View Full Version : Stormtroopers and Leave

Lamar Starworth
Jul 22nd, 2006, 07:10:30 PM
I was wondering if Stormtroopers took leave? Simple...eh?

Telan Desaria
Jul 23rd, 2006, 11:30:57 AM
Stormtroopers are people - -they are not the clones they once were. Yes, they do. Stormtrooper officers - wearers of all black Imperial uniforms - have a great deal more latitude as to where they can go - and more pay.

Lamar Starworth
Jul 24th, 2006, 12:55:51 AM
That leads to another question. When I started this character I had many aspirations with him within the Empire. Not only as a fleeter, but someone of advisory and political power. Is there anyway that a Stormtrooper Officer could ever advance beyond the boundaries of a General eventually?

General would just be one stepping stone. Right now he doesn't hold such admiration in RP, but I was going to work it in the Battle on Bothawui.

Khendon Sevon
Jul 24th, 2006, 08:25:04 AM
Just do some cool things, have some fun, and make your name known.

There's no real formula. Be creative. Do what you think is right to achieve your goal.

Karl Valten
Jul 24th, 2006, 12:26:34 PM
Ya, for example, the way I got Teleran noticed by both the Empire and the New Republic was a minor role in the conquest of Yag'dul. He was promted for taking initiative in combat and bringing down a dreadnought with a light frigate squadron. After that He got command of four Aurora SDs and conquered Teyr which was used as a staging point for the assault on Bestine.