary do it so why the heck would he make Gerbo. Oh yeah OW was still probably upset about chick they had met at the bar last night and Gerbo claiming OW as his adopted child so he couldn't drink hard liquor and all the woman looked at him funny. Even the one OW had been extremely impressed with.
Aug 3rd, 2006, 01:58:54 PM
:: Varla smiled politley, unphased by the grandiose greeting from Gerbo ::
"I have an appointment with your employer. My name is Varla."
Rathe Maris
Aug 3rd, 2006, 02:09:09 PM
Gerbo shifted through OW's meeting book on the desk and looked for name Varla. He saw it almost immediately since it was written a bright colors and circled with allot of exclamation points behind it. Gerbo knew what that meant it meant OW was being paid a visit by a hot woman or at least Hot in OW taste.
"Oh so you’re the Hooker he ordered? What aren't the hutts paying enough these days you have to go for low income Duros?"
Gerbo then paged OW in his office. Which Varla could still here over the COM.
"Your slut is here oh master of sandwiches."
OW could be heard on the other end screaming at Gerbo for call her such filthy names. Most of what OW was saying to Gerbo could not be heard very well but it did involve a few choice expletives for gerbo and telling him where he could shove his bad attitude.
"Grand OW wants to know if you want to have the meeting here or on your ship?"
Aug 3rd, 2006, 02:30:45 PM
:: Varla smiled again, maintaining her professional graces as she answered ::
"I'll be landing in 5 microns. I just require a meeting place."
O.W. Outcast
Aug 3rd, 2006, 03:37:42 PM
OW rushed out of his office and before Gerbo could say anything else he grabbed the com from his hands. It wasn't until then Gerbo realized OW was naked except for his tube socks he had on his feet. OW just stared at Gerbo for a moment before he explained.
"What I was getting dressed I knew Varla was coming I just didn't expect her so soon."
Gerbo just rolled his eyes and walked out of the office he wasn't going to stick around and watch his boss get his groove on. OW let him go and walked back into his office and started putting on a new suite cause he wanted to look fresh when Varla showed up.
"Come to my office babe. I will be waiting here for you."
Aug 3rd, 2006, 04:28:24 PM
:: Unable to see the hilarity on the other end, she gave a courteous bow ::
"I'm looking forward it."
:: A short time later, she arrived at OW's office, dressed in a sexy purple outfit made from Rodian flame silk ::
O.W. Outcast
Aug 3rd, 2006, 04:59:50 PM
OW's eyes bugged out of his head even further then normal as he saw what she was wearing. He couldn't speak for a few moments he was to mesmerized by her. He was pretty sure she was aware he was undressing her with his eyes.
"Welcome to my office."
OW lifted his small arms in the air and looked around at the spectacle that was his office. The walls where painted blue with a long Black couch along one side. There was a mini bar in one of the corners behind his desk. His desk was empty almost like he either never did any work or at least didn't do any at his office.
He had TV in one corner with some sort of console video game system hooked up to it. Also in another corner he had a pinball machine. As for paintings on the wall there where two. One depicted the planet Duros and it's smog filled atmosphere. OW thought it was Beautiful most people thought it was rather depressing. The other painting however made up for it, it was OW dressed like a King on throw surrounded by Human and Twi'lek women.
"Would you like a drink Varla?"
Aug 3rd, 2006, 05:31:12 PM
:: She took a seat and waited, admiring the paintings on the wall ::
O.W. Outcast
Aug 17th, 2006, 12:21:53 PM
OW poured varla a drink of some green Duro drink. It had a sweet taste with a slight bite in the after taste. It was one of OW few favorite drinks from his home world. It was a rare drink these days to get a hold due to the fact that Duros was now Imperial controlled. OW grabbed himself a cigar from the bar and put it in his mouth and began chewing on it as he walked over to Varla and handed her the drink.
"Only the finest for such Beauty."
OW small mouth smiled although it was barely visible with the big cigar hanging in his mouth. He didn't light cause he was more courteous then that, he just nibbled on the end it added a bit extra flavor to the booze.
"Sorry I haven't done this in awhile do we get down to business or do have chit chat first?"
Aug 17th, 2006, 12:40:17 PM
:: Varla sipped the drink and licked her lips ::
"Well I'm here to get to know you. We can discuss terms and how long you wish to have me soon enough."
O.W. Outcast
Aug 17th, 2006, 01:20:11 PM
"Well first thing you should know I'm not as tall as I look. I know I may look like I'm six foot seven. It's not true I'm only three foot tall."
OW was joking of course it was very clear he was not six foot seven. OW liked Humor it was his thing, then again their where allot of things he was good at. Gerbo would probably describe OW as a Jack-of-all-trades with to much enthusiasm for his job. OW thought of himself as unique and an unforgettable face to the crime world. With out him this job would be taken to seriously.
"I have tendency to lie in my personal ads describing myself a six foot seven Human. Who loves smog filled walks on Coruscant. I have disappointed many woman in that aspect." OW smirked slightly. "Then again if put three foot duro with a human fetish I might get over looked and all those women would never of got to see my better side."
Aug 17th, 2006, 01:37:47 PM
:: Varla laughed and took another sip of the green liquor ::
"Well I'm here because I have a good vibe about you. If I didn't I'd be out that door. Am I your first Companion?"
O.W. Outcast
Aug 17th, 2006, 02:34:39 PM
"Most people do have a good Vibe about me it's gerbo they don't trust. That kid chases away all my business and all the pretty ladies treat him like he has the plague."
OW almost felt sorry for Gerbo but not really the guy got what he deserved. OW only took him under his wing cause the kid had no real friends in the world.
"Me though I'm just one of the good ole boys, I like to have fun. Too much fun sometimes, One time I was playing a joke on this Hutt and I almost got eaten for an afternoon snack because of it. By the way do you like magic?"
Aug 17th, 2006, 03:05:36 PM
:: Varla put her personal opinion of Gerbo aside. She was here to establish relations with her new client ::
"You're a magician?"
:: she leaned forward in fascination ::
O.W. Outcast
Aug 17th, 2006, 03:25:26 PM
"Well I do have one really amazing trick but that one will be saved for a later date."
OW really wasn't a magician he had just mastered the art of thieving, which the primary principle was the same as Magic. The hand is quicker then the eye.
"As for other magic well I can do some stuff I still can't saw the girl in half right. I have a tendency slip up and actually saw her in half."
OW laugh it was a clear sign he was joking no he was more on the card trick and pulling money out of someone’s ear kind of tricks. He then pulled out a deck of cards from his pocket and set them on the desk.
"I will have you pick a card from the deck and have you look at it. After you have that card in your head I will have you slip it back into the deck. If I can pick the right card from the deck that is yours are first business transaction is free what do you say?"
Aug 17th, 2006, 03:47:42 PM
:: She took another long swallow of her drink as he shuffled the deck ::
O.W. Outcast
Aug 22nd, 2006, 10:20:40 AM
OW shuffled the cards and then spread them out into a fan with one hand. He held it there for Varla to pick a card. The trick was simple as she drew a card OW slide the fan back into a deck.
"Now remember the card you have in your hand." OW stated with a smile.
OW had no Idea what the card was nor did he care at the moment. His trick only required a good bit of slight of hand, which he was a master of.
Aug 22nd, 2006, 10:34:56 AM
:: Varla smiled, placing the 3 of coins back into the deck ::
O.W. Outcast
Aug 22nd, 2006, 10:49:40 AM
As she placed the card back into the deck OW's thumb slid up the deck and created a small crack in the deck where she placed her card. He then pulled back the deck and began shuffling it and his hands moved quickly. In the first cut of the deck he pushed up from the crack his thumb had created cutting right where her card was placed. As he shifted the split deck to shuffle he palmed her card and began to shuffle the rest of the deck.
"Now for the finale of my trick."
OW grabbed the deck in the hand he had palmed her card in and held the deck between his thumb and forefingers. He squeezed the deck and until cards began to shoot out across the room. The last card to come out of the blast OW caught with his Middle and index finger before it could escape to the open air. He flipped the card up and showed it to Varla. The card was the 3 of coins.
"So do I win?" OW said with a wink.
Aug 22nd, 2006, 03:55:09 PM
:: Varla gave a squeak of suprise as the cards leapt out at her. She had to laugh as OW held up her card ::
"You win."
Aug 22nd, 2006, 04:04:44 PM
:: She was leaning against the wall next to the office doors incase there was any trouble. Since OW was working for Sorsha, the Nebari highly doubt it but she was the Corellian's bodyguard and had a job to do.
Plus, Tirsa had a personal stake in Varla's safety so when she heard a muffled squeak through the doors, her ears perked up and wondered what was going on. This was just a business meeting with no funny business.
She hit her comm ::
"You okay in there Varla?"
Aug 22nd, 2006, 04:16:37 PM
:: Varla answered ::
"I'm fine, Tirsa. Come on in."
:: She turned back to OW ::
"All we need to go over now are the terms of our relationship, and a few personal rules."
Aug 22nd, 2006, 04:22:59 PM
:: She shrugged and went inside the office. Tirsa quietly closed the door to not disturb the meeting, but gave OW a smile and wave before finding her new home against this side of the wall ::
O.W. Outcast
Sep 7th, 2006, 03:58:54 PM
OW waved back at Tirsa with the widest grin ever on his small mouth. To himself he was saying two women are definitely better then one. He watched Tirsa for a moment then slowly redirected his attention to Varla. He had died and gone to heaven he was sure of it cause there was no way he would be this lucky in hell.
"I always win I'm the luckiest Duro in the galaxy no one can deny." OW gave a wink to Varla.
"Yes personal rules." OW grabbed the data pad and started marking the services he wanted. "As for personal rules I know I'm short and to good looking for my own good do try your best not to fall madly in love with me?"
OW gave a mischievous grin. Of course he was the one more then likely to fall in love but there where a few woman in his past who couldn't not help but fall in love with him. It was fair warning he felt. Then there was Tirsa who OW knew he was falling for but he couldn't help it they had the same mindset.
"Can I have Tirsa too? Cause I don't see her on my list of options?"
Sep 7th, 2006, 04:14:13 PM
"I do permit threesomes, but that's entirely up to Tirsa."
:: She glanced at the nebari with a curious smile ::
"Would you like to join us?"
Sep 7th, 2006, 07:29:32 PM
"Hmmm ..."
:: Tirsa heavily pondered the question and tapped a finger against her chin as if in deep thought ::
"... What do I get outta it?"
:: Spoken seriously, the Nebari was just having a bit of fun ::
O.W. Outcast
Sep 16th, 2006, 10:40:24 AM
"Me what more could you ask for?"
OW gave his charming wide grin to tirsa. That smile that could melt the coldest heart in the galaxy. The one that OW had used to convince the imperials on Duros he was nothing more then a child. The smile that got OW everything he had once and would regain it. The Duro Crime lord may have been quick with the hands but his smile was even more powerful at least in his eyes.
"I can also get Gerbo to stop sneaking in your room at night and trying on your clothing? You can't imagine the stuff he does when he pretends he is you." OW was of course joking.
Sep 16th, 2006, 11:21:34 AM
:: she rolled her eyes at the Gerbo comment. That whipping boy of OW's was the only thing that she didn't like about the Duro's operation ::
"But I'm liking the first part of whatcha said Shorty." ;)
Sep 16th, 2006, 11:29:13 AM
:: Varla laughed at both of them and finished her drink ::
"Shall we go back to the ship? I have an umgullian pleasure blob on board."
O.W. Outcast
Sep 21st, 2006, 02:55:32 PM
"I know it's hard to resist me Tirsa. I mean I find it hard to pry myself from the mirror some mornings caught in the awe and spectacle that is me. I'm even about forty-five percent sure I caught Sorsha lusting over me once."
OW let out a hearty laugh at that. He really wasn't vein he just liked joking around more then anything. OF course the Sorsha line was the punch line of that particular joke because she was to madly in love with that Dalethria chick to notice OW. Then again what did OW have to complain about he had two very beautiful women right now.
"The blobby thinger won't try to eat me for breakfast will it?"
Sep 21st, 2006, 07:24:21 PM
"Hah! You have a silly sense of humor Little Man!" :D
:: but then she was astonished that a former crime lord was clueless as to what Varla was talking about ::
"You never heard of a umgullian pleasure blob???"
Sep 28th, 2006, 07:54:28 AM
"They're genetically bred on Zeltros for erotic recreation. Very popular with couples." she grinned.
O.W. Outcast
Sep 28th, 2006, 11:22:17 AM
"Interesting little gadget it sounds like."
OW was a bit leery about this blubber thing um a jig. He had already been almost eaten by to many species not to be a bit leery. Yet remembering his mother’s words you can't not like something unless you try it at least once he decided to try it.
"I'm just warning you both if it try’s to eat me I may have to get brutal and kill it. You understand I hope, I'm no ones afternoon or midnight snack? If a fight does occur between me and the goo monster it may get messy and I may not come out fully intact hopefully you won't love me any less."
Sep 29th, 2006, 07:32:23 PM
:: Tirsa couldn't stop laughing. She was laughing so hard that the Nebari had to hold her stomach while doubling over against the wall ::
Sep 30th, 2006, 08:14:02 AM
:: Varla joined Tirsa in her mirth, the effects of the green liquor making her giddy ::
O.W. Outcast
Sep 30th, 2006, 08:41:12 AM
"Oh great now you’re laughing at me?"
OW joked as he began to step for the door. The ladies continued to laugh at his fear but oh well his life was indeed a humorous one. When you have almost been eaten by a dozen or so creatures you tend to take humor in the simple fact that you survived to talk about it.
"So are we going to go meet Mr. Jell-O or shall I have Gerbo go fetch him for us. We can get down to business right here in the office if you like? I highly doubt gerbo will find bringing us Blobbo from your ship."
Actually he knew Gerbo would grumble about it but heck with any luck Gerbo and Blobber would become good friends. Gerbo sure did need some friends in this universe.
"If not please lead the way Varla."
OW gave a sly look her way.
Sep 30th, 2006, 09:16:41 AM
:: A few minutes later, they were on board the Xiombarg, and Varla led the way to her private quarters. She kissed Tirsa deeply, then went down on her knees to kiss Ow as she undressed ::
O.W. Outcast
Sep 30th, 2006, 09:50:06 AM
OW began to sing.
"It's not that easy bein' green;
Having to spend each day the color of the leaves.
When I think it could be nicer being red, or yellow or gold-
or something much more colorful like that.
It's not easy bein' green.
It seems you blend in with so many other ordinary things.
And people tend to pass you over 'cause you're not standing out like flashy sparkles in the water- or stars in the sky.
But green's the color of Spring.
And green can be cool and friendly-like.
And green can be big like an ocean, or important like a mountain, or tall like a tree.
When green is all there is to be
It could make you wonder why, but why wonder why? Wonder,
I am green and it'll do fine, it's beautiful!
And I think it's what I want to be."
Narrator: It all faded to black from there for are companions. They had many adventures but those stories for another time. So sleep all my dreary dreamers and live with the knowledge that even if you’re a three-foot duro good things can happen to you. ;)
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