View Full Version : OOC - Shadow Squadron plots and pranks

Bette Davis
Jul 25th, 2006, 01:32:57 PM
xshellsparkx: I'm just thinking it might be fun to have all these smaller pranks fail do to various circumstances, so they get more and more elaborate. Finally, they succeed and catch poor Miss Tarkin in the crossfire
xshellsparkx: due
HollieBelle2: ok
HollieBelle2: the ol bucket of water above the door trick ;-)
HollieBelle2: except that an ISD has the wrong sort of doors :-P
xshellsparkx: Heh heh heh
xshellsparkx: Or perhaps they make one of the hallways really slippery...but Kellison and Tarkin have the misfortune of walking through something really sticky a few minutes earlier.
HollieBelle2: ahh :-)
xshellsparkx: I know this kinda seems like godmoding, but I just want to build up to something big.
HollieBelle2: no no, its ok :-)
xshellsparkx: Hmm...there's not much in the way of amenities on an ISD, is there?
HollieBelle2: no
xshellsparkx: ...you know, Kellison seems like the kind of guy that would save any tropheys or awards he's recieved...and put in a specially built display cabinet somewhere perhaps?
HollieBelle2: hmm yes... maybe... :-)
xshellsparkx: So he takes her the long way around so they go past the display. She rolls her eyes and says something polite and they move on
xshellsparkx: But, in the meantime, a maintenance crew comes by and cleans up the mirror.
HollieBelle2: ahh
xshellsparkx: Then shadow squadron, releases the cats...but they doped the wrong uniform and Kellison gets to pick up a kitten and look cute.
xshellsparkx: SO they go to the bridge, he introduces her to some senior staff. Shadow Squadron is just getting more annoyed, so they break out some big prank they had been planning for monhs
HollieBelle2: ah maybe they thought he'd put on a dressier uniform and he doesn't, or vice versa
xshellsparkx: That would work
HollieBelle2: slippy floor on the way to his office - but he steps in something sticky and doesn't slip, but Miranda does >=)
HollieBelle2: and then they've rigged the door to dump water on him once he goes inside
xshellsparkx: Heh heh heh
xshellsparkx: So she gets a bump and wet, but no lasting harm is done.
HollieBelle2: or maybe the water catches them both ;-)
xshellsparkx: Still, it's enough to embarrass Kellison, put her in a foul mood, and significantly lower her opinion of him and the ship
HollieBelle2: hehe
xshellsparkx: So what's the fallout?
HollieBelle2: well there won't be any PROOF that Shadow Squadron did any of it, of course
xshellsparkx: Hmm...things are always better in threes. What if it's just the slippery floor and he gets to play the hero by catching her as she falls?
HollieBelle2: ok
xshellsparkx: That *really* sets him up for a huge fall from grace.
HollieBelle2: maybe later Shadow Squadron's antics lead to a bumbled mission
HollieBelle2: since we only have... maybe four RPing squadron members.
HollieBelle2: we could kill the rest of them off - or some of them at least.
HollieBelle2: demote Kellison, and demote the survivors into another squadron
xshellsparkx: I like that idea
HollieBelle2: something to do in a different thread, of course.
HollieBelle2: we'd need a cool squadron name though
xshellsparkx: They get demoted with him? That's almost worse than hell
HollieBelle2: hehe
HollieBelle2: well they keep their ranks but they're thrown out of the elite squadron of the Empire
HollieBelle2: and put into a run of the mill one
xshellsparkx: I'll warn you, he might become more of an <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> then.
HollieBelle2: no worries!
HollieBelle2: an evil little man with a chip on his shoulder ;-)
xshellsparkx: I wonder if he'd go so far as to try and kill you.
HollieBelle2: hmm
HollieBelle2: is it ok if I save some of this in a thread in a private forum?
xshellsparkx: Go for it

http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=40931 <-- please suggest new squadron names for when they are removed from Shadow Squadron. :)

Bette Davis
Jul 25th, 2006, 01:41:42 PM
Original target re-aquired: Kellison is in our sights!!

The character changes, demotions and such would take place in a separate thread in the future.