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View Full Version : I'm SORRY!

Baralai Lotus
Jul 8th, 2006, 07:33:11 PM
I know I'm prolly not the favorite on the boards around here because I tend to vanish and what not, but I've been through like. . .three moves in the past month. However, I'm finally settled in my apartment and working at Disney. Somebody wanna fill me in on whats going on?

Ambrose Braeden
Jul 8th, 2006, 10:29:12 PM
WB...dont know much cause im not in the invasion thread but just training and stuff, getting ready for tso and empire to make an alliance

Zereth Lancer
Jul 8th, 2006, 11:15:08 PM
The invasion thread is half down and, as Ambrose said, TSO will be joining up with the Empire afterwords and pretty much installing ourselves as the Empire's top enforcers. After that anything is possible. We'll probobly break away from the Empire after a time and re-set up the Sith Order back here on Korriban or some other planet.

Tis all good, and good to see you.

Jorshal Vuntana
Jul 8th, 2006, 11:50:43 PM
I was wondering what happened to you... See Zereth's post for the run down. Good to see you back.