View Full Version : Unseen Horizon

Jul 17th, 2006, 12:23:34 PM
(Anyone can join)

"Run to the starfighter!" yelled Master Helan Marak at his padawan as he deflected another barrage of blaster fire. The young female Mon Calamari ,Tana Salbrac raced towards her master's starfighter. As she neared the fighter two clone troopers emerged from behind the jedi fighter. They lifted their rifles to fire but their target was not in sight. The clone on the right fell as Tana's orange saber was brought down upon his helmet. The second trooper slammed his rifle butt into Tana's chin throwing her against the starfighter. She recovered quickly spitting out the blood drawn in her mouth and severing the head off of the clone's rifle then taking him down with a scream with a downward arc from her lightsaber. She opened the starfighters cockpit and lept in the co-pilot seat and started the fighters engine.

Moments later Master Marak lept into the pilots seat and sealed the cockpit. Bringing the starfighter about the two jedi watched as clones gunned down many fleeing jedi as they too tried to escape. "Fear not my padawan the force is with us," he said seeing the tears well in her large blue kind eyes. He hit the engines and the jedi fighter sped towards the hangar door. Flames poured over their fighter as the fighter ahead of their own was destroyed by a clone missle launcher.

They flew out of the hangar bay as Master Marak reached to climb into Coruscant's atmosphere. But before they could put enough distance between them and the temple their right engine exploded from anti air craft fire. Tana screamed as their starfighter fell downwards into Coruscant's skyline spinning and tumbling. "Master!" Tana cried out as their fighter clipped a skyscraper then slammed into another.

Tana came to consciousness as she coughed from the smoke filling the cockpit. She ejected the cockpit and threw herself out of the craft. She cried out as she hit the office floor pulling herself away from the debrit she grabbed her right arm which was broken and had several burns and laceracions. Gaining strength she stood and staggered back to the starfighter. "Master," she whispered touching his neck she withdrew her hand staring down at the blood covering her pale pink skin. Tana fell to her knees sobbing then she grew dizzy the pain and shock of what had just happened overcame the oddly beautiful jedi and she collapsed.