View Full Version : Nar Shadaa nights
Allex Mcgraves
Jul 10th, 2006, 05:01:35 PM
Nar Shadaa: Refugee Sector Landing pad 57
The Angels Hell was well hidden in this sector of the city since it was mostly abandoned and rarely patrolled. It was a great place for one to hide out because it was for those that didn't even want to be found by Nar Shadaa Officials. It was the prime location to start the hunt for a good slicer.
The plan was simple find a slicer change the Identities of Jason Dreggs and Nicky Mcgraves. The plan was so simple it had Allex on edge. No doubt by now the Imperials had heard of the death of Jason Mcgraves Allex's twin brother. He also had no doubt they would probably be hunting for Jason Dreggs Allex's nephew for going AWOL from Shadow Squadron. It was a such a simple plan the only that could happen was for it to go south.
"You two ready?"
Allex hollered back at Nicky and Jason who where just as anxious to get this done and over with as he was. Soon enough both of them would have new Identities and new lives ahead of them. Allex almost wished he could be there to watch them grow into what ever they would become. Yet after this job was done he knew he would never see either of them ever again.
Nicky Raine
Aug 8th, 2006, 08:21:00 PM
"I am."
Nicky replied with an almost cheery attitude. Although she hated her father with a passion she still loved him deep down in her core. Now that he was dead she didn't know how to express her emmotions right they jumped around allot. One minute she was exstremely happy the next severally depressed.
"Jason Is just being a pain and taking his time is all Allex."
Allex Mcgraves
Sep 28th, 2006, 12:55:26 PM
"Of course he is I highly doubt he likes the idea of having to change his identy and finding a new occupation."
Allex was concerned with both the kids there father was dead and now they had to be stowed away from the eyes of the empire. He couldn't imagine the strain and stress on both of them. Allex himself didn't have to worry about the imps so much they could careless about a low ball smuggler who seldum found a job in this universe. He didn't have much money as it was it was just enough to hide his nephew and niece and fuel his ship one last time before he needed to find a job again.
"Hurry Up Jason would ya we got work to get done."
Malick Raine
Sep 28th, 2006, 12:59:40 PM
"I'm ready geez relax uncle."
Jason was punctual as ussual it was strange Jason use to be in the imperial starfighters and yet he still couldn't keep time very well. Well that wasn't true he just didn't like the Idea of changing who he was or what he was. He wanted to be back in the pit of his tie fighting those rebels. Now though he was on the other side of the coin no doubt there was already an aprehend on site order on his head for being Awol.
"Let's get this done and over with so I can get back to what ever life I may have now."
Nicky Raine
Sep 28th, 2006, 01:05:35 PM
"Always the optimist Jason."
Nicky cracked a smile her brothers way. Her and Jason never got allong much but she knew he was always there for her if she needed him. Jason had taken there fathers path where nicky choose her own. They differed in so many ways but they still loved each other and viewed each other as family.
"So bro have you choosen a new name yet?"
Allex Mcgraves
Sep 29th, 2006, 08:57:08 AM
"Who said eather of you got a choice in your new names?"
Allex had to play the part of the negative. These kids needed names that would hide them from who they once where not names that where obviously fake. They had come to Nar shadaa looking for an expert slicer. One who could both erase history and make a knew one for these two.
"Let's go we don't have all day you two."
Allex stood up and began to exit his ship the slicer he had highered was somewhere deep in the city well hidden from prying eyes. It was best they where not late for the meeting or the slicer might get supspicous.
15 minutes later deep with in Nar Shadaa.
Allex knocked twice on the door and eye slit slide open.
?: "Password."
"Kill Joy."
?:"Three questions. First How many locks does it take to open this door?"
"Seven. One fingerprint Identification, second retnal, third common dead bolt, Forth Suliva analyzer, fifth chain link lock, sixth voice print indentification, and seventh another dead bolt."
?: "Second question. What can be seen and heard but is never around when you look over your shoulder?"
"A ghost"
?: "Third question. Who drew blood first?"
"Those that attack the innocent whom you and your associates protect."
The door slide open with a creek and the three companions slide int the door. The room was gritty and covered with wires all over the place. The door quickly slammed shut behind them and the sentery at the door could now fully be seen. It was a half a droid mounted to the door and could override the seven locks need to enter the fortress. Another droid walked up to the companions then.
?: "Follow me Griff and Jenoya are waiting for you."
Nicky Raine
Sep 29th, 2006, 10:23:33 AM
They followed the droid with out a peep. Nicky looked around at the scattered wires and computer parts thrown about the various rooms they went to. Finally they arrived in a back room the droid knocked twice made chattering notice with his vocals in some foriegn language. Then open the door to the room and the companions followed.
The room had tons of cumputer screens with a central desk amongst the wires that scattered the floor. In one corner sat an albino wookie with a blaster rifle at his side lounging back in a recliner chair. Peeking over the computer screen was a small nerdy looking rodian who smiled at the site of a woman in his room.
Droid: "The wookie is griff and the rodian is Janoya."
Janoya clearing his throat: "Thats um Mr. Janoya you pile of tin."
The droid didn't give him a second glance just left the room to go about his business.
Janoya: "Well lets see two males and oh what a beatiful female specimen you brought with you."
The rodian reached out with a greasy hand to touch Nicky. Nicky promptly slapped his hand away with a disgusted look on her face. The rodian just shrugged and walked back to his gigantic computer.
Janoya: "So what can me and griff do for ya today?"
Malick Raine
Sep 29th, 2006, 10:40:54 AM
"Well we are here for new identification papers and a few other things."
Janoya: "Well be more specific would ya I can make your virtually anybody. The hard part is how perfect you want to be that new you. I mean I can give you fony papers but that might foul a few imps but not them all."
"Well For starters can you make it so the names Jason dreggs and Nicky mcgraves are deased in the imperial data banks?"
Janoya: "Of course I can it will take awhile but it can be done your old names will be dead. It won't help you to much though unless I change your retnal paterns in the database, DNA, and fingerprints?"
"Well can that be done?"
Janoya: "Of course but that will cost a nice profit."
Jason looked at the man and laid down a Credit chip in front of the rodian. The rodian grabbed it and stuck into a slot in his computer. The chip read as really with the monetary value of 10,000, which was 2/3 of what Allex had of value on him.
Janoya: "That will do nicely to do the whole job. Now have seat while I get rid of your history and then we will work on your future."
Allex Mcgraves
Sep 29th, 2006, 10:52:13 AM
Two hours pasted when Janoya finally spoke again he was still working on changing things. He looked at the companions and spoke directly to Allex.
Janoya: "Your not get your papers changed?"
"No I'm already dead according to imperial records long dead. My brother made sure of that, he wanted to bury his past."
Jenoya: "I see. well I cracked into these two young ones Data bases in the imperial records and I must say I am rather impressed?"
Janoya: " Well Jason there has an impecable military record and awesome flight scores. With only one tarnishment on his record which is his current awol statis. Nicky over there could have been anything she wanted with in the Imperial military with her scores she got in the acadomy. Instead she is listed as a run away what a shame."
"Yeah well you don't know there father. He is the reason they need to vanish."
Janoya: "I see a family dispute. That reminds me while I am changing these records do any of you have some imput you would like aided or deleted from your records?"
Nicky Raine
Sep 29th, 2006, 11:08:37 AM
"Well not exactly a family dispute as much as a family war."
Nicky blurted out and allex gave her cross look. It wasn't none of this rodians business what they did or didn't do he was getting paid well enough as it was. As for his second question well Nicky had a bright Idea then at that moment.
"Can you change my runaway status to something a bit more gory to like died escaping from a Military facility."
Jayona: "Can do anything else?"
"Also can you change my registery photo I look so bad in that one."
Jayona: "that I can not do sorry I don't have the right set up for that at the moment."
"Also when you change my retnals and stuff like that how do you do It?"
Jayona: "Well i off course give you them of someone dead so your current retnals won't show up unless that dead person comes back to life somehow."
"I see well give me someone who lived a descent life."
Jayona: "Can do."
Malick Raine
Sep 29th, 2006, 11:21:57 AM
Jason hearing that had his own bright Idea then. After hearing how Janoya did his work Jason had a the best Idea that might save his miltary record.
"Can you give me a record of a dead person who use to be in the military and then give there record on and name for my new name?"
Janoya: "I can do that did you have someone in specific in mind."
Jason looked at Allex who was giving him a mean look. Allex might of had an Idea at that moment of what jason was planning but Jason was exactly sure.
"Yes a man I served with his name was Malick Raine he died in a tie fight on one my first missions. He was my team leader at the time and good friend. Give me his record and make me him. Instead of the AWOL status give me the leave status for undeterminal amount of time due to a death in the family."
Janoya: "Wow a very interesting choice I can do it and it makes your record the easy one to change thanks kid. So Jason jr mcgraves dies and Malick raine lives. What if his family finds out?"
"Not a problem all he had left was a dieing grandpa I highly doubt he would notice his grandson is alive again. He is probably dead by now anyway."
Janoya: "Well then I will get back to work."
"Also can you make Nicky there his new sister I don't want to keep family apart."
Janoya: "When i get to that part we will see."
Allex Mcgraves
Sep 29th, 2006, 11:40:26 AM
Allex pulled Jason to the side to speak with him about the route he had choosen for himself. After a bit of a hightened agruement about weather Jason should do it or not allex conceded to the point. He couldn't change Jason's mind nor did he have any control over his future.
Four hours past and Janoya finally finished with the stuff of the past.
Janoya: " Jason and Nicky mcgraves are offically dead time to work on there futures. Well scratch that all I have to work on is Nicky's future jason will be really easy to finish up."
Allex nodded and waited another hour in quite contemplation. The wookie in the corner didn't say much other then grumbling a few time that he was hungery and ordering a droid to go fix him something to eat. The rodian was constantly at work.
Janoya: "Jason you are now offically malick raine go over to the printer there and pic up your offical identification papers. No imperial nuthead will look twice at it trust me on that. Jason is long buired in your past now."
Allex gave Jason a dirty look still not liking his change in status from one imperial offical to another.
Janoya: "Now time for the loveley girl what would liek for a future?"
Nicky Raine
Sep 29th, 2006, 11:52:20 AM
"Name well I will go with Nicky Raine. Cause unlike Jason I actually like my first name. Of course I got named after my grand mother sadly he got named after are father."
Janoya: "Ah well I can do that is there anything specific you want in your new life? Like job title and so on."
"Well I always wanted to be a diplomat or at least have the education to be one. Also I wanted to have descent piloting skills like I did before."
Janoya: "can do anything else?"
"Also put a few tarnishments on my record for smuggling and soem jail time. I don't want to look to squeak clean."
Janoya: "I will see what I can think up."
Malick Raine
Sep 29th, 2006, 11:58:15 AM
Malick rolled his eyes at his sisters taste in a new history for herself. She always did like having a bit of a darkerside to her. Jason went and picked up his papers from the printer smiling as he looked them over. He was no longer a Balmorean he was now a corilian. He would be sure too memorizer this document so he would be able to play himself to perfection.
"Thanks Janoya."
Jayoya:" No problem all in a days work. Nicky yours is almost finished."
Allex Mcgraves
Sep 29th, 2006, 12:21:46 PM
Allex stood there growing impatient as the final touches where being added to Nicky's new life. Finally Janoya decided to speak up again with his normal questioning.
Janoya: "Well Nicky is finished and her papers are being printed as we speak. Are you sure there is nothing else I can do for any of you?"
"No thats alright you got your money and are deal is concluded."
Janoya: "Very well grab your papers and leave you know the way out. Also remember you don't know me and you never saw me."
Back at the ship.
"Alright kids this where I part from your guys company."
Allex didn't shed any tears he knew it was for the best he gave both Nicky and Jason a hug goodbye. He knew he would never see them again or at least he hoped they would keep themselves out of trouble so he wouldn't have too. He then pulled two credit chips out of his pocket.
"These are for you two. they each have two thousand credits on them to help you out on your new lives. I still have a thousand for myself it will be enough for me to fuel up and find a job. Goodbye and live safely now."
With out letting Nicky or jason get out a word Allex got into his ship and began preparing for lift off. Leaving the two to fend for themselves he knew he couldn't help them anymore.
Nicky Raine
Sep 29th, 2006, 12:49:44 PM
Nicky held back her tears as she saw her uncle lift off he was the only family she had know for so long. Now there she was left behind with her brother Malick and soon they too would have to part ways. She looked at the credit chip her hand and then to her brother.
"SO this is really happening we are somebody else and we just go on about are new lifes? What is next for us?"
She was a bit confused on what they would next with there lifes. She had to start all over again as Nicky Raine. Where would she go and what kind of trouble would she get herself into.
Malick Raine
Sep 29th, 2006, 01:02:37 PM
"We go are own ways sis. I know where I'm going where you go is up to you."
Malick already knew where he was going and what he was going to with the rest of his life. The Imperial life was the only kind of life for him and the only one he knew how to lead.
"I suggest you go find a ship though first sis thats what i'm gonna do. Go find some transport off this rock with any luck I will be on curscant by next week."
Jason waved goodbye to his sister and walked off it was best they split up now. Two reasons for this one was that if they split up there was a betterchance they wouldn't be discovered. The second well was simple Jason didn't want his little sis tagging allong ruining his future.
Nicky Raine
Sep 29th, 2006, 01:18:23 PM
Nicky went her own way crying now realizing all her family was gone. No matter how much she hated her father she still wished she could be Nicky Mcgraves. She still had her brother sorta but she knew where he was headed and it was a dangerous road. No matter how much she wanted to stop him she knew he wouldn't listen.
She wondered through the streets finally coming to a ship and transport dealer. A young Human Male walked up to her. He held a charming smile on his face as he looked her over.
Man: "What can i get you"
"Either transport or a cheapiest ship you got on hand."
Man: "Well transport will cost you a fifty credits maybe more depending on where your headed. A ship the cheapest one we got in stock is three thousand credits."
"Then I will have to go with transport what locations are prime for hiding and finding work these days."
Man: "well nar shadaa is the best place to Hide I heard a rumor that Onderion is desent place to hide ones self too. With there ever going wars they will have endless jobs too."
"I will go to Onderion then I have never been there I hope its a nice place."
Malick Raine
Sep 29th, 2006, 01:31:04 PM
Malick didn't do what his sister did he went to the nearest docking port. He browsed through the ships looking for something low key. He found it soon enough it was a YT-1000 a older crapper version of the 1300. it was meant more as a family space vehicle for vacation then for smuggling and such. Still a corrilion man needed a corrilion ship and since the ship was sort of a rust bucket it didn't have any guards near it.
Jason easingly enough broke the pass code to unlock it's doors and walked in making himself at home for a moment in the cockpit. He looked over it's old logs and saw it belonged to a family here on Nar shadaa and they hadn't used the ship in months. He smiled and spoke to himself.
"Ah they won't even know it's missing til I pawn it off and have another ship."
The computer spoke up then.
Computer: "Please Plot a course."
"Bespin then curscant please. I need to get some cash together what better place then a little gambling at Bespin."
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