View Full Version : Someone to make it all go away..
Molly Black
Aug 1st, 2006, 11:15:40 AM
A woman torn, that's how you could describe Molly Black. She had finally lost it all, feared for the worst, only to be picked up and saved by the one person she had despaired of seeing again. Hadrian Mortmain. Her trials and tribulations did not end there however. In the span of one night, her savior had gone from hero cop to psycho killer.
He did it for you..
To keep you safe from harm.
She had woken up, snuggled up to the man of her dreams. Without waking him she had gone to use the 'fresher.. and found blood everywhere. Terrified she had run back to Hadrian thinking him somehow wounded. It wasn't his blood. She had recoiled from him in shock only to have him beg her forgiveness, tell her that he had done it all for her, that he loved her. How could she turn from him now? She couldn't.
They had purchased a few things they would need to travel and dissapeared that morning. They weren't going to wait for the authorities to come and separate them again, not after finding each other. She would stand by him.
He was asleep now, in a rickety bed in a bad hotel in the middle of the Chiba District of Coruscant. Hopefully she could be back before he woke. Molly had some old friends that had mentioned names before, if she wanted this mess cleared up, she could either turn Hadrian in, not an option, or find someone who was not bound by law. A Criminal. Not just any criminal, a boss. She was ready to make a Devil's past to get them out of this mess.
She was directed to a elegant establishment, a bar and grill that was a strictly VIP place. She felt completely out of place in her days old clothing. Stating her name, she was surprised to hear that she was expected, she was shown to a table and offered a drink, which she declined, not having a cent to her name to pay with.
Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 1st, 2006, 11:40:39 AM
:: A minute later, Sorsha approached the table with one of her lieutenants and takes a seat across from Molly ::
"Greetings. I understand you wanted to see me."
Molly Black
Aug 1st, 2006, 11:49:39 AM
Whatever she had been expecting, it wasn't what Molly was seeing. She expected a hardened crimnal, tough guy with lots of guns and a scarred face, not the elegant female before her. Clearing her throat Molly regained her senses and spoke up.
"Yes.. Thank you for seeing me. I was told you could help make some.."..she looked around cautiously, then dropped her voice..
"...problems go away? I've run into a bit of trouble with the law. Well, more than a bit actually, the kind of trouble where a body was found."
Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 1st, 2006, 11:54:07 AM
:: Sorsha quirked an eyebrow ::
"You mean a murder."
:: She said it with a casual grace that was disturbing ::
"Was it your work?"
Molly Black
Aug 1st, 2006, 11:59:36 AM
"No! Not at all." She turned her face to the light, revealing the fading bruise on her cheek and the split in her bottom lip. She pulled her arm out from the makeshift sling it was concealed in, beneath a tattered shall. It was swollen and bruised as well, clearly a bad break.
"I had some trouble with my rent.." She laughed, not in merriment but in sadness.
"I went to the police. The Sarge happened to be a friend of mine and he.. took care of the guy. He won't be putting any other tenants through this again, I can tell you that." Sitting back out of the soft glow of the lights, Molly went on.
"So you see, he is the one in trouble now."
Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 1st, 2006, 12:04:18 PM
"I see. How long ago did this happen?"
Molly Black
Aug 1st, 2006, 12:08:48 PM
"Two nights ago.. we have been staying at a hotel down the street run by a guy named Slim Mickey." She hung her head, feeling completely defeated.
"I'll do whatever needs to be done. I can't let Hadrian go down for the crime and have his entire carreer in law enforcement made a joke out of. He was a good cop.."
Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 1st, 2006, 12:16:35 PM
"Where is he now?"
Molly Black
Aug 1st, 2006, 12:21:42 PM
"Sleeping.. I got out of there while he was out. He probably wouldn't approve of me taking matters in hand, but I feel responsible for all this mess."
Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 1st, 2006, 04:33:21 PM
"Then I'm afraid we can't do business, my dear. Not unless the good Mr. Mortmain comes back with you."
:: Sorsha gave Molly a dismissive wave and sipped her drink ::
Molly Black
Aug 1st, 2006, 04:39:52 PM
She gave a nod of understanding and rose. She would never get Hadrian here with the truth. "Hey I met up with a crime boss who says she can help.." The man was a cop, albeit one that had committed a murder recently.
"I understand, Ma'am.. Thank you again for your time.." Completely defeated she walked out and knew if she wanted any kind of life, she had to get Hadrian here..
She returned to the hotel to find him still asleep. Smiling at him flopped on his stomach like a little boy she ruffled his hair. "Wake up sleepyhead. We have to go out.. No questions, just trust."
Waiting for him to wake up a bit and get dressed, Molly knew she was being decietful, but it was for his own good. He would just have to forgive her.
Hadrian Mortmain
Aug 1st, 2006, 05:49:48 PM
Despite her request of him not to ask questions, he threw a few at her while he got ready to go. She refused to answer them and he was left shaking his head, for the lack of anything else to do as they departed their make-shift residence. At his finally attempt to pry some information from the little wench, she had just glared and told him to hush, that it shouldn't take them long to get where they were going anyway. He sighed and rolled his eyes skyward.
"Molly, I don't like this at all. You're never like this. Has something happened? Do we need to leave here as well?" He asked, seemingly unable to switch the topic from where they were headed. It passed the time and perhaps, if he could annoy her a bit, she'd spill. Just like when they were little.
A grin came upon his lips and followed her, his hands, wrapped in fingerless gloves, shoved into his pockets.
Molly Black
Aug 1st, 2006, 07:22:29 PM
"Here we are.." Hadrian wanted to once again protest. Obviously Molly could afford to take them out to eat anywhere, let alone a snazzy joinnt like this one, but she waltzed throug the doors, a woman determined.
The host cleared his throat and eyed up Hadrian. "I see you are returned with company this time, Miss Black? " She nodded, but said nothing.
"Right this way.. She will be with you shortly." They were once again seated at a table, a bit more confidant this time, or at least needing to bolster her nerves Molly ordered two ale, one for her and one for Hadrian. It seemed their mysterious hostess ran the place and had no problem getting into her own goods.
"Mol..? What is going on? What is this place? Who is she?" Hadrian whispered, but she just shook her head, looking guilty and hope he would see reason, she was taking matters in hand, just like he did when he killed the guy who had beaten her.
Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 2nd, 2006, 03:08:29 PM
"So, you're back."
:: Sorsha smiled at the couple ::
"How exactly do you wish my assistance?"
Hadrian Mortmain
Aug 2nd, 2006, 08:00:18 PM
Hadrian slanted a glance upward, toward the woman addressing them, obviously the she that had been mentioned previously. He had a bad feeling about this. Of course, he hadn't been able to shake that feeling ever since he had beaten that guy into a bloody pulp. He winced as images raced into his head, all scenes from the night before.
He didn't say anything, seeing as how Molly seemed like she could handle this herself. Instead, he propped his elbow on the table and then his chin upon his upturned palm. His gaze switched between the two of them.
Molly Black
Aug 2nd, 2006, 08:15:10 PM
"I was led to believe that you had the means to make certain "problems" go away for a price. I don't care what your price is, I'll pay it."
She placed a restraining hand on Hadrian's arm before he could jump up and walk out, or say anything at all.. Her eyes seemed to say "Trust me..".
"Can you help us?"
Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 3rd, 2006, 10:35:04 AM
"It appears you have made something of a mess. I've come to learn that your superiors are looking for you, Mr. Mortmain."
:: She looked soberly at Molly ::
"I imagine you'd like to get off Coruscant. Am I right?"
Hadrian Mortmain
Aug 3rd, 2006, 03:56:54 PM
Made something of a mess was a bit of an understatement, but he was glad she was putting it so lightly. But then again, perhaps she meant that in an 'in your face' sort of way. It made little difference to the former hero cop, now wanted criminal. Shooting the woman a sly grin, he nodded his head and turned his gaze upon Molly.
He paused his thought process, then shrugged, though not in a careless manner. It meant little for Hadrian unless it concerned Molly and this most definitely did. His grin soured and he straightened. The lazy demeanor displayed thus far vanished, replaced by something only the most worthy of his former associates had witnessed.
"So it would seem."
Molly Black
Aug 4th, 2006, 07:09:40 AM
"If his name cannot be cleared immediately, then yes we will need to leave. I'm given to understand that "self defense" won't cover it considering that state that the body was left in." She shot Hadrian a look clearly wondering what had compelled him to mutilate the guy, killing him should have been enough.
Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 4th, 2006, 03:23:55 PM
"How does Bespin sound to you?"
Molly Black
Aug 9th, 2006, 04:26:27 PM
Hadrian had remained quiet, which wasn't good. He was thinking, that meant if he had to think he was sure, if he was sure, maybe this wasn't what he wanted.. If this wasn't wat he wanted then maybe she was just a nice memory for him and this was all a big mess that no one could realy fix.. Oh there you go Molly, start to doubt yourself now, typical..
She reached over and slid her fingers into Hadrain's hand and met his eyes. Trust.. She had to trust him now. She gave a little squeeze and looked hopeful.
Hadrian Mortmain
Aug 14th, 2006, 06:44:00 PM
Hadrian winced when Molly had given that horrid look. The same look as when he had done something stupid to her when they were little, only with a bit more seriousness backing it. He barely heard the woman when she spoke, asking something or other about Bespin. He knew no one there, which was probably a good thing. If Molly was going, that was reason enough for him to follow. He realized, of course, that he had made this all as much as a mess for her, as for himself.
She placed her fingers into his hand, his head tilted and he slanted her a smile. Then, as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone. His amber eyes wandered back over to the woman awaiting his answer.
"Bespin.. sounds good."
Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 16th, 2006, 07:25:35 AM
"I can have you off world tonight. In the meantime, you can stay with me."
:: She summoned the Maitre d' to the table ::
"Get these people anything they want."
Hadrian Mortmain
Aug 28th, 2006, 06:37:31 PM
"You're too kind, Miss..." He paused, noting that he didn't know her name or what exactly he had gotten himself involved in, or who with. Power was all that mattered in this particular situation and the woman clearly had plenty of that. Perhaps, he didn't need to know anything else. One could hardly blame him for being curious. He had been a cop after all.
"I'm fine, however." He murmured, eyeing the person summoned to their service. His eyes swept over the intriguing blond once more before settling upon Molly. He was almost inspired to drink - heavily. But that would hardly be the gentlemanly thing to do. Never mind that beating people to a bloody pulp was also against such a code.
Sorsha Kasajian
Sep 12th, 2006, 07:47:45 AM
"Sorsha is my name." she replied.
"Please ask for whatever you wish, and you shall have it."
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