View Full Version : Horaecio and Osrick

Teleran Balades
Jul 11th, 2006, 11:47:55 AM
I will be gone again for about two weeks, so I have an extension training thread for you.

Fleet roleplaying encompasses many aspects, not just ships. When both the navy and army are part of an operation, the naval officer will generally be given overall command. As such you also need knowledge of ground based tactics and diplomacy when needed. Especially since our army membership is lacking at the moment.

So here is you scenario:

Imperial Intelligence has traced the rebel operations at Ghorman and several other systems to the planet Khorion IV. The world is heavily fortfied and there is a small corp of rebel soldiers firmly entrenched on the planet.

Our probes were not able to survive long enough to gather detailed information, so you'll going in blind. It is of the otmost importance that the rebel leader is captured, all other objectives are secondary. Good luck, soldiers, the enemy knows we're coming.

As with the other fleet training, the size of the both forces are up to you. Though this time you are assaulting a prepared enemy, expect heavy resistance.

As a side note, don't go overboard on the fleets. Generally at SWFans fleets are taskforces/squadrons/or detachments of the main force.