View Full Version : Foreign Beauty (Hara Kiri)

Lamar Starworth
Jul 9th, 2006, 03:09:14 PM
Pink and blue merged into an extravagant blend of beauty in the sky above. Pearl beauty of tinted windows, and cleared seals sparkled across the heavens from the durasteel fortress of architecture. A blissful blow lifted over the land, pushing blades of grass in a gust. Amidst the graceful motions of nature hummed the mechanical eloquence of perfected engineering. Skies were riddled with departing adventurers and businessmen alike. Shuttles of prime condition speared through the lower region's, carefully maneuvering between the enormous buildings that ran over the pebbled walkways.

Corellia was a symbol of sheer beauty, and could not be denied it's stance as a gem amidst the Core Worlds. Lamar sat in silent amazement nearby the windows as the shuttled peeked from the atmosphere and treaded closer to the world's floor. In the bustle of Coronet, Corellian capitol, laid a landing bay nearby the starport. Numerous faces and facets of universal excellence awaited the arrival of the oncoming shuttle to depart from the busy world they had succumb to.

After a moment's time, Hara Kiri and her Imperial guardian were out the doors before a load entered for latter clearance at the Imperial space station above.

Rarely had Lamar indulged in such behavior. Swindling with civilians were for COMPNOR and other departments of the Empire, not stormtroopers. Their position was enforcement, and although his mind was keen for social events he felt an inkling of discomfort itch at his neck's nape.

After an abrupt scratch, he awaited Hara Kiri's next move. Wherever she went, he would certainly follow. Corellia was a foreign world, despite it's fame, and he had never seen such a blend of natural beauty and architectural excellence. The home he called Coruscant was an absolute metropolis, with a small abundance of parks and not a one was natural.

All of the roots of the planet had been pulled, but this was not so for Corellia. Grass stood on the outskirts of the enormous city, while within skyscrapers reached at the sky, while below feet ran across steady grounds. It was just an abnormal nature to it all.

"Where are you tryin' to go?" Lamar finally asked, his hands stuffed in his pockets.

Hara Kiri
Jul 17th, 2006, 04:08:30 AM
''Where ever I want." She simply replied then realized she was trying to be nice to the Stormtrooper. "I mean, just around I guess. I haven't been here in so long."

Absent from her mind was the real purpose of her visit somewhere between conversations of the Force and sleeping on the military issue couch she'd lost track of her inital intended purpose. To be honest, it was her first time back to Coronet since she'd left for Korriban. Although she tried to walk through Corellian life without leaving a footprint, she couldn't avoid creating contacts and leaving an impact, albeit miniscule, on the city.

"Hmm." She smiled with light laughter rising inside. "First I want to go to the entertainment district.'' Home to many casinos of which she had been booted out of and dwellings to those she'd developed love/hate relationships. "Do you like to gamble at all, Lamar?"

Lamar Starworth
Jul 17th, 2006, 08:32:11 AM

The thought ricocheted through his mind. A fester of wild possibilities permeated in the youthful soldier's soul. He certainly had the spirit for gambling. On a number of occasions his life had been a sake, and he rolled the dice without a thought. Such behavior was reckless, especially by the foresight of the Force, but he could not resist.

Although he was called "Starworth" by the rest of his squad, he should have been named reckless. Beside the battlefield and when duty called, there was not much organized about the Stormtrooper.

"Do bantha herds smell like poo? Of course." Lamar smiled. He was game for anything...atleast with her. "Lets go!"

Hara Kiri
Jul 17th, 2006, 11:41:12 PM
"Oh this is gonna be so cool...!" She mumbled in excitment as she lead the way to the street corner, hailing for a speeder taxi. She piled in the backseat, pulling Lamar by the wrist in behind her. ''The Golden Calf Casino, please. Quickly!"

She stuck her hand into her pocket to feel the wad of credits she had been earning on Korriban. She was going to win big this time, she could feel it through the Force (or so she thought). "You probably think I'm a gambling addict." She said to him as the droid driver acknowledged her order and the speeder took off. "Well you're gonna think I'm super lucky once I get playing. I learned a new trick on Korriban-" She wasn't supposed say that. "Um, from Korriban, he showed me how to play cards without a chance of losing."

Lamar Starworth
Jul 19th, 2006, 02:58:23 PM
An eyebrow shot up as Lamar listened intently. Hara Kiri was an amusing gal. For the most part, he had kept him humored through the night and early day. It was only human of him to await the next pleasurable statement. She carried antics that only a few abo could compare to. Girl was just a character.


Lamar peered at her. There was something wrong with the whole statement, but he restrained. Prying had gotten him nowhere before, and this would most likely be no different.

"Wait, what was the trick?"

Hara Kiri
Aug 13th, 2006, 11:57:38 PM
Hara Kiri looked around the room for a deck of cards, but found nothing. "It's kind of hard to show you without some cards." She said frustrated. "Wait, draw a card on some paper! I won't look at all, I swear."

She turned her back to him and glared out the window, waiting for him to find a piece of paper and a pen. "Are you ready yet?"

OOC: So its very discouraging to write a post and hit the 'submit reply' button and find your post hadn't been registered and is nowhere to be found. That's what happened to the original reply and I avoided in frustration this thread because I didn't want to write the same thing twice. So finally I threw together a short post to hopefully get me going again on this thraed.

Lamar Starworth
Aug 14th, 2006, 11:15:20 AM

Lamar was normally prepared for visits. The life of a former Bounty Hunter formatted for intense investigation. Finding a person was hard, and a pen and pad were commodities to the search. Research on a day vacation wouldn't damp the trip even a tad.

Actually, it made it better. Corellia was a popular place to be. Going there would acquire a few nice landmarks he would want to check out later.

A grin supported his looks as he watched Hara Kiri turn about, supplying her the paper.

Hara Kiri
Aug 18th, 2006, 01:10:57 AM
"No, no." She said. "Don't give me the paper. You draw the card. I can't create a whole deck from scratch." She glanced at him expectingly then turned around.

"And don't tell me or nothing. I'm going to guess it right."

Lamar Starworth
Nov 24th, 2006, 04:38:26 PM
"Well, I'm ready than."

A smile flashed on his face as he drew the card. He wasn't sure if he was having fun, but her liked her company. The Stormtrooper's life was kinda lonely if you were into girls.