View Full Version : 2-3 Month ?

Ira Yahff
Jul 8th, 2006, 01:02:00 PM
I know that in the movies Luke in less than 2 months developed greatly in the arts of the Jedi. It is showcased in his encounter with Darth Vader after only a little while with Yoda.

However, that is Luke Skywalker, one of the greatest Jedi ever to exist with a midi-count rivaling his father in before his demise by Vader. So, I was wondering exactly how much development could be expected with thorough training and working in a 2-3 months generally?

From my observation in all the readings at wookieepedia I think a 2-3 month period of just training could be great. There is not much of a difference from a decent Jedi Padawan and a Jedi Knight in terms of actual skill, but more of knowledge and experience.

Look at all the Masters in comparison to Anakin or Obi-Wan as Padawan during their developments. Although special cases, they were not unbelievably special (maybe Anakin). Obi-Wan definately was moving at the same speed as Qui-Gon Jinn throughout his early training. However, he did not have the knowledge, and overall prowess of his master to step into Knighthood until the end of Phantom Menace.

But I'm asking the hierarchy of Jedi here to basically throw out their observations because I was hoping to make a 2 month jump and fill it in with tales of how Jehkran developed. However, I don't know how much of a development would be reasonable...


Dasquian Belargic
Jul 8th, 2006, 03:48:00 PM
I think it's entirely dependent on the individual Jedi. We used to have a three month minimum, I believe, for someone to be promoted to Jedi Knight - though it was pretty rare that people were promoted as soon as the three months were up. Everyone was, and I think should be, judged case by case. You could be a member for three months and do tonnes of worthwhile threads and training, or you could do very little at all.

Ira Yahff
Jul 8th, 2006, 05:59:03 PM
Oh, I dont mean literally 2 or 3 months. But an actual 2-3 month skip in time of the actual RP. Like a 2 or 3 month seperation and in that period they are learning the techniques of the Force.

What would be the realistic limitation on that time period of knowledge attained?